Continental Divide Journey

“Saw a breaking of division amongst people and shifting division to camp of enemy!” 

A brief report on Colorado Continental Divide, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin will be coming.

 We (WI team) are so grateful that we could join/strengthen/add to the spirit-“work” that was accomplished during the “USA Watch Summit: "Re-united" as One; Colorado Springs, June 17-19, 2021 hosted by Susan and Fred Rowe”.

Thank you for telling us! We all do what we do by faith, with the earnest desire to HEAR and OBEY Holy Spirit – it is a blessing to understand this additional dimension in what we carried out in Colorado.

Continental Divide Unity Prayer

Invitation and vision to "Re-united" as One

Re-United as One
USA Watch Summit

June 17-19, 2021
Colorado Springs, CO

With land assignment at the Continental Divide

Those from among you
Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

Dear Friends,
You are receiving this as a personal invitation to a key prayer and prophetic Summit in Colorado Springs, CO, June 17-19, 2021. Today, our nation stands on the brink of fresh violence erupting on our streets. Furthermore, democracy, as it was intended, is quickly fading as socialism and lawlessness takes a grip on the hearts and minds of the people. A gap between God's purpose and destiny and what we are experiencing today has thrust an ever-widening divide in our nation. The cry for healing is real. We as Watchmen and Gatekeepers are called to contend for God’s covenant purposes as expressed in America's pledge "One Nation under God."

Partnering with the Host people of the land, we invite you to a strategic gathering to seek the Lord and repair breaches, raise up foundations and rebuild God’s covenantal intention. In collaboration with the Native American Watch and through recognition of these vital relationships with the nation's Host people, true partnership and honor can develop that draws God's favor and unlocks His glory. The gathering will be held on a strategic anniversary date when slavery was abolished, June 19, or "Juneteenth" (1865). We invite your participation in this prayer and worship summit for the healing of our nation as "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."