Frankfort, KENTUCKY Strike

Thank you so much for providing prayer cover for us! I was joined by one other person... a good friend/ intercessor/& neighbor from my church, and I gave history of why I was doing what I was doing, and though she was new at it (CHPP) she was very much in agreement!

We did find a parking place and received communion and began our prayer time. she had been given the thought to drive around our capital building 7 times... :)

it worked out so wonderfully to do that! it was raining, so neither one of us got out to walk. I can't but she could have, but I drove slowly and we stopped as often as the Lord nudged... To use a few grains of the Blessing and a few drops of pomegranate juice, which I had taken for our communion.

We never ran out of things to pray on any of the 7 cycles around our capitol building!

We stopped as often as need be (at sidewalk crossings) and prayers flowed from us both.

We did follow the protocol sent along with the Blessing,

Reading and praying psalm 91 and putting on the whole armor of God, and using scriptures and prayers as the Holy Spirit directed.

One circle is I would say a 3rd of a mile or a 1/2 a mile around the building... The Kentucky capitol building is fashioned and built after the design of the US capitol.. Very lovely and with beautiful landscaping and maintained plantings and mature trees it's quite beautiful. Up the hill there's an overlook that I would have gone to had time permitted, but making 7 circuits around, it took us right at an hour to finish that and finish the prayers the Lord had given us.

I felt definitely that we had completed the assignment and that the Lord accepted our obedience. Time will tell what the results will be and how He will answer!

We concluded our prayer time as instructed with protection prayers and communion.

I found out later there were some other friends who had been parked behind the capitol that prayed with us even though we didn't make a connection while there. I know that several of the people I had contacted about going were praying with and for us though they could not be with us.

It was a most interesting time and I'm very thankful that I was able to do the best I could with the assignment as the Lord gave it to me.

I thank you so much Sara, for providing the Blessing grains and the protocol and covering all the bases!