Nashville, TN Strike June 13, 2021

Sunday, Jun 13, 2021 from 5:00-7:00 pm, a small group met on the site for the 24/7 King's Hill House of Prayer in Nashville, TN to secure the land through the application of the Rev. 12:11 scripture using the tools of communion, oil and sand on doorposts, thresholds, and strategic points on the property. We began with communion and a review of the mission, per the instructions and the book.

The Word of agreement between heaven and earth was then proclaimed during the applications of the elements for the purposes for the prayer house inside and outside of the home, throughout the property (i.e. His house being a place of prayer for all nations, Ps. 24,1, Jer. 33:9, I Tim. 2:1-2, Isa. 2::2-5, etc.), We spoke and paraphrased as we remembered prophetic utterances past and present for Nashville and the Middle TN area. We remembered the covenanted utterances by the Matanzas brethren. Reminders of other sacrifices were spoken spontaneously and in prayer to our Father.

The time was completed by binding spirits of backlash against ourselves, our loved ones and again taking communion. Sara was contacted by phone and we received from her a blessing. Our sister Barbara Ann blasted her trumpet to complete the transaction between heaven and earth. We then adjourned.

Thank you for your prayers. We are in the process of seeking God for the funding/lease/purchase of the property. What was a done deal has been challenged as a buyer came out of nowhere.