
Upper Michigan Blessings on Lake Superior

Upper Michigan Blessings on Lake Superior

Holy Spirit communicated in several ways that we were to conduct a prayer strike in the upper Michigan peninsula that was connected to previous journeys in the fall of 2020. We had known this assignment was on-going, which is often the case. The Spirit of God assigned a portion of His objective during a specific time, and then granted grace to deal with more at a later time.

Frankfort, KENTUCKY Strike

Frankfort, KENTUCKY Strike

Have invited several prayer warriors to join me in person or wherever they are at NOON TODAY, to walk/drive around our state Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky. I JUST learned yesterday that our state legislature was called into Special Session...much going on...everywhere...

I just knew late yesterday that today was the assignment for using the Matanzas sand and PRAYER...I will have the communion elements with me and – though wishing I could walk – I’ll drive around and park a few places to pray and intercede and do prayer warfare as the Lord directs. Thank you so much for standing with us here in Kentucky.

VIRGINIA Good Report

VIRGINIA Good Report

PPS- They are our kids, it is our money, and it must be our choice. To compel us to pay for a school system that pushes values we oppose is tyranny. This is why it is vital that you ask every single candidate running for office in Virginia whether or not they support FULL School Choice. Not some watered down, compromised half measure. If they do not, they simply support the continued use of your money to indoctrinate children. It is that simple.

Continental Divide Journey

“Saw a breaking of division amongst people and shifting division to camp of enemy!” 

A brief report on Colorado Continental Divide, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin will be coming.

 We (WI team) are so grateful that we could join/strengthen/add to the spirit-“work” that was accomplished during the “USA Watch Summit: "Re-united" as One; Colorado Springs, June 17-19, 2021 hosted by Susan and Fred Rowe”.

Thank you for telling us! We all do what we do by faith, with the earnest desire to HEAR and OBEY Holy Spirit – it is a blessing to understand this additional dimension in what we carried out in Colorado.

New York, Foley Square Map Strike

On a Friday night prayer call, the team had a map of Foley Square, NY. The purpose was to pray and break strongholds against the rally being held on behalf of our 515 political prisoners. These people are being held in untenable circumstances without receiving due process of law. We prayed victory for the teams in support of the prisoners.

We also noticed the maps we had showed by NY Supreme Court and Southern District of New York (SDNY) Federal Court on it. Remembering that the “trumped-up” charges against President Trump were coming through this court, we opposed this activity as well, to break through and loose the accusations.

Washington DC Map Strike

On a Friday night prayer meeting, we did a map strike of the perimeter of Washington DC, where it is believed the 515 political prisoners are being held. These citizens are incarcerated and isolated in prison, without having received their due process rights, according to the Constitution. We prayed for a breakthrough in the cruel incarceration conditions.

They were imprisoned because of the January 6th day of national infamy and have received no formal charges against them. Most have been held in what are wholly, unacceptable conditions. It is believed they are in solitary confinement, with filthy circumstances, being fed rotten food, in some cases being beaten, and unable to communicate with family or even receive funds so they can purchase simple items at prison commissary, which all inmates are able to do. The reason this information is sketchy is precisely because these citizens are not able to communicate with loved ones. The families have abruptly lost a family member, their income, and the security of life as free citizens in the United States of America. This sounds much more like a brutal third-world regime.

We are contending for freedom and civil rights for every citizen, in Jesus name.