Last Thursday, when Biden rolled out the Jerusalem Declaration, and made other gestures and statements of "solidarity" with the Jewish people and with Israel, we posted a Special Alert capturing the news that day. That alert was published at 6:38 p.m.
Tonight, at sundown, we enter into the Jewish holiday of Purim … the Feast of Esther. Most likely, all of you know the full megillah (story) of Queen Esther, Mordechai, King Ahasuerus, and the wicked Haman.
“Arise to your feet, My warriors for this hour! Arise to your feet and shout! The Enemy has indeed come in like a flood, but you have a standard in your possession to raise up before the people.
This dream, or night vision, that I was given, came to me in very sharp clarity. It has remained deeply imprinted upon my mind and in my spirit.
That exchange with the Lord, which filled my spirit upon awakening that morning, occurred immediately after I had awakened from a brief dream. In the dream I was in an outdoor setting with a faith group that had come together to hear me, and my husband, lead a teaching session.
Pressing back in the Spirit, against evil, has been exhausting at times; but that activity has been building spiritual muscle within us.
Repentance for the shedding of innocent blood ruling that resulted from the Roe and Doe v W SCOTUS case in 1973. This ruling has legally opened the doors to the death of millions of children.
“Do you hear the call to arms, little ones? The call has gone out. The distress signals have ascended from the oppressed. How will you respond?