
NY Map Strike -- Victory!

Trump Lawyer: Manhattan DA Cy Vance Won’t Charge Trump with Crimes… For Now

By Cristina Laila
Published June 28, 2021 at 4:01pm

Politico reported:

According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks. It has been widely reported that those perks included cars and apartments and appear to only involve a small number of executives.

“We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” Fischetti told POLITICO. “They said, ‘No.’”

“It’s crazy that that’s all they had,” he added.

Victory -- VA Delegate

Thank you SO much for praying for Dave LaRock’s campaign situation. He got word yesterday that the Board of Elections met and voted to certify him as a candidate, which was the simplest and fastest resolution to the problem. This is an answer to prayer! Let’s thank and praise the Lord!!

Reading, Writing, And Ratting Each Other Out – Zero Hedge June 21, 2021

Much ink has been spilled over the illiberal education that college students receive these days, and how ivory tower-incubated ideas are now finding their ways into society at large. But less well-known is how some of the more devious – and unconstitutional – policies employed by America’s colleges and universities have begun to migrate down to the K-12 level as well.

One such program is the bias response team, which encourages students and staff to file reports about perceived “bias incidents” through portals on the school’s website – anonymously if individuals so choose. Reports are sent to a school’s “team,” which is often composed of assorted university officials such as campus police, deans of students, Title IX administrators, and diversity employees. A 2017 report from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education identified 231 bias response teams operating in higher education institutions across the country, a number which has undoubtedly risen since then.

As Jeffrey Aaron Snyder and Amna Khalid wrote in the New Republic in 2016, “They degrade education by encouraging silence instead of dialogue, the fragmentation of campuses into groups of like-minded people, and the deliberate avoidance of many of the most important—and controversial—topics across all academic disciplines.”

It should surprise nobody that these programs have become weaponized in recent years. Students frequently reported for discussing political and religious topics – which are constitutionally protected on public university campuses, much to the chagrin of these bureaucratic star chambers. Once made aware of these programs’ existence, most rational students simply refrain from discussing potentially controversial topics altogether out of an abundance of caution; as a result, whole lines of discussion and arguments that might be found on a nightly news show quietly and conveniently disappear from college campuses. Read more

___Lord, we rebuke this practice that divides instead of unifies. We ask that You protect Your people on these campuses and bring into the Light all evil that is being perpetrated on them.

“A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.” Proverbs 16:28

Tyler, TX Strike June 12, 2021

Saturday afternoon, June 12, 2021, Martita reactivated many year’s worth of intercession over this square. Because she is currently home-bound, she printed out a map of the city area and brought the entire area before the Lord in intercession. She sealed up her remembrance of all that had been done before, by releasing the sand over the square and oiled across it as she prayed. This was done to stop a major drag / homosexual march in this square.

Result: The march took place, however, the organizer noted that there was “so much love” felt in the park. There were also some saints ministering at the march. They noted that every person they ministered to was actually listening to what was being said. There was only one lewd incident during the time they were there. We give God all the praise.