Alert! Boise, Idaho Capitol Building

Idaho Capitol Bldg 2.jfif
Idaho Capitol Rotunda 2nd floor.jfif

There will be an “attack” on our capitol by the satanic church of Idaho Monday, July 26th at 12:30 pm EDT. They will be “praying” on the Capitol steps and 2nd floor of the rotunda. This information comes from West Idaho Area Aglow team. Please pray.

We will hold an emergency “map” strike tonight (Sunday, May 25th) at 11:00 pm EDT. We will get out ahead of this evil plan, in Jesus name. Sean Feucht is playing in Boise (the capital) tonight. I knew I needed to go down there for a strike, but I had no “plan” and my little car is not real sound, so I cancelled. I’m frustrated, so definitely want to make up for missed opportunity.

The following information comes from the Idaho Capitol Mall Services FYI.
(Capitol Public Event Reservations | Capitol Mall Services (


25-July-2021 2:00 pm MDT Capitol Front Steps
Free Cubans in Idaho – “United for Cuba’s Freedom” In support of the Cuban people demanding freedom from a cruel dictatorship whose claws extend through Latin America.

26-July-2021 10:30 am MDT Capitol Front Steps & 2nd Floor Rotunda
The Satanic Temple Idaho – Prayer for our State

26-July-2021 2:00 pm MDT Capitol Front Steps
Breach the 4 Lower Snake River Dams and Save Idaho’s Wild Salmon and Steelhead. Organized by youth activists!