Rock Island, ILLINOIS Strike

August 4, 2021

Prayer Strike

Rock Island, Illinois

Denise Cross/ Connie Whitcomb

Connie and I joined other churches for a Circle the City prayer gathering.

We chose to focus on our own city Rock Island Illinois.

Joshua 1:3 was our commissioning scripture as we left to pray. “ I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘

Wherever you set your foot, you will be on land I have given you.”

We took communion.

We drove around the perimeter of our city and targeted the high crime, high poverty area known as the

West End. We declared the freedom of Christ to invade these areas and free those trapped in the

enemy’s bondage. We spread the sand in this area as we prayed.

We then went to another part of our city where the Martin Luther King center is located. Praying for the

land to be redeemed.

On one stop in the downtown area of Rock Island we got out of the car to spread the sand and anoint

the door of a store that promotes witchcraft. Felt resistance there so prayed over that.

We prayed over a local park, Lincoln Park and Alleman High School . praying for protection over all

children that enter all of our schools. Prayed for an end to CRT here in Illinois.

Our last stop was the Tax Slayer Center where entertainment comes. We prayed for Godly

entertainment ONLY to come to this place.

We had God’s peace as we spread the sand around our city. We are expecting God to redeem and

restore this city for HIS GLORY!!

We ended our prayer strike with communion.

Feel so honored for this privilege!