The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Oct 21, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021
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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
(Isaiah 40:5)
US high court won’t block vaccines for Maine health workers

PORTLAND, Maine — The U.S. Supreme Court declined Tuesday to block a vaccine requirement imposed on Maine health care workers, the latest defeat for opponents of vaccine mandates.

It was the first time the Supreme Court weighed in on a statewide vaccine mandate. It previously rejected challenges of vaccine requirements for New York City teachers and Indiana University staff and students.

Justice Stephen Breyer rejected the emergency appeal but left the door open to try again as the clock ticks on Maine’s mandate. The state will begin enforcing it Oct. 29.

The Maine vaccine requirement that was put in place by Democratic Gov. Janet Mills requires hospital and nursing home workers to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

Opponents tried to block the mandate, but a federal judge rejected the request Oct. 13. The judge said the record indicated regular testing alone wasn’t sufficient to stop the spread of the delta variant. POLITICO) Read more.


1. Smotrich: We won't let Mansour Abbas take our sovereignty in Jerusalem - Israel National News

MKs from the Religious Zionism party toured the area of the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon following the violent riotswhich occurred at the site yesterday.

The party's chairman, MK Bezalel Smotrich, said that "sovereignty in Jerusalem cannot be captured in the hands of Mansour Abbas. We came here because every evening Jews are attacked and harassed in the capital."

"Bennett's subservience to Mansour Abbas and the Islamic Movement is leading to the loss of governance over large areas across the country. The rioters understand that the government is limited in its ability to act against them and they take advantage of this to establish facts on the ground. This is happening in all the cities, in the Negev, in the cities involved and now also in the attempt to expropriate our right to the city of Jerusalem and to de facto divide Jerusalem. We are here to tell the Arab rioters and terrorists it will not happen," Smotrich said, (Read more) 

2. Abraham Accords set to grow, Israeli peace talks underway with this island nation - World Israel News

Last year’s historic Abraham Accords initiative looks set to grow, with Comoros, Qatar, Tunisia, Oman, and Malaysia all being touted Monday as possible additional signatories.

On Monday, a senior diplomatic source revealed that Israel is already in talks with Comoros, a Muslim-majority island state located between Madagascar, and Mozambique and Tanzania on the east coast of Africa.

Comoros, which is an Arab League member, is the only Arab state that lies entirely in the southern hemisphere.

Following an introduction brokered by the United States, bilateral talks have continued between Comoros and Israel aimed at achieving a normalization agreement. Sources in Jerusalem have indicated that, at this time, it is unclear if the effort will be successful, but if it is, the island state will be the fifth signatory to the accords. (Read more)  

3. Bennett’s Govt. Votes Down Law Protecting Israel’s Sovereignty in Jerusalem - Jewish Press

The coalition, headed by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, and in cooperation with the Arab-majority Joint List from the opposition, voted against the Jerusalem Sovereignty Law on Wednesday in the Knesset.

The law would have enshrined the prohibition set forth in the Oslo Accords forbidding Palestinian Authority’s activities within the State of Israel.

Over the years, the PA has been openly operating in Jerusalem attempting to act as sovereign in education, maintaining public order, and even in making arrests. (Read more) 

4. ‘State of emergency demands emergency steps’: Herzog forms Israeli Climate Forum - Times of Israel

President Isaac Herzog announced on Wednesday the establishment of the Israeli Climate Forum, which his office said will shape the role the country plays in fighting the climate crisis.

The forum, set to include representatives from the government, the Knesset, Israeli academia, local authorities, and the business and industrial sectors, will operate under the auspices of the President’s Office and will convene several times a year, according to a statement from Herzog’s office.

The panel will be an expression of Israel’s commitment to stand at the forefront of the global debate about the climate crisis, Herzog said in the statement. (Read more) 

5. Signs reading 'Normal People Boycott Israel' spotted at London bus stops - Israel Hayom

Police authorities in London are investigating a case of anti-Israeli signs posted at bus stops in the city, calling for a boycott of Israel. The signs caused furious responses on social media and in the local Jewish community.

The signs feature a resigns of the cover of the book "Normal People" by author Sally Rooney, whose name is left out and replaced by a call to boycott Israel, making it appear as if the cover reads "Normal People Boycott Israel." The cover's original image is replaced by a depiction of an empty sardine can covered with a net.

Rooney recently refused to allow her latest book to be translated into Hebrew or published in Israel, accusing Israel of being an "apartheid state." (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Navy probe reveals failures that fueled arson fire and destroyed USS Bonhomme Richard - Fox News

Navy report has concluded there were sweeping failures by commanders, crew members and others that fueled the July 2020 arson fire that destroyed the USS Bonhomme Richard, calling the massive five-day blaze in San Diego preventable and unacceptable. 

While one sailor has been charged with setting the fire, the more than 400-page report, obtained by The Associated Press, lists three dozen officers and sailors whose failings either directly led to the ship's loss or contributed to it. The findings detailed widespread lapses in training, coordination, communication, fire preparedness, equipment maintenance and overall command and control. 

"Although the fire was started by an act of arson, the ship was lost due to an inability to extinguish the fire," the report said, concluding that "repeated failures" by an "inadequately prepared crew" delivered "an ineffective fire response." (Read more)

- Lord God we lift this situation up to you that every single person involved would be justly held accountable for their actions. We pray that those in leadership would truly learn from their mistakes so disasters like this don’t happen again. Amen.

- "For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body." (James 3:2) 

2. Border arrests hit highest levels since 1986s amnesty bill: CBP data - Fox News

Arrests by Border Patrol have soared to the highest levels since 1986, according to Customs and Border Patrol data. U.S. authorities detained more than 1.7 million migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border during the 2021 fiscal year, which ended in September, according to CBP data obtained by the Washington Post

Historical data shows that Border Patrol made 1.69 million arrests nationwide in 1986, the outlet reported. The data, however, doesn’t show how many of those arrests were made along the border. 

President Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law in 1986, which provided a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who had entered the country before 1982. The bill also tightened up border security and penalized employers who hired illegal immigrants. (Read more)

- Lord God we lift the Biden administration to you that they would take this situation seriously and take immediate action. We pray Lord that you would turn their hearts of stone into hearts of flesh so that they would start thinking about the American people and making them their first priority. In Jesus name amen.
(Philippians 2:4) 

3. Biden lowers spending bill target to between $1.75T and $1.9T: report - Fox Business

President Biden has privately informed Democratic lawmakers he is optimistic they can reach an agreement on a social spending plan capped at about $1.9 trillion, a spending target that would mark a significant reduction from the vast economic overhaul he initially envisioned, according to a report Tuesday.

Biden detailed a potential deal for a spending proposal of between $1.75 trillion and $1.9 trillion during a private meeting on Tuesday, the Washington Post reported, citing sources familiar with the matter. The president was said to have shared the outline with at least some Democratic lawmakers.

The revised package includes many of the original plan’s signature proposals, including universal pre-K, substantial investment in green energy and expanded Medicare benefits. However, the sources told Washington Post the details were still subject to change. (Read more)

- Lord we cover the spending bill in the blood of Jesus and we pray that those in charge of creating this spending bill would desert all hidden agendas, humble themselves, and truly put the priorities of Americans and this country first. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

- “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)

4. GOP expected to filibuster Senate election bill that would boost mail-in voting, mandate auto-registration - Fox News

The Senate is expected to hold a procedural vote Wednesday afternoon to end a filibuster on an election bill that would impose national standards on how states conduct federal elections, including requirements for mail-in voting and automatic voter registration.

Democrats' efforts to break the filibuster are expected to fail, as they would need ten Republicans to achieve the necessary 60 votes to move forward on the bill. So far, no Republican appears to be in favor of this.

The 592-page bill, known as the "Freedom to Vote Act," includes sweeping reforms that include the requirement of states to provide automatic voter registration, as well as online and same-day registration. It also calls for making Election Day a public holiday. (Read more)

- Lord we pray for transparency in this price of legislation. We bind all corruption that will try to attach itself to this legislation. And we pray that you Lord will move against any force that would seek to create chaos and unrest in our elections, from the local to the state to the federal level.

- “Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight.” (Proverbs 11:1).

5. update! Seventeen Christian missionaries in Haiti kidnapped by gang - Washington Examiner

A group of 17 Christian missionaries in Haiti was kidnapped by a gang on Saturday as the religious group was returning from a visit to an orphanage. Christian Aid Ministries released an audio recording stating that men, women, and children in Haiti had been kidnapped by a gang and requesting prayer for the situation.

Those kidnapped included staff and some of the staff's family members. Of those kidnapped, 16 are Americans and one is Canadian, according to the Washington Post.

“This is a special prayer alert,” the one-minute message said. “Pray that the gang members would come to repentance.”
The gang that kidnapped the missionaries is called the 400 Mawozo, known for targeting religious groups. (Read more)

- Lord God we join with our brothers and sisters of Christian Aid Ministries that have asked for prayer: "Join us in praying for those who are being held hostage, the kidnappers, and the families, friends, and churches of those affected. Pray for those who are seeking God’s direction and making decisions regarding this matter." Pray particularly for the children, who range in age from 8 months to 15 years old.

- “keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)

6. 'Souls to the polls': Virginia churches to air pro-McAuliffe ads featuring Kamala Harris - Washington Examiner

Hundreds of churches across Virginia are set to air a political ad starring Vice President Kamala Harris — a move that has raised eyebrows regarding the legality of bringing political campaigns into houses of worship.

Between Oct. 17 and Nov. 2, a video featuring Harris will play during the morning services of over 300 black churches across Virginia. In the video, Harris encourages viewers to vote for gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in the upcoming election, according to CNN.

The video is only one part of McAuliffe's religiously minded "Souls to the Polls" media blitz. The "Souls to the Polls" events will be hosted weekly and are intended to encourage residents to vote on Sundays, with the first event held on Oct. 17, according to 10 Wavy(Read more)

- In Jesus name we cast down the mentality that says voting isn’t important or that your vote is just one of many and won’t make a difference. We pray for an awareness of critical issues in states, cities and our country as a whole that could change the moral culture of our communities. Lord, be with us while we fill out our ballots leading us in righteousness.

- The good influence of godly citizens causes a city to prosper, but the moral decay of the wicked drives it downhill” (Proverbs 11:11)

7. White House releases plans to vaccinate 28 million kids aged 5-11 against Covid using smaller needles - Daily Mail

The White House released its plans on Wednesday for vaccinating 28 million children between ages five and 11 against COVID-19. In the next few weeks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to decide whether or not to authorize Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine in younger kids in the next few weeks, meaning children could be fully vaccinated by Christmas.

If the jab is authorized, the Biden administration's plan to immunize kids will look very different than the campaign to inoculate adults. Child-size vials will be sent to providers across the country that can be kept in refrigerators along with smaller needles necessary for injecting young kids.
Children will be able to get the shot at their pediatrician's office or local pharmacy, and potentially even their school rather than mass immunization sites.

And children's hospitals will set up clinics on nights and weekends so mothers and fathers can vaccinate their kids after they get off of work. “Parents know and trust children's hospitals to be there for their children's medical needs, and these vaccination efforts will be no different,' the White House said in a a statement. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray for every family that has to make this upcoming decision that the eyes of their hearts would be flooded with light. May they know the truth about the agenda going on and that they would make wise decisions for their children. Amen.

- “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 18:10)

 8. Mayor de Blasio announces COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city workers - New York Post

All New York City municipal employees will soon be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Wednesday. The city workers — including firefighters and cops — will be mandated to get their first dose by 5 p.m. on Oct. 29, the mayor said. Members of the city workforce who have not started their vaccine series by Nov. 1 will be placed on unpaid leave until they provide proof of vaccination, according to de Blasio.  

“It’s a mandate now for all city agencies, all city workers. It’s time for everyone to get vaccinated,” he said Wednesday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “We need to reassure all New Yorkers that, if you’re working with a public employee, they’re vaccinated, everyone is going to be safe.”

Under the new mandate – first reported by The Post on Tuesday — city employees who begin their vaccine series will through next week receive a $500 paycheck bump as an incentive. (Read more)

- Lord God, we pray for every city worker that you would lead and guide them through this situation. Give every city worker and their family strength, courage, and wisdom on the right thing to do in Jesus name amen.

- “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (Psalms 55:22)

9. Churchgoers Trust their Pastor on Vaccine more than Politicians and Media, Pew Says - Christian Headlines

A majority of regular churchgoers in the U.S. say they would trust their pastor in providing guidance about the COVID-19 vaccine, but a majority also say their own minister has been silent on the issue, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.

The survey found that 61 percent of Americans who attend religious services at least monthly say they would have confidence in their own pastor to “provide guidance about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.”

That confidence level is higher than regular churchgoers have in their local elected officials (50 percent), their state elected officials (49 percent) and the news media (41 percent) in providing guidance about the vaccine. (Read more)

- Lord God, we pray over each and every pastor and minister in the United States that they would seek you first to deliver the truth and not man’s opinion about this situation in Jesus name. We also pray for all churchgoers that they would seek you first, Lord and desire to hear from you primarily about this situation and not look for a man to lead and guide them.

- “ . . . but Peter and the apostles answered, 'we must obey God rather than man.'“ (Acts 5:29)  

10. More than half of Americans say they have experienced supply chain-related issues, poll - Just The News

A poll released Wednesday show 53.7% of U.S. voters say they are personally feeling the negative effects of supply chain delays when attempting to purchase common consumer products. The insight poll from the Convention of States Action in conjunction with the Trafalgar Group shows 67.7% of Republican voters say they have "personally encountered delays or shortages when attempting to purchase common consumer products," compared to 42.4% of Democrat voters.

The poll, conducted in mid-October, is a reflection of what could and likely will become an even more significant issue as the holiday season approaches.

Since late August and September, Americans have been told to begin their Christmas and other holiday shopping because supply chain issues will likely interfere with the speed and availability of gifts around the winter months. (Read more)

- Lord God, we pray that the Biden administration would take this situation very seriously and do whatever they can in their power to put the needs of the American people first. In Jesus name amen.

- “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” (Hebrews 13:16)

The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: A Whole Lot Of Stupid Going On

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, October 20, 2021

In 1955, Roy Hall and Dave “Curly” Williams wrote a song when they were fishing on Lake Okeechobee in Florida. Big Maybelle first recorded it in March 1955 on an arrangement by Quincy Jones. Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley and Levi Kreis also recorded versions of the song “A whole lot of shakin going on.” The radically-altered Lewis version of the song was considered quite risqué at the time with its boogie piano and spirited drumming. So much so that when Sun released the Lewis single, it reached Number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 in May 1957 and Number 1 on the R & B and country charts. Accompanied by body gyrations never done before, Lewis and his rock and roll version ushered in a new genre.

I was looking at the lyrics of the song and thought that a parody was in order—so I hope you enjoy the new version: Come along America, whole lotta stupid goin’ on…Yes, I said come along America, baby it’s all goin’ wrong…We ain’t fakin’, while a lotta stupid goin’ on… Well, I said come along America, we got Biden an his mandates…Woo-huh, come along America, Buttigieg shuttin down the interstates…We ain’t fakin’, whole lotta stupid goin’ on… Well, I said shake, baby, shake…I said shake, baby, shake…I said shake it, baby, shake it…And then shake, baby, shake…Come on over, whole lotta stupid goin’ on…Oh, let’s go!…Alright…Well, I said come along America, we got Kamala on the border…Whose border? What border? Our border…Come along America, Kamala can’t restore order…We ain’t fakin’, whole lotta stupid goin’ on… Read More

As Supreme Court's Dobbs case nears, pro-life groups make public education push highlighting abortion toll

Pro-life organizations are rolling out mass education efforts in an attempt to persuade the public before the Supreme Court hears a potentially game-changing abortion case. 

On Saturday, the group Live Action held a rally in Los Angeles, announcing it would highlight the daily death toll from abortion. More than 2,000 people attended, according to the group.

Dubbed the "#2363campaign," the multimillion-dollar effort includes billboards, radio, digital, and TV ads across the country – with an emphasis on Washington, D.C., New York City, and Jackson, Mississippi. That figure is based on Guttmacher's estimate of 862,320 abortions for the U.S. in 2017.

Live Action President Lila Rose said: "The facts about abortion are devastating, but must be known: these 2,363 precious lives are killed through chemical abortions – starved of nutrients, then forcibly miscarried, or torn into pieces by suction and removed from their mothers, or torn limb from torso by forceps while still alive, before their skulls are crushed, or stabbed in the heart or head with a lethal injection."

She added: "The mass killing of the innocent through abortion is the greatest crisis we face as human beings."

The group says ads will run until the day of oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, a challenge to Mississippi's 15-week abortion ban. Both sides see the case as an opening for conservative justices to overturn the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Roe v. Wade. 


Presentation on TXAPN TRIBUNAL 10/16/21 
Taught by Pastor Carolyn Sissom; East Gate Ministries; Katy, Texas

To view these notes please
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Where's Our Military?

By Gary Bauer
When President Donald Trump wanted to deploy troops to secure the border, the Swamp resisted.  But what is our military for if not guaranteeing the sovereignty of America's borders?  
General Mark "Thoroughly Modern" Milley downplayed last year's riots and told President Trump he was wrong when he called them "an insurrection."  Milley said it was just a bunch of kids with spray paint. 
Does Gen. Milley think 1.7 million people a year crashing our border is an invasion?  Large numbers of foreigners coming into your country without permission is the definition of an invasion. 
There's evidence that much of this is being bankrolled by someone.  George Soros is certainly a prime suspect.  But how about Russia?  How about communist China? 
Every American enemy must be thinking, "Defeating America is going to be easier than we thought." 
While the left likes to claim that "Diversity is our strength," I guarantee you that Beijing, Moscow and Tehran are laughing as we get weaker and weaker, unable to enforce our own laws and secure our own borders.

(Read more of Gary's comments today by going here.)  
Signs & Wonders
A meter-long (yard-long) sword, that experts say dates back to the Crusaders
is on display in the Mediterranean seaport of Cesarea, Israel, Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021
Diver uncovers 'beautiful, rare find' off Israel coast
A diver exploring the floor of the Mediterranean Sea last weekend discovered an object that allows one’s imagination to travel back to a time of knights, armor and swords.

If a scuba diver had to describe their ideal dive, it would likely involve stunning views of ocean ecosystems or an up-close-and-personal look inside a community of diverse marine life. But, would it involve ancient weaponry?

On Saturday, Oct. 16, an ordinary dive turned extraordinary for one Israeli scuba diver when he discovered a sword that experts believe has a lifespan that spans centuries.

Diver Shlomi Katzin was exploring a portion of the Mediterranean Sea just off Israel's Carmel beach, located south of Haifa, an Israeli port city. While on this expedition, Katzin came across a treasure trove of artifacts tucked into the seabed.

Katzin discovered stone and metal anchors and unearthed pottery fragments, but potentially the most stunning among the newfound treasures was a large, sea-life-encrusted sword. Fearing that the newly unearthed sword would be buried again by the sea, or worse, stolen, Katzin ended his dive and contacted the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) in Jerusalem. Read More

The Good News Corner
'Glory Be to God!': Father and Son Weep over Birth of 'Miracle Baby' in Popular Video Clip

A heartwarming clip of a father and son weeping joyfully over the birth of their newborn daughter and sister, respectively, has elicited thousands of responses on social media.

According to CBN News, the original video was posted to Instagram on March 4 by the father, João Prudêncio Neto, after his wife gave birth to "their miracle" daughter. At the time of its release, the clip received over 48,500 views.

Neto, who is also a pastor, noted in the caption that he became infertile after having his firstborn son, David, and that having another child would be impossible without utilizing fertility treatments.

"I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard me when I cried for help," Psalms 40:1, he wrote. "After I had our firstborn son David, I became infertile. It was impossible to be a parent again with zero spermatozoids production. My wife Karolinne Prudêncio was healthy and also dreamed of having another child. Until the Lord Jesus healed me, giving me life to produce another."

Neto added that he and his wife prayed daily for a miracle and attributed glory to God for the answered prayer "without any artificial procedure."

"Giovanna's birth is not only a blessing to our family, but also to all those who dream of one day experiencing the miracle that only Jesus can do," he continued. "We prayed every day for a miracle. I became a dad again without any artificial procedure. Glory be to God! All this emotion is for the miracle done; my wife is very well and happy." (Christian Headlines)
Read more here. 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Prayer
Sorcerers | Day 13
Today on Day Thirteen of the 21 Day Repentance journey, the focus is on the fourth of these sins that will keep us out of heaven : sorcerers.

Day thirteenSorcerers. Ask the Helper if you have any sorcery/witchcraft spirit.
Where did it first surface in you? Is it a generational curse? How does it show up in your life today?
What is His replacement? " Jesus said to him, ' I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" John 14: 6
Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

O How I Love Jesus 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Frederick Whitfield
Music: Traditional American melody

Scripture: Because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

There is a name I love to hear,
I love to speak its worth;
It sounds like music in mine ear,
The sweetest name on earth.

O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!

It bids my trembling heart rejoice;
It dries each rising tear;
It tells me, in a still small voice,
To trust and never fear.


This name shall shed its fragrance still
Along this thorny road,
Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill
That leads me up to God.


And there, with all the blood-bought throng,
From sin and sorrow free,
I’ll sing the new eternal song
Of Jesus’ love to me.


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