The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Nov 10, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 


Franklin Graham Seeks Your Prayers as He Recovers from Heart Surgery for Pericarditis

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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the authorization of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11, during a speech in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building’s South Court Auditorium at the White House in Washington, November 3, 2021.
White House tells businesses to proceed with vaccine mandate despite court-ordered pause

The White House on Monday said businesses should move forward with President Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirements for private businesses, despite a federal appeals court ordering a temporary halt to the rules.

“People should not wait,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters during a briefing. “They should continue to move forward and make sure they’re getting their workplace vaccinated.”

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, considered one of the most conservative appellate courts in the country, halted the requirements Saturday pending review, writing that “the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate.”

The Republican attorneys general in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah, as well as several companies, requested the pause. They argued that the requirements exceed the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which will enforce the mandates, and amount to an unconstitutional delegation of power to the executive branch by Congress.

In its response Monday evening, the Biden administration asked the court to lift the pause, dismissing the states’ and companies’ claims of harm as “premature” given that the deadlines for vaccination and testing are not until January. The administration claimed that pausing the requirements “would likely cost dozens or even hundreds of lives per day” as the virus spreads. The Labor and Justice Departments also argued that OSHA acted within its authority as established by Congress. (CNBC) Read more. 

- Lord God, we declare righteousness over this administration.  Our law and justice applies to all citizens equally in this nation and it is high time that fact is observed with those who believe themselves above the law.  We thank You Father, for the 5th Circuit Court putting a stay on this unfounded medical/governmental overreach against we the people.  We pray for their decision to stand firm and strong and moreover, we ask for teeth and consequences for breaking the law.  May there be no opportunity for corruption to infiltrate justice, in Jesus name.

- "'And all the trees of the field shall know that I, the Lord, have brought down the high tree and exalted the low tree, dried up the green tree and made the dry tree flourish; I, the Lord, have spoken and have done it.'"  (Ezekiel 17:24) 

1. IDF Chief of Staff: 'Accelerating military plans to take care of Iran' - Israel National News

MK Ram Ben Barak (Yesh Atid) on Tuesday held a meeting of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, which he chairs.

Prior to the start of the meeting, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi said, "The IDF is accelerating its military plants to handle Iran."

"The budget which was approved allows us to deal with a variety of challenges," he added. "We have many challenges, and we will continue to act to remove the threats and respond to every hit to our sovereignty."

Later, Kochavi thanked Ben Barak and the Committee's members, saying, "We feel that we have here a deep understanding of the challenges of the hour, and the work is no less praiseworthy, thanks to your insistence on keeping the IDF national, and above all political disagreements." (Read more)  

2.  65 arrested as police take down massive gun-running network - Israel Hayom

A two-year undercover operation has resulted in the arrest of some of the most high-profile gun smugglers and illegal weapons dealers in Israel, the police announced on Tuesday.

Sixty-five suspects were arrested in raids on 25 localities across Israel, breaking up a massive gun-running network, the police said in a statement.

According to available details, some 1,600 police officers, including Border Police and special forces units, were involved in the operation, and numerous illegal weapons were seized. (Read more) 

3. New study confirms account of Hebrew prophet Isaiah - World Israel News

A new site survey and study of one of the Bible’s most significant battlegrounds has revealed new information about an epic clash between Assyrian troops and Judean forces, confirming an account of the event described by the prophet Isaiah.

Some 2,700 years ago, Assyrian King Sennacherib conquered the ancient Judean city of Lachish in an intense battle, constructing a ramp especially built to siege the town.

A detailed account of the siege is found in the Bible and with illustrated depictions of the battle were discovered in the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh. The story of Lachish’s fall has survived in both Jewish and Assyrian folklore for millennia. (Read more) 

4. Israeli Medical Delegation Arrives in Romania to Aid With Worsening COVID-19 Crisis - Algemeiner

An Israeli emergency medical delegation arrived in Romania on Sunday night to help the country contain the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Romania is going through a difficult period,” said David Saranga, Israel’s Ambassador to Romania. “The team of COVID-19 intensive care and logistics experts will share Israel’s experience in coping with the coronavirus. The delegation will be ready to go wherever is needed in Romania, to come to the aid of the medical staff and provide them with guidance.”

Israel has been among the leaders of the global COVID-19 vaccination drive, including through its rollout of a booster dose received by almost four million Israelis so far. As a result, the country has recently seen its active coronavirus cases drop to their lowest level in three months. At the end of October, Israel reported 41 percent fewer cases per day — the biggest reduction in coronavirus morbidity anywhere in the world, according to global trackers. (Read more) 

5. On Kristallnacht anniversary, Austria unveils memorial wall with 64,440 names - Times of Israel

The Austrian government inaugurated on Tuesday a $7 million Holocaust memorial monument on the anniversary of the 1938 Kristallnacht pogroms, listing the names of 64,440 Holocaust victims.

The “Shoah Wall of Names” that city and central government officials unveiled in Vienna lists the names on 160 granite slabs, and is the result of years of lobbying by commemoration activists for a major monument that reflects both the scope of the Holocaust and its individual victims.

Kurt Yakov Tutter, a Holocaust survivor of Austrian descent, initiated the idea for the monument, which in 2018 received government funding and the go-ahead to be built at Ostarrichi Park in the capital. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Obama 2.0: Like His Old Boss, Biden Blames ‘Gouging’ for High Gas Prices, Forms ‘Task Force’ Headed by AG - Brietbart

President Joe Biden is repeating President Barack Obama’s strategy from ten years ago on high gas prices: he is blaming gas companies for “gouging” and forming a “task force” headed by the U.S. Attorney General to investigate the alleged abuse.

In an interview with Cincinnati’s Local 12-WKRC on Monday, Biden responded to a question about high gas prices by saying: “I have the attorney general taking a look at whether or not these gas companies are gouging people.”

Ironically, Biden’s focus on alleged “gouging,” right down to his “task force,” repeats steps taken by Obama in 2011 and 2012. In 2011, Obama told a town hall in Reno, Nevada that he had put Attorney General Eric Holder on the job. Both administrations are appearing to use the same strategy by establishing a “task force” and appointing the Attorney General to investigate supposed “gouging.” (Read more)   

- Father God, would You cause these people to recognize how far afield they are from righteous leadership as they make such unfounded accusations and promote deceptions.  Please turn them back from leading this nation into despair and cause them to encounter You, O Holy One.  We ask for Truth to follow Joe Biden day and night until he relents.

- "'Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know My hand and My might; And they shall know that My name is the Lord.'"  (Jer. 16:21) 

2. Travis Scott’s Astroworld tragedy leaves 9-year-old boy fighting for his life after being trampled - Fox News

A 9-year-old boy is currently fighting for his life in a medically induced coma after he was reportedly trampled at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival on Friday.  

Ben Crump of Ben Crump Law as well as Alex and Bob Hilliard of Hilliard Martinez Gonzalez confirmed to Fox News on Monday that the child’s parents had retained their counsel. The lawyers noted in their statement that the 9-year-old, known by the initials EB, suffered life-threatening injuries and was placed in a coma to “combat his brain trauma.”

“The suffering that this family is going through is immeasurable. This little boy had his whole life ahead of him – a life that is currently hanging in the balance because of the reckless mismanagement that ensued at the Astroworld Festival,” Crump’s statement reads. “We ask everyone to send up the most powerful prayers they can as this family tries to grapple with the undoable damage that has been done to their son. We demand justice for EB, his family, and all of our clients that left Astroworld with trauma.” (Read more)  

- We speak healing, life, wholeness over this little boy and every single person that has been injured during this nightmare.  Jesus, You are the healer and we ask You to pour out revelation of Your Holiness and lovingkindness all over everyone in this trauma.  Would You please surround them with people of faith who will speak life and salvation to every injured soul and we bind and muzzle every power of darkness in this matter. In Jesus name.  

- "'. . . I will cut off every trace of Baal from this place, The names of the idolatrous priests with the pagan priests--Those who worship the host of heaven on the housetops; . . . Those who have turned back from following the Lord, . . . '"  (Zephaniah 1:4b, 5a, 6a)  

3. Franklin Graham undergoes heart surgery - Fox News

Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the global charity Samaritan's Purse, underwent heart surgery on Monday at the Mayo Clinic. "Franklin Graham successfully underwent a specialized heart surgery today at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota," Mark Barber, Graham's spokesman, wrote in a statement to Fox News. "In recent months, Franklin had developed constrictive pericarditis, inflammation, and hardening of the sac around the heart that compresses the heart and prevents it from working properly. The surgery involved removing the pericardium. 

"His doctors expect a full recovery and assured him that he should be able to return to his normal activity and ministry schedule," Barber added. "Mr. Graham said that he is looking forward to multiple opportunities across the globe in 2022 to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invite people to put their faith in Him. He is also eager to resume riding his motorcycle by springtime. He and his family appreciate everyone’s prayers." (Read more)   

- We thank You Lord that Franklin Graham was able to receive the very specialized surgery he needed at this time.  We pray for him to continue his calling of inviting people to come to Jesus.  We pray for him to walk in Godly wisdom regarding the seasons and the times and to have Your mind about the affairs of this earth, in Jesus name.  

- "By His stripes, we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)

4. Biden administration proposes rescinding Trump rule expanding religious exemptions - The Hill

The Biden administration on Monday announced a proposal that seeks to rescind a Trump-era rule that expanded religious exemptions for federal contractors related to anti-discrimination laws.

The rule, which has been in effect since Jan. 8, exempted federal contractors from abiding by anti-discrimination law if they “hold themselves out to the public as carrying out a religious purpose.” Before the expansion was put in place, the exemption was only available for a smaller subset of religious groups, according to Reuters.

The rule, released by the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) during the Trump administration, said it was meant to “correct any misperception that religious organizations are disfavored in government contracting by setting forth appropriate protections for their autonomy to hire employees who will further their religious missions," according to NBC News. (Read more) 

- Father, this appears to be brilliant double-speak with the goal of neutralizing religious organizations and removing hiring safeguards that further the religious mission.  We ask You Abba, to intervene in this seemingly unrighteous action.  We also ask that You would open up other and better doors that have previously been closed to religious communities and that there would be greater access in order to share the Good News.  

- "Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain!  Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the Lord is coming, For it is at hand:"  (Joel 2:1)

5. Top Fed Governor Announces Resignation, Giving Biden Another Nomination Opportunity - The Daily Caller

Federal Reserve governor Randal Quarles announced Monday he would resign from his position in December, giving President Joe Biden another opportunity to fill a seat on the central bank’s seven-member board of governors.

Quarles became known for seeking to ease restrictions on the banking system that were implemented after the 2008 financial crisis, The Washington Post reported. His role as “top banking cop” was created by the Dodd-Frank overhaul in 2010.

“After more than four years as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and given the completion last month of my term as Vice Chairman for Supervision of the Board, I intend to resign my position as a Governor of the Federal Reserve during or around the last week of December of this year,” Quarles said in his letter to Biden. (Read more)  

- Father God, we place the entity known as “The Federal Reserve” in Your hands; may its future be determined ultimately by You. Should You allow “The Fed” to remain for a time, we ask for Your choices to sit on the Board of Governors. Lord, remove any Biden appointees not approved by You. We stand in the gap and ask for Your wisdom to be imparted to the decision makers.
- "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."  (James 1:5)  
6. Large Crowd Gathers in L.A. to Protest Vaccine Mandates - Brietbart

People entering a wide variety of businesses in the city of Los Angeles had to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination starting Monday as one of the country’s strictest measures aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus took effect. The new rule covers businesses ranging from restaurants to shopping malls and theaters to nail and hair salons.

To guard against anything resembling the January carnage, the Los Angeles City Council voted 11-2 last month to approve the ordinance requiring people 12 and older to be fully vaccinated to enter indoor public spaces including sports arenas, museums, spas, indoor city facilities and other locations.

While the order took effect Monday, city officials say they won’t start enforcing it until Nov. 29 to give businesses time to adjust. A first offense will bring a warning but subsequent ones could produce fines running from $1,000 to $5,000 for businesses. (Read more)  

Abba Father, we earnestly plead with You to quickly bring the vaccine/mask mandates-nonsense to an abrupt halt, particularly with regard to our precious children. Cause the courts to recognize and uphold our freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. Bless and help those who have been abused in various ways for not having the jab. Thank You for the protocols now in place to treat the covid virus; but, above all, Father, we pray that You would remove all traces of the Wuhan virus from the earth. In Jesus name, we say, “NO!” to government control and manipulation in any form, especially through the weaponization of biological agents.
We bless those who are standing up against this demonic agenda, in Your Name, amen.

- "Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered!" (Psalm 68:1)

7. DHS streamlining process for Afghan evacuees resettling in US - The Hill

The Biden administration is waiving some fees for Afghan evacuees as they seek work permits and otherwise try to gain residency in the U.S. after a rushed evacuation from Afghanistan. The government will waive fees for both applications as well as the biometric testing required to proceed.

The move comes as some 70,000 Afghans have arrived in the U.S., many “paroled” into the country through a temporary waiving of immigration laws that allows those who would not otherwise qualify to enter the U.S. to formalize their status later.

A biometric screening is a short health examination that can help to determine the risk level of a person for certain diseases and medical conditions and help to establish a health baseline. According to the report, the Afghan refugees will also be able to apply for expedited processing for work permits or green cards. (Read more)  

-  Father, the whole Afghanistan fiasco remains heavy on our hearts. While it is perhaps a humane act to waive certain fees for Afghan refugees in our midst, we still grieve for those hundreds of U.S. citizens, plus Afghani allies, who were callously left behind and now live in hiding, hoping to preserve their lives. Forgive those who caused this situation, Father; and may we see some attempt by this administration to rectify the tragedy. We praise You for the private groups working behind the scenes to rescue our people; may they receive much wisdom plus heaven-sent resources and more angel-armies! Please weed out the terrorists and diseased laden refugees flown into our nation as well.
- "Some wandered in desert wastelands, finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."  (Psalm 107:4-9)   

 8. Ted Cruz wants Texas to secede if 'things become hopeless' in the US - The Hill

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that Texas should secede if Democrats "fundamentally" destroy the U.S. but added that "he is not ready to give up on America yet."
"If the Democrats end the filibuster, if they fundamentally destroy the country, if they pack the Supreme Court, if they make D.C. a state, if they federalize elections, if they massively expand voter fraud, there may come a point where it's hopeless," Cruz said while speaking at an event at Texas A&M last month.

The Republican senator was responding to a question posed by a student in the crowd who asked him how he felt about the Texas secessionist movement. "I think Texas has a responsibility to the country, and I'm not ready to give up on America. I love this country," he said.

He also added that Texas has an added responsibility to the U.S. as it is currently "an amazing force keeping America from going off the cliff" and "keeping America grounded in the values that built this country."
However, he emphasized that the country isn't at that point where Texas would secede and while he doesn't support the movement, he "understands the sentiment behind it." (Read more)   

- Mighty Lord, we pray that conditions in our country would not deteriorate to the point that certain states cannot stand to be in unity because of destructive and unconstitutional mandates, laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies.  Father, we pray for You to reach down with Your powerful hand to change the direction of our country back to Judeo-Christian principles of freedom and responsibility.  We look to You to depose all those in authority who are there because of fraud and demonic motivation.  Hear our prayer Oh Lord.

- "The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers."           (Isaiah 14:5)  

9. DeSantis officially kicks off reelection touting his record of 'championing the rights of parents' - Fox News

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday announced his plans to run for re-election in 2022, saying he has "delivered on all fronts" in his first term leading the Sunshine State, and telling Fox News that he's "only just begun to fight." 

DeSantis formally filed paperwork to make his re-election campaign official. DeSantis was elected in 2018, and his current term is expected to expire in January 2023. 
When I became governor, I pledged to foster economic opportunity, support K-12 education, usher in a new era for Florida’s Everglades and water resources, ensure the integrity of our elections and stand for public safety and the rule of law," DeSantis told Fox News. 

DeSantis said he has "delivered on all fronts: Florida’s economy is strong, we’ve boosted teacher pay, made historic investments in Everglades restoration and water quality, signed strong election integrity legislation, provided unparalleled support for law enforcement and appointed strong constitutionalists to our state courts." (Read more)   

- Dear Lord, we pray for the election success of Governor DeSantis and others with like mind to resist the tyranny coming out of Washington DC.  May his reelection be surrounded by the Lord's army to protect from voter fraud and voting machine tampering. We also pray for other states to elect leaders who will promote sane policies that lead to freedom and prosperity for all citizens, not lockdowns and crippling regulations.  

- "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan."  (Proverbs 29:2) 

10. Trump allies Michael Flynn, Jason Miller, John Eastman subpoenaed in Jan. 6 House probe - CNBC

The House committee investigating the deadly Capitol invasion said Monday it issued subpoenas to several high-profile allies of former President Donald Trump, including former national security advisor Michael Flynn and former campaign advisor Jason Miller.
Also subpoenaed was John Eastman, the lawyer who spoke at Trump’s rally outside the Capitol on Jan. 6 before the riot began. Eastman is the author of an infamous memo that laid out a legally dubious case for Vice President Mike Pence to reject Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory in the 2020 election.

The other Trump associates to be issued subpoenas were Bill Stepien, the Trump 2020 campaign manager; Angela McCallum, national executive assistant to that campaign; and Bernard Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner who reportedly participated in a meeting at a Washington hotel the night before the invasion, wherein Trump’s allies brainstormed efforts to overturn the election.

Miller, along with former senior Trump advisor Steve Bannon and Trump’s former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, was also reportedly involved in that Jan. 5 meeting at D.C.’s Willard hotel. (Read more) 

- We call for a stop to these endless and pointless summons to Congress and numerous investigations that have now become harassment of Trump supporters.  We decree and declare that this investigation will turn around and be forced to make public all fraud associated with this national vote of dubious integrity.  May they fall into the trap they have set for others.  In Jesus name we pray.

- "Who cause a person to be indicted by a word, and set a trap for the arbitrator at the gate, and defraud the one in the right with meaningless arguments."            (Isaiah 29:21) 
The Daily Jot

In The Name Of Public Special Interest

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, November 9, 2021

The new talking point shared by the woke leftist crowd is public interest. There’s a whole lot of public interest comments being made. It is in the public interest, for example, that the Biden Administration is backdooring a mandate through OSHA to force all Americans take a COVID shot. It’s in the public interest that the Biden Administration stop pipelines across the country to prevent phantom climate change while putting the burden of higher fuel prices on every American. It is in the public interest of Biden’s government to let corporations skirt Buy American laws, costing US jobs. Some public interest when the action only harms the public both financially and by violating Constitutional rights.

At the apex of these public interest dogmas, is the Build Back Better legislation proffered by the Biden Administration as the linchpin to American prosperity. Television commercials, paid for by us taxpayers, didn’t even meet the straight face test saying that the trillions-plus law will not cost anything—that unless you made more than $450,000, you were in the clear. What a propaganda bonanza! Everything in that bill will cost all of us. In escalating energy prices alone, gasoline, heating fuel, transportation costs, will gouge your bankroll. But the worst of it will come from the taxes on corporations and the so-called “rich.” Those tax hikes will be passed on to consumers in droves for businesses to maintain profitability. Read More

Signs & Wonders
An image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot was captured in 2020 by NASA's Juno spacecraft. Juno's latest flyby helped astronomers unlock secrets of the mysterious phenomenon.
Scientists uncover secrets of Jupiter's red spot after latest flyby
Astronomers have been aware of the planet's Great Red Spot for more than 350 years, but until now have never had this in-depth of an understanding of what's going on inside it.

A new study of Jupiter's Great Red Spot has found that the unbelievably persistent storm, which has been observed for at least 356 years, is deeper than previously thought, UPI reported.

The meteorological phenomenon, which produces wind speeds that can hit up to 400 mph, nearly 200 mph stronger than Earth's most powerful hurricanes, has been found to extend up to 310 miles below Jupiter's cloud tops.

Scientists were able to make the new discovery after analyzing data from Juno, a NASA spacecraft that has orbited the solar system's largest planet since 2016.

"We knew it lasted a long time, but we didn't know how deep or how it really worked," said Scott Bolton, the principal investigator of NASA's Juno mission and director of the space science and engineering division at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, according to CNN.

The scientists studying the data expected to find that the Great Red Spot would be relatively shallow. Instead, they were surprised to find the storm, which is shaped like a flat lens and is about 10,000 miles wide, extends beyond the depths that sunlight can penetrate. Read More

The Good News Corner
Texas Voters Protect Religious Freedom
Now Churches Can't Be Forced to Close

Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment Tuesday banning state or local authorities from prohibiting or limiting religious services, including those in churches and other places of worship.

Known as Proposition 3 on the ballot, it received 62% approval from voters. 

Supporters say the amendment was a way to reinforce religious protections guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Freedom to Worship Law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott last June. 

The Baptist Standard reports when Texas lawmakers considered the proposal to place the amendment on the ballot, the Texas Senate voted 28-2 in favor, and the state House of Representatives approved the measure 108-33.

The proposition was seen as a direct response to COVID-19 pandemic closures.  Ten Texas counties issued executive orders limiting religious gatherings at the beginning of the pandemic in March and April of 2020, according to the Standard. 

Eric McDaniel, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, told Courthouse News Service recently that the bipartisan support of the amendment was not surprising.

"Religion, especially in Texas, is very important to people and no politician wants to be seen as anti-religion," McDaniel said. "Going after religion in Texas is probably worse than going after Social Security." (CBN) Read more.  

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
Demystifying Marian Dogmas
In our continuing series on demystifying Marian Dogmas, we must wrap up Marian Dogma #5 by asking this question: “Did the Ark ‘co-redeem’ the world?” This is the basic premise in the doctrine declaring Mary as “The New Ark” and in the next to be defined Dogma #5 “Mary as Co-Redemptrix/Co-Mediatrix.”  No one would thank the vessel or the boat that saved them from drowning when the hero showed up to rescue them. Noah’s obedience in following God’s explicit building instructions (and who is himself another Christ prefiguring) helped save his family. The ark may have been a “worthy vessel,” which means “well-made,” but it was God’s design and blueprints, added to the obedience of Noah (Christ), that saved the world. The Master carpenter designs and builds the boat. He commands the vessel. 

What does the Bible say about “vessels” in the Temple: 

A large house contains not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some indeed are for honorable use, but others are for common use. So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work.
~1 Timothy 2:20-21 (Berean Study Bible, underline emphasis)
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Classic Hymns

 Peace, Perfect Peace

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Edward Bickersteth
Music: George Caldbeck

Scripture: You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.

Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round?
On Jesus’ bosom naught but calm is found.

Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away?
In Jesus’ keeping we are safe, and they.

Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?
Jesus we know, and He is on the throne.

Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours?
Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.

It is enough: earth’s struggles soon shall cease,
And Jesus call us to Heaven’s perfect peace.

Peace, perfect peace, ’mid suffering’s sharpest throes?
The sympathy of Jesus breathes repose

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