Upper Michigan Blessings on Lake Superior

Upper Michigan Blessings on Lake Superior

Holy Spirit communicated in several ways that we were to conduct a prayer strike in the upper Michigan peninsula that was connected to previous journeys in the fall of 2020. We had known this assignment was on-going, which is often the case. The Spirit of God assigned a portion of His objective during a specific time, and then granted grace to deal with more at a later time.

Frankfort, KENTUCKY Strike

Frankfort, KENTUCKY Strike

Have invited several prayer warriors to join me in person or wherever they are at NOON TODAY, to walk/drive around our state Capitol bldgs...here in Frankfort, Kentucky. I JUST learned yesterday that our state legislature was called into Special Session...much going on...everywhere...

I just knew late yesterday that today was the assignment for using the Matanzas sand and PRAYER...I will have the communion elements with me and – though wishing I could walk – I’ll drive around and park a few places to pray and intercede and do prayer warfare as the Lord directs. Thank you so much for standing with us here in Kentucky.

VIRGINIA Good Report

VIRGINIA Good Report

PPS- They are our kids, it is our money, and it must be our choice. To compel us to pay for a school system that pushes values we oppose is tyranny. This is why it is vital that you ask every single candidate running for office in Virginia whether or not they support FULL School Choice. Not some watered down, compromised half measure. If they do not, they simply support the continued use of your money to indoctrinate children. It is that simple.

Chicago, ILLINOIS Strike

Chicago, ILLINOIS Strike

We began our mission with communion and then headed to 1710 North Crilly Court Chicago Illinois, the home of Henry Gerber. Outside the home is a plaque dedicated to Henry. We prayed, asked God for forgiveness for the sin and fruit of homosexuality and asked God to cut that bad fruit out of our state with repentance and reformation. We anointed the plaque with oil and then left for our next destination.

August 27 Afghanistan Update

August 27 Afghanistan Update

Here is another update for you. We are grateful to report some hopeful developments, such as the huge amount of 24/7 prayer being mobilized worldwide; many organizations working together to help as many Afghans and expats as possible get out of the country quickly or to stay as safely as possible inside; the brave support of the US and UK militaries; and generous giving to the evacuation effort.

Urgent Prayer Need

Urgent Prayer Need

If you get this, please pray. One of the groups of believers we have been trying to get out have had this happen a short time ago at the airport according to a friend who is in touch with them:

Please keep this for prayer and do not forward by email to anyone else because of possible security concerns.


Title: Blue Moon: Sunday,  Aug 22nd  …….    Prayer needed!! 

John Oso, is a high level warrior intercessor from Africa concerning our nation and the world.   

This is my interpretation below.  When John writes it’s a little hard to understand. 

We recommend taking communion before you pray and do the warfare[From: Jack and Lee]


The full moon gate is important because the enemy wants to block the momentum of the Righteous people of God.  The next 2 days are very important to be praying over the heavens  and the ordinances of heaven according to Gen. 1:14-18.  The enemies’ plan is to abort the momentum of what God is doing in our country and in our personal lives.   


Three stedagies of the enemy are


  1. The Satanist will do sacrifices at strategic sights at the gate

  2. To unlock demonic portals to release demons to come against key people and key nations

  3. And to use the courts against the momentum such as the judges who are interfering.


BEWARE:  The enemy is releasing arrows of provocation (provoking) of anger, lust, jealousy, hatred to destroy reputation.  He says to cast down the arrows of provocation that would provoke the people of God.  (cast down those arrows, release the fire of God to burn the arrows up.  The media and the words of the people Facebook etc.


Plead the Blood of Jesus over the body of Christ and ourselves so we are not provoked by anger or lust or hatred.  Release the Blood of Jesus over the people of this nation so they cannot be provoked to riot or do any satanic cursing on Christians.

This is from John

This battle  will be intensely  contested through  the womb of time of the next days.


Job 38:33 KJV
Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

The above question is not rhetorical , as the Lord demanded an answer from Job, so does He demands from us.

The ordinances of heaven is part of the legal framework of creation established in Genesis 1. The ordinances that speaks to the heavens are laid out in 1:14-18.

Those who understand and keep these ordinances set the dominion of God over the 7 mountains of human spheres.

The enemy  seeks to  abort the momentum  of the people  of God through the warfare at this FULL moon gate. (pray that the plans of the demonic will be cut off and removed)  Declare Momentum to continue in the Body of Christ and in our own lives.)  Command the boulders or hindrances to be removed.

At the  last full moon,  the Lord gave us a  word on MOMENTUM  VS RESISTANCE.  We dealt  with laws of resistance  that the  enemy  had set in place  at the  gate.

We see they have  re-doubled their effort at this  gate  but they shall fail again in Jesus name.


The enemy's soldiers are using 3 strategies

1. Intensifying the use of altars and sacrifices at strategic  places at this gate.  Release the blood of Jesus over all blood sacrifices and incantations and cursing and words of people and of Satanist throughout the world.  Declare all to be obliterated by the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Pray the Blood of Jesus over all altars of satan.

2. Satan is Unlocking portals in the heavens to spiritual  host in high places who are spiritual assassins who are also coming with counsel against key people, and nations.  Command the spiritual assassins to be destroyed and removed from their death assignment against the people of God.

3. Litigation  And decrees  Declare over the Judges and the courts, Righteousness, Justice and Truth.  Shut down the demonic from using the courts and Judges.  Release the Blood of Jesus over every demonic plan to use the Judicial systems of our nation.

To set many of their primary targets  in a bad space,
They are releasing the arrows of provocations. Please  do not under estimate the damages the arrows of provocation can do.  The media are sending out arrows to provoke hatred and anger against the righteous.  Ask God to send in the Warring angels to remove key people in the media.  And that the deity of media will be destroyed by the hand of God and that righteous media will grow up in its place.

After sexual immorality,  anger and  provocation is the next most powerful tool to drain the anointing.

The prophecies of Levi and his brother Simeon were withheld by Jacob because of their anger .Genesis 49:5-7. Provocation  was the trap that hindered Moses from entering the promised land.  He was provoked by the people.

Provocation  has been  used to stop many mighty men of God and families on the course of destiny from finishing well.  Pray for the people of God to stay focused and not be provoked to do anything through anger.  Pray that they will be blind to what the media is saying.  Pray for love to cover the sins of anger and offense in the people of God.

I see the enemy's soldiers  are shooting arrows of provocations.  Mood swings, outbursts, cold wars ,  etc are symptoms.

Cast down every arrow of provocation over your life, home, ministry,  city, nation.

Declare  the peace of the Lord  over your life, family,  city, nation.

Reject road rage , speak over the water bodies in your life, city, nation. Every  attempt to poison our waters with arrows of provocations , lust  and jealousy.  Invoke the blood  of Jesus Christ over our waters.  75% of the blood in our bodies are made from the water we drink.

If our waters  are spiritually defiled with these arrows,  it goes into the hearts of the people who drink from them directly or indirectly.

Believers may pray over thier waters but what about the unbelievers, many of whom are filled with hatred against our faith.

Reject set back at this new moon gate.  Pray against any setbacks or blockages, pray for a release to go forward into our new season and doors that God has set up before us.  In our nation and in our own lives.

Present the blood of Jesus to blot out every litigation, decrees at this gate to defile, displace or robb  you and yours. From going forward on the path.

Declare the  Lordship of Christ Jesus over this blue moon  And over your city.  Jesus Chris is Lord over our Nation and over our county and city and state and nation and family!

Ask the father to send angels to keep out demonic elements stirring  the waters of provocations in the land. 

Shut down demonic alters being raised  through altars and rituals in high places. Cover every blood sacrifice or curse and land with the blood of Jesus to blot out the spiritual hot spots

Thank the father  for His mercy and preservation over your life.

John Osa

NY Map Strike -- Victory!

Trump Lawyer: Manhattan DA Cy Vance Won’t Charge Trump with Crimes… For Now

By Cristina Laila
Published June 28, 2021 at 4:01pm

Politico reported:

According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks. It has been widely reported that those perks included cars and apartments and appear to only involve a small number of executives.

“We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” Fischetti told POLITICO. “They said, ‘No.’”

“It’s crazy that that’s all they had,” he added.