DC Strike Report Dept. of HHS

Report on Assignment in DC 

Four of us went in to the city at approximately 11:30am - 1:30pm . We “visited” the Health & Human Services building, which has 11 operating divisions. 

These divisions include: 

Administration for Children and Families 

Administration for Community Living 

Agency for Healthcare, Research and Quality 

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 

Departmental Appeals Board 

Food and Drug Administration

Health Resources and Services

Indian Health Service 

National Institute of Health

Office of Civil Rights 

Office of Global Affairs 

Office of Inspector General 

and more!! 

(See HHS.gov) 

We began with having communion, prayer, repentance and declaration over the maps Sara prepared to cover the area. We then took the Sand and oil to the sign at the front of the building (Department of Health & Human Services), and then around to each of the four corners of the very large building. 

There was also an “outdoor play area” on one side of the building where we placed the Sand to protect the children from all evil virus / mask mandates, etc. 

We also wrote the Revelation 12:11 scripture verse onto four pieces of paper and anointed them with oil, which we then wadded up into very small pieces and placed as the Holy Spirit led.

After finishing this journey, we drove out of DC to another location off Highway 66 to do the final Communion for no backlash and for protection for all of us and our families!! PTL! It is DONE!