The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Nov 24, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2021
In these trying times, we pause and look up, giving thanks to the One who is in control of all, and who gave His life for our salvation. We praise the Lord, too, that in this great nation, we still enjoy the blessings of liberty and freedom.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners want to wish you and yours a most blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving holiday. Along with you, "In God We Trust." Amen.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury . Go here!  

" . . . in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."               
 (I Thessalonians 5:18)

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Happy Thanksgiving . . . 2021
Biden Orders 50 Million Barrels of Oil Released From Strategic Reserve in Bid to Cool Surging Prices

President Joe Biden on Nov. 23 ordered 50 million barrels of oil released from the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) to help cool surging energy costs and ease pain at the pump.

“American consumers are feeling the impact of elevated gas prices at the pump and in their home heating bills, and American businesses are, too, because oil supply has not kept up with demand as the global economy emerges from the pandemic,” the White House said in a Nov. 23 statement.
Crude oil prices have surged to seven-year highs, with global demand seeing a sharp rebound from pandemic lows. Republicans have blamed Biden’s policies for contributing to rising prices, including nixing the Keystone XL pipeline project and freezing new oil and gas drilling leases on federal land.

Insisting that Biden “is using every tool available to him to work to lower prices and address the lack of supply” of oil, the White House said the U.S. Department of Energy will make available 32 million barrels of crude under an exchange mechanism from all four SPR storage sites. On top of this, another 18 million barrels will be made available by accelerating the sale of crude from the SPR under a previous congressional authorization.

“As we come out of an unprecedented global economic shutdown, oil supply has not kept up with demand, forcing working families and businesses to pay the price,” U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said in a statement.

The White House said the release of the reserves was made in concert with other releases from strategic reserves by China, India, South Korea, Japan, and Great Britain.(The Epoch Times) Read more.

- Father God, we thank You that Biden has made this decision; ostensibly admitting in doing so that his oil policy has been wrong. We ask that this act of repentance
would be followed by many others, for there are many ways that Biden's policies have not been for the good of our nation. We ask in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

- "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord," (Acts 3:19)  

1. Hezbollah Smuggling Guns to Israeli Arabs for Use in Next War - Jewish Press

Israel Police say Lebanon’s Iranian proxy terror group Hezbollah is attempting to smuggle “quality weapons” to Israeli Arabs for use in a future war, according to Israel’s Channel 12 News.

The weapons are mostly destined for crime operations in the Israeli Arab community, where they would also be available to arm local Arabs for terror attacks during future violence against Jews.

There has been an exponential rise in weapons smuggling attempts through the northern border with Lebanon and the eastern border with Jordan since Israel’s mini-war in May 2021 with Hamas in Gaza, police said. During that 11-day conflict, Israel experienced some of the worst riots and violence in decades from Israeli Arabs. (Read more) 

2. Israeli proposal wins large majority at the UN - Israel National News

An Israeli-introduced resolution has passed with an overwhelming majority of 140 countries at the United Nations. In addition, a record number of over 135 countries joined as partners in the Israeli proposal.

The Israeli proposal is intended to promote access and use of advanced agricultural technologies to developing countries and to drought-stricken areas, and is based on the groundbreaking Israeli capabilities in this field.

This is a decision that promotes solutions to one of the most important and urgent issues facing the world population - food security and the fight against the effects of climate change, and illustrates Israel's tremendous contribution to the world. (Read more) 

3. Gantz exposes Iran drone bases, says Tehran tried to fly TNT into West Bank via UAV - Times of Israel

Defense Minister Benny Gantz revealed the locations of two Iranian drone bases that he said were used to conduct attacks against targets at sea in recent months.

According to Gantz, one of the sites is located in the area of Chabahar and the other is situated on Qeshm Island, just off the coast of the Iranian mainland.

“I want to stress to you that unmanned aerial vehicles are a precision weapon, which can reach strategic targets throughout the world. Most of the drone attacks that we’ve seen so far have been from southern and southeastern Iran against targets at sea,” Gantz said. (Read more) 

4. A Chinese hypersonic weapon that alarmed top US military leaders fired something off as it sped toward its target - Yahoo News

The hypersonic weapon China tested this summer, alarming US military leaders, fired something off midflight while inside the atmosphere somewhere over the South China Sea, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the intelligence.

Details about the July test have been leaking since FT first reported the test last month and said the hypersonic weapon orbited the planet before racing toward its target. FT has characterized the weapon as a kind of fractional orbital bombardment system, like what the Soviets developed during the Cold War but with a hypersonic glide vehicle rather than a traditional warhead.

Reporting that the Chinese hypersonic weapon released a projectile, possibly a missile or some form of countermeasure, in flight was confirmed by US officials who spoke with The Wall Street Journal. China has denied testing a weapon, saying that it tested reusable spaceflight technology, but US military leaders have described the test differently in public comments. (Read more) 

5. Abbas meets Putin, seeks Quartet role in peace process - Jerusalem Post

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday for talks on reviving the peace process with Israel, in the context of Russia’s support for the two-state solution.

On the eve of the talks in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, Abbas said that he would propose holding an international conference for peace in the Middle East under the auspices of the Quartet, which consists of the US, Russia, United Nations and European Union.

“We are confident that Russia will support our efforts” to hold the conference, Abbas told the Russian news agency Sputnik.

He added that he would also brief Putin on the latest developments related to Palestinian-Israeli relations, “and how to find a solution that is based on international legitimacy.’

In addition, the Abbas-Putin talks were aimed at strengthening bilateral relations. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. Trump releases statement of condolence after WI Christmas parade attack - DML News

 President Donald Trump released a statement Monday morning, in reaction to the horrific vehicle attack at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Police say five people were killed in the attack, and 48 were injured, including children.
The driver of the vehicle has been identified as Darrell Brooks, a 39-year-old man with a criminal history dating back to 1999, had just gotten out of jail on Friday on a $1,000 bond, in connection with multiple charges including reckless endangerment, battery, domestic abuse, resisting arrest and bail jumping.

The whole world is watching the tragedy which just took place in Waukesha, Wisconsin, it is devastating, horrible, and very very sick! My heart goes out to the people of this great, beautiful, and hardworking community.

We must find the answers to this terrible crime, and stop these violent and depraved acts from happening again. I am with you Waukesha, and always will be!(Read more)  
- Oh Abba, our hearts break as well, as we grieve and pray for everyone connected with this horrible tragedy.  Thank You for President Trump standing firm in the authority of his position and reaching out to this city and nation with his heart of compassion.  We truly call for a turn-around of the devastation of our law enforcement and penal system, in Jesus name.  We ask You Father to release the healing balm all over Waukesha with Your Holy Righteousness in this land.  

- ". . . the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,"  (Ephesians 3:14, 16)  

2. Your driver's license will become a vaccine passport - WND

Little by little, it’s becoming easier and more convenient to “present your papers” upon request. You’re accustomed to keeping your driver’s license with you, but states are increasingly rolling out digitized versions that “go way beyond what a driver’s license is about.”

Arizona, for instance, released a mobile driver’s license (mDL) app in March 2021, and Eric Jorgensen, director of the motor vehicle division of Arizona’s Department of Transportation, told Government Technology: “I actually hate the term ‘mDL’ because it doesn’t recognize the power of what we’re doing here … The whole concept is that we’re providing a way to remotely authenticate a person, to provide a trusted digital identity that doesn’t exist today.

"Once we provide that, we’re opening doors to enhanced government services. Also, the government can play a key role in facilitating commerce, providing a better citizen experience and providing for the security of that citizen …” (Read more) 

- Father God, we are distressed at the potential for abuse represented by the mDL.  We pray that this idea will not take traction and be implemented until those in charge can be trusted with this kind of power and tracking of individuals.  We pray that the public will not be misled by talk of trusting in this to provide "enhanced government services."  Awaken Your people as to how to best preserve our God-given freedoms.  

- "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."  (Galatians 5:1)  

3.  Metallurgist Comes Forward with the Truth About Navy Steel - Western Journalism

A metallurgist has admitted to 30 years of falsifying records of strength testing of steel for U.S. Navy submarines. Elaine Thomas of Auburn, Washington, has pleaded guilty to major fraud as a result of doctoring results of strength and toughness of steel cast by her employer, Bradken, Inc., a leading provider of castings to contractors who fabricate submarine hulls for the Navy, according to a U.S. Department of Justice news release.

Thomas, 67, was a metallurgist for a Tacoma steel foundry of Atlas Castings & Technology, which Bradken acquired in 2008, naming Thomas director of metallurgy the following year, The New York Times reported.

Bradken’s management has said they were unaware of Thomas’ falsifications until 2017, according to the Justice Department. Bradken management learned of the false tests as a result of a lab employee’s examination of Thomas’ test records. (Read more)  

- Praise You, Lord, for exposing this misuse of trust put in this woman by her company.  Please see to it that other abuses and dishonest actions are uncovered and brought to light to be corrected before disaster happens.  We now speak safety over our Navy so that these materials will not fail or cause damage because an erroneous standard was used.  Preserve Your people and hold the wicked accountable.  

- "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."  (Proverbs 14:12)  

4. Virginia School Boards Association Quits National Association, Cites ‘Persistent Pattern of Dysfunction’ - The Epoch Times

The Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) voted on Nov. 18 to end its membership with the National School Boards Association (NSBA), citing a “persistent pattern of dysfunction” within the organization.

Janet Turney-Giles and Gina Patterson, president and executive director of the VSBA, said in a memo to all school board members that the decision to end the membership, effective June 30, 2022, was “made in response to a persistent pattern of dysfunction within the NSBA organization and among those charged with its governance.”

“The VSBA board of directors no longer has faith in NSBA’s ability to effectively represent the interests of our state association and its members,” the two said in the memo.
“For several years, VSBA and many other state associations have repeatedly asked for corrective actions with governance and finances and received little to no action from NSBA that meets VSBA expectations.”  (Read more) 

- Father God, we are grateful that the VSBA has chosen to withdraw membership from the NSBA and that other states are doing the same, since the NSBA referred to some parents as terrorists. With Your help and guidance we will stand firm and not allow the government to usurp parental rights and turn our precious ones into their puppets. Lord, please guide the formation of a new agency that works with parents and seeks the best for each child. Remove educators who have been sneaking in their own agendas behind the parents’ and school boards’ backs. Heal those children’s minds, souls, and spirits with Your Truth.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it."  (Proverbs 22:6)  

5. Trump-backed Kari Lake stakes early lead in Arizona governor primary: Poll - Washington Examiner

The television personality endorsed by former President Donald Trump is leading in a fresh poll of the Republican primary for governor in Arizona, topping the only GOP candidate in the race elected to statewide office.

Former television news anchor Kari Lake garnered 28% in a poll conducted by OH Predictive Insights, an Arizona pollster, to lead the field. State Treasurer Kimberly Yee trailed in third at 6%, with former Rep. Matt Salmon registering 10%. The primary is more than eight months away, and much could change in the race. Indeed, 51% of Republicans polled said they were undecided.

But Lake jumping out to an early lead reveals the power of Trump’s endorsement with Republicans in Arizona, a state where his support with the GOP base has always been particularly strong. In the race for the Democratic nomination for governor, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs appears in command. (Read more)  

Thank you, Lord, that the candidate President Trump endorsed for AZ governor, Kari Lake, is the Republican front-runner to date in a recent poll. If she is Your choice as well, enable her to gain and maintain favor with AZ voters so that she becomes Governor Lake in the 2022 elections. Bless and protect Kari, her family and team. Impart Your wisdom and strategies for Victory!
- Daniel said, “May the name of God be blessed forever and ever, For wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the periods; He removes kings and appoints kings; He gives wisdom to wise men . . . " (Daniel 2:20-21) 
6. White House confirms Biden intends to run again in 2024 - Washington Examiner

The White House is countering rumors about President Joe Biden's political future amid concerns over his age and whether Vice President Kamala Harris is a viable successor.

Democrats and political pundits had been speculating whether Biden would campaign for reelection before he turned 79 last weekend, the oldest president in history. Voters have told pollsters they are becoming more worried about the president's physical and mental health, despite his doctor last week declaring that he is "fit for duty." Dr. Kevin O'Connor did note the frequency and severity of his "'throat clearing' and coughing during speaking engagements."

The uncertainty surrounding Biden has heightened scrutiny of Harris, his heir apparent. Psaki was also asked about Harris's role in the decision to renominate Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Harris voted against Powell's appointment as chairman in 2018. (Read more)   

- Father, we know this is not feasible, so we ask for a Godly replacement for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  May they both stand down and repent, in Jesus name and Abba, we ask You to be the Author and Finisher of our government and nation.

- "Then the Commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, 'Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you tand is holy.'  And Joshua did so."               (Joshua 5:15)  

7. Jan. 6 panel subpoenas Roger Stone, Alex Jones - The Hill

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot is subpoenaing Trump ally Roger Stone and far-right radio host Alex Jones along with others who helped plan and finance the rallies that preceded the attack on the Capitol. Stone, one of several Trump confidants to be pardoned by the former president, spoke at rallies on both Jan. 5 and Jan. 6 and reportedly used members of the far-right militia group the Oath Keepers as personal security that day.

Dustin Stockton and Jennifer Lawrence, who were leaders  in the “Stop the Steal” movement after the election, and Taylor Budowich, currently the primary political spokesperson for former President Trump and communications director for the Save America PAC, were also subpoenaed by the committee on Monday.

Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) issued the following statement on Monday:
“The Select Committee is seeking information about the rallies and subsequent march to the Capitol that escalated into a violent mob attacking the Capitol and threatening our democracy. (Read more)  

- Father, we ask You to bring this entire committee to a halt.  The January 6 incident does not compare in any way whatsoever to the over 500 violent  riots that took place across the nation in 2020.  We thank You for citizens who are willing to stand up for the Constitution and justice in this nation and we pray for truth to be shouted from the housetops and declared in the halls of Congress again.

- "'Go and speak . . . saying, "Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel:  'Behold, I will bring My words upon this city for adversity and not for good, and they shall be performed in that day before you.'"  (Jeremiah 39:16) 

 8.  Colorado Drops ‘Sex Offender’ Term Because It Has ‘Negative Impacts’ on Those Who Commit Sexual Crimes - Faith Wire

Colorado is doing away with the term “sex offender” because it’s stigmatizing to those who have committed sexual crimes. The state’s Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), tasked with controlling treatment for those convicted of sex crimes, voted 10-6 on Friday to replace the title “sex offender” with “adults who commit sexual offenses,” according to The Denver Post.

“I think this strikes a balance that honors the impact to victims and recognizes the current and ongoing impacts of sexual assault but also avoids the labeling term that has negative impacts on those who commit sex offenses,” said one board member, KCNC-TV reported.
Members of the board argued for the change, saying the state should use “person-first language.”

The decision by the SOMB comes months after state lawmakers in Colorado considered legislation that would have — among other things — done away with the term “sexually violent predator.” While that bill ultimately failed, a task force focused on sentencing reform is now asking legislators to consider replacing the terms “defendant,” “convict,” and “felon” with “justice-involved people.” (Read more )

- Lord, forgive these people who are professing themselves to be wise, but are making foolish decisions.  Show them the truth that changing the name of the perpetrator of a crime does not change the character of the criminal.  It does not change how You, in Your purity and wisdom, see them, and also how You see Your plans for the sin-free future You have for them.  Father, turn around this situation that flies in the face of good sense and minimizes the impact on the victim.  Lord, please do a work in the board tasked with overseeing those who commit these horrible crimes.  

- "Therefore I said, these are poor; they are foolish:  for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgment of their God."  (Jeremiah 5:4)    

9. Republicans warn ATF taking 'giant leap toward a federal firearm registry' - Fox News

A group of House Republicans is warning that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) could be laying the groundwork for a backdoor federal gun registry. Republican Rep. Michael Cloud of Texas led 51 of his colleagues in a letter to acting ATF Director Marvin Richardson on Monday, expressing their concern over a proposed rule by the agency that Republicans fear could eventually lead to a backdoor gun registry around Congress’ prohibition.

The recently-proposed rule essentially removes the 20-year burn date that the federal firearms licensees must abide by, requiring them to preserve firearm purchase records older than two decades.

While the preservation of records may not seem like a big deal, the federal licensees are required to submit their records to the ATF upon closing up shop – meaning every American gun owner’s record would eventually end up in the ATF’s hands. “The Biden administration is yet again ignoring the real threats against America and instead using political leverage to encroach on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens," Cloud told Fox News in a statement. (Read More) 

- Father God, we take authority over the persistent, authoritarian overreach of this government and bind it up, in Jesus name.  We ask You to cause them to repent and be removed from their positions of power.  It is clear there is ungodly, unconstitutional, unrighteous activities flowing from this administration and we rebuke it.  Thank You Father, for these Congressmembers who are watching and looking at the big picture.  Bless them and amplify their voices, in Jesus name.

- "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."  (James 4:8)   

10. The Bill That Will Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions - IFA

The U.S. House passed a massive $2 trillion spending bill Friday that will force taxpayers to pay for the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

Republican leaders temporarily delayed a vote on the legislation Thursday, but Democrats, who control the House, pushed forward Friday morning, passing the bill in a 220-213 vote, the BBC reports. . . .

Nicknamed the “Build Back Better” Act, a project of President Joe Biden, the bill would force taxpayers to pay for abortions, including elective late-term abortions, Republican leaders warned.

According to the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, the legislation even would fund abortions with taxpayer dollars in pro-life states that have opted out of abortion funding in the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. . . .

The Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer funding for abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs, and the Helms Amendment prohibits taxpayer funding for abortions in other countries. The Hyde Amendment alone has been credited with saving about 2.5 million babies’ lives. . . .

During a press conference Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed that the $2 trillion bill will force taxpayers to fund abortions. When a reporter asked Pelosi if the Hyde Amendment is in the bill, she replied: “It’s not in the bill. It’s not in the bill.” (Read more here.)

Lord God, we ask for Your divine wisdom and help as we face these heavy issues facing our nation and it's leaders. Guide us with Your Spirit. Give us Your strength.
(Prayer offered by IFA) 

The Daily Jot

The Liars And Haters Of Thanksgiving

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, November 23, 2021

Note: My grandfather 13 generations back was William Bradford, co-writer of the Mayflower Compact, inventor of the free market system, and governor of the Plymouth colony for over 30 years. I would like to share some insights of and from his writings in “Of Plymouth Plantation.”

Each year, a coalition of haters try to hijack a time of great family significance and communion with God Almighty by spinning lies about the Pilgrims and their actions when they landed in what became America. This year is no exception. Six university alumni associations—Maryland, Florida Gulf Coast, Washington State, Central Arkansas, California State, Long Beach and Hiram College—are participating in a webinar seeking a national reconsideration of the “myth” of Thanksgiving and rededicating the holiday as a “National Day of Mourning.” They want to rewrite history that the pilgrims were actually land grabbing racists wanting to destroy and persecute Native Americans. This is a lie. Here is the truth:

In the days leading up to the first “Thanksgiving” of the Pilgrims, they had dispatched a group of ten men to “explore the bay and trade with the natives.” They were guided by the English-speaking Squanto, who also served as an interpreter. When the men returned, they were very impressed with the land around the bay and wished they could have settled there instead of Cape Cod. William Bradford, wrote however, “But it seems that the Lord, Who assigns to all men the bounds of their habitations, had appointed it for another use. And thus they found the Lord to be with them in all their ways, and to bless their outgoings and incomings, for which let His holy name have the praise forever, to all posterity.” 
Read More

Catholic University painting depicting George Floyd as Jesus is 'heretical, blasphemous,' student says

A painting of George Floyd depicted as Jesus Christ displayed at a Catholic university is "heretical, blasphemous idolatry," a student told Fox News.

Blayne Clegg, a junior at the Catholic University of America, was shocked when he saw the painting hanging outside the law school’s chapel a few weeks ago.

"There's a fine line between recognizing the innate dignity and righteousness of human beings that are made in the image of God and embracing brazen, progressive politics," Clegg told Fox News.

Kelly Latimore's painting, titled "Mama," shows a mother mourning her son and evokes Michelangelo's sculpture "La Pieta," according to the school. Michelangelo's work depicts the virgin mother Mary holding Jesus Christ.

An identical painting also hangs in the campus ministry office, The Daily Signal first reported. 

Students' reactions to the painting have been "universally negative," Clegg told Fox News. "I haven't found anybody who's been able to give a serious theological justification for this kind of heretical, blasphemous idolatry."

"Jesus has been depicted as many different races, but Jesus is always depicted as nothing but Jesus, the sinless son of Almighty God," Clegg continued. "There has never, to my knowledge, been any serious, respected Catholic theologian or icon maker who has depicted Jesus Christ as another human being." (Fox News) Read more.

- Heavenly Father, we pray for those who continue to seek social justice above Your words of truth. We rebuke the idolatry of placing man's images above the one true God of the universe. Have mercy on those who seek selfish righteousness in our world today.

“You shall have no other gods before Me." - Exodus 20:3
Kansas Governor to Sign Bill That Makes Businesses Allow Broad Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

The governor of Kansas has said she intends to sign a measure that will force businesses that require COVID-19 vaccination to give broad exceptions to workers who don’t want to get the vaccine.Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, said in a one-sentence Nov. 22 statement that she will sign the legislation “when it reaches my desk.” Derek Schmidt, Kansas attorney general and a Republican, also said he would sign it if he were governor. Schmidt is challenging Kelly in the Kansas gubernatorial race.

The Republican-controlled state House of Representatives and state Senate approved House Bill 2001 earlier on Nov. 22 during a special session. The Senate vote was 24–11 and the House vote was 78–41.

The legislation (pdf) states that any employer who imposes a COVID-19 vaccine requirement must exempt workers if they submit a written waiver request stating that complying with the requirement would endanger the life or health of the waiver applicant or somebody they live with or if receiving the vaccine violates a sincerely held religious belief.

A major component of the legislation requires that workers who get laid off due to vaccination requirements be eligible for unemployment benefits.

Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson, a Republican, said the measure will “protect the rights of Kansans who are facing impending deadlines from the Biden administration that would force them to choose between their livelihood and their religious freedom or their livelihood and advice from their own physician.” (The Epoch Times) Read more.  

Biden Bill Forces Faith-Based Child Care to Affirm LGBT Ideology or Lose Federal Funding

Religious liberty watchdogs are raising concern about the child care plan within President Biden's massive "Build Back Better" plan, saying its requirements could shut out Christian and other faith-based facilities that affirm traditional, biblical doctrine.

The White House says the bill would cut "child care spending on young children by more than half" and provide "free preschool for all 3- and 4-year old children."

The controversy involves language within the House-passed bill that would require preschool and child care facilities to abide by federal nondiscrimination laws related to gender identity and sexual orientation. This means, critics say, that faith-based facilities that affirm biblical beliefs on marriage and gender would not be able to participate because they do not hold to LGBT ideology.

The Build Back Better bill would represent a change in how faith-based child care centers receive funding. Currently, they are not bound by federal nondiscrimination laws.

A poll released this summer by the Bipartisan Policy Center found that 53 percent of the child care facilities used by parents are faith-based.

The bill has sparked concern from Christian, Catholic and Jewish institutions.

Theologian and seminary president Albert Mohler says that if the bill passes, "religious institutions … would not be able to operate" in a way that's "consistent with their own beliefs, especially when it comes to the gender and sexual morality revolution."

"It may be true that there would be many Christians who would say, 'Well, this isn't about me. It's not about my interest. It's not about my religious organization or favorite institution,'" said Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. "... Just understand profoundly that if they're coming with this revolution for the Orthodox Jewish preschool, they're coming for yours as well." (Christian Headlines) Read more. 

- Lord God Almighty, we absolutely reject and rebuke this tyranny against our children, caregivers and our faith, in Jesus name.  We bind this administration's efforts to bulldoze the laws of this land in order to satisfy a very vocal but miniscule few people with an ancient agenda.  We command this homosexual poisoning of our culture to cease and desist in Jesus name and ask You Holy One to remove it as far as the east is from the west and muzzle its noise against our Christian beliefs and society.  This is enough and we will not stand idly by, but we will pray and ask You King of Kings to intervene and bring this assault to a screeching halt, in Jesus name!  Amen!

- "Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls."  (James 1:19)

A Commentary by the American Renewal Project
The Best Hope for Western Democracy
   We fully agree that the removal of prayer from public education in 1962 [Engel v. Vitale] and the Bible from public schools in 1963 [Abington School District v. Schempp] by the ultra-liberal Warren Court unmoored American culture from its Christian anchorage. The Warren Court’s [1953-1969] imposition of religious secularism as America’s official religion established thereby the State as the nation’s god since religious secularism is attached to the State rather than to God.
Take for example the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision in 2015. A 5-4 majority came up with a constitutional right to homosexual marriage as already existing in the U.S. Constitution, to next codify it into law and thus demonstrating that law has become what a majority of nine Justices any given day can agree upon.
By decoupling legislation from its Biblical base, which provided the foundation for judgement, lawmaking is now nothing more than existential relativism, meaning that “no judicial decision is ever final, that the law both follows the event [is not eternal or certain] and is made by man (is not divine or true.]”6
Due to the Warren Court’s catastrophical legacy and further bizarre decisions by other judicial radicals causing the nation to turn to other gods, America has ceased to be America. Whereas God’s loyalty and fidelity that guard the nation wholly depend on a nation seeking virtue, righteousness no longer appears to exalt this nation.
To that end, every church in America should have a pastor, elder, deacon, or congregant running for local office in 2022: school board, city council, county commissioner, parks and recreation, etc... and during each political cycle thereafter.
Calling upon Gideons and Rahabs to stand in the public square!
David Lane
American Renewal Project
To read all of David Lane's commentary, please go here. 
Signs & Wonders
NASA announces discovery of 301 new exoplanets

NASA scientists have discovered another 301 exoplanets -- those outside the solar system.

The new discoveries bring the total of validated exoplanets to 4,569 since the discovery of the first ones in the mid-1990s.

NASA said Monday that the discoveries can be attributed to a new network called ExoMiner, that leverages NASA's Supercomputer, Pleiades, and can distinguish real exoplanets from different types of impostors, or "false positives."

Deep neural networks are machine-learning methods that automatically learn a task when provided with enough data.
ExoMiner supplements people who are pros at combing through data and deciphering what is and isn't a planet. Specifically, they study the data gathered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft and K2, its follow-on mission. Read More

The Good News Corner
NFL Coach Delivers Mini-Sermon, Recites 'In Christ Alone' During Post-Game Presser: 'My Source of Hope'

Indianapolis Colts coach Frank Reich delivered a powerful, post-game mini-sermon Sunday, quoting lyrics from popular Christian song, “In Christ Alone,” reciting Scripture and encouraging those “climbing their own mountain.”

It was an effectual moment that transcended the typically rudimental confines of an NFL press conference.

“I want to give a personal account to where I found my strength for the journey,” Reich said in front of reporters. “The reason I’m doing that here and now is because, almost 30 years ago, after a really big game, right down the hall in a press conference, I shared the lyrics to a song that meant a lot to me — that really spoke to where I get my strength from.”

The coach, who spoke after the Colts beat the Buffalo Bills 41-15 during Sunday’s game, said he wanted to share in an effort to “encourage someone who’s climbing their own mountain right now.”

Reich then went on to recite lyrics from “In Christ Alone”: “In Christ alone I place my trust, and find my glory in the power of the cross. In every victory, let it be said of me, that source of strength, that source of hope, is Christ alone.”

He concluded the recitation with his favorite line, which proclaims: “I seek no greater honor than just to know Him more.” Read More

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words

Indianapolis Colts coach Frank Reich delivered a powerful, post-game mini-sermon Sunday, quoting lyrics from popular Christian song, “In Christ Alone,” reciting Scripture and encouraging those “climbing their own mountain.”

It was an effectual moment that transcended the typically rudimental confines of an NFL press conference.

“I want to give a personal account to where I found my strength for the journey,” Reich said in front of reporters. “The reason I’m doing that here and now is because, almost 30 years ago, after a really big game, right down the hall in a press conference, I shared the lyrics to a song that meant a lot to me — that really spoke to where I get my strength from.”

The coach, who spoke after the Colts beat the Buffalo Bills 41-15 during Sunday’s game, said he wanted to share in an effort to “encourage someone who’s climbing their own mountain right now.”

Reich then went on to recite lyrics from “In Christ Alone”: “In Christ alone I place my trust, and find my glory in the power of the cross. In every victory, let it be said of me, that source of strength, that source of hope, is Christ alone.”

He concluded the recitation with his favorite line, which proclaims: “I seek no greater honor than just to know Him more.” (Read more)  

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Repentance
Day #10: The 3rd Trumpet Judgment ~ The Bitter End
Judgment Trumpet #3 ~ Bitter Pill to Swallow

10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

~Revelation 8:10-11 (KJV, underline emphasis added)

Most people remember the 1986 Nuke Meltdown disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Russia. This was the worst nuclear accident in history, surpassing even the 2011 event at Fukushima in Japan. What many people may not remember is that the name "Chernobyl" translates to "wormwood" which is the name of the "star" that makes the waters "bitter" in Revelation. It comes from the Ukranian word of "mugwort" which is a species also commonly known as "wormwood."
Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

Come Ye Thankful People, Come 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Henry Alford
Music: George Elvey

Scripture: Let us come before Him with thanksgiving, and extol Him with music and song. Psalm 95:2

Come, ye thankful people, come,
Raise the song of harvest-home!
All is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter storms begin:
God our Maker doth provide
For our wants to be supplied;
Come to God’s own temple, come,
Raise the song of harvest-home!

We ourselves are God’s own field,
Fruit unto His praise to yield;
Wheat and tares together sown
Unto joy or sorrow grown.
First the blade and then the ear,
Then the full corn shall appear;
Grant, O Harvest Lord, that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be.

For the Lord our God shall come,
And shall take His harvest home;
From His field shall purge away
All that doth offend that day:
Give His angels charge at last
In the fire the tares to cast;
But the fruitful ears to store
In His garner evermore.

Then, thou Church triumphant, come,
Bring the song of harvest-home;
All are safely gathered in,
Free from sorrow, free from sin,
There, for ever purified,
In God’s garner to abide;
Come, ten thousand angels, come,
Raise the glorious harvest-home!


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