Washington DC Map Strike

On a Friday night prayer meeting, we did a map strike of the perimeter of Washington DC, where it is believed the 515 political prisoners are being held. These citizens are incarcerated and isolated in prison, without having received their due process rights, according to the Constitution. We prayed for a breakthrough in the cruel incarceration conditions.

They were imprisoned because of the January 6th day of national infamy and have received no formal charges against them. Most have been held in what are wholly, unacceptable conditions. It is believed they are in solitary confinement, with filthy circumstances, being fed rotten food, in some cases being beaten, and unable to communicate with family or even receive funds so they can purchase simple items at prison commissary, which all inmates are able to do. The reason this information is sketchy is precisely because these citizens are not able to communicate with loved ones. The families have abruptly lost a family member, their income, and the security of life as free citizens in the United States of America. This sounds much more like a brutal third-world regime.

We are contending for freedom and civil rights for every citizen, in Jesus name.