The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, March 9, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Please don't miss our new section, at the end of this Brief, "Ukraine Crisis Relief." Now we can know how we can all directly help the many who are fleeing that nation, "as we speak." THANK YOU!   
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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Behold, the former things have come to pass,
And new things I declare;
Before they spring forth I tell you of them.” 
(Isaiah 42:9)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (r) with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken
in Riga, Latvia, Mar. 7, 2022.
"World order is changing before our eyes,’    Lapid tells Blinken 

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid held a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Riga, Latvia, on Monday. The two chief diplomats of their respective nations talked about the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and ways to aid the Ukrainian people.

Lapid said they discussed the continuation of joint efforts between their countries to “stop a brutal and unnecessary war.”

“The world order is changing before our eyes,” said Lapid in a statement released after the meeting. “We are in a historic moment. In which direction will humanity go: violence, war, and a return to inter-bloc struggle, or peace, prosperity, and the ability to work together for common goals?”

Lapid stated that Israel is assisting in the mediation efforts to end the conflict, together with Germany and France. However, Israel continues to condemn the Russian invasion, he said, adding that there was no justification for violating Ukrainian sovereignty and killing innocent civilians.

“Under the leadership of Prime Minister Bennett, Israel is maintaining continuous contact with Russia and President Putin, as well as with Ukraine and President Zelensky,” he said. “We have one goal: to stop the war and prevent more suffering and victims.”

At the same time, Lapid continued, “we have vital security interests vis-a-vis Russia on our northern border, and we are committed to the safety and security of hundreds of thousands of Jews and Israelis in Russia and Ukraine.”

The security interests to which he referred have to do with the continued threat posed by the Iran-backed, Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon and the current Syrian regime, which is being supported militarily by Russia to fight the rebels in its ongoing civil war. (Read more)

- Father God, we understand from some of our own sources that there are some leaders in the Messianic movement in America who are
concerned about this news. They are not sure that Israel, indeed, has been called to stand in between Russia and Ukraine, serving as peacemakers.
Nonetheless, now that Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has found himself in this position, we ask that Your grace and Your wisdom would rest upon him, and that indeed, his efforts to bring peace to this war-torn nation, Ukraine, would succeed. We ask this in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’" (Jeremiah 33:3) 

1. Bennett: Israel gearing up for ‘significant’ wave of immigration from Ukraine - JNS

(March 6, 2022 / JNS) Israel is prepared for a “significant” wave of immigration as a result of the war in Ukraine, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday.

In his opening address to Sunday’s Cabinet meeting, Bennett said the state was currently working on scenarios involving the absorption of “varying numbers” of immigrants, which he said would be presented to the Cabinet this week.

“At such moments, when the world is facing turmoil and Jews are no longer safe where they are, everyone is reminded how important it is that there is a home for Jews wherever they are; how important it is that we have the State of Israel,” he said.

“This is a challenge for the State of Israel, but it is a challenge we have met in the past, time and again,” he added. (Read more)  

2. Bennett, Zelenskyy speak for 4th time since Bennett's visit to Moscow - Israel National News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zeley spoke by telephone today with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, in light of Israel's mediation efforts to end the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is the fourth time the two leaders have spoken since Bennett's visit to Moscow to discuss ending the war on Saturday.

Zelenskyy said on his Twitter account: "I spoke with Naftali Bennett. I thanked Israel for its mediation efforts. We discussed ways to end the war and violence."

Zelenskyy has expressed his readiness to discuss the pro-Russian provinces in the east of the country and the status of the Crimean peninsula which was annexed by Russia. In an interview with ABC he said: "I am ready for dialogue, we are not ready for surrender. We can talk and find a compromise about these territories in which we live." (Read more)  

3. Ukrainian FM Apologizes to El Al for Claiming It Accepts ‘Blood-Soaked’ Money - Algemeiner

i24 News – Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba apologized on Tuesday for accusing Israel’s El Al airline of attempting to bypass sanctions on Russia by accepting payments through the country’s Mir electronic fund transfer system.

In a tweet on Monday, Kuleba posted a screenshot of a booking page on El Al’s website showing the Mir logo along with Visa and Mastercard.

“While the world sanctions Russia for its barbaric atrocities in Ukraine, some prefer to make money soaked in Ukrainian blood,” he alleged. “Immoral and a blow to Ukrainian-Israeli relations.” (Read more) 

4. Syrian foreign minister says country ‘can respond any day’ to Israeli airstrikes - JNS

(March 7, 2022 / JNS) Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said that a reprisal by Damascus to reported Israeli airstrikes on Iranian-linked targets in his country could occur at any time, Kan News reported on Monday.

“We can respond any day; we will not forget,” Mekdad told the Lebanese pro-Hezbollah Al-Mayadeen television channel.

According to the news report, Mekdad said Syria “is able to respond” but refused to say when an attack would come. Mekdad said Syrian civilians dissatisfied with a lack of retribution “have truth in their words. We do not forget our victims.”

Earlier on Monday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the explosions that occurred in Damascus and other areas at 5 a.m. occurred when “Israeli missiles fired from the occupied Syrian Golan [Heights]” struck “posts and weapons warehouses of Iran-backed militias in the vicinity of Damascus international airport.” (Read more) 

5.  PLO renounces all agreements with Israel - World Israel News

Speaking after the recent meeting of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), its Deputy Chairman Ali Faisal clarified that there is a binding Palestinian decision to “renounce… all agreements with Israel.”

He added that from the point of view of the Palestinian leadership, the Palestinians “have entered a path of resistance in all its forms” – a term that clearly includes the use of violence and terror.

To understand the ostensible importance of this statement, it is necessary to explain what the PNC is and what authority it carries. Constitutionally, the PNC is the highest authority in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and is responsible for formulating its policies and programs. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief

1.  Biden risks whitewashing Maduro's 'crimes against humanity' in pursuit of Venezuelan oil, - Fox News

President Biden’s courting of Venezuelan oil in an attempt to end reliance on Russian imports and assuage skyrocketing gas prices at home could risk whitewashing the alleged "crimes against humanity" committed by the Venezuelan government and its closeness with Russia. 

Several senior Biden administration officials from the White House and State Department traveled to Venezuela on Saturday to meet with the government of Nicolás Maduro and discuss the possibility of easing sanctions on oil exports from the Latin American country as U.S. gas prices soared past levels not seen since 2008.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed the trip Monday, saying officials traveled to Venezuela to discuss "a range of issues, including certainly energy, energy security, but also to discuss the health and welfare of detained U.S. citizens. (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray that this administration would seek to drill everywhere feasible in the US and to start doing it now!  We pray that there would be so much pressure within the ranks of this current administration to reinstate pipeline construction and explore for more oil that they would have to do a turnaround in policy.  Oh, Lord, send defeat to the enemies of America and strengthen its reliance on You and the resources You have given us. We put the care of those US citizens detained by Maduro in Your hands and ask You to bless the Venezuelan people with the leaders of Your choosing.  

- "For all these things do the nations of the world seek after:  and your father knoweth that you have need ye have need of these things."  (Luke 12:30)  

2.  Biden to announce ban on US imports of Russian oil: source - Fox Business

President Biden is expected to announce a ban on Russian oil imports to the U.S. on Tuesday morning amid bipartisan pressure, FOX Business has learned, as Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine for a thirteenth day.

The president is set to make remarks from the White House on Tuesday morning, where he will announce "actions to continue to hold Russia accountable for its unprovoked and unjustified war on Ukraine."

As the war in Ukraine rages on, Americans are facing the surge in gas prices, and the Biden administration is facing calls from Republicans and Democrats in Congress, as well as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to ban imports of Russian oil, and increase domestic energy production. (Read more)

- Oh, Lord, we pray that this ban on Russian oil will only have the effect of pressuring Russia to cease its destruction of Ukraine and that it will not raise the price of oil in America. We come against this administration's predictions and obvious plans to make gas prices high. We come against plans to make America bow to the "green agenda" put out by those who do not love America.  

- "Also the schemes of the schemer are evil; he devises wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks justice."  (Isaiah 32:7)  

3. Secret airfield near Ukrainian border is getting 17 flights of weapons A DAY as West sends in 17,000 anti-tank missiles - Daily Mail

The Pentagon has managed to rush deliveries of munitions to assist the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion with a steady stream of flights to neighboring countries – with weapons getting into the hands of the military.

This includes landing as many as 17 planes a day in one undisclosed country near the border. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley visited an undisclosed airfield near the border where he was able to inspect the historic effort to arm Ukraine as it seeks to counter Russia's invasion, CNN reported. 

Milley visited Poland last week, the Pentagon reported in a brief readout of his trip, where he met with his Polish counterpart, then visited US troops in Lithuania. Defense officials have said while Russia continues to fire long-range artillery at Ukrainian cities and make some territorial gains in its south, it has not yet attacked supply transfers.  

This includes providing 17,000 anti-tank missiles and an additional 2,000 anti-aircraft missiles – at a time when video on the ground has showed decimated Russian trucks and armored vehicles, while Ukrainian forces report downing helicopters and other aircraft. (Read more) 

- Dear Lord, we pray that this strategy will succeed in victory for the Ukrainians and defeat for the invaders.  We thank You that our country is participating in a material way to defeat the evil that has been planned in eastern Europe. We raise up our voices in intercession for the pushing back of wickedness.  We pray for our leaders to make decisions and moves that are guided by Your wisdom only.  

- "......But wisdom brings success."  (Ecclesiastes 10:10)  

4. Homeland Security Warns Of Possible Georgia Violence As Senate Runoff Election Nears- Daily Wire
"Russia's military attack on Ukraine's cities and buildings have happened in conjunction with cyberattacks waged on Ukraine's critical infrastructure – from its banks, to departments of government," Gillibrand told reporters at NYPD headquarters in Manhattan. "And there's no guarantee that those attacks will be limited to Ukraine. Following the sanctions that the U.S. and our allies have levied on Russia, there's an increased risk that Russia will carry out retaliatory cyberattacks, particularly against New York state infrastructure and individuals."  (Read more)

Father, we thank you that we have had no recent major cyberattacks in NYC or the U.S. in general. As the threats from our enemies increase, we ask that You reveal any attempts to attack our infrastructure and the means to take them down before any damage is done. Thank You for the advanced technology, highly skilled technicians and for Your angels exposing attempted breaches. Reveal Yourself to our enemies as the Almighty Living God who can cause their computers and software to malfunction with no remedy, but Who can also save them.
- "He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success."       (Job 5:12) 

5. Trump responds with fiery letter after Barr disses him in media interview - DML News
Former President Donald Trump unleashed in a fiery letter to NBC News host Lester Holt, after news emerged last week that an interview was set to air with former Attorney General William Barr. Barr’s interview was used to promote his upcoming book, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,” about his time in the Trump administration.
That interview aired on Sunday evening, and Holt then released the letter Trump had sent him, dated March 2.
Trump’s letter begins:
Bill Barr cares more about being accepted by the corrupt Washington Media and Elite than serving the American people…. When the Radical Left Democrats threatened to hold him in contempt and even worse, to Impeach him, he became virtually worthless to Law and Order and Election Integrity. They broke him just like a trainer breaks a horse.
Despite massive amounts of evidence, with far more produced after his leaving, he refused to go after the fraud and irregularities that had so openly taken place in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was sad to watch! When he stated that there was no fraud in the Election, it was a virtual joke to anyone that knew what had actually gone on, in particular, within the Swing States. (Read more)  

- Abba, it gives us great solace to know that, in Your timing, all truth will be revealed regarding the D.C. swamp. Cause the citizens of the U.S. to desire and to discern what is true and what is false. We ask for Your presence and Your shalom to carry President Trump and for his responses to reflect You and Your ways.
- "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land."   (Psalm 37:7-9) 

6.  Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine converts to DNA inside human liver cells, new study - Just The News
The messenger RNA from Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine reportedly can enter human liver cells and be converted into DNA, contrary to what the CDC has said.
A study by Swedish scientists finds that when the vaccine's mRNA enters human liver cells it triggers a number of reactions that yield a reverse transcription that turns the mRNA into spike DNA, according to the Epoch Times. The scientists, in their study published in the journal Current Issues of Molecular Biology, state that they have found "evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro."
They write that BNT162b2 (the Pfizer vaccine), is reverse transcribed inside human liver cells as quickly as six hours after injection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the reverse transcription process is something that would not happen, The Epoch Times also reports.  (Read more) 

- Father God, we believe it is telling that the CDC refuses to comment on the findings of the Swedish study published in the CIMB Journal. Lord, we pray that You would bring down the CDC and all of its lies and deceivers, plus others complicit in this work of the devil world-wide. We especially pray that You would forgive and supernaturally heal those who have blindly accepted the “jabs”, which have likely altered their genetic makeup. Abba, we ask You especially to reverse this curse in children who have received the vaccine. Lord, upset the CDC applecart, please, and the rest of the covid-cartel!!!
- "Yet He also is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract His words, but will arise against the house of evildoers and against the help of the workers of iniquity. " (Isaiah 31:2)  

7.  Wisconsin lawmakers, lawyer promise more investigations after election integrity report - Just The News

The questions, and very likely the lawsuits, prompted by Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election are not over simply because the Gableman Report has been released.

Republican lawmakers and a lawyer for the Thomas More Society on Tuesday said they will continue to press for answers about what the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life, and election managers in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha did during the run-up to the last presidential vote.

“We are still waiting on open records requests from an election that happened in 2020,” Rep. Janel Brandtjen, R-Menomonee Falls, said Tuesday. “How are voters to have confidence when they still haven’t gotten the information?” (Read more) 

- Abba, we thank You for investigations, exposure and evidence, however, it is high time for there to be indictments and prosecutions.  We are contending for a just judicial system with just judges.  Holy One, we know that only You are true and righteous.  Nevertheless, we declare no more corruption from the bench of justice, in Jesus name.

- "A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape."  (Proverbs 19:5) 

8.  United Nations Takes Kremlin's Side, Bans Mention of Russia's 'War' or 'Invasion' of Ukraine - Townhall

After failing to do anything meaningful to prevent Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine or bombing civilians with prohibited munitions, the United Nations is now apparently trying to avoid insulting Russia by banning the use of the words "war" or "invasion" when talking about Russia's invasion and current war against Ukraine. 

It's pathetic, laughable, tragic, and entirely on brand for the useless muppets who think China belongs on the Human Rights Council and Russia should serve as the President of its Security Council — a body committed "to the maintenance of international peace and security" — at the time it violently invades another country.

The U.N. acting as speech police rather than doing anything meaningful to curtail Putin's deadly European power trip was first reported by The Irish Times as "a move to balance political sensitivities as powerful member state Russia cracks down domestically on those who use the words." (Read more)

- Holy King – we pray that the UN must be required to speak truth and not manipulate our language to once again control the narrative. We oppose this deception and foolishness.  As experience has shown, we question the value of the so-called peacekeepers because they do not keep peace.  Father, let Your hand be upon Russia and stop them in their tracks and return them to their border and boundary, in Jesus name.

- "You have plowed wickedness; You have reaped iniquity. You have eaten the fruit of lies, Because you trusted in your own way, In the multitude of your mighty men."  (Hosea 10:13)  

9. The Bill That Would Bar the Biden Admin From Stockpiling Records on American Gun Owners - Free Beacon

A bill circulating through Congress would stop the Biden administration from stockpiling records on American gun owners by altering federal law to allow firearm dealers to destroy sales records.

The bill, a copy of which was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, is a response to the Free Beacon's January report detailing how the Biden administration's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has amassed nearly one billion records detailing American citizens' firearm purchases, a figure that is far higher than Congress and the public has been aware of.

Rep. Michael Cloud (R., Texas), a chief critic of the ATF's gun database, is spearheading the legislation, which is likely to garner support from a wide range of Republican lawmakers but few Democrats in the House. The bill, dubbed the No REGISTRY Rights Act, would require the ATF to delete all existing records detailing American firearm sales. The ATF has been collecting this data for years, even though U.S. law prohibits the government from keeping a federal database on gun owners. (Read more)

- Once again Father, we have our government violating the law without any repercussions whatsoever.  How long, O Lord, must we sit and watch this wickedness run freely from the streets to the highest levels of our government, without consequences.  We pray for this bill to fly through both houses of Congress on wings of justice and be implemented promptly so that the list in existence will be destroyed and all records deleted, in Jesus name.  We are not a police state and stand for righteousness at every turn.

- "'If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  'And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.'"  (Mark 3:24-25) 

10.  Russia: Tehran, Beijing, and Moscow Aligned To Win US Concessions on Nuclear Deal - Free Beacon

Iran, Russia, and China aligned in talks over a revamped nuclear deal to force the United States and Western countries to give up significant concessions that resulted in Tehran getting "much more than it could expect," according to Russia’s lead negotiator.

"I am absolutely sincere in this regard. Iran got much more than it could expect," Mikhail Ulyanov said in a recent interview about the negotiations. "Much more. … Realistically speaking, Iran got more than frankly I expected, others expected. This is a matter of fact."

Ulyanov’s comments come as the negotiations in Vienna enter their final stage, with an announcement of a new deal expected in the coming days. Iran is certain to receive billions of dollars in cash windfalls in exchange for minimal restrictions on its nuclear program. Details of the agreement have been closely guarded for more than a year, with Republican foreign policy leaders in Congress saying they have been completely cut out of the negotiations. (Read more)

- Father God – You are our strong tower.  We ask You to protect this nation and Israel from our weak government, in Jesus name.  Let them be unable to enter into any kind of agreement anywhere.  We plead the blood of Jesus over this earth and ask You to obstruct and destroy every nuclear plan of Iran and dismantle every nuke in Russia, China and all other places. For Your glory!

- "The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low; The Lord alone will be exalted in that day,"  (Isaiah 2:17) 

The Daily Jot

In Comes Russia Out Goes COVID And Tyranny Grows

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 8, 2022

In the months leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, military sources were telling The Daily Jot that there not only would be a Russian invasion, but also it would be used to supplant COVID as the emergency crisis facing America and the rest of the world. They also were concerned that the invasion would prompt Joe Biden to force all military irrespective of medical or religious objections to take the COVID jab. Additionally, they predicted that when the invasion occurred, everything COVID would fade into the background. The premise is that these globalist politicians use crisis after crisis to rachet down personal freedom and Constitutionally guaranteed rights. This has been an ongoing pattern.

Other than television commercials promoting the COVID “vaccine” and boosters for everybody all the time, the government and corporate media have turned their attention to the Russian invasion. Gone are the mask mandates, the shot mandates, the lockdowns, the limits on businesses and restaurants that tightened the grip of government at all levels against personal liberties. On to the next tyranny as all the puppets rush to the Russian narrative. In the process, personal liberties are being threatened in yet another way. Inflation is at a 40-year high, reflecting the aftermath of yet another failed Democratic Party president, Jimmy Carter, whose Russian grain embargo and energy policies robbed Americans of their economic freedoms, financial security and property. And to what end? Read More

Signs & Wonders
NASA starts building Europa Clipper to investigate icy,
ocean moon of Jupiter
NASA has begun assembly on the Europa Clipper spacecraft, aiming to probe the surface of Jupiter moon Europa beginning in 2030.

ORLANDO, Fla., March 3 (UPI) -- NASA has started to assemble the Europa Clipper spacecraft that will probe the icy, scarred surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa, starting in 2030.

The agency has been designing and building 10 instruments for the $4.5 billion mission since 2016, and technicians are assembling the parts at NASA's California-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA announced Thursday.

NASA has tapped SpaceX to launch Europa Clipper from Florida in 2024 aboard the most powerful operational rocket today, the Falcon Heavy.

Ultimately, scientists want to explore whether Jupiter's fourth-largest moon has conditions to support life in its deep oceans, he said.

"It has a complement of 10 highly capable instruments with the overall goal of understanding the potential habitability of Europa," Pappalardo said. "Europa Clipper has the largest number of instruments and coordinated investigations of any mission going to the outer solar system."

Imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope showed icy plumes erupting from Europa's surface, indicating water below the ice that may be heated by Jupiter's extreme gravity. Read More

The Good News Corner
'This warms the heart.' Ukrainian refugees gifted empty strollers at Polish train station

Polish mothers and volunteer groups have supplied a basic necessity for Ukrainian mothers with children fleeing Russia's assault: strollers.

A picture of empty strollers lined on a train platform at Przemyśl train station Thursday, waiting for families who've fled with only the basics, went viral on social media.

More than 1.7 million Ukrainian refugees caught in the Russia-Ukraine War have been forced to seek asylum in neighboring countries, with a majority entering Poland.

Mothers and daughters were forced to separate from fathers, brothers and other male family members due to the Ukrainian government's moratorium on allowing men ages 18-60 to leave the country.

They've come into Poland and other nearby countries in waves to escape shelling by Russian troops targeting civilian areas of several Ukrainian cities. The journeys often last several days.

Residents of Vyšné, Slovakia near the Ukrainian border had the same idea. Malavolta also captured the images of strollers at a Slovakia entry point and posted it to his Facebook and Instagram page

"After the Przemyśl railway station in Poland, also on the border between Slovakia and Ukraine, passengers are brought for those mothers forced to flee Ukraine with their babies," Malavolta wrote in a caption.

Both pictures of the generous donations quickly went viral on social media. In some instances, the strollers have been outfitted with children's supplies, such as blankets, Fox News reported Monday. (Yahoo News)  Read more here.

Ukraine Crisis Relief
Well VersedWorld Prayer Network and CHPP are committed to helping the people of Ukraine through (2) ministries: The Jewish Agency for Israel and City of Desitiny Church Food Relief ministries. Your donation to Well Versed will go to either ministry you select. Together we can support the people of Ukraine during this crisis. DONATE NOW
Classic Hymns

Amazing Grace 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: John Newton
Music: Virginia Harmony


^insert lyrics here
Joy to the world; the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her king:
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.

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