VIRGINIA Good Report

VIRGINIA Good Report

PPS- They are our kids, it is our money, and it must be our choice. To compel us to pay for a school system that pushes values we oppose is tyranny. This is why it is vital that you ask every single candidate running for office in Virginia whether or not they support FULL School Choice. Not some watered down, compromised half measure. If they do not, they simply support the continued use of your money to indoctrinate children. It is that simple.

Victory -- VA Delegate

Thank you SO much for praying for Dave LaRock’s campaign situation. He got word yesterday that the Board of Elections met and voted to certify him as a candidate, which was the simplest and fastest resolution to the problem. This is an answer to prayer! Let’s thank and praise the Lord!!

Virginia Delegate

We had a team trained up that went out to intercede and take ground for righteousness and justice in the state of Virginia. There have been a lot of corrupt activities taking place in government, and it’s God’s people and His presence, justice and truth that will make the difference. This team went out to establish a line in the sand and, in fact, take back land that the enemy is attempting to steal. We will not be robbed and all will be restored and multiplied. In Jesus Name!

Loudon County, VA Strike June 6, 2021

We arrived at Education Court, Loudon County School Board Building, at 11:15 am.

The Team:

Annette Scheel ( Loudon County (LC), resident, former LC Elementary school teacher and had worked at the LC center before retiring).

Judy Cook (wife of Rev. Bill Cook with The Black Robe Regiment, also presently teaching in Loudon County Schools).

Roger and Mary Cresswell (with Joel's Army, World For Jesus) now also of the History of the Martyrs Blood Covenant with America ( the Huguenots in the 1500's).


We took Communion.

Repented over the apathy for years of the Church abdicating its role in Education - special repentance over Madeline Murray O'Hare in 1962 - 1963 Supreme Court rulings of "Prayer taken out of the Schools across the nation."

History note: I discovered that Madeline M. O'Hare, along with her son, Jon (40 yr.) and granddaughter were murdered in 1995 by a "fellow worker" at the group they started, American Atheist. He stole money from them and later killed all three of them.

"The Love of money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 2:10.

It was also found out that the O'Hare's had stolen from the organization as well.

10 years later, The Supreme Court also rules it is acceptable to murder babies in the womb.

1962- Engel vs. Vitale

1963 - Abington School district vs. Schempp

Repentant prayer continued. Also prayer over the present situation - The coming court verdict next Monday for Tanner Cross. Cornerstone Church and Pastor Gary Hamrick, etc.

We declared the Covenant Verse " Rev. 12:11."

Then, we felt led to drive around the building and place the Sand at every entrance!! There were four of them.

Finished with Final Communion. (No Backlash!!)


Praise The Lord. We have obeyed God. We have done the possible, now God

will do the impossible.
