Boise Prayer Map Strike

With many references to cutting / circumcising, the Lord gave a word — “unsheath My sword through this team and even the glint of its substance will send enemy scattering.” HalleluJah! We followed protocol after setting ourselves in place with spiritual cleansing (tahor), armor and communion, with spiritual languages. We anointed the map with communion, oil and the Matanzas Blessing sand, praying over outside and inside of the state capitol building, which will not be able to receive or accept anything from the enemy’s camp because it is covered by the blood, power and authority of Jesus Christ.

Declared that Holy Spirit would ring the bell in front of the capitol for freedom in Jesus Christ, freedom for everyone who passes by and enters in You, Holy One are freedom for the people of Idaho. Ring that bell Lord, in Jesus name.

The anointing destroys the yoke of bondage that is trying to be put upon the state of Idaho and the anointing of the sand provides a covering and protection that cannot be breached. The anointing of the worship of Sean Feucht over Boise today, the powerful heavenly rejoicing and anointing because of the souls that came into the Kingdom and the anointing of the presence of God’s holiness in baptism breaks the yoke and strongholds on these people ensnared in satanism — IN JESUS’ GLORIOUS NAME!!!!!

Set a seal of what has been done in Boise, stamped on state of Idaho. Seal the work of the sands of Matanzas over Sun Valley as well that the plans of the cabal that were hatched there will not prosper, but be neutralized by the blood of the martyr through the Matanzas Blessing.

This is releasing a reactivation of every prayer, every communion, every stick with scripture, every declaration and decree over the state now, in Jesus name. The blood never loses its power.

Daniel 4:17 “‘This decision is by decree of the watchers, And the sentence by the word of the holy ones, In order that the living may know That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will. And sets over it the lowest of men.’” HalleluJah!

Because of the superiority of the power of Holy Spirit and Sword of the Lord, Ezekiel 7:17 “Every hand will be feeble, And every knee will be as weak as water.” All those who engage in demonic, voodoo, false prophetic acts or other satanic wicked activities are neutralized — everything because of the superiority of Holy Spirit and Sword of the Lord. We dedicate these ones whose hands hang limp to the Lord God Almighty and His purposes. The state of Idaho and the Capitol building will be the dwelling place for the God of Jacob. Their hearts will be pierced with the knowledge that the evil one does not have love and that the Lord Jesus Christ will love them with an everlasting and superior love.

The gem state -- the beautiful glory of gems will shine forth Jesus to all in that state.  Thank you for revival and redemption in state of Idaho.  It will be seen as the light and glory of Jesus.

The lightning flashing in Pennsylvania throughout this prayer strike represents the glint of the unsheathing of the Sword of the Lord. Amen.