Defeat anti-American indoctrination of our Children and Grandchildren.

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July 23, 2021

This is The Cause – your regular update from 1776 Action on the nationwide effort to defeat the anti-American indoctrination of our children and grandchildren.

Hillsdale Releases '1776 Curriculum'

It’s about time those of us who are opposed to the teachings of Critical Race Theory got our own model curriculum to teach students the truth about our history and once again inspire pride in being an American.
Hillsdale College, long a beacon of free and independent thought amid a sea of radicalized higher education institutions, just announced the creation of its “1776 Curriculum” to accomplish just that.
As a comprehensive program for teaching American history, civics, government, and politics in K-12 classrooms, Hillsdale says the 1776 Curriculum was developed “in response to President Trump’s Advisory 1776 Commission, which called for a ‘restoration of American education,’ which can only be grounded on a history of those principles that is ‘accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling.’”

With nearly 2,400 pages of material, The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum is a comprehensive guide for any parent or educator who wants students to receive an honest account of American history and culture.
Unlike most liberal education curricula, Hillsdale’s model doesn’t promote any ideological narrative. It instead relies heavily on primary source documents to allow students to make their own determinations about the merits of the American experiment – believing, as we do at 1776 Action, that an unbiased civics education will impart students with a deep respect and appreciation for the greatness of the United States and our founding principles.
Best of all, the entire curriculum is available for free on their website here.

The Phony CRT Retreat of Biden's DOE

Last Friday, it looked as if President Biden's Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona was backing down from his proposal to promote the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project in public schools.
The Department of Education received more than 35,000 comments from outraged patriots who recognized that Cardona’s new proposed rule would have given preferential treatment to schools who force anti-American lies on students, forcing the Department to revise the language of the rule.
But don’t be fooled – the far Left won’t give up this fight that easy.
As conservative thought leader Stanley Kurtz asserts in an excellent piece from Breitbart News by Dr. Susan Berry, this move by Cardona is mere “window dressing” to mask continued efforts to indoctrinate students.
Kurtz goes on to explain the Biden administration’s strategy to Dr. Berry:
“In this case, Cardona has removed the high-controversy references to [The 1619 Project] and [radical Critical Race Theory writer Ibram X] Kendi, but kept the general invitation to submit proposals that favor ‘diversity.’ Nothing has happened other than removing the most controversial material in order to hide the intentions of the department. If the big civics bills pass, you can bet that the Biden Education Department will still use the money to fund Critical Race Theory.”
We’ll be keeping a close eye on this issue as it develops so you can stay informed about the Biden Administration’s efforts to sneak anti-American propaganda into classrooms any way they can.

Get Your 1776 Yard Sign Yet?

In case you missed it, we rolled out our first 1776 yard sign earlier this week as a way for you to support our efforts but also promote the values we are all fighting for in your own neighborhood. If you haven't gotten yours yet, you can go here and donate $35 for a set of two.

As we move forward, we'll be releasing a number of other products as well. They're all based on feedback we've been getting via email – so if you have any ideas, we're all ears. 

As always, thank you for your ongoing support. We are making great progress each week and we'll have some other exciting news to share soon.