
Virginia Delegate

We had a team trained up that went out to intercede and take ground for righteousness and justice in the state of Virginia. There have been a lot of corrupt activities taking place in government, and it’s God’s people and His presence, justice and truth that will make the difference. This team went out to establish a line in the sand and, in fact, take back land that the enemy is attempting to steal. We will not be robbed and all will be restored and multiplied. In Jesus Name!

Long Island, NY High School Graduates

Wednesday, June 23rd our team had the opportunity to go and release light, love and anointing over the high school graduates. All of their pictures were posted around the track; one of the pictures showing the student in full w/c gear. We pray for the redemptive work of our Savior and His shed blood to forgive, wash, and call in each one of these young people. May they be vessels of God and mouthpieces of Heaven! in Jesus name.

Long Island, NY Businesses

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the team prepared for a strike on the businesses in the area which were flying the covenant color flag of Almighty God. We reclaim the colors of our God’s rainbow, which are a promise to us for all time. We also want to see the redemption of the people (women) caught up in this lifestyle that causes them to miss the goodness of salvation and light of Christ. We pray for their souls and that they would have ears to hear and a heart to see, what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to them, as He calls them to salvation.

Continental Divide Unity Prayer

Invitation and vision to "Re-united" as One

Re-United as One
USA Watch Summit

June 17-19, 2021
Colorado Springs, CO

With land assignment at the Continental Divide

Those from among you
Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

Dear Friends,
You are receiving this as a personal invitation to a key prayer and prophetic Summit in Colorado Springs, CO, June 17-19, 2021. Today, our nation stands on the brink of fresh violence erupting on our streets. Furthermore, democracy, as it was intended, is quickly fading as socialism and lawlessness takes a grip on the hearts and minds of the people. A gap between God's purpose and destiny and what we are experiencing today has thrust an ever-widening divide in our nation. The cry for healing is real. We as Watchmen and Gatekeepers are called to contend for God’s covenant purposes as expressed in America's pledge "One Nation under God."

Partnering with the Host people of the land, we invite you to a strategic gathering to seek the Lord and repair breaches, raise up foundations and rebuild God’s covenantal intention. In collaboration with the Native American Watch and through recognition of these vital relationships with the nation's Host people, true partnership and honor can develop that draws God's favor and unlocks His glory. The gathering will be held on a strategic anniversary date when slavery was abolished, June 19, or "Juneteenth" (1865). We invite your participation in this prayer and worship summit for the healing of our nation as "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


Denise and Connie drove 2.5 hours to get to the IL state capitol. The Lord showed them where to go and confirmed it. Their report follows:


Denise Cross & Connie Whitcomb

  • Arrived in Springfield, IL and named the street 2nd Street gate “Elohim” 

  • Prayed at the Capitol Building – prayed for CRT, future bills/laws, for the ones recently passed to  turn around 

  • Department of Education – Prayed for the curriculums taught to our children in IL, for the sex  education bill passed to help parent get more involved in what is being taught to their children 

  • IL Supreme Court Building – Prayed for more conservative judges to be appointed

  • Governor’s Mansion – prayed for Governor Pritzker’s salvation, 2022 Election and for a Godly  man to fill the governor’s seat along with other position up for re-election 

  • Planned Parenthood – Prayed for the workers for the veil to be lifted, for women to choose life  and go to the Right to Life building down the street (as we prayed this Denise saw a vision of a  tunnel and Angels directing the women to the Right to Life building- so cool) 

  • Democratic HQ – drove to the address shown online but wasn’t able to find it at the address  given 

  • Lincoln’s Tomb (prayed a blessing and prayed for future leaders like Lincoln to govern our state)

Nashville, TN Strike June 13, 2021

Sunday, Jun 13, 2021 from 5:00-7:00 pm, a small group met on the site for the 24/7 King's Hill House of Prayer in Nashville, TN to secure the land through the application of the Rev. 12:11 scripture using the tools of communion, oil and sand on doorposts, thresholds, and strategic points on the property. We began with communion and a review of the mission, per the instructions and the book.

The Word of agreement between heaven and earth was then proclaimed during the applications of the elements for the purposes for the prayer house inside and outside of the home, throughout the property (i.e. His house being a place of prayer for all nations, Ps. 24,1, Jer. 33:9, I Tim. 2:1-2, Isa. 2::2-5, etc.), We spoke and paraphrased as we remembered prophetic utterances past and present for Nashville and the Middle TN area. We remembered the covenanted utterances by the Matanzas brethren. Reminders of other sacrifices were spoken spontaneously and in prayer to our Father.

The time was completed by binding spirits of backlash against ourselves, our loved ones and again taking communion. Sara was contacted by phone and we received from her a blessing. Our sister Barbara Ann blasted her trumpet to complete the transaction between heaven and earth. We then adjourned.

Thank you for your prayers. We are in the process of seeking God for the funding/lease/purchase of the property. What was a done deal has been challenged as a buyer came out of nowhere.

Tyler, TX Strike June 12, 2021

Saturday afternoon, June 12, 2021, Martita reactivated many year’s worth of intercession over this square. Because she is currently home-bound, she printed out a map of the city area and brought the entire area before the Lord in intercession. She sealed up her remembrance of all that had been done before, by releasing the sand over the square and oiled across it as she prayed. This was done to stop a major drag / homosexual march in this square.

Result: The march took place, however, the organizer noted that there was “so much love” felt in the park. There were also some saints ministering at the march. They noted that every person they ministered to was actually listening to what was being said. There was only one lewd incident during the time they were there. We give God all the praise.

Loudon County, VA Strike June 6, 2021

We arrived at Education Court, Loudon County School Board Building, at 11:15 am.

The Team:

Annette Scheel ( Loudon County (LC), resident, former LC Elementary school teacher and had worked at the LC center before retiring).

Judy Cook (wife of Rev. Bill Cook with The Black Robe Regiment, also presently teaching in Loudon County Schools).

Roger and Mary Cresswell (with Joel's Army, World For Jesus) now also of the History of the Martyrs Blood Covenant with America ( the Huguenots in the 1500's).


We took Communion.

Repented over the apathy for years of the Church abdicating its role in Education - special repentance over Madeline Murray O'Hare in 1962 - 1963 Supreme Court rulings of "Prayer taken out of the Schools across the nation."

History note: I discovered that Madeline M. O'Hare, along with her son, Jon (40 yr.) and granddaughter were murdered in 1995 by a "fellow worker" at the group they started, American Atheist. He stole money from them and later killed all three of them.

"The Love of money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 2:10.

It was also found out that the O'Hare's had stolen from the organization as well.

10 years later, The Supreme Court also rules it is acceptable to murder babies in the womb.

1962- Engel vs. Vitale

1963 - Abington School district vs. Schempp

Repentant prayer continued. Also prayer over the present situation - The coming court verdict next Monday for Tanner Cross. Cornerstone Church and Pastor Gary Hamrick, etc.

We declared the Covenant Verse " Rev. 12:11."

Then, we felt led to drive around the building and place the Sand at every entrance!! There were four of them.

Finished with Final Communion. (No Backlash!!)


Praise The Lord. We have obeyed God. We have done the possible, now God

will do the impossible.


Long Island, NY Strike

Summary of Strike on Long Island June 1, 2021:

Planned Parenthood in Riverhead. Open door for us to anoint and apply covenant sand on cornerstone, signs, entrance and doorposts. (Something forbidden in the past, police were called on us and we had to stand off the property on the street front a few years ago.) God so made a way and such powerful leading in prayer.

Buddhist Meditation Center. Parked across street while people were inside. Strong leading in prayer, claiming the land. Then walked the property with incredible freedom, oil and sand and communion wine applied. Walked right to front entrance, laid hands on the statue of Buddha with emblems of the Blood of Jesus, walkway, doors, garden, boundaries. Then went back across the street and Buddhist priest came out. More prayer.

Long Island/NY a stronghold of Planned Parenthood (PP). Highest abortion rates. Also Yoga/Mindfulness prevalent in schools here. Uprooted in Jesus' Name.

All protocol done before and after. God clearly gave us liberty. We sensed a drying up of the PP site and have seen a bit of detachment from yoga in someone I'm discipling. More to go! Hallelujah!!!!