The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Oct 8, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, Oct 8, 2021
President Trump is hosting a huge rally this Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa.
Please see below in the Trump section for details. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised;
So shall I be saved from my enemies." (Psalm 18:3)

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"Standing United Together . . .Under the Cross of Christ"
Turns out Biden’s vaccine mandate for employers was a bluff;  
no idea when or if OSHA will ever issue rule 
Earlier in September, Joe Biden took to national television to rail at unvaccinated Americans and blame them for the lingering COVID-19 pandemic. He talked about how he and others were getting “frustrated” with people who dared to take Democrats at their word when they claimed that it’s ‘their body, their choice’ regarding abortion (‘women’s health’) decisions.

Suddenly though, that excuse wasn’t good enough for the Coronavirus vaccine; Americans refusing the jab were called “anti-vaxxers” (not freedom lovers) and the excuse was made that abortion isn’t deadly contagious (though it is deadly for the unborn child).

“Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated, even though the vaccine is safe, effective, and free,” Biden said during his Sept. 9 address.

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it’s caused by the fact that despite America having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations, we still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot,” he added, directly — and falsely — blaming new infections on unvaccinated people (though even vaccinated Americans have been coming down with new infections as well).

Biden then went on to drop a bomb: He said his government would mandate that employers with more than 100 on staff would be required to force them to get the jab or else face a massive fine.

“I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week,” he proclaimed.

“The bottom line: We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers. We’re going to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by increasing the share of the workforce that is vaccinated in businesses all across America,” Biden added, noting that large American corporations were already implementing the requirement on their own.

Subsequent reporting noted that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a division of the Labor Department focused on employee safety, was responsible for issuing the rule. However, a new report suggests that the rule is not forthcoming and in fact, may never be issued at all. (NewsTarget) Read more here.

Righteous Father, it appears that You are currently releasing the American population from the rumored "Biden's vaccine mandate."  God, we pray that the lies coming from this administration will be exposed and backed up by absolute facts, i.e., this is the day of deliverance from governmental control regarding the life-or-death scare that has been drilled into the minds of Americans.  Set us free, Oh God, from this Chinese curse.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." (Proverbs 1:5) 


The Daily Brief
1. China issues dire warning, says World War III can jump off “anytime” over conflict involving Taiwan -

When Donald Trump was in the White House, he kept a close tab on the Chinese government, forcing Beijing to come to the negotiating table regarding trade and other issues while blocking the Communist regime off from sensitive American technology.

At the same time, Trump honored previous U.S. defense agreements with Taiwan because it is a democracy and because the Chinese regularly threatened to invade the island nation — although the threats ceased during the 45th president’s term.

But he’s gone now, cheated out of a second term by Marxists in government and the deep state, and it is becoming quite obvious the Chinese do not fear or respect Trump’s successor, Joe Biden.

How do we know? Because the threats against Taiwan have resumed again as well as acts of military intimidation. What’s more, the Chinese continue to build the capability specifically to invade the island, which the regime considers just a ‘renegade province’ even though the once-ruling government of China fled there after losing a civil war to Mao’s Communists. (Read more) 

-  Father God, we commit these two countries into Your hands to bind China's Marxist rule over Taiwan and guide Taiwan in a holding pattern where China cannot touch them.  We pray all evil powers of control come under the Almighty power of the Lord God.  In Jesus' Name.

- "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it."   (Isaiah 40:5)  

2. On Top Of Everything Else, Could We Potentially See 2 Major Wars Start Before The End Of The Year? – The Economic Collapse Blog

Historically, the start of most wars has not been a surprise.  Usually, there is a very clear build up before hostilities begin, and we are seeing the same pattern today.  For example, by now it should be exceedingly clear to everyone that Israel and Iran will be going to war.  Both sides have been talking about the coming conflict for years, and everyone knows who has been causing the “mystery explosions” inside Iran and everyone knows who has been attacking Israeli commercial ships.  A “shadow war” has already been going on for quite some time, and at some point missiles will start flying back and forth between the two countries.  Likewise, by now it should be exceedingly clear that China very much wants to invade Taiwan.  “Reunification” is a top national priority for the CCP, and as you will see below, we are being warned that Xi Jinping has apparently decided that Taiwan is “not a problem that will be passed down to the next generation”.

From a U.S. perspective, the goal is to delay these conflicts for as long as possible.  But China just keeps getting more and more aggressive with Taiwan.  In fact, the Chinese military sent 77 military aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone on Friday and Saturday… (Read more)

- Father God, we pray that Bible prophecy will come to pass as God has prophesied. Through it all, we ask that many souls will be brought into the kingdom of God through the Blood of Jesus.  In His Name we pray.

- "And they shall be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle: and they shall fight, because the Lord is with them, and the riders on horses shall be confounded."  (Zechariah 10:5) 

3. KEYWORD WARRANTS: Google monitors your search terms and secretly turns you over to the feds if you enter certain keywords –

If our founders somehow managed to be reincarnated and took a look around at the country they bequeathed us, they would be amazed — and angry as well as disappointed — at how far we have allowed our leaders to stray from the Constitution.

The Fourth Amendment states clearly: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

That seems fairly straightforward and clear. So why, then, are search giants like Google turning over user search term data to the Feds even when there is no “probable cause” to do so and when many people have used the site under the firm expectation of being “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects?” That’s a great question and certainly someone from the government needs to answer it because that’s exactly what’s happening, as reported by American Wire:

The federal government has covertly issued warrants requiring Google to give up user information on people searching for specific terms and information, generating concerns among privacy advocates that users may inadvertently be caught up in criminal probes at a higher frequency than once believed. (Read more)

- Almighty God, hold back the outrageous control that Google has over our lives.  The Fourth Amendment is being  violated every day and we ask that Your oversight will protect the innocent from Google's monitors.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hastes greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly."  (Zephaniah 1:14) 

4. Senate reaches deal on short-term debt hike into December – The Hill

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Thursday that he had reached an agreement with Republicans to extend the debt ceiling into December.

“We have reached an agreement to extend the debt ceiling through early December,” Schumer said.Senators could vote on the deal as soon as Thursday.

The agreement, according to a Senate aide, would increase the debt ceiling by $480 billion, which based on Treasury Department estimates would extend the debt ceiling until Dec. 3. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) confirmed during a floor speech that they had reached a deal.

“The Senate is moving toward the plan I laid out last night to spare the American people from an unprecedented crisis,” he said. (Read more)

- Father God, we recognize that all debt must one day be paid and we ask that You dispatch warrior angels who will block the way of those who push for greater debt.  Pull back on the reigns of the Democrats who want to push to the limits in an effort to destroy America.  In the Name of Jesus.

- "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)  

5. Peter Navarro calls Fauci ‘evil,’ says he twice urged Trump to fire him – Fox News

Peter Navarro, President Trump’s former trade adviser, called Dr. Anthony Fauci "evil" Wednesday for the role he played in gain-of-function research prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Navarro made the comments during a Wednesday interview on the Seattle-based Jason Rantz Show. The former White House trade adviser was discussing his new book, "In Trump Time," which chronicles the Trump administration’s final year in office as it battled the COVID-19 pandemic. Navarro downplayed the idea that the Trump administration was not proactive enough in the early days of the pandemic. 

Rantz argued that the liberal media didn’t hold back in criticizing Trump’s response to the pandemic yet propped up Dr. Anthony Fauci as a "God-like" figure despite his flip-flopping on issues. Fauci, who serves as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, became a household name during the pandemic. (Read more)

- Almighty God, we pray in the Name of Jesus that Fauci is convicted of all the lies he has told the Americans for the past 2 years, and all the promotional lies he has concocted regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.  Lord, he is guilty of using the money gained for his own selfish ways, and we ask that You will bring him to reap what he has sown. Remove his kingship over the pandemic issue and strip him of all power he has obtained illegally.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house."  (Proverbs 6:30-31) 

6. 2,200 Unvaccinated Kaiser Permanente Employees Put on Unpaid Leave Nationwide -The Epoch Times

Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest healthcare systems in the United States, placed about 2,200 unvaccinated employees on unpaid leave nationwide due to the company’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, according to a statement from the company.

The 2,200 employees who were suspended represent more than 1 percent of the firm’s workforce as the company employs around 216,000 people nationwide. They have until Dec. 1 to get vaccinated in order to return back to work, the firm’s Tuesday statement said.

“We hope none of our employees will choose to leave their jobs rather than be vaccinated, but we won’t know with certainty until then,” Kaiser said in the statement. “We will continue to work with this group of employees to allay concerns and educate them about the vaccines, their benefits, and risks.” (Read more)

- Father God, we pray You guide each of the 2,200 employees to be led by Your perfect will.  Protect these families in this stressful situation.  Draw them to the Lord for guidance.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "The Lord is nigh unto all the that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth."  (Psalm 145:18)  

7. 400 Workers Quit Large Michigan Hospital System Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate - The Epoch Times

Approximately 400 healthcare workers at one of Michigan’s largest hospital systems have resigned over the system’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

The roughly 33,000 workers at Henry Ford Health System, which includes five hospitals, were required to get a COVID-19 vaccine by Sept. 10. Those who didn’t receive an exemption or comply with the mandate were given until Oct. 1 to comply or face repercussions.

Some 93 percent of workers got at least one shot of a vaccine and another 6 percent received a religious or medical exemption, Bob  Riney, president of healthcare operations and chief operating officer for the system, told reporters in a briefing Wednesday. Less than 1 percent, or about 400 workers, quit. (Read more)

- Father God, we pray You provide other income speedily that will cover their families' needs.  Lift these vaccine mandates off the workers in America.  Jesus deliver all of us from Socialistic control.  Move upon these companies to stand up to outside forces regimentally coming in and controlling their company.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised: and His greatness is unsearchable."  (Psalm 145:3)  

 8. New Covid death-by-vaccine statistics posted and VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccine Report will SHOCK you - Pandemic News

In a “VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines” report, which includes U.S. and foreign data, deaths by vaccine are updated all the way through the end of September, 2021. The number of life-threatening events caused by Covid vaccines has already passed the same data for all other vaccines since 1990. The number of hospitalizations from Covid vaccines has just about caught up to the same data reported for all vaccinations since 1990.

The number of DEATHS from the Covid jabs has already passed those caused by all other vaccines since 1990. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s nearly double. Yes, 15,937 people are on record for dying from the Covid vaccine, where nearly half that number at 9,141 have died from all other vaccines combined, again dating back to 1990. If that’s not enough damage, the number of permanent disabilities caused directly from the spike protein jabs has already outpaced permanent disabilities caused by all other vaccines for the past 20 years. (Read more)  

- Almighty God, we pray You have mercy on all the families worldwide who have suffered from the loss of loved ones that were killed by this controlled death serum.  Wuhan Labs was aware of the vaccine's purpose since they mixed the serum for that result.  God, we pray You gather all medical personnel, nurses, aides, etc. who are guilty of vaccinating hundreds of people and who will be found guilty of murder when they stand before You, Lord Jesus, giving an account of all their works and words.  God, we pray for mass repentance.  In the Name of Jesus.

- "O Lord my God, in You do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.  Lest he tear my soul like a lion rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver."  (Psalm 7:1-2)  

9. Why Shortages Are Permanent: Global Supply Shortages Make Fantastic Financial Sense –

Global corporations didn't go to all the effort to establish quasi-monopolies and cartels for our convenience--they did it to ensure reliably large profits from control and scarcity.

 Not all scarcities are artificial, i.e. the result of cartels limiting supply to keep prices high; many scarcities are real, and many of these scarcities can be traced back to the stripping out of redundancy / multiple suppliers of industrial essentials to streamline efficiency and eliminate competition.

Recall that competition and abundance are anathema to profits.

 Wide open competition and structural abundance are the least conducive setting for generating reliably ample profits, while quasi-monopolies and cartels that control scarce supplies are the ideal profit-generating machines.

The incentives to expand the number of suppliers, i.e. increase competition, are effectively zero.

 America's corporations spent $11 trillion buying back their own stocks over the past decade; that's equal to the combined GDP of Japan, Germany and Italy. If adding new suppliers to the global supply chain were profitable, some of that $11 trillion would have exploited those vast profits. (Read more)

- Lord God, we pray for sound mentality of the minds of people all over the world to be protected by the hands of God.  These quasi-monopolies and cartels will be the cause of many food shortages.  God, we ask that You provide when it seems there is no supply.  Pull down the shadow government who is currently mapping out these plans for worldwide disaster.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "Arise, O Lord in Your anger, lift up Yourself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that You have commanded."  (Psalm 7:6) 

10. AZ Sen. Kelly Townsend Posts an Update Amid the Release of Maricopa County’s Audit Report – Resist the Mainstream
On Wednesday, Arizona State Senator Kelley Townsend posted an update on her Telegram channel on behalf of Senate President Karen Fann in wake of the release of the Maricopa County forensic audit report.The discoveries from the audit which were laid out in the report, set into motion a unified call among Arizona Republicans for a criminal investigation by the state’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich. Brnovich’s office later signaled an investigation was underway, however, Americans have remained up in arms as to what the next steps are moving forward.
Sen. Townsend recently contacted Arizona Senate President Fann to get the inside scoop, to which Sen. Fann responded. Here is statement released by Sen. Townsend on Telegram outlining what to expect in the coming days:
I asked Senate President Fann for an update today and here is her response, posted with her permission. Brnovich has opened an investigation and has already started getting info from the Board of Supervisors. We have given all the findings to date and encouraged Liz Harris to do the same, as well as Shelby Bush and others to give him anything they have been working on. Kory and Greg (Senate attys) are working with Special Master John Shadegg to get the info on routers and logs that auditors need. There is still info coming from others to add supplemental audit info that was not complete at time of the hearing.
Congress is having a hearing on the audit. Congressman Biggs has asked Ken Bennett to testify as Senate liaison to show all the problems and statutes broken. (Read more)  

- Father God, we thank You that many hidden facts are now being revealed about the integrity, or the fraud, in the election in the State of Arizona. We now pray together in the Spirit until all that needs to be held accountable will come to light. In Your Name, amen.

- " For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." (Mark 4:22) 
The Daily Jot

Do You Follow God Or The Republican Party?

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, October 7, 2021

There was an interesting, if not ridiculous, exchange on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” about how Christian evangelicals are following the Republican Party instead of scripture. The discussion, between MSNBC’s Joy Reid and Anthea Butler, Chair and Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, was about how white evangelicals are afraid that immigrants were going to “replace” their votes and impregnate their daughters, and how the Republican Party was using that fear to drive Christians to the polls. Butler told MSNBC’s viewers that what is good for evangelicals is not good for the general public. This troubling conversation points to the leftist’s target: Religious freedom. They want to shut you up.

Butler said, “When you look at the statistics of white evangelicals right now, they are least likely to welcome immigrants. It flies in the face of what their Christian doctrine is supposed to be. You welcome the stranger. You’re supposed to do that as a Christian, but they’re not listening to what scripture says. They’re listening to what the Republican Party says.” Talk about a twist of scripture. Exodus 22:21 says, “Thou shalt neither vex a stranger nor oppress him.” And Exodus 12:49 says, “One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you.” This theme is repeated several times. It was in reference to the laws God had instituted for His people and how they should treat strangers. Butler wants to make this comparison, but not acknowledge that illegal immigrants are lawbreakers from the beginning by coming here illegally. Read More

Pastor Appreciation Day
This Sunday America will honor Pastor Appreciation Day.

Please go here to read this tribute from the National Day of Prayer and be in prayer about how you can bless your own pastor on this very special day. Thank you!  
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
October 7th Update

1. President Trump will be speaking at a MAJOR rally this Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa. Please be in prayer for this event, and go here for many more details of interest.

2. ICYMI: Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass Entirety of 2020

“As of Wednesday, U.S. localities have reported 353,000 deaths since January 1, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

That surpasses the 352,000 deaths reported in 2020 in the 10 months following the first recorded domestic outbreaks of the disease in March…” — Forbes, Oct. 6, 2021

3. Fiona Hill was terrible at her job. The first time I remember hearing her name was during Impeachment Hoax # 1, where she worked hard to say anything bad, but there wasn’t much. It was a total con job. She may have been in the Oval and conference rooms with me, but this was not anybody who I recognized. Then she acted like she was a know-it-all, but in reality, she had no influence whatsoever.

She was very close to one of the dumbest and most “crazed” people in Washington, John Bolton. Both of them didn’t say much and what they did say wasn’t listened to, especially after Bolton’s statement that he wants the “Libya Model” on North Korea in the midst of my negotiation with Kim Jong Un. He made that statement on “Deface the Nation”, or “Meet the Fake Press”—it doesn’t matter, they’re all the same. Fortunately, Kim Jong Un understood how stupid he was, and wouldn’t allow him at meetings or dinners (I liked that).

Fiona Hill was a Deep State stiff with a nice accent. Books are being written by people like her who had virtually no access to me, and who I didn’t even know. They write it as if they’re experts on “Trump,” but they know absolutely nothing about me. My function was to save our Country and Survive. Unfortunately, when you look at what is happening now with Afghanistan, the Border, inflation, etc., our Country is not being saved. It is in big trouble!

4. “Biden’s Inflationary Policies Will Be Keenly Felt at Christmas”

Read the full article by Steve Cortes for Real Clear Politics here

5. “With All Due Respect”

Read the full article by Douglas MacGregor with the American Conservative here.

6. Read the full article by Julia Manchester with the Hill here

7. Read the Quinnipiac poll here.  
Signs & Wonders
34 inches of rain in 24 hours breaks continental record

Parts of northern Italy are recovering from a historic deluge earlier this week that produced a new continent-wide record for rainfall over a 12-hour period and left one city with nearly a year's worth of rainfall in one day.

Rossiglione, Italy, located in the Genoa province, found itself in the absolute worst of Monday's extreme rainfall. The city ended up with a mind-boggling 34.8 inches (883.8 mm) of rainfall over the course of 24 hours.

The annual rainfall total for the nearby city of Genoa itself tops out at just over 42 inches, which is fairly representative for the region at large, according to AccuWeather forecasters. This means that Rossiglione recorded 82.9 percent of the average rainfall that falls over the course of an entire year in the region in just 24 hours.

In order to record rainfall totals that extreme, rainfall rates have to be extraordinary, perhaps even record-breaking.

In 12 hours, from 5:40 a.m. to 5:40 p.m. local time, the city recorded a staggering 29.2 inches (740.6 mm), which broke the record for the European continent, according to climatologist Maximiliano Herrera. Read More

The Good News Corner
Over 2,100 People Surrender to Christ at Concert Tour with Evangelist Nick Hall, Musicians Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe

Last month, about 2,167 people made professions of faith during a concert tour with evangelist Nick Hall and Christian music artists Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe and Bethel Music.

Hall, the founder of Pulse Ministry, shared his tour experience with CBN News. The tour took place from August 13-23.

"Being a part of this tour and having the opportunity to share the gospel with so many people was nothing short of miraculous," Hall told the outlet.

In a post on Instagram, the evangelist shared the testimony of a young man who gave his life to Christ following Hall's message.

"Today, I met Jesse backstage right after I got done preaching. His grandma passed away recently and he shared that it felt he had lost his connection to God that she carried for the family," Hall wrote. "We discussed faith and he asked some great questions.

"When he told me he believed he had a 70 percent chance of going to heaven, I asked if he would like to know how to be 100 percent. He said yes, and tonight he gave his life to Jesus," Hall added. (Christian Headlnes)  Read more  

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Prayer
Devising Wicked Plans | Day 4
Once each day you select a sin to focus on, you can ask Him where that sin first surfaced in your life. You can ask Him how that sin pattern now is a filter in your everyday life, a no-longer-needed stronghold that blocks the fullness of Christ in you, the hope of glory. There's no condemnation in Christ; He sees you and me already as members of His Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:9); He wants us to be "partakers of His holiness" (Hebrews 12:10), He wants you and me to "Be holy as I am holy." (1 Peter 1:16). He wants us to remove old sin strongholds, old generational curses, old vows we may have made as children, spirits that are not of Him, replacing them with His Word as our direction in life, so that we can each fully follow His unique Call on our lives (John 15:16).

Today on Day Four of the 21 Day Repentance journey the focus is on the next abomination God hates: DEVISING WICKED PLANS

Day four: Devising wicked plans. Ask the Helper if you have a spirit of devising wicked plans. (Proverbs 6:18a). Was it a generational curse?

Where did it first surface in you? How does it show up in your life today?
Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

Let the Lower Lights Be Burning

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Phillip Bliss

Scripture: Keep your lamps burning. Luke 12:35

Brightly beams our Father’s mercy from His lighthouse evermore,
But to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!
For to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
[or Some poor struggling, sinking sailor you may rescue, you may save.

Dark the night of sin has settled, loud the angry billows roar;
Eager eyes are watching, longing, for the lights, along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!
Eager eyes are watching, longing, for the lights, along the shore.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother, some poor sailor tempest tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor, in the darkness may be lost.
Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!
Trying now to make the harbor, some poor sailor may be lost.

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