The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday April 1, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Firday, April 1, 2022
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here
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The Daily Brief
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"Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The Lord."  (Jeremiah 16:21)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"

Talks Between Ukraine and Russia will Resume on Friday by Video
The talks between Ukraine and Russia will resume on Friday by video, according to the head of the Ukrainian delegation, David Arakhamia.
The delegations met in-person on Tuesday in Istanbul, after two weeks of meeting by video, and the faint outlines of a possible peace agreement seemed to emerge.
The Ukrainian delegation offered a framework under which the country would declare itself neutral—dropping its bid to join NATO, as Moscow has long demanded—in return for security guarantees from a group of other nations.
Russian diplomats responded positively to Ukraine’s proposal.

Germany and Austria Reject a Halt to Russian Energy Imports

The Austrian and German leaders have underlined their rejection of a halt to Russian energy deliveries at this point.
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer noted that several central and eastern European countries depend to one extent or another on Russian gas deliveries.
He and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz argued that existing sanctions already are having a significant effect and said they need time to switch to new providers and renewable energy sources.
Nehammer said that “sanctions only make sense … when they hit those they are supposed to hit, and don’t weaken those who carry out sanctions.” (The Epoch Times) Read more
- Triune God, we praise You for answered prayer as we hear of positive responses to the peace-talks so far. We continue to invite You into these negotiations and plead with You to lead the way to a peace settlement that does not compromise Your principles. Also, we bind shock and trauma and cry out for the displaced, the injured and ill, and those still trapped inside Ukraine. May donations continue to pour in, and may angels minister to those trapped with no help in sight. May each one be saved and receive Your Shalom. In Yeshua’s mighty name, Amen.
- "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  (Matthew 19:36)  

Putin Signs Decree Ordering Gas Exports To Be Halted If Buyers Don't Pay In Rubles
Contrary to expectations that Vladimir Putin was bluffing about collecting rubles in exchange for Russian energy exports, moments ago a decree signed by the Russian president confirmed that that was not the case.

According to Bloomberg, Putin said he had signed a decree demanding payment in rubles for Russian gas supplies, which is set to begin April 1 as previously reported. According to the decree, while Russia will continue to supply gas at set volumes and prices, it will demand that buyers of gas open accounts in Russian banks, and warned that Moscow can halt gas contracts if buyers don't pay in rubles; additionally, new proceedings in EUR or USD could be blocked. Pushing what many viewed as a bluff to the edge, Putin said that active contracts will be halted if demands are not met, and explained that the move is meant to increase settlements in national currencies.

Putin's decree follows an earlier report in the Russian press that Gazprom was studying options of halting gas supplies to Europe amid RUB payment issues. It also follows comments from the Kremlin which suggested that it would look into the idea from lawmakers to ask other nations to pay for a wider range of Russia exports in rubles.

Indicating Russia's operational readiness to follow through with the plan, Interfax adds that Putin has ordered for special accounts for gas payments to be opened at Gazprombank which will sell gas FX on a Moscow exchange.

In kneejerk response to the news, US nat gas prices spiked - perhaps in anticipation that much of US output will now be LNG-ed over to Europe, potentially creating a US shortage in due course... ... while oil also rose from session lows following the latest SPR release jawboning which has yet to be confirmed by the White House. (Zerohedge) Read more
- Abba Father, We ask for your mercy and your grace, and your supernatural provision as we see our economy going into decline. It seems that this is being done intentionally and purposefully.  Many people are struggling to make ends meet as the inflation continues to skyrocket. We look to you as our provider, we put our trust in you to cover us.

- "And Abraham called the name of the place, The-LORD-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided.” (Genesis 22:14)   

1. Operation 'Break the Wave:' Security forces brace for rising terrorism tide - Jerusalem Post

The joint operation by Israeli security forces to stem the rising tide of terrorist attacks has been dubbed 'Break the Wave' hours after IDF troops exchanged gunfire with terrorists in Jenin and a stabbing attack occurred on a bus in Gush Etzion on Thursday.

181 million shekels will be allocated to the Israel Police, a week into the latest terror wave, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Public Security Minister Omer Bar Lev (Labor) announced on Thursday evening. 

The funds will be transferred in two parts: 111 million now, and the remaining 70 million in August. 

The money will be directed to strengthening the police's ability to tighten security across the country, particularly establishing a "Shin Bet brigade" made up of reservists, the addition of 200 soldiers to Border Police and more protective equipment. (Read more)   

2. Ahead of Passover, Homeland Security steps up effort to protect Jewish facilities and congregants - JNS

(March 30, 2022 / JNS) Colleyville. Pittsburgh. Poway.

Too many Jewish institutions are wondering if they’ll be next. Too many in Brooklyn, N.Y., and elsewhere already deal with the reality of anti-Semitic attacks that keep on coming.

The federal government says it stands ready to help ahead of the holiday season.

Marcus Coleman, director of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, sat down one-on-one with JNS to explain what resources are available for those looking to secure their facilities and worshippers, and what steps can be taken to ensure that this Passover is a safe one for American Jews.

“We had a conversation last week with faith leaders and really focused on practical steps to do self-assessment for facilities—how to take care of your people—and then just some reminders. I think one of the things that I’ve been humbled by in speaking with faith leaders across the country is that a lot of places still are operating at maybe 50% capacity, or they have just a few people coming in. We know those folks are preparing for the spring. They’re expecting big crowds. So, we want to provide all available resources from the federal government to help make sure that they can gather safely,” said Coleman, who hosted a webinar last week titled, “Protecting Places of Worship: A Religious Observance Briefing on Safety and Security.” (Read more)  

3. Terror Attack on Bus in Gush Etzion - Jewish Press

There was a terror attack in Gush Etzion, near the communities of Elazar and Neve Daniel, on Thursday morning. A terrorist got on bus number 364 at the Elazar stop, and stabbed the victim with a screwdriver. The bus stopped at the Neve Daniel junction, on highway 60.

One person, age 28, was wounded, and currently listed in serious condition. He is being treated at Sharei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. Doctors have released an update saying his condition is serious but stable, and he is in the operating room. The terrorist was shot and killed by a civilian on the bus.

United Hatzalah volunteers treated one person who was injured in a stabbing attack at the Neve Daniel intersection on Highway 60 in Gush Etzion. (Read more)  

4. Hamas threatens to ramp up violence after Palestinian gunmen killed in IDF raid - Times of Israel

The Hamas terror group threatened on Thursday to escalate violence against Israel, after Israeli forces launched a large-scale anti-terror operation in the West Bank in response to a string of attacks in the last two weeks that have left 11 Israelis dead.

Three Palestinian gunmen were killed in a firefight with Israeli troops Thursday when commandos entered the Palestinian city of Jenin in a rare daytime raid and dozens more were arrested, the army said in a statement.

Palestinian Authority health officials reported two deaths and 14 wounded in the clashes. A source involved in the matter later told The Times of Israel that indeed only two deaths had been confirmed, however, another two Palestinians were brain-dead, but still on life support. (Read more)  

5. ‘Being Here Is Part of Our DNA’: Israelis Treat Refugees at Ukraine Field Hospital as War Enters Fifth Week - Algemeiner

A few days ago, doctors at Israel’s field hospital in western Ukraine and medical staff at a hospital thousands of miles away near Tel Aviv faced a tough decision about treating a young patient suffering from severe anemia.

“The seven-month-old infant, who came to the field hospital with his mom, was very pale, very weak, could barely cry and couldn’t even breastfeed,” said Dr. Yoel Har-Even, who runs the Israeli medical center that opened last week in Mostyska, a town close to Ukraine’s border with Poland. “Initially, we thought that we will do a direct blood transfusion from one of our delegates but then we discussed it with our colleagues in Israel and we understood that it’s very difficult to do it under current conditions, especially when the donor is an adult and the one who needs to accept it is a seven-month-old baby.”

After careful consultation, it was decided to move the infant to Poland — where “he arrived safely at a hospital with the best medication, and where they will give him blood but in a very controlled environment,” Har-Even explained. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Ukraine’s NATO-Style Security Guarantee Request Meets With Lukewarm Responses – The Epoch Times
Ukraine’s recent proposal for NATO-style security guarantees where guarantor countries would commit to military intervention if Ukraine is attacked has so far met with little enthusiasm and few details.
Germany said it’s willing to provide some form of security guarantees but stopped short of committing to military intervention, while the White House said it’s in “constant discussions” with Ukraine on ensuring the country remains “sovereign and secure” but it, too, has not made any military intervention pledge.
Poland has said it’s willing to serve as a security guarantor and other Western countries have expressed broad support for some kind of security guarantees for Ukraine but with few specifics so far as discussions continue on a formula that would leave Kyiv assured it won’t be left alone in case of another future attack. (Read more) 
- Oh Father, we know that You despise “lukewarm”. I pray that the  “guarantor nations” would step up and help the Ukranians fight the slaughter of innocents and destruction of their communities now. May all remember WW II and lessons learned from the Holocaust and a ravaged Europe. Lord, give nations’ leaders the wisdom, courage and boldness to do the right thing, the right way, at the right time, having counted the cost. Forgive us for turning aside while our fellow man experiences horrendous suffering. May the European nations see the light before they are plundered as well.

- Rescue those who are being taken away to death, And those who are staggering to the slaughter, Oh hold them back! If you say, “See, we did not know this,” Does He who weighs the hearts not consider it? And does He who watches over your soul not know it? And will He not repay a person according to his work? (Prov. 24:11-12)   

2. Biden administration announces largest-ever oil reserve release – The Hill

The White House on Thursday announced plans for the largest-ever release of oil from the United States’ strategic reserves. 
It will release 1 million barrels per day for 6 months, resulting in a total release of about 180 million barrels, according to a fact sheet released Thursday.
The move comes as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causes oil, and thus gasoline, prices to skyrocket. Many buyers are rejecting Russian barrels, creating less overall supply and increased demand from elsewhere. 

This has caused headaches for the Biden administration, which was already grappling with high consumer prices that have fueled GOP attacks. Oil supply had not rebounded to meet demand following coronavirus lockdowns, keeping prices elevated. (Read more) 

- Precious Lord, we are grateful for the possibility of even a small decrease in the price of gasoline, but what we really need is a drastic reduction in the punitive and repressive oil policies of this current administration.  Father, Your word says that You can turn the heart of kings like You do the watercourses, and we pray that You would do so now, as You have the creativity, resources, and power to do so.  We come against all lies that this is solely a crisis created by the war in Ukraine and decree and declare that those who have never run businesses, much less the oil business, will bow their knee to reality, reason, and those who are experts in this field.  

- "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes."  (Proverbs 21:1)     

3. Judge Holds Wisconsin Speaker in Contempt Over Election Records - Epoch Times

A judge in Wisconsin held state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos in contempt of court for allegedly failing to produce emails and text messages related to an investigation he ordered into the 2020 election.

Dane County Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn wrote on March 30 that Vos, a Republican, and the Assembly “have chosen to willfully violate a court order and are held in contempt.” American Oversight, a Washington-based anti-Trump group that has previously sought records from Republicans, filed a lawsuit seeking a contempt order earlier this month after it didn’t obtain records from Vos and contractors.

Bailey-Rihn told Vos and the Assembly to turn over records within 14 days and to pay $1,000 per day if they fail to do that. They also will have to pay some of American Oversight’s legal bills, the judge said.

“That testimony revealed a collective and abject disregard for the Court’s order: Robin Vos had delegated the search for contractors’ records to an employee who did nothing more than send one vague email to one contractor,” the judge wrote in her order. (Read more) 

- Praise the Lord!

- "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!"                (Psalm 150:6)  

4. Trump: Fines Paid by Clinton Campaign, DNC Show Corruption – The Epoch Times

The fines paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) show corruption, former President Donald Trump says.
Clinton’s campaign and the DNC agreed to pay a combined $113,000 to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), according to documents made public on March 30, after the commission found probable cause that the entities violated federal law by describing payments that ultimately went to the Fusion GPS research group as going toward legal services and consulting.
Fusion used the funds, funneled through the Perkins Coie law firm, to pay for the compilation of a dossier riddled with unsubstantiated claims that Trump and his campaign had ties to Russian actors ahead of the 2016 election.
Clinton was the Democrat nominee in the election while Trump, the Republican nominee, won the presidency. The operation “was done to create … a hoax funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign,” Trump said. “This corruption is only beginning to be revealed, is un-American, and must never be allowed to happen again.”
“Where do I go to get my reputation back?” he added.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC have not responded to requests for comment. (Read more)  

- Lord God, we thank You that Donald John Trump is being vindicated, and that the facts regarding this witch hunt against him are now coming to light. We ask for justice to be done with Hillary Rodham Clinton and the DNC as this critical matter is sorted out. Thank You, O Lord, amen and amen!

- “’The LORD has vindicated us; come, let us tell in Zion what the LORD our God has done.’" (Jeremiah 51:10)

5. The Media Is The Number One Cause Of War Since 1898 – Zerohedge

The level of trust in the media is already laughably low. There was the obvious Hunter Biden laptop coverup, which most mainstream media refused to even mention during the US Presidential election in 2020.

Then there were the outright lies in the Russia collusion hoax, for which the New York Times was even awarded the ‘esteemed’ Pulitzer Prize.

Then there’s the case of Biden appointee Tracy Stone-Manning, who was nominated last year to head up the federal government’s Bureau of Land Management. Stone-Manning is a former eco-terrorist who participated in violent campaigns against forestry workers in her youth.

This isn’t some wild conspiracy theory; Stone-Manning has admitted to wrongdoing, including sending violent threats to the US federal Forestry Service. She ultimately avoided prosecution and saved herself by ratting out her associates.

But a recent Freedom of Information Act request revealed that NBC News colluded with the Biden Administration to go easy on Tracy Stone-Manning during her confirmation hearing, and whitewash over her terrorist history.

This is pretty incredible…
- Lord God, we pray that Your people would listen only to Your voice, in prayer, when discerning any reports that come our way. We ask that many news sources would now come forth, reporting TRUTH to us in these perilous times. Humble the wicked in the media, O Lord, and exalt the righteous we pray, amen and amen.

- "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19) 

6. Two Russian fighter jets that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month 'were equipped with NUKES with the aim of scaring Stockholm' - Daily Mail UK

Two Russian planes that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month were equipped with nuclear weapons, it has emerged, after Putin had threatened military action if Sweden or Finland joined NATO.

The flyover near the island of Gotland on March 2 was a deliberate act designed to intimidate Sweden, according to Swedish news channel TV4 Nyheterna.

A total of four planes had taken off from the Russian air base of Kaliningrad. (Read more)

- Lord God, when we were kids, we played a game called "chicken." It was only for fun, and the goal was to see who would give up first in a fact-to-face confrontation.

Father God, we now see Putin playing a very dangerous game of "chicken," using nuclear weapons to confront Sweden. We call a HALT to this game of "chicken" on the part of Russia and in the face of all of its supposed enemies. NO MORE, in Jesus' name, amen and amen!

- "This far and no further, and here shall your proud waves be stopped." (Job 38:11)  

7. Poland's Speaker: Russia Could Attack Poland, Use Nuclear Weapons - Newsmax

Poland's standing as the NATO ally closest to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has it under threat of an attack from Vladimir Putin, including potential use of tactical nukes or chemical weapons, Senior Parliament Speaker Antoni Macierewicz told Newsmax.

"The Russian imperialism is very dangerous for Europe and the entire western world," Macierewicz told "Prime News" with Jenn Pellegrino through an interpreter.

Macierewicz said Poland is prepared for an attack from Russia, being on the front lines of supply and aid from the western allies opposed to Russia's invasion. And Putin has warned all nations to "not interfere" with his "special military operation" in Ukraine.

- Father God, as Poland remains on high alert according to this report, we too remain on high alert as Your watchmen on the wall, asking prayer for the protection
of this great nation. We thank You for the amazing way in which the Polish people
have opened their arms to receive the millions of refugees from Ukraine, and we ask
that this blessing now be returned to them by angelic protection. In Jesus' name, amen.

- "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways." (Psalm 91:11)   

8. Russian soldiers at Chernobyl 'are being treated for radiation poisoning in Belarus' after power plant workers said the troops' lack of anti-radiation gear was 'suicidal' - Daily Mail UK

Russian troops who were stationed at Chernobyl are being treated for radiation sickness in Belarus, an employee at the Ukrainian state agency overseeing the exclusion zone has claimed.  

Yaroslav Yemelianenko said yesterday that 'another batch of Russians' had been taken to the 'Belarusian Radiation Medicine Center in Gomel' for treatment. 

It comes after the nuclear power plant's workers said Russian soldiers' lack of anti-radiation gear when they seized the Chernobyl site last month was 'suicidal'. 

At least seven busloads of Russian soldiers had arrived at the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology in Gomel this week, according to a Belarusian news Telegram channel. (Read more)

- Oh, Father, our hearts go out to the young men affected by this neglect of their leaders to observe proper protocol in regards to exposure to nuclear radiation.  Lord, we pray that no more people will be affected by this breach of safety and that You would heal these soldiers completely.  We pray that You would set a watch over these nuclear plants so that no more danger is created by arrogance and pride in those who are not observing the laws of nature.  Dear Lord, please protect the rest of Europe from this danger of radiation.  Amen. 

- "Discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you."  (Proverbs 2:11)   
The Daily Jot

A Prophetic Word Of Repentance

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 31, 2022

A federal judge has ruled to stop the vaccine mandate on the Navy, not that it will do any good because the Supreme Court has so far demonstrated its disregard for the Constitution’s Bill of Rights protecting free speech, exercise of religion and personal privacy. Yes, I understand the Commander in Chief’s authority over the armed forces during wartime, but his authority does not extend to an Experimental Use of a drug, nor does it extend over a person’s religious beliefs. There are alternative jobs for conscientious objectors other than throwing patriotic men and women who are defending our nation out of the service without due consideration of their religious or medical objections. This nation is not at war from without.

This nation, whether it realizes it or not, is at war from within. A group of oligarchs comprised of political leadership, the news media, actors, religious leaders and greedy businessmen are waging an undeclared war against not only the Constitution, but each and every citizen, whether they understand it or not. We have been censored, bullied, demeaned, coerced, forced into lockdown, even told what we can wear by a loud and boisterous minority that seeks to remake what so many in our history have honorably defended, even given the ultimate sacrifice to preserve as the greatest example of personal and national liberty in the history of mankind. Read More

Will Russia's Invasion in Ukraine Destroy the US Dollar or Will Biden Do it All by Himself?

We’ve reported for months how Biden is doing all he can to destroy the US dollar. The implications are devastating and most americans have no idea what is going on. Now it looks like Russia’s actions in Ukraine may destroy the dollar as well.

The US dollar is the world’s currency.  This creates demand for the dollar and allows the US to use the dollar as a tool in manipulating nations into acting the way the US wants.  This is being destroyed under Biden and it has major implications.

The county in the world that owns the currency, is the country in power.  This is why globalists must destroy the dollar rather than allow it to continue as the world’s currency.  Joe Biden has been doing all he can to destroy the dollar through insane actions at home and abroad.  Biden is spending like a mad man while encouraging countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia and China to go to a different currency.

We first reported on this last year when we saw the Saudis begin to talk to Russia about trading oil with them outside of the dollar.  For decades the Saudis have traded oil in dollars.  In turn, the US protected the Saudis and provided them with military weapons.

But Biden opened up talks with Iran again and the implications are that the Saudis and other nations will move away from relations with the US as a result. This movement away from the dollar could be devastating to the US economy.   Now due to Biden’s actions, Russia is mandating that countries it sells its gas to must trade in Russian rubles. (Gateway Pundit) Read more 

- Abba, we are living in very trying times. We have world leaders that are making decisions affecting the global economy that have a direct impact on our daily lives: skyrocketing food prices and insane prices at the gas pump. This feels like a global "economic plague". Abba, we cry out to you, even as the children of Israel did during their time of slavery and bondage in Egypt. Please hear our cry and bring forth relief!

- "Now it happened in the process of time that the king of Egypt died. Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry came up to God because of the bondage. So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them."                  (Exodus 2:23-25)
How the West was Lost: A Faltering World Reserve Currency 
The Western financial system and world reserve currency is now in open decline. From Rigged to Fail to Just Plain Failing.  Just two years ago, I wrote a book warning that Western markets in general, and US markets in particular, were Rigged to Fail.

Well, now, in real time, they are failing.

This hard reality has less to do with COVID or the war in the Ukraine and more to do with one simple force, which euphoric markets and clueless leaders have been ignoring for decades, namely: Debt.

As I wrote then, and will repeat now: Debt destroys nations, financial systems, markets, and currencies. Always and every time.

As we see below, the inflationary financial system is now failing because its debt levels have rendered it impotent to grow economically, react sensibly or sustain its chronic debt addictions naturally.

The evidence of this is literally everywhere, from the Fed to the Petrodollar and the bond market to the gold price. Let’s dig in. (Zerohedge; Written by Tyler Durden) Read more

- Abba Father, We ask for you mercy and your grace, and your supernatural provision as we see our economy going into decline. It seems that this is being done intentionally and purposefully.  Many people are struggling to make ends meet as the inflation continues to skyrocket. We look to you as our provider, we put our trust in you to cover us.

- "And Abraham called the name of the place, The-LORD-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided.” (Genesis 22:14) 
Senators Release Bank Records Showing Payments to Hunter Biden From China 

Newly released bank records show that payments were made to President Joe Biden’s son from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company. Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) presented the records on the Senate floor on March 28 and March 29.

One showed a wire payment of $100,000 to Owasco, one of Hunter Biden’s firms, from CEFC China Energy, a now-defunct company closely associated with the Chinese regime,

Another showed a wire transfer of $5 million to Hudson West, a company Hunter Biden invested in and managed, from Northern International Capital, a business that partnered with CEFC. A contract also made public by the senators showed $500,000 went to Hunter Biden as a “one-time retainer fee.”

Two others showed a $1 million payment made to Hudson West by CEFC and a transfer of $1 million from Hudson West to Owasco, with the money appearing to go to Hunter Biden for the purposes of representing Patrick Ho, a Chinese businessman who has helped CEFC gain advantages through bribery.

The receipts are just some of the records that “undeniably show strong links between the Biden family and communist China,” Grassley said.

The $100,000 transaction was dated Aug. 4, 2017; the $5 million transfer was dated Aug. 8, 2017; the two other payments were made on Nov. 30, 2017, and March 22, 2018, respectively.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer didn’t respond to requests by The Epoch Times for comment; the White House also didn’t respond to an inquiry. (The Epoch Times) Read more.  

- We praise You, Father, for this release of information for the public to consume and to be placed in the Congressional record.  We pray that this will ever be before the public to remind them of the actions of certain people with connections who dare to do business with those who hate the US and do it for their own personal gain.  Lord, send a cleansing wind through our government to rid us of all corrupt individuals who are harming our country.  Amen.

- "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:  the Lord shall have them in derision."  (Psalms 2:4)  

"Having Been Firmly Rooted"
A Word from the National Day of Prayer Task Force

Sara --


“Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith” Colossians 2:7b

So many times, we read through sections of scripture too quickly. We don’t pause to let the truth ‘soak in’ to our souls. Having ‘been’ … past tense, accomplished. God did it, accomplished it, now it is done. WE who have believed, have ‘been’ firmly rooted in Him, the Lord Jesus! And NOW, we are being, present tense, ‘built up’ upon that firm rooting that He has already put into place. That is a firm position. Remember the old hymn, “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!” We can exalt Him because of what He HAS DONE, IS DOING, and WILL DO in our lives! We could just stop there and say, ‘Amen’ … but there is so much more in these words.

Lest we miss it, this is not about us, it’s about HIM! We exalt HIM! We are ‘firmly rooted and now being built up in Him’. In Him, Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace! He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father!

Through His work, that He has accomplished, is accomplishing, and will accomplish in our lives – we have been, we are, and we will be established, confirmed, and secured in our faith – in Him. It’s from that firm place, that we have confidence and boldness to cry out!

Let’s pray … Father God, we exalt You! We exalt You for what You have established in each of our lives. We exalt You for establishing us here in America, at this time, and for this season. We exalt You for establishing our faith in You, and our trust that Your Kingdom will come and that Your will will be done, here in our nation, just as it is in Heaven. You are worthy of all of our praise. You are Holy, Holy, Holy. For eternity, we will sing Your praises! For eternity we will exalt Your name together! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Rejoicing in Hope,

Dion Elmore

Vice President, National Day of Prayer Task Force

[To read more, go here.] 

Signs & Wonders
These States Could See Northern Lights As
Geomagnetic Storm Heads for Earth

Northern lights may make an appearance in U.S. states as far south as Illinois and Oregon on Thursday, when a strong geomagnetic storm occurs.

The storm, a result of two vast ejections of plasma from the sun headed towards our planet, was predicted by space weather experts earlier this week, though it has since been upgraded in terms of its expected strength.

On Monday, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) issued an alert in which it said a G2 geomagnetic storm was expected to occur on March 31.

The storm is expected to occur from Wednesday night through to the early hours of Thursday morning.

Plasma from the sun can spark particularly active aurora—the shimmering multicolored lights in the sky also known as the northern and southern lights—because it interacts with Earth's atmosphere, heating up molecules and causing them to glow. Read More

The Good News Corner
Christians to plant trees in ‘fulfillment of biblical prophecy’
A group of young Christians wants to give people from the nations a chance to personally participate in the restoration of the Land of Israel, according to biblical prophecy. The Greening Israel Project, scheduled to launch on April 10, is a new forestry initiative of HaYovel, the Christian volunteer organization that has brought 3,000 Christians to work in the vineyards of Israel over the last 18 years. The Greening Israel Project has an ambitious goal: To plant 5,000 trees in Judea and Samaria between the end of Israel’s sabbatical year (shemittah) in late September and December 31, 2022. In future years, they aim to plant 20,000 trees a year.

Planting trees in Israel is not a new concept, but three things make this project unique. First, Greening Israel is concentrating on planting all the trees in Judea and Samaria, areas that existing tree-planting projects tend to neglect or ignore because of the controversy around planting and building on land over the Green Line. Second, they will be planting 20 types of trees that are indigenous to the area, including fig, almond, carob, pomegranate, acacia and Terebinth trees. Third, Hilton explained that many tree-planting endeavors in Israel have historically had a relatively low survival rate, due to wind, rain, fire and arson/terror attacks. 

The Greening Israel project has adopted a water system that, according to Waller, sustains [and protects] each tree, without the need to connect it to irrigation, thus preserving more of Israel’s limited water supply. The team has already planted 10,000 trees in the last few years in different climates throughout Israel in order to test what works best. “We learned through losing a lot of trees,” Hilton said. They are predicting an 80% survival rate for the new trees they will plant. 

The Greening Israel Project was Nate Waller’s idea. Waller said that he and Nate Waller have been dreaming about it and doing research on it for more than 10 years. But, according to Hilton, “it was never the right time. When we finally felt like it was the right time, all the pieces started coming together, including the arborist and international tree expert Roger Ditmer from Georgia, who just showed up on our doorstep. 

In order to raise awareness of, and funding for, the project, the team put together a documentary about the challenges and successes of their reforestation efforts. A trailer is already available on the website. Individuals can sign up to be notified when the full documentary gets released on April 10. (Read More and Watch Video here.)

> > >  Source: Jerusalem Post 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

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Classic Hymns

Marching to Zion 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Isaac Watts
Music: Robert Lowry

Scripture: Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion. Jeremiah 31:6

Come, we that love the Lord,
And let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
Join in a song with sweet accord
And thus surround the throne,
And thus surround the throne.

We’re marching to Zion,
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion,
The beautiful city of God.

The sorrows of the mind
Be banished from the place;
Religion never was designed
Religion never was designed,
To make our pleasures less,
To make our pleasures less.


Let those refuse to sing,
Who never knew our God;
But favorites of the heavenly King,
But favorites of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad,
May speak their joys abroad.


The God that rules on high,
And thunders when He please,
Who rides upon the stormy sky,
Who rides upon the stormy sky,
And manages the seas,
And manages the seas.


This awful God is ours,
Our Father and our Love;
He will send down his heav’nly powers,
He will send down his heav’nly powers,
To carry us above,
To carry us above.


There we shall see His face,
And never, never sin!
There, from the rivers of His grace,
There, from the rivers of His grace,
Drink endless pleasures in,
Drink endless pleasures in.


Yea, and before we rise,
To that immortal state,
The thoughts of such amazing bliss,
The thoughts of such amazing bliss,
Should constant joys create,
Should constant joys create.


The men of grace have found,
Glory begun below.
Celestial fruits on earthly ground
Celestial fruits on earthly ground
From faith and hope may grow,
From faith and hope may grow.


The hill of Zion yields
A thousand sacred sweets
Before we reach the heav’nly fields,
Before we reach the heav’nly fields,
Or walk the golden streets,
Or walk the golden streets.


Then let our songs abound,
And every tear be dry;
We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground,
We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground,
To fairer worlds on high,
To fairer worlds on high.


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