The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, March 25, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, March 25, 2022
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here
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The Daily Brief
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“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

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"Standing United Together . . .Under the Cross of Christ"
US Officially Accuses Russia of Committing War Crimes in Ukraine - The Epoch Times
The U.S. government on March 23 officially accused Russia’s military of committing war crimes in Ukraine.
“Today, I can announce that, based on information currently available, the U.S. government assesses that members of Russia’s forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. “Our assessment is based on a careful review of available information from public and intelligence sources,” he said.
Blinken didn’t provide specific evidence for the claim. Russia hasn’t issued a public response, although Moscow previously denied claims that its forces committed war crimes.

“As with any alleged crime, a court of law with jurisdiction over the crime is ultimately responsible for determining criminal guilt in specific cases,” Blinken said. “The U.S. government will continue to track reports of war crimes and will share information we gather with allies, partners, and international institutions and organizations, as appropriate. “We are committed to pursuing accountability using every tool available, including criminal prosecutions.”

The consequences of such an assessment by the U.S. government aren’t yet clear. (Epoch Times) Read more here.
- Lord God, now that this very serious allegation has been made against Russia, we ask that solid evidence be provided to back up this claim. We ask, too, that when judicial proceedings occur, all would be done in perfect order. In Your Name, amen.

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19) 

1. Archaeologists uncover oldest Hebrew text ever found - Israel National News 

A group of archaeologists said Thursday that an amulet discovered in Samaria is the oldest example of Hebrew script ever found, pre-dating previous finds by centuries.

On Thursday, a team of archaeologists from the Associates for Biblical Research – a self-described Christian apologetics ministry – announced their findings from research done on a small lead tablet recovered during excavations at Mount Ebal near the city of Shechem (Nablus) in December 2019.

The researchers said the tiny, two-by-two centimeter tablet was likely an amulet or ‘curse tablet’, directing divine wrath on an emery. (Read more) 

2. Israeli forces thwart largest-ever arms smuggling op from Lebanon - World Israel News

The IDF and Israel Police successfully thwarted the largest arms smuggling operation from Lebanon into Israel in history and seized 61 weapons and drugs with a total value of approximately NIS 3,500,000.

Three suspects, Arab residents of the town of Tuba Zangaria, were arrested during the bust.

The police stated Thursday that the suspects were arrested on a highway in the north after the forces blocked their way. During a search of their vehicle, 61 weapons were seized in two cases: 58 handguns, three M16 assault rifles, and a substance suspected as a drug weighing half a kilo.

From the beginning of the year, in only three months, the police have thwarted four smuggling attempts from Lebanon, during which 120 weapons were seized. (Read more)  

3. Israeli ports to prioritize unloading ships of grain, fodder amid shortage fears - Times of Israel

Cargo ships carrying grain and fodder will be given priority in unloading at Israel’s ports for the coming month amid fears of shortages in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Transportation Ministry said Thursday.

Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli instructed the Shipping and Ports Authority to prioritize the unloading of ships carrying grain and fodder for use in Israel’s agriculture and food sectors until April 24.

At major ports, ships carrying livestock will be unloaded first and then those with grain or fodder, before docks take in general cargo. (Read more)  

4. Easing of COVID-19 restrictions postponed an additional month - Jerusalem Post

Israel is postponing the removal of additional corona regulations by a month, moving the date to May 1 instead of the originally agreed upon April 1.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz held a consultation on Thursday with the heads of Israel’s healthcare providers and other relevant government bodies regarding the recent uptick in corona cases and the spread of the BA.2 variant

Bennett accepted the Health Ministry’s request to postpone from April 1 to May 1 downgrading Israel’s corona policy to a “between the waves” format. (Read more)  

5. Three More F35 Stealth Fighter Jets Heading to Israel - Jewish Press

Three more F35 ‘Adir’ stealth fighter jets are on their way to Israel from the United States, according to a report by Hebrew-language journalist Nir Dvori at Israel’s Channel 2 News.

The aircraft were reported to be in a stopover “somewhere in Europe” earlier in the day on Thursday. The F35s are expected to arrive in Israel on Friday, increasing the fleet of Adir stealth fighter jets to 33.

Considered to be one of the world’s most advanced fighter jets, Israel has acquired a total of 50 of the F35 aircraft, the remainder of which are scheduled for delivery by December 2024. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Russia Expels US Diplomats in Retaliatory Move Amid Ukraine Invasion – The Epoch Times
Moscow on Wednesday announced that it will expel U.S. diplomats from Russia. Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the U.S. embassy in Moscow was handed a list of its diplomats that were declared “persona non grata.” 
Persona non grata means “an unwelcome person.”
“On March 23, a note with the list of the American diplomats declared ‘persona non grata’ was handed to the head of the American diplomatic mission who was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” the ministry said in a statement.
“The American side was told very firmly that any hostile U.S. actions against Russia would provoke a decisive and comparable response,” the statement said, Russia’s state-run agency Interfax reported. (Read more)  
Lord God, first of all we declare that Putin and the Russian troops are  
totally “personae non grata” in the Ukraine. We ask You to send natural and supernatural armies and equipment to expel Putin and his minions. We ask for Your resolution of this evil invasion with or without diplomats. Visit Putin in the night, send him dreams and visions that will truly put the fear of God in him. May the retaliation measures between the U.S. and Russia be called off; and may leaders interact with Your wisdom and guidance, bringing an ending to the slaughter of innocents.
- "May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away; may their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord pursuing them. .... You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob."  (Psalm 35:5-6, 10b)  
2. Biden Arrives in Brussels for NATO Talks on Ukraine, Will Announce More Russia Sanctions – VOA News
U.S. President Joe Biden arrived Wednesday in Brussels where he will meet with NATO and European allies and is expected to announce a new round of sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. "He will join our partners in imposing further sanctions on Russia and tightening the existing sanctions to crack down on evasion and to ensure robust enforcement," White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday.
At a news conference Wednesday in Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia's war on Ukraine presents "a new normal for our security" and that alliance leaders are likely to announce more support for Ukraine at Thursday's NATO summit.

"I expect leaders will agree to strengthen NATO's posture in all domains with major increases of forces in the eastern part of the alliance, on land, in the air and at sea," Stoltenberg said. "The first step is the deployment of four new NATO battle groups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia," Stoltenberg said.

The alliance chief said NATO leaders are also set to announce an agreement to address nuclear, chemical and other threats from Russia. (Read more) 

- Father God, once again we come before Your Throne of Grace, asking that no action will occur during these meetings outside of Your perfect will for the nations
that are involved. Thank You, Lord, amen and amen.

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19) 

3. Moderna patented DNA sequence in Covid virus several years before pandemic that earned them billions in vaccine sales – Pandemic News

The origin of the virus that causes COVID-19 has been the subject of lively debate, with the general consensus now being that it was created in a lab rather than by nature. And when it comes to who could be responsible for this deadly virus, Moderna is looking increasingly guilty.
The strongest evidence can be found in a database kept by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Known as BLAST, the database catalogs all known gene sequences found in nature, along with all synthetic gene sequences that have been patented.

Researchers decided to check BLAST for the RNA sequence of the furin cleavage sequence found in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to see if it could be found anywhere else in nature. It is the only continuous nucleotide sequence in COVID-19 that has more than three nucleotides that differ from their respective letters in the virus’s closest natural relative, the Bat Coronavirus RaTG13. This cleavage site is also the key to COVID-19’s pathogenicity, making it the most likely place for a manmade gain of function to be found in the virus. The structure has been one of the focuses of the debate about the origins of the virus as some scientists have long insisted that it could not have been acquired naturally.
The researchers found five U.S. patents that contained the same nucleotide sequence, and the earliest one had been applied for by Moderna back in December 2013. Furthermore, it does not exist in nature at all. The other subsequent patents were also filed by Moderna in the years that followed. (Read more) 
- Lord God, we shout “BUSTED”! We praise You, Father, for this revelation of the pre-meditated evil perpetrated by Moderna (Bill Gates, et al) in conjunction with various drug companies. This is way too big to blame just one entity or company; show us, Abba, all of the people and corporations involved in this global cabal of evil and collusion. Above all, we pray that this information be broadcast globally with no twisting of facts. We pray, Lord, that You save who may be saved, but take down the criminals and bring restitution where possible.
- "I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before their eyes. In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin. The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful; they fail to act wisely or do good.  Even on their beds they plot evil; they commit themselves to a sinful course and do not reject what is wrong." (Psalm 36:1-4) 

4. People have shot their immune systems to death with vaccines – Newstarget

A paper written by scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology claimed that many patients who experienced severe SARS-CoV-2 symptoms also had “lymphopenia,” which is the depletion of all the important immune T lymphocyte cells. This depletion was caused by apoptosis, or the cellular suicide, of T cells after infection.

The attraction to T cells and the ability to infect them were unrelated to the usual way that the COVID virus infects other cells, such as lung cells, because T cells do not have the needed receptors.However, SARS-CoV-2 destroys the immune T cells similar to the way the human immunodeficiency virus does.

]T lymphocytes are the cells responsible for killing infected or cancerous cells. They are a type of white blood cells that protect the body against cancerous cells and those that have become infected by pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses.

These T cell lymphocytes develop from the stem cells in the bone marrow, and they migrate to the thymus via blood. The thymus is part of the lymphatic system that functions mainly to promote the development of mature T cells, which are necessary for cell-mediated immunity. This is a type of response that involves the activation of the immune cells to fight infection. T cells function to actively destroy infected cells and signal others to participate in the immune response. (Read more) 

- Dear Lord, how disturbing to hear of this deadly effect of this so-called vaccination!  Lord, we pray that this data will be studied at length and the truth reported honestly so that doctors and patients can make a wise decision as to whether to receive it or not.  No more, oh Lord, may the public be bombarded with fear over a new disease and no more may the government be enabled to dictate how the medical world practices medicine.  No more, oh, Lord, may dissent be stifled and the results of honest research suppressed.  Thank You, Father for healing all affected adversely by this shot.  

- "Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom."  (Psalms 51:6)

5. Farmers Paying Triple for Fertilizer: We’re Not the Ones Raising Food Costs – The Epoch Times
Beep, beep, beep. It’s the familiar sound of food scanned and placed into bags at your local grocery store. You just went in for a few things and meant to keep it under $100. But you walk away with a new case of sticker shock and fewer bags than $100 used to buy.

Inflation has hit every link of the food chain, such as diesel that fuels tractors in the field, and the trucks that deliver food from farm to the food processor, to the warehouse, and then to the retail store.

Another cost impacting your grocery bill is a major jump in the price of fertilizer. Farmers are paying roughly three times what they paid in 2020.

“I think folks tend to forget—I hear the mainstream media talking a lot about it—the cost of farming went up and you’re going to see that in the grocery store. Well, that points the finger at the farmer, and that’s very frustrating because the farmer, we don’t set the price for our corn, or our beans, or cattle, or hogs, or chickens. We don’t set the price of fertilizer,” Iowa Corn Growers Association President Lance Lillibridge told The Epoch Times. (Read more)  
- Dear Lord, we pray that in Your omnipotence that You would work to keep these prices from rising and our country experiencing lack and shortages at the grocery store.  You know the evil forces that are at work to bring down our country and make us submissive to central control as in socialist countries and we pray for deliverance from this.  We pray that farmers will not bear the brunt of criticism in this matter and that You will bless their production abundantly.   We repent before You for the sins of our country and ask forgiveness for not thanking You for our abundant supply of food in the past.   

- "And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee."  (Exodus 23:25)  
6. Thousands of Canadian Pacific Rail Workers strike, grinding fertilizer shipments to a halt for all of North America – NewsTarget
The fertilizer crisis just got a whole lot worse after 3,000 Canadian Pacific Rail Workers walked off the job, leaving fertilizer shipments stranded.

Thousands of CP Rail conductors, engineers, train, and yard workers represented by the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference decided to strike after the union and the rail company failed to strike a deal. This could result in a shortage of fertilizer and other needed farm supplies ahead of the spring growing season.
“CP Rail is the leading carrier of potash, a potassium-rich salt mined from underground deposits formed from evaporated sea beds millions of years ago, used to support crop development,” reported Zero Hedge.

“In prior investor documents, the rail company said it hauls 70% of the potash produced in North America, all from mines in Canada. The railroad also carries fertilizers, including phosphate, urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and anhydrous ammonia.”

Any disruption in CP Rail’s operations, in other words, could be devastating for North American farmers, including those in the United States who are just about to start planting for the spring season. (Read more)  

- Father God, as we see more attacks on our food supply and other supply chains, we ask that You would intervene in this matter to bring negotiations to a point where goods and supplies can start flowing again.  We ask that You would remove all possible hidden influences that are hindering an agreement between workers and management.  We look to You, Dear Lord, for our supply of all things for life and repent for not blessing You properly for Your love and mercy toward us in the past.  

 - "And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel."  (Mark 1:15) 

7. Shocking Numbers That Show That The Middle Class In The U.S. Is Being Systematically Destroyed – The Economic Collapse Blog

People often wonder why I get so upset about inflation.  Well, the truth is that there are many reasons, but one of the big ones is because it destroys the middle class.  This has been true for a long time, but here in 2022 prices are rising at a far faster rate than most of our paychecks are.  That means that our standard of living is steadily going down.  It is taking more out of our incomes to pay for essentials such as housing, food and gasoline, and that is leaving a lot less money for other things.  Of course there are many Americans that are going into tremendous amounts of debt in order to maintain the standard of living that they are currently enjoying.  But going into debt only brings more pain in the long run.
As our leaders have absolutely flooded the system with new money, those at the very top of the economic food chain have greatly prospered. Meanwhile, the colossal gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of us just continues to grow. Today, almost 52 million American workers make less than $15 an hour…

With an effort by Democrats to boost the national minimum wage stalled, a new report finds that on average one in three U.S. workers is still making less than $15 an hour, while the share of women and people of color earning that amount is even greater.
Nearly 52 million U.S. workers — or 32% of the country’s workforce — earn less than $15 an hour , according to a report published Tuesday by Oxfam America. The data help quantify how many Americans could be impacted by the Raise the Wage Act, which would set a $15 federal hourly minimum and has been pending in Congress since January 2021.
Once upon a time, $15 an hour was a really good wage. But thanks to inflation, in 2022 you simply cannot live a middle class lifestyle in the United States on less than $15 an hour. (Read more) 
- Lord God, we ask that You would step into this mess; rescue those whose incomes are perishing; and show Yourself to be mighty on their behalf. This issue is too complex for our minds to resolve, but it is not too complex for you to fix! GLORY.

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?"      (Jer. 32:27)  

8. True the Vote Finds 107 Ballot Trafficking Suspects in Wisconsin Visited the Ballot Drop Boxes Over 2,000 Times in the Two Weeks Before the 2020 Election – Gateway Pundit

True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht joined Dave Michaels on the Dan O’Donnell Show on Wednesday before her much anticipated testimony before the Wisconsin committee on Thursday morning. Dave Michaels spoke with Catherine about her investigation into the hundreds of Democrat ballot traffickers across the nation in the 2020 presidential election. Catherine Engelbrecht dropped several bombs during the interview earlier today.

First Freedoms Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on behalf of national election integrity group True the Vote.

During the interview, Dan announced that True the Vote purchased 25 terabytes of cell phone data from Milwaukee and other Wisconsin communities in the two weeks before the elections, from October 20th to November 3rd. True the Vote examined the data and found over 53,000 visits to the drop boxes. True the Vote examined the data and looked at who visited the drop boxes in Wisconsin and found over 107 of those people visited the drop boxes over 2,000 times! Several of the people visited the boxes over 15 times per day. We are witnessing similar antics in all of the battleground states.

This was a coordinated and highly organized effort by Democrats to steal an election. (Read more)  

- Father God, we praise You that these perpretrators have been identified and their evil deeds are now known to the public. Let justice be rendered to whom all it is due. In Your name, amen and amen.

- "But let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream."
(Amos 5:24) 

9. Leaders of 10 Major US Airlines Call on Biden to Drop Mask Mandates, Pre-Departure Testing Requirements – The Epoch Times
The advocacy group Airlines for America issued President Joe Biden a letter demanding the end of mask mandates for transportation, and other COVID-19 requirements, such as pre-departure testing for international flights.
The letter from the group’s board of directors was signed by the leaders of 10 major U.S. airlines, including American Airlines, United Airlines Holdings, Delta Air Lines, and Southwest Airlines. Others include the leaders of UPS Airlines, Fedex Express, JetBlue Airways, Alaska Air Group, and Atlas Air Worldwide.
“We are encouraged by the current data and the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions from coast to coast, which indicate it is past time to eliminate COVID-era transportation policies,” the group wrote in their letter, which comes as overall numbers of infections decline in the nation, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
All 50 U.S. states have announced plans to lift indoor mask mandates. (Read more)
- Thank you, Father God, that as the Truth is emerging regarding the covid debacle in our nation, sanity and reason, plus boldness in asserting our God given rights, is being restored in this arena. May the government quickly comply with the Airlines’ requests; may fines be rescinded, and justice accomplished as citizens continue to speak up, demand what is right, and vote wisely.
- "It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze."  (Psalm 18:32-34) 

10. Ukrainian counterattacks push back Russian forces from Kyiv - Israel National News

Ukraine says it has driven Russian forces away from the outskirts of Kyiv, regaining territory captured early in the invasion.

On Wednesday, Kyiv claims that its counterattacks against Russian forces to the north and west of the capital have made significant progress, weakening Russia’s siege on the city.

Ukrainian forces have reportedly regained control of Makariv, west of Kyiv, and made significant headway in retaking Irpin, a town northwest of Kyiv.

The mayor of Irpin, Oleksandr Markushyn, told Ukrainian television that 80% of the town has been recaptured from Russian forces. (Read more)

- Father God, we pray that this report is true, and that the military in Ukraine receives
the honor it is due.

- "Thy will be done . . ." (Matthew 6:10)

11. Putin Adviser Chubais Quits Over Ukraine War, Leaves Russia - Bloomberg

Russian climate envoy Anatoly Chubais has stepped down and left the country, citing his opposition to President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, according to two people familiar with the situation, becoming the highest-level official to break with the Kremlin over the invasion.

Chubais, 66, is one of the few 1990s-era economic reformers who’d remained in Putin’s government and had maintained close ties with Western officials. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Known as the architect of Russia’s 1990s privatizations, Chubais gave Putin his first Kremlin job in the mid-1990s and initially welcomed his rise to power at the end of that decade.

In his 2006 book, “Death of Empire,” Gaidar warned of the temptations of imperial nostalgia for the Soviet Union he saw growing under Putin. “It’s not difficult to convince society that a state that collapsed so suddenly can be just as quickly rebuilt,” he wrote. “That’s an illusion, a dangerous one.” (Read more)

- Thank You, Lord, for this good report. We ask that You would keep Anatoly Chubais safe, now that he has left the Putin administration. Send Your angels, O Lord, we pray. Amen!

- “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”        (Ps. 91:11)  
The Daily Jot

SCOTUS Nominee Evasive But Telling

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 24, 2022

Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, is taking heat from Republicans for going soft on child pornographers and refusing to define the word “woman.” Her answers to some of these questions are very straightforward as if they were coached: “I’m not a biologist,” she replied to a question about whether the “viability standard” established in Roe v Wade is arbitrary. Asked to define the word “woman,” she responded, “I’m not a biologist.” In response to a question about whether schools should teach children that they can choose their gender, Jackson answered, “Senator, I’m not making comments about what schools can teach.” All answers are evasive, but telling.

Throughout the Senate hearings on her confirmation to the Supreme Court, Jackson has answered questions claiming she doesn’t know the answer. For example, she said that she doesn’t agree that American society is irredeemably racist, but noted that she has not studied Critical Race Theory. These issues that involve children, and are likely to make their way to the Supreme Court, such as teaching Critical Race Theory and homosexuality and transgenderism to young children in government schools ought to be topics a SCOTUS nominee can discuss in depth. Jackson answered them as if she was unfamiliar with the issue. She tried repeatedly to separate her stated political beliefs from her duties as a judge. Read More

North Korea tests banned intercontinental missile

North Korea has tested a banned intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first time since 2017, South Korea and Japan say.

Japanese officials said it flew 1,100 km (684 miles) and fell in Japanese waters after flying for over an hour.

ICBMs, designed for nuclear arms delivery, could extend North Korea's strike range as far as the US mainland. (BBC) Read more 

- Lord God Almighty, we ask that You send forth Your warrior angels to PREVENT these missiles from being used, or to malfunction, if so. We thank You that it is written that nothing is too difficult for You, so we leave this critical matter in Your most capable hands! Thank You, O Lord, for hearing our prayer, amen and amen!

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 
Helping the Ukrainian Jews Escape

(Sponsored by Israel365) There are still tens of thousands of Jews trapped in the Ukraine and we need to get them out.

At the Ukrainian border, men are being detained, families are being split up, and women and children are running for their lives through the freezing cold forests at risk of being caught and killed. Crews in the forests and mountains are working sleepless nights to lead refugees to safety.

Israel365’s Josh Wander and his team have been non-stop on the ground at the border. They are helping both Jewish and non-Jewish refugees to cross the border, and are providing food, shelter, transportation, and security.

Meanwhile, the Russians have intensified their brutal bombing, flattening towns as they close in on the cities. Hundreds of innocent civilians are being slaughtered, tens of thousands are stuck in cities, and millions are desperately running to the borders. 

There is SO much more we need to do.  

Satan’s bait in the Ukraine

By Mario Murillo
We can all agree that what Putin is doing is inhuman and barbaric. Nevertheless, the war in the Ukraine is not our war. It is a globalist war. A war without heroes on either side. And, it is a war we must avoid. Our sons and daughters should not be sent to die in this war.
The true victims are the Ukrainian people. We will talk later about what we can do for them.
The European Union encouraged the Ukraine to take a hard line with Russia. They promised to have their back if Putin did anything. Now they have backtracked and are only granting token support. Are they hoping, yet again, that the United States will step in and take the lead—even if it leads to World War Three?

Hearing Americans rooting for action and rallying for us to send troops to die in the Ukraine is utter madness.
Have we learned nothing from our disastrous involvement in Vietnam? Afghanistan? What about Iraq?  Even the New York Times was claiming that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. He did not. The same mechanism that duped us into the war in Iraq is doing the same thing now. The same people who profited from the war in Iraq stand to profit in this one.
Why are you not suspicious when MSNBC, CNN and all the other Leftist hollow heads are unanimous in the drum beat of war? Why are you agreeing with the same people who locked down your church, forced masks on your children, and made billions off of forced vaccinations?
Are you buying the new-found patriotism of the Left who want us to attack Russia? This from the very ones who have proven, again and again, their mortal hatred for all things American?

Do not take the bait. This is Satan’s bait. It is a distraction from other critical issues.

[Editor's note: be SURE to read ALL of this article!]
(Read more here)
Bombshell Proof Of Election Machine Manipulation

Mesa County, Colorado
The Third Report on the “Mesa County, Colorado Voting Systems” was released this week. The findings are massive. Please go here to review this report. Thank you.

Source: Judicial Action Group 
Signs & Wonders
NASA Delivers on Making Gate to Gate Flights More Efficient

For a team of NASA’s aeronautical innovators working with government and industry partners, the past five years or so were invested in developing and demonstrating new tools to help you fly from here to there in the most time-efficient, fuel-saving, and cost-effective manner possible.

As the Airspace Technology Demonstration (ATD) project wraps up their research and final report writing, the potential benefits to airports, airlines, and the flying public are clear.

For example: more than a million gallons of jet fuel were saved by airlines at one airport during a four-year period testing new computer software that greatly reduces surface congestion at busy airports.

“ATD’s mission was to get NASA technology out of the lab and into the field. These new tools and technologies have been embraced by the FAA and industry, and are being deployed at control facilities, operations centers, and flight decks across the country,” said Shawn Engelland, NASA’s ATD project manager.

“While that might not seem like a lot compared to the billions of gallons used in aviation, it is an almost immediately realized benefit that will grow as the many ATD technologies are used by more and more airlines at more and more airports,” Engelland said.

Public comments from some of NASA’s partners who directly benefit from the various components of the ATD research echoed the positive vibe.

“(This) is one of those instances in life when you ask for one thing and you get so much more in return,” said Rob Goldman, a Delta Airlines pilot. Read More

The Good News Corner
Video of a little girl singing Let it Go in a Ukrainian bomb shelter is moving.
The translation of the lyrics makes it more poignant.
The video of a little girl singing Let it Go from the Disney film Frozen while in a Kyiv basement acting as a bomb shelter has become a moving symbol of the plight of Ukrainians displaced by the Russian invasion. The little girl, named Amelia, sings the song in Russian to more than a dozen people gathered underground. 

The original video from Facebook is no longer publicly available, but one version of the clip clocked up more than 15 million views in just two days. Kristen Anderson-Lopez, who co-wrote the song with her husband Robert Lopez retweeted the video, amplifying it further. "Dear Little Girl with the beautiful voice," she wrote. "My husband and I wrote this song as part of a story about healing a family in pain. The way you sing it is like a magic trick that spreads the light in your heart and heals everyone who hears it. Keep singing! We are listening!"

The video was filmed in a Kyiv basement by Marta Smekhova, who said she posted it to her Facebook page on Friday with Amelia's mother's permission. Ms Smekhova said Amelia told her she dreamt of singing on stage in front of a big audience. While the bomb shelter was far from a grand concert hall, she did have an audience, which Ms Smekhova said was captivated by the singing. "From the first word in the [bomb shelter] came complete silence," she said. She said everyone stopped to listen to "this girl who was just beaming light", with some people moved to tears. (CBN) Read More and Watch video here. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Steal Away 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: African-American Spiritual

Scripture: The voice of Thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world. Psalm 77:18

Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus!
Steal away, steal away home,
I ain’t got long to stay here.

My Lord, He calls me,
He calls me by the thunder;
The trumpet sounds within my soul,
I ain’t got long to stay here.


Green trees are bending,
Poor sinners stand a-trembling;
The trumpet sounds within my soul,
I ain’t got long to stay here.


My Lord, He calls me,
He calls me by the lightning;
The trumpet sounds within my soul,
I ain’t got long to stay here.


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