The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021
Last night's National Call was a real blessing to all. To listen to the audio recording of this wonderful prayer session, led by Apostolos Tzimanis, go here. 
> > > Please note that we will publish the Daily Brief on a delayed schedule tomorrow, posting at 2:00 p.m. EST.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "House of the Lord," by Phil Wickham. Go here!

"We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God hears not us.  Hereby know we the Spirit of Truth, and the spirit of error." (Revelation 4:6)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Biden Scheme to Offshore U.S. Jobs Rubber-Stamped by 32 Republicans 
A group of 32 House and Senate Republicans have rubber-stamped provisions in Democrats’ and President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill that provide giant carve-outs for industries to outsource and offshore American jobs.

A total of 13 House Republicans and 19 Senate Republicans put Democrats 
over the line to pass Biden’s infrastructure bill, which includes waivers for industries to bypass “Buy American” rules.

As Breitbart News 
reported, the bill allows the heads of federal agencies to issue waivers to corporations to work around Buy American requirements if they consider the requirement “inconsistent with the public interest,” or does not meet “satisfactory quality,” or if they believe buying American will increase costs for the projects. ( > > > Read more here.
- Lord we pray that conviction will come to all who are not paying attention to the provisions of these bills. We pray that You will visit them in the night seasons and show them the truth.

“For you have not come to what may be touched, a blazing fire and darkness and gloom and a tempest and the sound of a trumpet and a voice whose words made the hearers beg that no further messages be spoken to them. For they could not endure the order that was given, ‘If even a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned.’ Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, ‘I tremble with fear.’” (Hebrews 12:18-21) 

1. Israeli hospital's IT system still down weeks after cyber-attack - Jerusalem Post

A month after a group of hackers targeted the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera, its IT infrastructure still needs to be restored, the hospital’s director said Monday before the Knesset Health Committee, while a cybersecurity official said that the event could have likely been prevented if hospitals in Israel were considered critical infrastructures, therefore requiring a higher level of protection.
The committee convened to discuss the current state of the country’s health system vis-à-vis the risk of cyberattacks.

“We hope that this week we will be able to reboot our system,” Hillel Yaffe’s Dr. Mickey Dudkiewicz said, adding that it might still take weeks to complete the process, with other hospitals facing similar situations sometimes even needing months. (Read more) 

2. Israeli Foreign Minister Distances Government From Blacklisted NSO Group - Algemeiner

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Saturday distanced the Israeli government from the NSO Group, a firm blacklisted this week by the United States over alleged misuse of its phone hacking spyware.

An investigation by 17 media organizations published in July said NSO’s Pegasus software had targeted smartphones of journalists, rights activists and government officials in several countries.

The company sends its products abroad under licenses from Israel’s Defense Ministry, which has launched its own probe of the company’s practices after the alleged software misuse emerged.

No results have been announced and Israel has given no indication so far that it was considering limiting the scope of NSO’s exports. (Read more)  

3. Report: IAF attacks city of Homs in Syria - Israel National News

Syria claimed Monday evening that the Israeli Air Force carried out an attack in the center of the country, in the city of Homs.

The Syrian news agency Sana reported that the Syrian army's air defense systems were activated in the Homs area and were unable to stop the attack.

Syrian television, on the other hand, reported that the missiles fired at Homs were intercepted.

There have been increasing reports of Israeli attacks in Syria in recent days. A few days ago, Syria reported that Israel had launched missiles at a shipment of weapons destined for terrorist organizations in Damascus. (Read more) 

4. Ethiopian PM said to complain 4 war criminals among those airlifted to Israel - Times of Israel

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed angrily complained in a phone call with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that Ethiopians brought to Israel in recent months during an intensifying war in the African country have included officers involved in war crimes, a report said Monday.

Channel 13 news cited a security source involved in the matter saying at least four officers — among the over 2,000 people brought to Israel over the past year — are suspected of taking part in rebel massacres in the Tigray region.

Pressure has been ramped up on Israel in recent weeks to bring thousands of members of Ethiopia’s Jewish community to Israel, as an insurgency by Tigray rebels intensified and neared the capital Addis Ababa. “We must continue to bring them over to Israel quickly,” President Isaac Herzog said last week.

The reported problems with the campaign have caused the airlift of 800 more people to be suspended, the network added, following a “difficult” meeting Monday morning between Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked and Immigrant Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata.
(Read more) 

5. IDF generals travel to Sinai for rare public meeting with Egyptian army - Times of Israel

Top Israeli military officers spoke with their Egyptian counterparts in a rare public meeting in the Sinai Peninsula on Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces said.

The meeting was held under the auspices of the so-called Agreed Activities Mechanism, a provision of the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace treaty, which required Jerusalem to sign off on any reinforcements that Cairo wanted to deploy to the Sinai through a joint committee made up of senior IDF and Egyptian officers.

“During a meeting of the committee, an agreement was signed to formalize the deployment of guard troops in the area of Rafah to reinforce the Egyptian military’s security control over the area,” the IDF said, adding that the decision was approved by Israel’s civilian leadership. (Read more)


The Daily Brief
1.Texas Democrat candidate and former Bush adviser and says Jesus today ‘would be accused of being woke’ | Fox News
A former Bush campaign adviser who is running as a Democrat in Texas’ lieutenant governor race said Sunday that Jesus Christ today would be declared "woke" by conservatives.
Matthew Dowd, who is seeking his party’s nomination to take on Republican Dan Patrick, said he came to the realization in church that today’s "wokeness" is just another term for human decency.
"As I sat in church today I was thinking that if Jesus were here today he would be accused of being woke," he tweeted. "How about we just say it is human decency to treat all with respect and dignity and that it is constitutional to say all men and women are equal."
- Lord, the deception that is running even through the Christian community is grieving. We must have a move of repentance across America. Reveal truth to all who call on Your Name and visit us all with redemption.

- “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” (Ephesians 1:7) 

2. White House says OPEC and Russia are putting the global recovery at risk - CNN

The White House has accused OPEC and its allies of putting the global economic recovery at risk by refusing to pump more oil. That sets up a geopolitical showdown that could spark more price swings and prompt the United States to release crude from its strategic reserves.
The Biden administration said it would "consider the full range of tools at our disposal to bolster resilience and public confidence" after the OPEC+ coalition, which includes Saudi Arabia and Russia, disregarded calls from big oil consuming nations including the United States to increase output by more than planned in December.
"Our view is that the global recovery should not be imperiled by a mismatch between supply and demand," a spokesperson for the US National Security Council said in a statement. "OPEC+ seems unwilling to use the capacity and power it has now at this critical moment of global recovery for countries around the world."
The price of Brent crude oil, the global benchmark, has roughly doubled over the past year to $81 per barrel as the global economy rebounds from its pandemic slump. Bank of America predicts that prices will zoom even higher and hit $120 per barrel by June 2022.

- Lord, we are all aware that it’s not OPEC and Russia doing this, but our own leadership. We pray that You will move to bring back US energy independence in a mighty way.

- “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)  

3. FBI Searches Homes of Project Veritas-Linked People: James O’Keefe (

Federal agents searched the New York homes of people tied to Project Veritas, according to founder James O’Keefe on Friday. In a video posted to Project Veritas’ YouTube, O’Keefe said his organization obtained a grand jury subpoena before saying that current and former Project Veritas employees’ homes were searched by federal agents.

“Apartment and homes of Project Veritas journalists and former journalists had been raided by FBI agents,” he said, adding that it appears the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York is targeting the group.

Additionally, O’Keefe said that a Project Veritas associate was contacted shortly after the FBI search by a New York Times reporter, despite the grand jury subpoena being issued in secret. “Within an hour of one of our reporters’ homes being secretly raided by the FBI … the New York Times contacted the reporter to ask for comment,” O’Keefe said, adding that “we do not know how” the NY Times reporter obtained information about the search warrant or the subject matter. Project Veritas sued the newspaper for defamation last year.

- Lord, they have now moved to search even James O’Keefe, the CEO’s home. Freedom of the Press seems under attack. We ask that You reveal the hidden agendas of the FBI for this situation and ask that You stop this action. Let no one bear false witness against the conservative media outlet but let only truth be revealed.

- “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.” (Proverbs 19:5) 

 4.Texans Pass 8 Amendments to State Constitution, Including One That Strengthens Religious Freedom (

Texans hit the polls earlier in the week to pass all eight proposed amendments to the state constitution, including one that curtails the ability of government to restrict religious services, also during emergencies like pandemics, according to state authorities.

The Texas Secretary of State has announced unofficial results of the vote, which took place on Nov. 2 and was required to approve the amendments, which were earlier passed as bills during the legislative session. Two of the propositions were created explicitly in response to COVID-19 restrictions.

Proposition 3, which won the backing of 62.4 percent of voters, amends Article 1 of the Texas Constitution by adding a new section preventing the state, or any political subdivision of the state, from enacting any laws that prohibit or limit religious services, including ones conducted in churches, congregations, and other places of worship.
- Lord, thank You for these amendments and especially for the protection of religious services against government action.

- “Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” (Hebrews 13:15)  

5.Democratic governor turns on Biden vaccine mandate, not 'correct' or 'effective' solution | Fox News
Democratic Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly came out against President Biden’s vaccine mandate as one that is not the "most effective" or "correct" for her state. 

"Yesterday, I reviewed the new vaccine mandate from the Biden Administration. While I appreciate the intention to keep people safe, a goal I share, I don’t believe this directive is the correct, or the most effective, solution for Kansas," she said in a statement released Friday. 

"States have been leading the fight against COVID-19 from the start of the pandemic. It is too late to impose a federal standard now that we have already developed systems and strategies that are tailored for our specific needs," she continued.
- Lord, as Biden continues to make enemies from his actions, we praise You that this situation will eventually bring about a collapse of the radical left. We ask that You complete Your plan, swiftly if at all possible.

- “But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” (Matthew 24:22) 

6. NJ Dem leader refuses to concede to GOP truck driver, says thousands of ballots 'recently found' | Fox News

Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney says thousands of "recently found" ballots supports his refusal to concede to a Republican challenger who ran a low-budget campaign

"The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county," Sweeney said in an email to the Philadelphia Inquirer on Thursday. "While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results."

Sweeney’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment on the matter, specifically on identifying which South Jersey county recently found the ballots. 

- Lord, just as extra ballots were “found” for Biden in 2020, this man claims there were thousands found for him. We pray that the truth will be revealed, and that fraud will no longer be tolerated in our elections.

- “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.” (Psalm 101:7) 

7.U.S. Navy Launches Ship Named After Gay Rights Leader Harvey Milk (
A U.S. Navy ship carrying the name of slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk was formally christened and launched Saturday in San Diego Bay.

AP reports the replenishment oiler USNS Harvey Milk was welcomed into service after a bottle of champagne was smashed on the bow by former Navy officer Paula M. Neira, clinical program director for the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health.
Milk’s nephew, Stuart Milk, and U.S. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro joined the traditional public ceremony.

“The secretary of the Navy needed to be here today, not just to amend the wrongs of the past, but to give inspiration to all of our LGBTQ community leaders who served in the Navy, in uniform today and in the civilian workforce as well too, and to tell them that we’re committed to them in the future,” Del Toro said.

- Lord, instead of honoring our military heroes, now we are lauding sin. We pray that our military will return to warfighting to protect our nation from our adversaries and stop placating such horrific political issues. We ask for a move of repentance, Lord, to cleanse us all from sinful actions.

- “We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.” (Isaiah 64:6)  

 8.Energy Sec'y Granholm: ‘Yes,’ Americans Will Pay More to Heat Their Homes (

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Americans should expect to pay more this year to heat their homes through the winter season.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “Should Americans — it will likely be a cold winter, most of them are, expect to pay higher prices for heating their homes?”

Granholm said, “Yes. This is going to happen. It will be more expensive this year than last year. We are in a slightly beneficial position, certainly relative to Europe, because their chokehold of natural gas is significant. They’ll pay five times higher.”

- Lord, it’s as if none of the Biden administration really cares about Americans. This agenda is too evil for us to comprehend. We ask for relief for those who will have higher heating bills this winter, for You are our Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.

- “Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.” (Psalm 54:4)

9. Pentagon bearing down on Biden to shelve nuclear reforms - POLITICO

President Joe Biden’s pledge to limit the role of nuclear weapons is facing growing resistance from Pentagon officials and their hawkish allies, who are arguing to keep the status quo in the face of Chinese and Russian arms buildups.

Biden’s top national security advisers will soon review the conditions under which the United States might resort to using nuclear weapons. Among the options are adopting a “no first use” policy, or declaring that the “sole purpose” of the arsenal is to deter a nuclear conflict and not use them in response to a conventional war or other strategic assault like a cyber attack.

Both would mark major departures from the current posture, which has been purposely ambiguous throughout the nuclear age about whether the United States might strike first, and holds that atomic weapons are for “deterrence of nuclear and non-nuclear attack.”
Biden’s National Security Council plans to convene a high-level meeting on nuclear declaratory policy this month, according to a White House official who spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity because of the issue’s sensitivity.

- Lord, we pray that You will be our protector. We place our trust in You and we remember Your Name in the face of the flip flops in decisions made by this administration.

- “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)   

10.Epoch Times Reporter Jailed in Nigeria (

Religious freedom advocates in Washington are protesting the Nov. 4 jailing of Epoch Times reporter Luka Binniyat, who has been at the forefront of reporting the atrocities against Nigerian Christians.

“This is an alarming development. If a journalist, reporting on the government’s refusal to prosecute those engaged in religious-motivated atrocities, has been arrested for his [reporting], this would be further evidence that the government of Nigeria is complicit in the ongoing egregious and systematic religious persecution in Nigeria,” Tony Perkins, a commissioner serving on the U.S. Council on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), told The Epoch Times.

The charge against Binniyat likely will be “injurious falsehood and incitement,” according to Reuben Buhari, a fellow freelance journalist and friend, who visited Binniyat on the afternoon of Nov. 6. Buhari said the arrest is likely linked to Binniyat’s most recent story in The Epoch Times, “In Nigeria, Police Decry Massacres as ‘Wicked’ but Make No Arrests.”

- Lord, we pray for the safety of this man and ask that he be freed. Give him strength and the knowledge of Your Presence. Grant him Your love to surround him at this difficult time. 

- “In the cover of Your presence You hide them from the plots of men; You store them in Your shelter from the strife of tongues.”  (Psalm 31:20)  

The Daily Jot

Don't Rely On The Courts

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, November 8, 2021

In 1961, future president Ronald Reagan recorded a 10-minute talk about socialized health care. He said, “One of the traditional methods of imposing statis or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it.” Reagan said that “pretty soon your son won’t decide when he’s in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him.” Fast forward to today with the Biden and Democratic Party mandate that every American must have a COVID 19 shot.

The current government makes Reagan look like a prophet. Already in many places across the United States, American citizens are unable to attend public events, eat in restaurants, go to college, or freely travel without proof of having the COVID shot. If Biden and the Democrats have their way, American citizens will be forbidden to provide for their families and their children will not be allowed to go to school unless they have taken the jab. Do you see and fully understand the grave threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by this statist oppression? If allowed, your right to privacy, to autonomy, to speech and freedom of worship, even what you wear, will be dictated by government. This mandate is an unparalleled assault on the very freedoms we hold so dear. Read More

Watch "Sen. Lankford: 'Biden Lost Patience With Americans' On Vaccine Mandate" on YouTube
In a GOP presser Wednesday, Senator James Lankford said that President Biden has lost his patience with the American people, which is why he imposed the vaccine mandate.

To view these excellent remarks by Senator Lankford, please go here. 
Longest lunar eclipse of the century: 
Warning to Biden not to divide Jerusalem
"Before the great and terrible day of Hashem comes,* I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood." (Joel 3:3 -- The Israel Bible) 

On Thursday night, November 18-19, a partial lunar eclipse will be visible throughout North America. But not just any eclipse. It will be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, according to NASA, lasting  3 hours and 28 minutes.

Longest eclipse of the century

A lunar eclipse takes place when the earth is between the sun and the moon, and the moon passes through the earth’s shadow. In this case, the earth’s shadow will block out 97% of the moon’s surface. The eclipse will be a“blood moon”, the result of atmospheric conditions that give the moon a reddish tint rather than black when it moves into the shadow. The red color comes from some of the sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere where it gets bent and colors like blue or green are filtered out, leaving behind longer wavelengths like the color red. . . On the West Coast of the US, the eclipse will begin to be visible just after 11 PM, with a maximum at 1 AM. On the East Coast, the partial eclipse begins a little after 2 a.m., reaching its maximum at 4 in the morning.

Rabbi Mordechai Genuth discussed the meaning of eclipses in Jewish tradition. Rabbi Genuth explained that under normal circumstances, lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for Israel. This is based on a section in the Talmud (Sukkot 29a) that specifies that lunar eclipses are a bad omen for Israel since Israel is spiritually represented by the moon. If the lunar eclipse takes place in the east side of the heavens, then it is a bad omen for all the nations in the east, and similarly, if it occurs in the western hemisphere of the sky, it is a bad sign for all the nations in the west.

Rabbi Genuth referred to the recent pressure by the Biden administration to open a consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem. “This is also a warning to the Israeli government,” Rabbi Genuth said. “They need to be strong when it comes to Jerusalem.”

He explained that the name of Jerusalem is rooted in the Hebrew word “Shalem” (complete) which is a reference to the sun which, unlike the moon, does not go through phases. “Jerusalem is eternal and must remain eternally whole,” Rabbi Genuth said.

The rabbi also noted a prophecy in the Book of Joel states that the coming of the Messiah will be preceded by a blood moon.

Before the great and terrible day of Hashem comes, I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood. But everyone who invokes the name of Hashem shall escape; for there shall be a remnant on Mount Tzion and in Yerushalayim, as Hashem promised. Anyone who invokes Hashem will be among the survivors. Joel 3:3-5

“We are indeed close to the end of days so these astronomical signs are taking on increased importance,” Rabbi Genuth said. (Israel365News) Read more here.

 At Capitol Hill Grilling, Biden Official Confirms Plans to Reopen Consulate for Palestinians
Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Matt McKeon confirmed on Wednesday that the Biden administration is seeking to reopen the US Consulate for Palestinians in its original location in Jerusalem.

McKeon was grilled by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, during his testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and asked whether he was involved in planning the reopening of the consulate.

McKeon confirmed that he was, telling Zeldin that the administration was contemplating opening the consulate at a facility already owned by the United States on Agron Road in Jerusalem in the western half of the city.

“Already having a site that the United States owned is an important factor in this because having to go find a different site could be a challenge,” he said. “The main purpose of this consulate—and the main reason we want to use the one on Agron Road—is that [it] is the mechanism through which we have engaged the Palestinians in the past and for well over a century before it was closed. That’s what’s driving our decision-making on that.” (Read more)

- Lord let this decision be reversed and not occur at all. Please do not allow the Biden administration to divide Jerusalem in any way. We pray on our knees for the peace of Jerusalem according to Your word.
- “And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.” (Joel 3:2) 
Signs & Wonders
The SS Bloody Marsh, which completed construction in 1943, was recently found when the NOAA was mapping the ocean floor off the coast of South Carolina. (NOAA Ocean Exploration)
Researchers make startling find while mapping ocean floor

"I think we got something."

Researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) came across a historic discovery while mapping the ocean floor recently -- an oil tanker that dates back to World War II.

The sunken oil tanker is called the SS Bloody Marsh. Its construction was completed in 1943, and it faced its ultimate downfall that same year when it was struck by a torpedo from a German U-boat. It was made amid a push to get more oil tankers into the Atlantic and toward Europe during the war.

The oil tanker set off from a port in Houston, Texas, on June 28, 1943. It was headed for New York when it was torpedoed on July 2 that same year.

When the torpedo struck the Bloody Marsh, it destroyed the engine room and killed three crewmen. According to reports from the time, the oil tanker sunk very quickly following a second torpedo in the attack. Some crew members were able to abandon ship and escape on life rafts.

The discovery was a long time coming. The Bloody Marsh was found off the coast of South Carolina while the NOAA researchers were mapping the ocean floor as part of the Windows to the Deep 2021 expedition. Read More

The Good News Corner
Couple Posts A Desperate Plea After Finding A Homeless Veteran In Walmart Parking Lot

Jerry Lewis, a 94-year-old homeless veteran now has a forever home to call his own. But this story could've had a tragic ending had it not been for a couple who posted desperate plea for help after finding a homeless veteran in a Walmart parking lot.

The Russell family discovered Jerry homeless on Christmas Eve in 2020. They learned he had been homeless for 25 years. They also learned what an incredible man Jerry is.

Jerry served in the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1943 to 1946. But after the war ended, Jerry eventually found himself homeless and he floated from one place to the next for more than 25 years. Eventually he began living in his van. For more than two years, he had been living in a Walmart parking lot. . . 
Brian and Angie Russell met Jerry on Christmas Eve. They supplied him with basic needs and that's when they got to know him a little more.

Soon they learned this sweet soldier had been living on the streets and the news certainly didn't sit well with the Russells. That night they took him home and began creating a plan for Jerry's future.

Brian created a crowdfunding page to help raise the funds needed to get Jerry a home of his own. He wrote, "Watching this proud man tear up over getting something as everyday as pajamas was heartbreaking." Brian added, "Please help us provide for the most deserving of us. A veteran, who protected our freedoms, who wants nothing more than a warm, safe place to live out his days."

Initially, the Russells were hoping to raise enough funds to pay for a year's worth at an assisted living center for the Vet and if they didn't get enough, they were prepared to modify their home for Jerry. But they were shocked and stunned from the community's response. Through the love, compassion, and generosity from the public, more than $46,000 was raised.

And now this precious man has a warm place to call his own until the good Lord calls him home. (Read more) 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
50 Days of Counting the Omer

In our 1st Devotional Book: “River & Streams in the Desert ~ The 40/40’s of Scripture,” we help provide the tools to successfully complete our “wilderness walk.”

In our latest Devotional “50 Days of Counting the Omer ~ A Repentance Devotional” we walk onward to obey Christ’s final earthly command to “go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”

50 Days of Counting the Omer ~ A Repentance Devotional” is a 50-day Devotional to guide you through the steps of the pathway to lawful living, based on the 50-days mentioned in Lev 23:16 – leading up to the Offering of New Grain to the Lord.

This Devotional was a joint effort of unity between God and His Harvest laborers, those who labor in love. Our prayer is that, after reading these devotionals, a holy fire would be lit within your soul to join the intense spiritual battle that has already been won in the Heavenlies. God is patiently waiting for His Final Century Church to march ONWARD and complete the mission. May we join the warrior cloud of witnesses found in Hebrews 11 and complete the Book of Acts in God’s Final Epic Drama.

When you have worked through this devotional, please come back and let us know your experience with the Lord. Read More

Classic Hymns

Teach Me Thy Way O LORD 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Benjamin Ramsey

Scripture: Teach me Thy way, O Lord. Psalm 86:11

Teach me Thy way, O Lord,
Teach me Thy way!
Thy guiding grace afford,
Teach me Thy way!
Help me to walk aright,
More by faith, less by sight;
Lead me with heav’nly light,
Teach me Thy way!

When I am sad at heart,
Teach me Thy way!
When earthly joys depart,
Teach me Thy way!
In hours of loneliness,
In times of dire distress,
In failure or success,
Teach me Thy way!

When doubts and fears arise,
Teach me Thy way!
When storms o’erspread the skies,
Teach me Thy way!
Shine through the cloud and rain,
Through sorrow, toil and pain;
Make Thou my pathway plain,
Teach me Thy way!

Long as my life shall last,
Teach me Thy way!
Where’er my lot be cast,
Teach me Thy way!
Until the race is run,
Until the journey’s done,
Until the crown is won,
Teach me Thy way!

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