The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021
Be sure and read "My ANTI-Covid Spiritual Manual" by seeing below, or by going here. You will be blessed, strengthened and encouraged as you do so! 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?"
(Psalm 27:1)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Pentagon officials testify regarding Afghanistan security before Senate Armed Services Committee
Pentagon confirms nearly 450 Americans trapped in Afghanistan
The number is higher than what the State Department had said last week.

The Pentagon stated Tuesday that nearly 450 American citizens are still in Afghanistan following August’s U.S. military withdrawal, more than the Biden administration has previously claimed.

The latest tally came from Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl, after Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., pointed to what he believed were contradictory or at least "confusing" numbers that the administration has presented since the August 31 withdrawal.

"One of the many confusing things about this whole thing is that we really don’t know how many Americans are left in Afghanistan," Inhofe said. "The administration’s number of U.S. citizens left in Afghanistan keeps changing. We all understand that. It’s very confusing."

Inhofe noted that the Biden administration "always said 100 to 200 U.S. citizens left in Afghanistan," but now says it "has already withdrawn 234 and is in contact with 363 others, 176 of whom want to leave," citing numbers the State Department provided last week.

"Now if we can figure this out you’re doing a lot better than I have done," Inhofe said.

Kahl gave a thorough response detailing the numbers he had of how many Americans were in Afghanistan and had gotten out, eventually leading to the number of those who remain.

"In terms of how many American citizens we estimate are currently in Afghanistan, the Department of State is in contact with 196 American citizens who are ready to depart –and arrangements are being made for them to do so, either via air or over ground – and another 243 American citizens have been contacted and are not ready to depart, either because they want to stay in Afghanistan or aren’t ready," Kahl said. Read More

- Lord we pray for American Citizens who are still trapped in Afghanistan and trying to flee the Taliban rule.  We call upon your angel armies to protect them from the captives who are keeping them inside the boarders. Father, we ask that our current administration recognize the urgency and transparency of this crisis and make every effort to bring Americans home immediately.

- Let the lying lips be put to silence, Which speak insolent things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous. (Psalm 31:18)

1.  US said to protest to Bennett’s office against settlement construction plans - Times of Israel

The Biden administration has protested to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s office against Israeli plans to build new homes in West Bank settlements, the Walla news site reports.

Citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, the report says the US Embassy’s charge d’affaires, Michael Ratney, phoned Bennett’s diplomatic adviser Shimrit Meir last week to say the administration views Israel’s advancement of new settlement units severely.

Ratney reportedly said the US was particularly concerned that many of the homes due to be approved are located outside the so-called settlement blocs. (Read more)  

2.  Security forces seize drugs, weapons on Israel-Lebanon border - Israel Hayom

Israeli police and security forces foiled the attempted smuggling of weapons and drugs at the Lebanese border overnight Friday, a military statement said.

According to available details, a military observation unit spotted the suspects transferring bags from Lebanon to Israeli territory near the border-adjacent community of Metula.

IDF and Border Police troops were scrambled to the area and found several firearms and over 20 bags containing roughly 9 kilograms (20 pounds) of drugs with an estimated street value of $94,000.

The military and police are investigating whether the foiled smuggling attempt was carried out with the help of the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah.  (Read more)   

3. UN rights chief slams ‘arbitrary’ Israel decision to outlaw Palestinian groups - Times of Israel

UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet said Tuesday that Israel’s blacklisting of six Palestinian rights organizations for their alleged ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group was an attack on human rights defenders, on freedoms of association, opinion and expression and on the right to public participation.

She called for the move to be immediately revoked.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said anti-terrorism legislation should not be applied to legitimate human rights and humanitarian aid activities. (Read more)  

4. Jerusalem mayor says he won't shun U.S. consulate if it reopens - YNET News

Jerusalem's mayor dismissed media speculation on Tuesday that a U.S. consulate for Palestinians in the city would be denied municipal services if the Biden administration reopens it despite Israeli opposition.
The rightist mayor, Moshe Lion, also said Washington's plan to reverse the Trump administration's subsuming of the consulate into the U.S. Embassy that was moved to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv in 2018 did not appear to be close to implementation.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken this month reiterated the plan to reopen the consulate as part of efforts to rebuild ties with the Palestinians but gave no timeline.

Asked on Israel's Army Radio whether the municipality might consider cutting off water or power to a future consulate, or refusing to collect its rubbish, Lion said: "No way ... There is no such intention."
"Wherever the municipality has to provide services, it will provide services," he said. "One has to provide this by law, and there is no reason not to do so."  (Read more)

5.  Israel Announces First Druze City - Jewish Press

Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked announced on Tuesday her decision to change the municipal status of Maghar and turn it from a local council into a city, becoming the first Druze city in Israel, and possibly in the entire world.

During a meeting with the heads of Druze and Circassian authorities in the north, Shaked surprised the head of the Maghar Council Fareed Ganem by announcing her decision.

Maghar is a Druze-majority mixed town in northern Israel. It has a population of 24,000, consisting of 57% Druze, 23% Christians, and 20% Muslims. According to the approved plans, the city of Maghar is expected to grow to about 30,000 residents in the coming years.

Maghar’s patterns of population density and livelihoods are similar to those of an urban locality that ceased to be based on agriculture. As stated in the recommendations of the Western Galilee Geographical Committee, the Maghar Local Authority has advanced and implemented a number of planning, economic, and organizational processes that have enabled it to meet the Interior Ministry’s requirements for changing its municipal status to that of a city.  (Read more)


The Daily Brief
1. Articles of impeachment against Biden for treason introduced in House of Representatives - WND

President Biden has been hit with formal impeachment charges and has been accused of “treason.” The Articles of Impeachment have been filed in the House of Representatives. The impeachment charges were announced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Friday.

“I have introduced House Res. 57, these are Articles of Impeachment on President Biden,” Rep. Greene said. “For abuse of power in regards to his willingness to use his position of power to aid his son Hunter Biden in his business dealings.”

“I have also introduced another Article of Impeachment on President Biden, which is H. Res 597,” she continued. “This has to do with the national security crisis that President Biden has created with regards to the extreme threat at the southern border.” (Read more) 

- Thank You Abba, for these Articles of Impeachment to have been written and filed.  We know they will likely not be allowed the opportunity for action, but thank You for exposing the several ways this administration is degrading our nation.  Please protect this courageous Congresswoman and restore righteousness to this nation, in Jesus name.

- "For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest On the land allotted to the righteous, Lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity."  (Psalm 125:3)  

2. Heavy winds, rain pummel the Bay Area as power begins to slowly be restored in some areas - Mercury News

A powerful and dangerous storm lashed the Bay Area on Sunday, downing trees and utility lines, flooding roadways, leaving nearly 148,000 households and businesses without power and prompting evacuation orders in San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties.

The “atmospheric river” storm drenched much of Northern California with 3 to 8 inches of rain as it swung in off the Pacific Ocean. Parts of the North Bay received even more rain — up to 13 inches on Mount Tamalpais. And with the rains came punishing gusts of wind.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. crews expected to work long into the night restoring power to the nearly 148,000 Bay Area customers who were left without power as of 4:30 p.m. Sunday, the utility provider said. About a third of those customers were on the Peninsula, and another third were in the North Bay. By 8:45 p.m., just under 90,000 customers were without power, with 10,273 in Marin, 14,502 in Sonoma, 30,681 in the Peninsula, 9.685 in the East Bay and 24,077 in the South Bay. (Read more)  

- Lord God, thank You for guarding lives during this massive storm that slammed the west coast.  We pray for everyone affected by the floods and landslides and especially for those who are out in the weather working to restore power and remove trees and debris.  Keep them safe and let people reflect on You in the midst of this powerful display of weather.

- "For who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord?  Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened to the Lord?"  (Psalm 89:6) 

3. Durham to call former FBI general counsel James Baker to testify in case of former Clinton campaign attorney - Fox News

Special Counsel John Durham plans to call former FBI General Counsel James Baker to testify in the case against former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, who was recently indicted for making false statements to the FBI.

During a virtual status hearing Tuesday, government prosecutors on Durham's team signaled their intention to call Baker to testify as part of the Sussmann case. Sussmann has pleaded not guilty to one count of making a false statement to a federal agent. 

Durham's indictment alleges that Sussmann told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016 that he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented data and evidence of a purported secret communications channel between then-candidate Donald Trump and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin. (Read more) 

- Lord God in heaven, we pray for full and transparent justice in this situation.  May there be accurate verdicts and real truth.  We ask for everyone working on this case to be strengthened and focused, in Jesus name..

- "Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? . . . '"  (Isaiah 43:18a-b)  

4. Trump pledges to ‘restore’ free speech through new media company - New York Post

Former President Donald Trump is gearing up to unveil his new social media venture, saying the project will “challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants” and will address the “corruption” of major tech platforms.

Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) is set to launch in beta for “invited guests” next month before coming online for all users in early 2022. The new company will “challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants and Big media bosses,” Trump said in a statement, adding that “this is about saving our country.”

The former president noted that the United States is filled with people who are capable of thinking for themselves and he admires people who don’t go with the herd. He slammed “a small group of self-righteous scolds and self-appointed arbiters” for censoring Americans on social media — “the public square of our times.” (Read more) 

- Oh Hallelujah!  This is very exciting Father.  May there be great success and strength for this Group with an overwhelming number of people leaving the 'BigTech' media sites.  Let the logical consequences of capitalism leave these censorship sites in the dust. 

"The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low; . . . "  (Isaiah 2:17a-b) 

5. Controversial Democratic IRS bank reporting proposal is likely dead, Manchin says - Washington Examiner

A controversial proposal to have banks report account information to the IRS is likely dead, Sen. Joe Manchin said Tuesday. The centrist and key swing vote on the partisan legislation said on Tuesday that he spoke to President Joe Biden about the proposal, which envisioned banks reporting all account inflows and outflows of over $10,000 to the IRS to crack down on tax fraud. After the meeting, he noted it would probably not be in the plan.

Manchin said he told Biden the idea was “screwed up” and that the president concurred. “So, I think that one is going to be gone,” the West Virginia Democrat said during an appearance at the Economic Club of Washington on Tuesday morning. (Read more)  

- Thank you, Father, that Sen. Manchin has shown much wisdom and that he was able to find favor and talk some sense into Joe Biden. May Biden’s proposal to the IRS remain dead. Bless the Senator and the state of West Virginia; continue to use him for Your strategic purposes. Draw him to You, Father, through Your beloved Son.
- "But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."  (I Corinthians 2:9)  
6. Project Veritas strikes again, exposes alleged future plans of Democrat governor after re-election - DML News

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has struck again, this time exposing what New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy is allegedly planning to implement in his state after [IF] he wins re-election.

On Monday, O’Keefe released a new undercover video which features Murphy’s campaign senior advisor, Wendy Martinez, as saying that Murphy plans to impose a vaccine mandate in the state after the election, but he doesn’t want to do it now, for fear of driving away independents, moderates, and undecided voters.

“He [Gov. Murphy] is going to do it [vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections,” Martinez says in the video. The person wearing the hidden camera asks, “The independents and undecided won’t vote for him if he did the mandates?”

Martinez nods and says, “Because they’re all into the ‘my rights, my sh*t.’ And they don’t care if they kill everybody.” (Read more) 
- Thank You, Father, that truth is rising to the surface in the NJ governor’s race. May NJ voters hear James O’Keefe’s report and choose not to re-elect Gov. Murphy, a wolf in sheep’s clothing who ultimately seeks to deceive the populace in order to maintain power. We ask that You impart discernment to each voter and protect their inalienable rights. Bless and protect Mr. O’Keefe and Project Veritas in their front-line role as whistle blowers.
- "Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens."  (Exodus 18:21)  

7. Blackburn bill would exempt essential workers from firing for defying COVID vaccine mandates - Fox News

Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn rolled out a measure Tuesday that would protect essential workers from being fired due to federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates, making them exempt from President Biden's executive order, amid layoffs and resignations from workers across different industries due to their unwillingness to receive a coronavirus vaccine. 

The legislation, titled "Keeping Our COVID-19 Heroes Employed Act," is co-sponsored by Republican Sens. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Bill Haggerty of Tennessee, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Mike Braun of Indiana, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

“Our essential workers are true heroes," Blackburn told Fox News. "For over 18 months, essential workers showed up to serve and protect their communities. Businesses across the country are desperate for workers and we are in the midst of a supply chain crisis. There are more than 10.4 million open jobs across the country, and now President Biden wants to fire even more workers. Getting vaccinated is a choice that should be made between a patient and their doctor. No one should be forced by Joe Biden to be fired or get jabbed." (Read more)  

- Praise you, Lord, and Hooray for the courage of Sen. Marsha Blackburn and the co-sponsors of her bill, "Keeping Our COVID-19 Heroes Employed Act,” that would negate Biden’s federal vaccine mandates for essential workers. May her bill go forward, Lord; but we ask to soon see the total collapse of all vaccine mandates across the land because we believe all workers are essential and the mandates are unconstitutional. Replace the tyranny in our nation with liberty and just governance. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
- In righteousness you will be established:  Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.          (Isaiah 54:14)  

 8. Antiracist Baby, Daddy & Dada and A is for Activist are dominating the shelves with transgender tales and scary stories of police brutality meant to 'indoctrinate' toddlers - Daily Mail

Take a glance at the shelves of the children's department of any major bookstore.
Teach Your Dragon About Diversity, sits next to 'Daddy & Dada'. Glance a few books along and you'll find, Joey, not a heartwarming tale about a baby kangaroo, but an illustrated hagiography of Joe Biden written by, 'best-selling author,' Jill Biden.

And let's not forget, 'Kamala Harris: Rooted in Justice,' because what four -year-old doesn't want to hear about the Vice President's political rise? There are books about transgender infants, queer families and dreamers, but the subject that dominates all others, bound up in the pages of child-friendly picture books, is race – that and a dollop of police brutality and activism.

'Antiracist Baby and other books [like it] are not designed to teach basic literacy or character formation; they are designed to indoctrinate children into a specific ideology,' Christopher Rufo tells (Read more)  

- Dear Lord, how disturbing to hear about these books to indoctrinate the children of our country in liberal and ungodly ideals.  We pray that Americans will wake up to the fact that these kinds of books are not educating our children or building character, but only pushing a certain political ideology that will ultimately be shown up for how dangerous and sick it is.  Father, may a cry arise from parents everywhere against this kind of literature and may these authors be put to shame  and their books removed.  

- "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."  (Mark 9:42)  

9. Migrant caravan containing thousands travels through Mexico toward US border: 'Tell Biden we are coming' - Fox News

A massive migrant caravan organized via QR code left the town of Huehuetán in the south of Mexico Monday morning on the third day of their long trek toward the U.S. southern border. The caravan, made up of mostly Central Americans, South Americans and Haitians, is the largest and most organized of its kind this year, with participants registering to join via QR code starting on Oct. 15.

"Tell Biden we are coming," one migrant named William from El Salvador told Fox News. Video footage captured by Fox News showed thousands of migrants, including small children being pushed in strollers, walking north about 20 miles north of Tapachula. One migrant carried a large wooden cross at the front of the caravan while others carried American flags and signs with President Biden’s name.

"President Biden, we need your help," one migrant said. (Read more)  

- Father God, we appeal to You to alter this highly organized and obviously financed plan to flood the US with people who will have questionable loyalties and still bring their non-American ways of life here.  Lord, we ask that You would break up this caravan and put a desire in each of their hearts to go back home and fight for improvement there.  Protect the young, the innocent, the naïve, and those making foolish decisions.  

- "I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray."  (1 John 2:26)    

10. Biden FEMA rejects Texas appeal for emergency aid for border crisis - Washington Examiner

The Biden administration rejected Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s appeal that the federal government reimburse the state for millions of dollars spent responding to the border crisis. In a letter sent Sunday, Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell denied the Republican governor’s request that it reconsider its denial to approve the state’s request for an emergency declaration.

“After a thorough review of all the information contained in your initial request and appeal, we reaffirm our original findings that supplemental federal assistance under the Stafford Act is not warranted for this event. Therefore, I must inform you that your appeal for an emergency declaration is denied,” Criswell wrote, according to a copy of the letter shared with the Washington Examiner.

Abbott first asked President Joe Biden for help in a letter sent to the White House on Sept. 20, in which he said border counties had been in crisis since May 31. He urged the government to honor his disaster status and foot the bill to cover the higher-than-normal state and local operations on the basis that “border security is a federal responsibility.”

- Heavenly Father, we look to You to provide Texas and the rest of the United States with angelic and natural protection when the federal government refuses an honest request.  May the credit and glory go to those who step up in this crisis and may those who refused to help reap the fruit of their inaction.  Father, depose those who do not have an honest right to be in office at this time and replace them with those of Your choice.  

- "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and and does not do it, to him it is sin."  (James 4:17)   
The Daily Jot

Pushing Back--Your Civil And Patient Rights

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, October 26, 2021

Facebook will put its disclaimer on this Daily Jot telling everyone where they can get accurate information about the COVID “vaccines,” but you need to know. The National Institutes of Health has admitted that it partially funded gain of function for the COVID virus, meaning COVID czar Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress and the American people. Now, Marxist-leaning brainiacs like MIT professor Noam Chomsky say those refusing to take the COVID vaccine should be isolated from society. The president, media, big tech, big med, big pharma agree. A growing number of Americans, police, nurses, doctors are among them, however, are pushing back and are starting to stand for their rights.

The Epoch Times interviewed several nurses who were about to lose their jobs for refusing the jab. Representative of the nurses interviewed were the comments of Emily Nixon, an 18-year RN from Maine: “Breakthrough cases are not properly reported on. We know this vaccine is ‘leaky.’ The safety and effectiveness of this vaccine has not been proven. There are other safe and alternative treatments. It is impossible to give fully informed consent without long-term, unbiased data. Threatening our jobs is blatant coercion. Our God-given right to bodily integrity and personal autonomy has been stripped with these mandates and we will not stand for it.” Jaclyn Zubiate asked, “Why would I need a vaccine for something with a 99 percent survival rate that does not have any distinguishable features?” She also noted she has seen a variety of bad side effects. Read More

Shocking! Eruption in the La Palma Volcano: "The earth opens" 
To view this breaking news from La Palma in the Canary Islands, please go here.
Judge Finds Teenager Guilty in Loudoun County Bathroom Assault
A Virginia judge on Monday found a teenage boy guilty of sexually assaulting a schoolmate. The crime took place at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn on May 28. The boy, 15, was convicted on one count of forcible sodomy and one count of forcible fellatio, both felonies, local media reported.

“I found the facts sufficient to support the charges,” Pamela Brooks, the chief judge of the county’s Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, said during the hearing, according to WTOP. The victim said she and the boy had consensual sexual encounters before the assault but that she did not consent to what he did in May.

Sentencing was put off until another case is adjudicated involving the male. He was charged with sexually assaulting another student at Broad Run High School, authorities have said. That assault took place on Oct. 6.

Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to Stone Bridge at approximately 1:30 p.m. on May 28, according to dispatch notes obtained by The Epoch Times through a Freedom of Information Act request. Officers were briefed by an assistant principal that a student alleged they were “possibly raped or touched unwanted by another student” a couple of hours prior. The family of the victim was notified.

An FBI agent with the bureau’s Washington Field Office later that day called the sheriff’s office and inquired about the incident, according to the notes. The agent was advised that a sexual assault investigation was taking place. He said the incident would not require the FBI’s help. 
The investigation led to the arrest of the male on July 8 and the case was turned over to the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, which helped prosecute the boy.

The sheriff’s office said no 911 calls were made and declined to provide body camera footage, citing state law. It also declined to immediately provide records on all reported sexual assaults at Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) dating back to Jan. 1, 2018.

LCPS failed to follow state law in reporting several sexual assaults from its schools to state authorities, Superintendent Scott Ziegler said earlier this month. He also recanted his claim that no sexual assaults had taken place in school bathrooms. Ziegler made the claim during a school board meeting on a pro-transgender policy that lets students who claim to be a different gender than their biological sex use different bathrooms. The school board later approved the policy proposal.

Bill Stanley of the Stanley Law Group, who is representing the family of the victim, said in a statement that “We are relieved that justice was served today for the Smith’s daughter. No one should have to endure what this family has endured, and now their focus is completely upon their daughter’s health and safety as she progresses forward with her life,” he said, adding that the family “stands stronger than ever in moving forward to ensure that those responsible in the Loudoun County School system are held accountable, so that this may never happen again to anyone else’s child.” (Epoch Times) Read more here.  
- Father, our hearts and prayers go out to these girls and their families because they should never have been subjected to the circumstances leading to such horrible consequences.  We ask You to help these girls find their healing in You as their strong tower. We bind the power of these adults from social engineering the lives of our children and we ask You Father, to remove them from all power, in Jesus name.

- "'The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master's crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider.'"  (Isaiah 1:3) 

My ANTI-Covid Spiritual Manual

By Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman
Kad-Esh Ministries

Shabbat shalom, dearly beloved!

So, my husband and I got hit by the “crown demon” (aka corona) on our way back from an intense mission to Mexico and Dallas, and for more than two weeks I was in “Covid land”. I promised to expose this wicked, filthy demon that dared to touch me, a Servant of Yah, and to equip many to stand and defeat it. Much has been said about what to do from the point of view of natural and chemical treatment, but almost nothing has been said about DEFEATING IT SPIRITUALLY.

Do not be mistaken, “corona” is a DEMON, and not only a “virus”. It is a bio and spiritual weapon for the purpose of causing both physical and spiritual havoc, fear, panic, terror, unbelief, hopelessness, depression and death. It functions in three levels:

Physical, Emotional, Spiritual

It is an Anti-Messiah, Anti-Christ spirit that endeavors to REPLACE our worship and focus from Yeshua to this demon, from His Word to fearsome medical jargon, from faith to unbelief, from hope to hopelessness, from abundance of life to the spirit of death. Do not underestimate this demon; you need to learn to fight it, and my sweet holy revenge (for it overstepped its boundaries with me) is to TEACH YOU!

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist when the times are evil, and after you have done everything, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6:12-13 TLV

[Here are the seven steps needed to overcome this demon. - the editor]

Step One: Do Not Fear

Step Two: Build Up Your Faith

Step Three: Use Your Authority!

Step Four: Break Covenant with All Symptoms

Step Five: Fight the Spirit of Depression

Step Six: Take the Blood Antidote Daily

Step Seven: Share This Manual with Others!

> > > To read this entire article, go herel  
Signs & Wonders
Despite countless human-caused nightmares throughout history, if historians have to pinpoint one year that would have been the worst to live through, it all goes back to a pair of volcanic eruptions.
Skies went dark: Historians pinpoint
the very 'worst year' ever to be alive

You wake up to a dark, dreary, glum-feeling, Monday-type of morning. For the 547th consecutive day. Just 18 months prior, you were a hard-working farmer gearing up for another bountiful crop season. But then the skies went dark.

From early 536 to 537, they stayed dark. Across much of eastern Europe and throughout Asia, spring turned into summer and fall gave way to winter without a day of sunshine. Like a blackout curtain over the sun, millions of people across the world's most populated countries squinted through dim conditions, breathing in chokingly thick air and losing nearly every crop they were relying on to harvest.

This isn't the plot of a dystopian TV drama or a fantastical "docufiction" production

This was a harsh reality for the millions of people that lived through that literally dark time or, as some historians have declared, the very worst year ever to be alive.

The darkest year ahead of the darkest decade

"For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during this whole year, and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear nor such as it is accustomed to shed," was the grim account Procopius, a prominent scholar who became the principal Byzantine historian of the 6th century, gave in History of the Wars. "And from the time when this thing happened men were free neither from war nor pestilence nor any other thing leading to death." Read More

The Good News Corner
Christian Employers Challenge Biden Admin Gender-Transition Mandates:

'God Created Humans as Male or Female'

Christian companies and organizations are fighting a new religious freedom fight in court for the right to follow their biblical beliefs about sexuality.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, representing the Christian Employers Alliance, filed suit in federal court Monday. They're challenging two Biden administration mandates that force religious nonprofit and for-profit employers to pay for or perform gender transition surgeries, procedures, counseling, and treatments in violation of their religious beliefs. 

ADF attorneys also filed a motion Tuesday asking the court to immediately halt enforcement of these mandates.

"Many religious employers—including the Christian Employers Alliance and all of its members—hold sincere beliefs that gender transition surgeries and procedures are morally wrong and contradict their beliefs that God purposefully created humans as either a biological male or female and that a person's biological sex is immutable," said ADF Senior Counsel Matt Bowman. 

The lawsuit, Christian Employers Alliance v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, explains that the agency is misinterpreting and improperly enforcing discrimination based on sex in Title VII to force religious employers to pay for and provide health insurance coverage for gender transition surgeries and procedures. 

Additionally, the lawsuit challenges the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' reinterpretation of "sex" in federal law to include gender identity, thereby forcing religious healthcare providers to physically perform or facilitate gender transition surgeries and procedures, contrary to their deeply held beliefs.(CBN) Read more here.

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Prayer
Failing to Seek First the Wisdom of the Lord | Day 17
Day seventeen: Failing to seek first the Wisdom of the Lord. Ask the Helper if you have a spirit in you that fails fully to seek first the Wisdom of the Lord. Where did it first surface in you? Is it a generational spirit? How does it show up in your life today?

What is His replacement? Wholehearted devotion to the Lord for His Wisdom.
In the Father and Christ are "hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:3.
Deuteronomy 4:7:" For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?"
James 1:5:" If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
Revelation 3:20: " Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."
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Classic Hymns

In the Garden

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: C. Austin Miles

Scripture: Thinking He was the gardener, she said, Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him. John 20:15

I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.


I’d stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.


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