The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - March 31, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, March 31, 2022
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here
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The Daily Brief
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(Psalm 113:2)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
A Navy member gets a COVID-19 vaccine on Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, Va. 
Judge Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Entire Navy

The U.S. military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate has been blocked for all Navy members seeking religious exemptions.

preliminary injunction that previously covered 35 Navy SEALs now covers some 4,000 others.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush appointee who entered the original ruling in January, agreed to expand it in part because all members who have applied for religious exemptions “have all been harmed in essentially the same way.”

“Each is subject to the Navy’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Each has submitted her religious accommodation request, and none has received accommodation. Without relief, each servicemember faces the threat of discharge and the consequences that accompany it. Even though their personal circumstances may factually differ in small ways, the threat is the same—get the jab or lose your job,” he said in a 27-page order.

The Supreme Court recently sided with the Pentagon in the case, ruling that Navy commanders can consider a members’ vaccination status when deciding on deployment.

The new ruling means “anyone in the U.S. Navy whose religious accommodation from the vaccine mandate was denied is now protected from any sort of punishment or involuntary separation, things like that,” said Mike Berry, a lawyer with First Liberty Institute, which represents the plaintiffs in the case.

. . . The Navy has kicked out 630 members so far for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine. (Epoch Times) Read more here.
- Father God, we shout a LOUD "Hallelujah" at this news and we thank You that the rights of these Navy Seals have been vindicated. Thank You, Lord Jesus, thank you!

“’The LORD has vindicated us; come, let us tell in Zion what the LORD our God has done.’ (Jeremiah 51:10)

1. Bennett Tells Israeli Citizens ‘It’s Time to Carry the Gun’ - Jewish Press

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday night called on all Israeli citizens who are licensed to carry a weapon, to do so.

The statement followed a series of three deadly terror attacks — in Be’er Sheva, Hadera and Bnei Brak — within a seven-day period, the most recent taking place Tuesday night.

Police officers were among the victims in two of the attacks. (Read more)  

2. Bennett addresses public after attack: May violence was harbinger of things to come - Times of Israel

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has issued a video statement, addressing the public directly after tonight’s terror attack in Bnei Brak.

“We are facing a new wave of terror. What we saw during Operation Guardian of the Walls… was a harbinger of things to come,” he says, referencing the violence between Jews and Arabs in the so-called mixed cities during last May’s Gaza war.

Notably, he does not refer to the terror wave as an “Arab terror wave” as he did in his previous statement issued immediately after the attack. (Read more) 

3. King Abdullah, Herzog to discuss regional stability in 'historic' visit to Jordan - Israel Hayom

Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with King Abdullah II of Jordan in Amman on Tuesday to discuss various security challenges facing the countries and the region, a day before President Isaac Herzog was to hold an official visit to the kingdom

According to a tweet published by Gantz, the minister discussed the measures Israel was undertaking in order to ensure freedom of worship in Jerusalem and highlighted the need to continue security coordination and promote steps to improve the lives of Palestinians while addressing Israel's security concerns.

Gantz and the king met at his palace and discussed the recent terrorist attacks in Israel, perpetrated by Islamic State sympathizers. Gantz blessed the Muslims with the traditional Ramadan Kareem ("Generous Ramadan") ahead of the Holy Month of Ramadan, during which many fast during the day for an entire month. (Read more)  

4. 'Israel is facing an armed revolt from the Arab sector' - Israel National News

IDF Brigadier General (Res.) and former minister Effi Eitam warned Tuesday that the recent spate of terror attacks perpetrated by Israeli Arabs marks the beginning of a violent uprising by Israel’s Arab sector.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal Tuesday morning, the former chief of the National Religious Party – the forerunner of the Jewish Home party – said that the spike in violent terror attacks carried out by Arabs with Israeli citizenship is a symptom of a larger problem in the Arab sector.

“We need to tell ourselves the truth: We are in the midst of an Arab revolt, an Islamic-nationalist revolt against the idea of Israel as the state of the Jewish people. They hold [Israeli] citizenship and have equal rights in everything, but they are separatists.”  (Read more) 

5. Israel reportedly working on air defense pact with regional allies - Times of Israel

Israel and its regional allies are working on developing a joint defense system to protect against the threat of Iranian drones and missiles, according to Tuesday reports.

Jerusalem may soon sign the prospective alliance with its Middle East partners, and the countries have also recently developed joint systems for detecting missile and drone threats, Hebrew media reported, following an off-record briefing with Israeli Air Force officials.

Officials also pulled the curtain back on some aspects of Israel’s shadowy air campaign in Syria and Damascus’ attempts to thwart the strikes, during the briefing. (Read more)   

The Daily Brief
1. FEC fines DNC and Clinton for Trump dossier hoax - Washington Examiner
The Federal Election Commission has fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about the funding of the infamous, and discredited, Russian “dossier” used in a smear attempt against Donald Trump weeks before he shocked the world with his 2016 presidential victory.
The election agency said that Clinton and the DNC violated strict rules on describing expenditures of payments funneled to the opposition research firm Fusion GPS through their law firm. A combined $1,024,407.97 was paid by the treasurers of the DNC and Clinton campaign to law firm Perkins Coie for Fusion GPS’s information, and the party and campaign hid the reason, claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research.
Instead, the DNC’s $849,407.97 and the Clinton campaign’s $175,000 covered Fusion GPS’s opposition research on the dossier, a basis for the so-called “Russia hoax” that dogged Trump’s first term.
The memo said that the Clinton campaign and DNC argued that they were correct in describing their payment as for “legal advice and services” because it was Perkins Coie that hired Fusion GPS. But the agency said the law is clear and was violated. (Read more)

- Lord God we thank you that these crimes are coming to light! We pray over this situation and ask for full restoration on all that was stolen and that Justice would be served. In Jesus name, amen.
- “For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality.” (Colossians 3:25) 

2. Trump Doctrine 2.0: Former president lays out plan to reverse Biden agenda - Just The News
Former President Donald Trump is laying out a 2.0 vision on how he would make America great again, again, offering Just the News his plan for defeating Joe Biden and the Democrats and reversing soaring inflation and gas prices, high crime, surging illegal immigration and global instability.
“When I watch to see what's happening, it's very, very sad. I mean, our country is being destroyed by these people,” Trump said. "The border is a disaster. We are no longer respected. They don't respect our leader at all. They don't respect Biden at all.
"It's so sad to see what's happened to our great USA. But we can come back. I think these midterms are vital, just vital," he said.
"We don't have a free press. We really don't have free speech anymore. It's very bad, very dangerous. These elections are going to be absolutely critical for this country," he added.
Trump said he is growing more confident that Republicans can take back the House in the fall elections, but he considers the GOP's chances in the Senate tougher under Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. (Read more)
- Lord God we thank you for this brave and bold man who showed us how a country can be run for the people and by the people. We continue to pray for his and his family's protection against all harm and all evil. We pray for all the people that he’s endorsed for the elections this November that they are all righteous people who will put you first and strive to please you instead of man. We declare your will be done this November in the mighty name of Jesus!
- “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

3. Matt Gaetz enters Hunter Biden laptop into congressional record - MSN
In a blow to the Biden family, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) successfully entered content from Hunter Biden’s laptop into the congressional record.
The move followed a heated exchange between Gaetz and Bryan Vorndran, assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division, who informed the congressman that he had no information about the status of the copy of the laptop hard drive the FBI has had in its possession since 2019 as the president's son faces a federal investigation into his financial and foreign business affairs.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler initially rebuffed Gaetz's request but ultimately capitulated after the Florida congressman pressed further and claimed he had a “consultation with majority staff.” Gaetz highlighted the exchange on Twitter and called for someone to "subpoena Hunter Biden." (Read more)
- Lord God, we are tired of hearing about all of the crimes and injustices that have been committed by America’s leaders with no repercussions. We don’t want just talk anymore but we pray for action to be done by those who have the power to bring judgment on this situation. We declare all that was wrong would be made right in the name of Jesus.
- "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."     (James 4:17)

4. CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit for Trump Loss - Epoch Times
One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election away from former President Donald Trump.
“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump,” John Sipher, who served for decades as a senior operations officer at the CIA, wrote in a recent post on Twitter. “I lost the election for Trump? Well then I [feel] pretty good about my influence.”
Sipher and 50 other former U.S. intelligence officials signed the letter on Oct. 19, 2020, alleging that the effort to distribute its contents “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” despite not knowing whether the laptop was legitimate.
The letter was at the core of a story from Politico that claimed the New York Post story about the laptop was “Russian disinformation.”
The Post was the first to report about emails on the laptop, which was dropped off at a computer repair store and never picked up by then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, according to the store’s owner. (Read more)
- Lord God, we hand this case over to you. We let all the anger and frustration go and give it all to you. And now we ask you for Justice. We ask for righteousness to be done in the name of Jesus Christ. We declare that we have the victory and that Justice shall be served in Jesus name!
- “Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly.” (Genesis 18:25)

5. Fauci says not 'going to be able to determine’ if lockdowns were worth it - Washington Examiner
As President Joe Biden prepares to address the status of America's fight against COVID-19 Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci has said it is difficult to say if the extensive measures, including lockdowns, taken to prevent transmission of the coronavirus were worth it.
“I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to determine what the right balance is,” Fauci said. “I think the restrictions, if you want to use that word, which I tend to shy away from, lockdowns, they certainly prevented a lot of infections, prevented a lot of hospitalizations, and prevented a lot of deaths. There's no doubt about that.”
When speaking with the BBC’s Sophie Raworth on Sunday, the White House chief medical adviser said it is difficult to balance the negative impacts with the positive outcomes. (Read more)
- Lord God, these comments are an absolute tragedy due to the fear, division, death, and complete destruction this man’s actions have caused. We declare that evil will not go unpunished and that vengeance is yours and that every person who participated in these heinous acts will have to answer to the Judge of all judges one day.

- “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

6. Fully vaccinated ship docks in San Francisco with multiple COVID cases aboard - ABC News

A Princess Cruises ship arrived in California Sunday with multiple passengers and crew members aboard who tested positive for COVID-19. The company's ship, the Ruby Princess, docked in San Francisco after a 15-day Panama Canal cruise.

The cruise sailed from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Cartagena, Columbia; Puerto Amador and Puntarenas, Panama; and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, before arriving in San Francisco, a spokesperson for Princess Cruises told ABC News.

Everybody aboard the ship was fully vaccinated and had to provide proof of a negative COVID test before boarding. The spokesperson would not disclose how many guests and staff tested positive but said all the cases were either mild or asymptomatic. (Read more)

- Lord God we just pray over this situation that everybody who reads it would have eyes to see and ears to hear that what we have been told to do for the past two years has been nothing but deception. We pray Lord God that people all over the world are waking up to this realization that we have been lied to and will no longer go with the efforts of those that are controlled by a communistic spirit. We pray that all who have fallen ill on this ship would be healed, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1)  

7. Three Republicans Defect To Advance Biden Nominee Accused of Lying About Iran Deal - Free Beacon
Three Senate Republicans shattered party unity to advance the nomination of a State Department nominee who has been accused of lying to Congress about the terms of a new nuclear agreement with Iran.
On Tuesday, the nomination of Barbara Leaf, a veteran Democratic foreign policy hand who was nominated last year to serve as assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, was approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after three Republicans—Sens. Mitt Romney (Utah), Rand Paul (Ky.), and Rob Portman (Ohio)—abandoned their party to help Democrats push the nomination to the finish line. Leaf's nomination will come to a full vote in the Senate and will likely be approved if these Republicans abandon their colleagues to vote in her favor.
Leaf has seen her nomination blocked from a vote for nearly a year by Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), who maintains that during her confirmation hearing last year in the Senate she provided inadequate or false answers about the Biden administration's policies on Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and peace agreements between Israel and its neighbors. (Read more)
- Father God we pray that those who have abandoned their post, their values, and what we stand for as a country would be removed in the mighty name of Jesus. We declare that only those who are loyal to you, to the Constitution, and to the constituents that they serve would get into these leadership and service positions. And then we pray Lord God that once they are there that they would be bold and firm in their decision making saying no to bribes and saying no to evil in Jesus name.
- “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” (Proverbs 10:9)  

 8. Only 4 Percent of Christian Parents Have a Biblical Worldview, Poll Finds - Christian headlines

Less than five percent of American parents who claim to be Christian possess a biblical worldview, new research out of Arizona Christian University found. The research also shows most parents today hold to a "syncretistic" belief system that blends multiple worldviews.

The study, released Tuesday by the university's Cultural Research Center, found that only 2 percent of all parents of pre-teens in the United States possess a biblical worldview. And although two-thirds of those parents are self-identified Christians, only 4 percent of that group holds to a biblical worldview. The research involved interviews with parents of children under the age of 13. It was part of the center's American Worldview Inventory for 2022.

"Every parent teaches what they know and models what they believe," said George Barna, director of research at the Cultural Research Center. "They can only give what they have, and what they have to give reflects their driving beliefs about life and spirituality. Parents are not the only agents of influence on their children's worldview, but they remain both a primary influence and a gatekeeper to other influences." (Read more)

- Lord God, we recognize the need for dedicated prayer not just for renewal of our government, media, schools, and families but also for a purification of our communities of faith, that they all might be brought back to knowing, embracing, professing, and living God’s principles. And then discipling our families, our neighbors and our communities in these truths because that is truly how a nation is changed. Amen.

- “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

9. Leaked videos show Disney officials pushing LGBT agenda, saying DeSantis wants to 'erase' gay kids - Fox Business
Videos posted on Twitter Tuesday by an investigative journalist appear to show multiple Disney officials pushing a progressive LGBT agenda on employees as the company finds itself in the middle of a political firestorm surrounding the parental rights bill, HB 1557, in Florida
Rufo shared clips from the leaked virtual meeting, along with the following commentary for each: “I’ve obtained video from inside Disney’s all-hands meeting about the Florida parental rights bill, in which executive producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.”
Disney diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware says the company has eliminated all mentions of “ladies,” “gentlemen,” “boys,” and “girls” in its theme parks in order to create “that magical moment” for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles.
Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, “as the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child,” she supports having “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories” and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.. (Read more) 
- Lord God we just pray for increased discernment for parents and especially Christian families all over the world when it comes to the music they allow their children to listen to and the television shows and movies that they allow their children to watch. We pray that you would encourage families to be proactive to do research on what these organizations stand for and what exactly they are pushing on our children so that we can properly raise them up to fulfill their purpose and their plan that you have established for them before they were born. In Jesus name. Amen.
- “You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.” (Deuteronomy 11:19) 

10. Suspected arms depot in western Russia is destroyed 'by Ukrainian missile' - The Daily Mail
Footage has emerged of a huge explosion in Belgorod, western Russia, at the site of a suspected arms depot which is believed to have been hit by a Ukrainian missile. The blast, which took place a mere 12 miles from the Russian-Ukrainian border near the village of Krasniy Oktyabr just outside the city of Belgorod, triggered a series of firework-like explosions which could be seen from Ukraine tonight.
Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov claimed that the depot was destroyed by an OTR-21 Tochka-U ballistic missile fired by the Ukrainian 19th missile brigade, though this has not yet been confirmed by Ukrainian officials.
If the missile strike is confirmed by Ukraine's armed forces, it will be just the second Ukrainian strike on Russian territory since the start of the war after the Millerovo airbase was attacked in late February. (Read more)
- Lord God, we continue to lift the Ukrainian people up in prayer, especially the Christians in Ukraine and declare that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. We cover all of the peace talks in the precious blood of Jesus that the leaders in Ukraine and in Russia would yield to your voice and your Spirit rather than the antichrist. And we just say your will would be done in this situation in Jesus' name, amen.
- “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:16)   

The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Lies And Censorship

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 30, 2022

The extreme left (translated Democratic Party) is batting zero percent on big ticket claims against those with whom it disagrees. In fact, on just about every issue of corruption accusations and misinformation assertions by the Democratic Party and their lapdog legacy media, they have been proven wrong. Not only are they wrong, in many cases members of the accusing class were doing exactly or worse than what they accused. Taking inventory—Russian corruption charges against President Trump were found baseless, yet his opponent Hillary Clinton, her husband and her campaign chairman were milking millions from Russian pay to play schemes through their Clinton Foundation. There’s more.

Joe Biden bragged about holding up Ukraine defense funds until an investigation of his son, Hunter, was dropped by the Ukraine government. Donald Trump was falsely brought up on impeachment charges for asking for information on Hunter’s corruption in Ukraine. Then there is the tip of the iceberg of corruption being played out with Hunter’s laptop, which the news media claimed was a hoax, but now is proven to be true. At the time the New York Post broke the story, every legacy media outlet of note condemned the story as a Russian misinformation campaign. As it turns out, it was a misinformation campaign conducted by the Democratic Party and corporate media to suppress the truth. These are the things that swayed the election in favor of Biden. But wait, the election. Read More

The miracle that prevented a terror attack from evolving into mass casualty attack
The deadly terror attack on Sunday that took the lives of two Israeli police officers and wounded four others in Hadera was supposed to be much worse according to the Israeli police. The reason an armed terrorist duo managed to kill only two police officers in a heavily populated area was due to the quick reaction and sound mind of nearby security forces.

But the fact that the security forces happened to be sitting in a restaurant several feet away from where the deadly attack took place is being hailed by many in Israel as nothing short of a miracle from God.

“We just sat down at a restaurant and we heard gunshots,” the officer who killed the terrroists said in an interview with Channel 12 News. “Without thinking twice, we ran in the direction of the gunfire, and at some point, when we crossed the street, the shots were fired at a higher frequency.”

He then recalled that bystanders yelled “terrorists! terrorists!” He went on to explain that once he isolated the source, he closed in and at about 20 meters, shot and killed the perpetrators.

“Thank God, I’m ok”

The officer was wounded in his arm and leg but “thank God” he is ok.

One of Israel’s most popular social media influencers, Hatzel (the shadow) challenged his audience to consider how miraculous the context of the event truly was. On Monday, he posted to Facebook: “What are the chances that in the exact location of the terror attack, the deputy commander of the Yamas (Israeli SWAT team) and his forces also happened to be where they were eating at that moment? Do you still not believe in divine intervention?”

“Thank you to the modern-day Maccabees, the (Yamas) undercover unit, who sacrifice their lives for our sake and yesterday engaged under fire and killed the two terrorists preventing a much bigger tragedy.”

In an interview with Ynet,  the Yasam troop who killed the terrorist said that “destiny” sent him to the location of the attack before it happened. The attack was meant to be a much larger mass casualty attack, according to police. Below is an image of the other weapons in possession of the terrorists.

In the attack, two border police officers were killed, three other officers were wounded before members of the same police force killed the terrorists.

An exchange of fire

The two terrorists, who come from the adjacent Arab city of Uhm El-Fahm, randomly shot at passerbyers in Hadera when the Israeli police forces confronted them. It was then that an exchange of fire took place, which killed Border Police officers Yazan Fallah, 19, from the village Kasra-Samia, and Shirel Aboukaret, 19, from Netanya along with the two terrorists.

Ironically, the brother of one of the terrorists serves in the Israeli police.

Following the attack, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir confronted Interior Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev, who oversees the Israeli police calling him a “failure” and a “shame.”

This month, this is the second terror attack carried out by an Israeli Arab. Last week, Israel365 News reported that an Israeli Arab murdered three women and one man in a terrorist attack in Beer Sheva. (Israel365News) Read more.  

- Father God, not only do we praise You for this act of divine intervention, but we praise You, too, that the citizens of Israel have recognized that Your Hand was at work to protect their lives. Amen.

- "Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The Lord." (Jeremiah 16:21)  
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey                       Idaho Gov. Brad Little 
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signs 15-week abortion ban into law

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey on Wednesday signed legislation that prohibits abortion past 15 weeks in a pregnancy.

Driving the news: The legislation, which cleared the Arizona House last week, only provides exceptions for medical emergencies, including those that could result in the pregnant person's death. It does not provide exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

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  • Physicians who perform an abortion in violation of the legislation are subject to class 6 felony charge and if convicted, will have their license suspended or revoked, according to Ducey's office.

The big picture: The Arizona bill comes as the Supreme Court reviews a similar ban in Mississippi that prohibits abortions after the 15th week of a pregnancy.

  • A number of other states, including Texas and Idaho, have also recently passed restrictive abortion laws.

  • "Many states are taking similar action to protect life," Ducey tweeted after signing the legislation. "We hope that the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold a similar Mississippi law in the coming weeks." (Yahoo News) Read more

Idaho Governor Signs 6-Week Abortion Ban Modeled after Texas Law

The new law makes Idaho the first state to enact legislation styled after the Texas Heartbeat Act.

(Boise, ID) — [] Idaho Gov. Brad Little on Wednesday signed a law that bans abortion at around six weeks of pregnancy and tasks relatives of preborn babies, rather than government officials, with enforcing the law by suing abortion providers. (Screengrab image)

The law, styled after similar legislation in Texas, prohibits abortion when a fetal heartbeat can be detected. It bars state enforcement, but allows the mother or other family members of an aborted preborn child, including the father or grandparents, to bring civil action against medical practitioners who committed the abortion.

Unless halted by legal challenges, the measure takes effect in 30 days.

"I stand in solidarity with all Idahoans who seek to protect the lives of preborn babies," Gov. Little said Wednesday, adding that he thinks past Supreme Court decisions in favor of abortion were "incorrectly decided." (Read more here)  

- Glory!  Glory!  Life and protecting it is catching fire in our states!  Praise be to God!  Jesus, please guard and protect these laws in each state; as they are implemented, let them be powerful and secure.  Do not permit the adversary to oppose or neutralize these pieces of legislation that are intentionally written to protect the lives of unborn babies and even their families also.  We pray for life to be protected powerfully across this nation, all the way up to the Supreme Court, in Jesus name.

- "'I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land.  Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,' says the Lord." (Ezekiel 37:14) 
Rep. Clyde, House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Block Future OSHA Vaccine Mandates

Republican Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde introduced legislation Wednesday that would block the federal government from imposing vaccine mandates on American workers ever again.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the legislation which was spearheaded by Clyde and has 30 cosponsors. The bill is titled the Reversing Every Vaccine Emergency Requirement and Stopping Employee (REVERSE) OSHA Mandates Act. It would specifically ensure the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have the authority to require employees to take a drug or vaccine.

The bill would prevent future medical mandates from affecting Americans’ ability to earn a living by putting in place the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the OSHA vaccine-or-test rule. The Supreme Court blocked President Joe Biden’s vaccine-or-testing rule for private businesses with 100+ employees in January but ruled to reinstate the administration’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

“After witnessing the Biden Administration’s frightening government overreach and draconian COVID-related rules, Congress has the authority — and the responsibility – to block any future attempts by the Executive Branch to subject the American people to unlawful medical mandates. Forcing workers out of a job if they refuse to take a jab is a wholly unconstitutional power grab that violates Americans’ freedoms, exacerbates labor shortages, and intensifies the supply chain crisis,” Clyde told the Daily Caller before introducing the bill. (Daily Caller) Read more here. 

- Father God, we praise You for this action by Rep. Andrew Clyde! We agree that, no matter what, there must be NO MORE VACCINE MANDATES required of the American public in the workplace, period! The evidence has proven that these vaccines are useless, if not dangerous, and should be rejected by every American citizen for their own safety! We thank You for this member of Congress and we ask that Your hand of protection would rest upon him and his family, and that this bill would be passed in both the House and the Senate and be signed into law by the president. In Your name, we offer this prayer, amen and amen!

- "The wicked flee when no one pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a lion."
(Proverbs 28:1)  
AOC, Other Democrats Call on Clarence Thomas to Resign in Wake of Wife's Texts
AOC, Other Democrats Call on Clarence Thomas to Resign in Wake of Wife's Texts

At least five House Democrats have called on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign or face impeachment in light of archived text messages showing that his wife wanted the 2020 election results to be overturned.

Text messages from January 2020 between Ginni Thomas and then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows show her advocating for Congress to name Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 election.

“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! ...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History,” Ginni Thomas wrote.

According to the Washington Post, the texts were part of more than 2,000 texts that Meadows released to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Meadows served in the Trump White House.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week said Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from cases involving the 2020 election or the Jan. 6 attack. U.S. Rep. Jerry Nadler (N.Y.), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said he’s “very concerned” about the texts. “It’s much too early to talk about either one of those,” he told Politico, referencing impeachment and censuring. “I think we have to wait and see what the Jan. 6 committee finds.”

Other Democrats, though, have gone further.

“Clarence Thomas should resign,” U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) tweeted. “If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.”

U.S. Reps. Nydia Velazquez (NY) and Hank Johnson (GA) also called on Thomas to resign.

Author and legal expert David French defended Clarence Thomas, saying his “work stands on its own.1. The Ginni Thomas texts were REALLY bad. 2. Justice Thomas’s work is intellectually rigorous and bears no resemblance to his wife’s conspiracies,” French tweeted before adding, “3. He should recuse himself from any case that could involve his wife’s correspondence or activities.” (Christian Headlines)  

- We stand in the gap on behalf of Mrs. Thomas against the threats being made by Representative Ocasio-Cortez.  We bind all accusations and aggression against Supreme Court Justice Thomas and his wife, in the name of Jesus.  We loose truth and integrity upon those who would bring contempt and pray for God's light to shine through this firestorm.  

- "Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, And the strength of salvation; . . . "  (Isaiah 33:6a)

Signs & Wonders
Avalanche strands Alaska town behind 80-foot-tall
barricade of snow

It has been nearly a week since a massive avalanche near Eagle River, Alaska, cut off dozens of families from access to the outside world. And the danger is not over yet.

The avalanche occurred just before midnight on March 24 along the outskirts of Eagle River, located about 10 miles northeast of Anchorage. Hiland Road, which is the only way in and out of one community of around 100 homes, was buried by as much as 80 feet of snow in a matter of minutes, Reuters reported.

"The size of this avalanche is massive," Anchorage Municipal Manager Amy Demboski said. "It has been described by avalanche experts as a once-in-a-hundred-year event."

While no injuries have been reported, officials were worried that another avalanche could occur at any time, endangering lives and property.

On Sunday, Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson issued an emergency disaster declaration for the area near the slide, citing "a grave and immediate threat to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens," according to Reuters.

"Due to the potential danger posed by the remaining snowpack on the mountain, mitigation efforts cannot commence until residents have evacuated the area," the declaration said. Bronson warned that another uncontrolled avalanche could result in the loss of lives.
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The Good News Corner
Israeli Field Hospital Provides ‘Hope Without Boundaries’ in Western Ukraine
One of Israel’s international missions is to lead the way in providing whatever help is needed when international disaster strikes. The war in Ukraine is no different. Israel has established field hospital, which is also teaching a lesson in forgiveness. Ukrainian and Israeli officials dedicated the Mostyska field hospital, located in Western Ukraine between Lviv and the Polish border.

“The State of Israel’s mission to Ukraine today stands [as a] unique moment in history. It effectively connects between our past Jewish life here that goes back 1,000 years here to the modern Jewish State,” said Dr. Yoel Har-Even, Director of Sheba Global and head of the field hospital. Har-Even says while Israel often sponsors medical missions to disaster areas, this is the first civilian field hospital. “Our mission is to make sure the Ukrainian people know that they are not alone in this chaos. We bring our expertise to provide essential medical care and a medical solution to those who need,” Har-Even said.

The $6.5 million project is operated by Sheba Medical Center and Schneider Children’s Medical Center in conjunction with Israel’s Health and Foreign Affairs Ministries. “The name of the hospital is Kochav Meir – Shining Star is named after Golda Meir, who was born in Kiev and after later on became the prime minister of the State of Israel. We are certain that this shining star will lead the path in this difficult time for Ukraine,” said Deputy Ambassador Yoav Bistrizky, Chargé d'Affaires of the Israeli Embassy in Ukraine.

“Eighty years ago, my mother, Victoria, who was then a 15-year-old girl, after her family was murdered in Belzec, fled her home not far from here on her way to freedom,” said Prof. Elhanan Bar-On, Director of the Israel Center for Disaster Medicine & Humanitarian Response at Sheba Medical Center. “Today, I, Elhanan Bar-on stand here representing the State of Israel as part of a field hospital, lending a helping hand, to anyone in need friend or foe and sharing our knowledge with our Ukrainian colleagues because medicine has no boundaries,” Bar-On said. (CBN)
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Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

In the Sweet By and By 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Sanford Bennett
Music: Joseph Webster

Scripture: In My Father’s house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.

In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,

We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blessed;
And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.


To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer our tribute of praise
For the glorious gift of His love
And the blessings that hallow our days.

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