Urgent Prayer Need

If you get this, please pray. One of the groups of believers we have been trying to get out have had this happen a short time ago at the airport according to a friend who is in touch with them:

They are currently with shoulders in a firestorm of shooting. Got on bus to be taken inside and bus was shot up. They are terrified - we had team of soldiers trying to get to them for reinforcements but the situation is deteriorating rapidly. Military trying to hold the airport so no reinforcements at this time. US is telling everyone to stay away from airport. PRAY
I am in constant contact with them.

Friends and I are deeply tied up now trying to help partner organizations get over 400 Afghan Christians out of Kabul and the time is quickly going by. We probably only have a couple more days when the military drawdown at the airport most likely will begin. It is agonizing and discouraging because of all the confusion at the airport. Please pray for the protection of these brothers and sisters in Christ, many whole families, that are in great danger and have been waiting for days to get out. The Taliban are going house to house trying to find believers, torturing and killing them in some cases. Pray that the US military will not throw up any more hindrances and allow these friends into the airport now so they can be evacuated.

Please keep this for prayer and do not forward by email to anyone else because of possible security concerns.

Thank you,