Long Island, NY Strike

Summary of Strike on Long Island June 1, 2021:

Planned Parenthood in Riverhead. Open door for us to anoint and apply covenant sand on cornerstone, signs, entrance and doorposts. (Something forbidden in the past, police were called on us and we had to stand off the property on the street front a few years ago.) God so made a way and such powerful leading in prayer.

Buddhist Meditation Center. Parked across street while people were inside. Strong leading in prayer, claiming the land. Then walked the property with incredible freedom, oil and sand and communion wine applied. Walked right to front entrance, laid hands on the statue of Buddha with emblems of the Blood of Jesus, walkway, doors, garden, boundaries. Then went back across the street and Buddhist priest came out. More prayer.

Long Island/NY a stronghold of Planned Parenthood (PP). Highest abortion rates. Also Yoga/Mindfulness prevalent in schools here. Uprooted in Jesus' Name.

All protocol done before and after. God clearly gave us liberty. We sensed a drying up of the PP site and have seen a bit of detachment from yoga in someone I'm discipling. More to go! Hallelujah!!!!