Chicago, ILLINOIS Strike

Strike Report

September 3, 2021

Illinois Team: CW/DC

After seeking the Lord about where our next strike for Illinois would be C felt a strong leading to go to the “ root” of the LGTBQ movement here in Illinois. 

God revealed where that was. Henry Gerber, born in Bavaria and moved to Chicago in 1913. In 1924 he founded the Society for Human rights Act in 1924, the nations first known homosexual organization.

We began our mission with communion and then headed to 1710 North Crilly Court Chicago Illinois, the home of Henry Gerber. Outside the home is a plaque dedicated to Henry. We prayed, asked God for forgiveness for the sin and fruit of homosexuality and asked God to cut that bad fruit out of our state with repentance and reformation. We anointed the plaque with oil and then left for our next destination. 

We headed to downtown Chicago to City Hall where Mayor Lori Lightfoot works. We stood in front of the building, prayed again asking for forgiveness for this mayor and how she has aligned herself with these homosexual agendas. We asked God for her salvation and if she will not repent, we asked for her voice of influence to be silenced and her replacement to be one of God’s children. 

We had planned two other stops for this strike. We knew we were on a mission from God, like the Blues Brothers! After MUCH walking, some frustration and seeking HIS guidance we felt that HIS plan was for the targets of the LGTBQ agenda. We both had peace in this and as we were walking back to where we had parked I heard “ the stranglehold has been broken” After telling C we both just praised our faithful God for that and the freedom that is coming for our state.

We got back to the car, took communion, prayed for no retaliation and headed home. Our journey home got a little rocky as we both experienced troubles with our GPS systems, routing us in the wrong direction, BUT we had asked God to order our steps, so as we had previously seen with what we had planned as strike targets, God had a different way for us to go home. When we got home C heard “ mission accomplished”. 

We knew so many were praying for us. We felt that and want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH.  We are so honored to be a part of this team partnering with God. Bless you all fellow Seals.