A WAKE-UP NOTICE - March 11, 2022



March 11, 2022

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


Last night I promised my readers that I would share the most recent rhema of prophesy that I received two days ago, shortly before midnight. You will find that word printed below. Rather than speak into that word right now, I will entrust it to your discernment; delivering to your inbox before the Shabbat begins in just a couple of hours. Check out its authenticity in the Holy Spirit, and seek the Lord for what He wants us to know from this revelation … and how to apply it. Have a sweet, deep, profoundly precious Shabbat in YHVH’s company … and in the fellowship of those you love.

In Him,


RHEMA … 3.9.22 11:50 PM … Kolyah

“Arise to your feet, My warriors for this hour! Arise to your feet and shout! The Enemy has indeed come in like a flood, but you have a standard in your possession to raise up before the people. What is your standard? I AM YOUR STANDARD! I AM YOUR STRENGTH! I AM YOUR TRUTH! If you raise up MY standard, the victory is assured, for I have raised it up within you! You have desired to be My standard bearers and representative of My Kingdom. Now is your time to rise to your feet and shine in My Spirit to light the way to truth in this hour. My Light has come, and it abides within the hearts of My warriors!

The gauntlet has been thrown down, and it is I, who have picked it up. There is much confusion in the minds of men, as to who is the enemy, and who is the one to be trusted and defended. In the spiritual realm, there is no confusion. It is clear, who is on the side of Lucifer, and who is on My side. There are the ONLY two sides in this global conflict. Only I know that true depth of what I am doing in this battle. I will favor and use, whom I will. Don’t presume to know the depths, which I am now plumbing, nor judge those, whom I choose to accomplish My purposes. Know this: The politics of My Kingdom are incompatible with the politics of the Enemy, Lucifer. His politics are incompatible with Mine. This war, against My statutes and sovereignty, has been waged for thousands of generations. It is now coming to an apex.

Who, within My household, still remains asleep and confused? Only those, who have chosen the safety of the sidelines, rather than the heat of the battlefield. The deluded, and the misinformed, are those, who have established their expectations upon the doctrines of human constructs … and built upon their subsequent interpretations, over My Divine revelations. My truth brings clarity, flowing from My Spirit to My true and obedient servants.

The call has gone out. It becomes louder with every passing day. ARISE AND COME TO YOUR FEET! You have a role to play in this war and in this current battle. Surely the servants of Lucifer are very well aware of their role. They have invested their all into defeating My righteous ones, and into bring the earth under Lucifer’s lordship. Why do so few of My children of the Covenant know their role? Why do so few invest their totality, their trust, and their treasure with Me? Are they unconvinced that I will act? Are they fearful of falling short, and thus being crushed by the Enemy? Those, who stand aside now, will not be entrusted with the miracles soon to come, nor be given the honor granted to those, who conquer.

Watch and see what I will do with My faithful Remnant of warriors! Even now, the frequency and the tone of a fierce victory is arising on the earth within the hearts of My own. Like warhorses pawing their hooves on the ground in their eager readiness to engage the Enemy, My warriors stand ready to obey My commands. I have seen these precious warhorses, known as My Remnant, tossing their heads from side to side; sending a message to the Enemy, that they will not comply with his demands for surrender, nor will they submit to his tyranny. My warriors have become aware of both the cost of being in battle, and also the coming glory, that will arise from their passionate obedience. They are willing to embrace both.

KNOW THIS!!! The earth is MINE, and all that it contains. Those of My human creation, who dwell upon the earth are MY possession, and are to live under My authority. I am the Source of their protection and prosperity. I am the One, who loves and saves. Do not surrender your lives, nor your hearts, to any other lord, cause, or purpose.

The Usurper, the Liar, the Thief, and the Murderer hates you because of Me. He seeks to erase My Divine signature, and to seize My authority over the children of the earth … even over the whole earth itself. There has been too much slack in the rope, through which he could operate, because of the failure of My little ones, to give Me the honor that is due Me as Lord of Heaven and Earth. They have honored men and demonic initiatives, over serving and honoring My Lordship. They have, too often, deemed Me to be irrelevant to their modern world, as if My time of leadership and Lordship had passed … as if My truth had become outdated, and in need of being replaced with statues containing greater human relevancy. To the masses of humanity, My Word has been accounted as being too confining and patently false, while the Enemy’s word has been declared as liberating and most certainly true. The cost of this deception and rebellion has been high; but it is about to become higher still.

Your world needs to be shaken out like an infested blanket, so that the vermin, which have hidden in the folds of your governments and social structures, could be exposed and thrown out. A great scattering is about to be seen. Watch the rats fly and flee, as their hiding places, and their camouflaged high towers, are shaken into the light of day. Hidden in plain sight, will soon be visible in plain sight. Where then will they hide? Where, then, will they flee to where My warriors will not ferret them out? The heavenly armies are joining in support of My earthly warriors. The game table of the Enemy will soon be overturned, and his chess pieces will be sent flying. His kings, queens, knights, bishops, rooks, and pawns will be displaced and broken. It will be GAME OVER for many.

Little ones, are you willing to endure? Are you ready to engage in this battle? Are you prepared to sacrifice your comforts and your doctrines to see the true meaning of what My ancient prophets foretold? Pride and arrogance … religious inclinations and competitive perspectives have led to much misinterpretation and error regarding My word in scripture. Are you ready to see the true reality of what I revealed … to see and experience the reality of that, which I announced to the prophets as the course for these days? Lay aside your suppositions and posturing about what I will, or must do, in this season of the earth. Humble yourselves and listen for My voice. Stop listening to the commentary, and to the reports, of evil pawns and practioners. Many are sorcerers and harlots for the Evil One. Close your ears and turn your eyes away from them.

Settle in your hearts to receive the truth that unfolds now … revelations that will be unsettling to the multitudes. Be at peace in the knowledge that My hand is upon all that will transpire. The cup of wickedness is overflowing. I can no longer endure the arrogance of the wicked. I will vindicate My name, as well as the words of My faithful servants. I will cleanse, and crush, and reorder until I am satisfied. Trust in My love and in My redemption of all the suffering that occurs. Stand in faith and in great courage. Do not become impatient nor terrified. I will direct the course of the battle as well as the outcome. There will be glory in the end. There will be relief and restoration, but for now, brace yourselves, and come into your readiness for battle. Things will change. Things MUST change. I have chosen each of you to play a part in this change. Listen, understand, and commit to following through; knowing that I am your Source, as well as your Stronghold. I am a Promise Keeper! I am a Bondage Breaker! I do wonders and enact victories before you are able to perceive their formation. Stand fast! Stand forth! Receive into your spirit, the sound that shatters the darkness. Release it at My command. The time is at hand.”