The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, June 24, 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Monday, June 24, 2024
Tonight we will welcome Ed Morris back as our guest speaker. To learn more about Ed's background, please go here:

This week, Ed will be speaking on this topic: 
go here.. 

Our conference line is: 717-908-1834
Our access code is: 596968#
The time of this call is: 8:00 p.m. EDT


Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Straightforward: Federal Court Blocks Biden Admin's Abortion Expansion Through Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act  

In a religious liberty win, a federal court is blocking the Biden administration from forcing Catholic and religious organizations to fund abortions. In an order issued this week, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana blocked an attempt by the Biden administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to interpret the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) in such a way that Catholic organizations would be compelled to pay for employees’ abortions in violation of their religious beliefs.

“No religious employer should ever be made to accommodate employees for obtaining abortions when facilitating an abortion contradicts the employer’s sincerely held religious beliefs. It’s good to see the court affirm that in this decision,” said Arielle Del Turco, director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, in comments to The Washington Stand. “Sadly, the Biden administration continues to expand abortion via any means possible — including through the EEOC’s overreaching regulation to enforce a bipartisan law written to help pregnant workers — without any regard for conscience protection or for religious freedom.”

Last month, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and three other Catholic organizations filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over EEOC regulations stemming from rule changes to the PWFA made in April that would require “employers to knowingly accommodate abortions and impos[e] a speech code creating substantial liability on employers who express opposition to abortion and refuse to support it in their policies.” The lawsuit explained, “EEOC claims this authority from the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), a recent bipartisan law meant to help protect pregnant women in the workplace so that they may have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.” It continued, “The Act mentions abortion precisely zero times, in sharp contrast to the 348 times the term shows up in the new Final Rule purporting to implement the Act” (emphasis original).(Washington Stand) Read more

- Father, we praise You for this ruling. We pray that You will intervene to protect the lives of babies as the abortion agenda continues to expand and protect the religious rights of those who trust in You.

- “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:17)

Newly Found Assyrian Camp Supports Epic Biblical Account, Expert says 

A recent discovery in Israel may corroborate an epic biblical account of an angel of the Lord wiping out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, an independent scholar claims.

Stephen Compton, an independent scholar specializing in Near Eastern archaeology, utilized a modern mapping technique to find the discovery of, what he believes, are ancient Assyrian military camps, from circa 700 B.C.

The discovery, which is also detailed in Assyrian texts, Greek histories and the Hebrew Bible, could verify the biblical account of 2 Kings 19:35; Isaiah 37: 36-38 and 2 Chronicles, 32:21.

The scholar detailed his finds in the journal Near Eastern Archaeology and shared with Fox News Digital the historical significance.

"One of the important cities that he conquered, which is mentioned in the Bible as well as in Assyrian documents, is Lachish," he said. "And on the wall of Sennacherib's palace he had a relief depicting, in stone carving, the conquest of the city of Lachish, and then after one side his military camp. And his military camp was a large oval. This image from the wall of his palace is now on the wall of the British Museum. But it's never been found."

Matching the landscape to the relief in Assyrian King Sennacherib's palace and using early aerial photographs of Lachish prior to modern development, Compton created a virtual map to pinpoint the site of the military camp. (Fox News) Read more

- Lord, thank You for this revelation via archaeology that shows Your Word to be true. We pray that as more and more truth is revealed, more and more people will be drawn into Your Kingdom.

-“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”           (John 12:32)

Nevada Judge Dismisses Alternate Electors Case, Citing Wrong Jurisdiction 

A Nevada judge dismissed an alternate electors case against six Republicans who had submitted alternate elector certifications disputing the results of the 2020 Presidential election, pointing out that the case was in the wrong jurisdiction.

Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus called off the trial that had been set for January, ruling that state prosecutors had a crime that had “occurred in another jurisdiction,” according to the Nevada Independent.

This comes after a grand jury indicted the six Republicans: Michael J. McDonald, the chairman of the Nevada GOP; Jim Hindle, the vice chairman of the Nevada GOP; Jim DeGraffenreid, Jesse Law, Shawn Meehan, and Eileen Rice, in December 2023. The six alternate electors were charged with submitting alternate elector certifications regarding what liberal Democrats call a “fake electors” plot. (Breitbart) Read more

- Lord, we pray that all falsely conceived cases be dismissed. Let Your justice reign supreme over all of them, bringing light into the darkness that has surrounded the victims of the politicized system.

- “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24)

Ex-FBI undercover asset risks all to prove Jan. 6 was a 'Fedsurrection'

For the last three and a half years, the FBI and federal prosecutors, in tandem with federal judges, have refused to disclose information regarding the extent to which the U.S. government deployed undercover informants in the crowd at the "Save America" rally in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021.

Likewise, during the Proud Boys trial, Judge Timothy Kelly held a sealed hearing to avoid disclosing to the public the number of confidential human sources the government had embedded in that group in the weeks and months leading up to the Capitol riot.

The most notorious suspected government plant of Jan. 6, James Ray Epps, provides a classic example of the special treatment the government would afford to a confidential human source, or CHS. Epps was caught on camera on the streets of D.C. breaking the law – laws imposed or enforced only on Jan. 6, 2021, against demonstrators, for the first time in American history. Nevertheless, he was given only probation, and won’t see a day in a jail or prison.

Epps appears to be either a very sloppy lawbreaker, or a very sloppy undercover agent with the federal government.

Ex-FBI confidential human source Derek Myers risks years of jail time for saying too much about his former employer. Yet despite the potential legal ramifications, Myers insists the FBI ran an operation involving hundreds of undercover informants on Jan. 6 to entrap and incriminate Trump supporters. (WND) Read more

- Lord, this appears to be a terrible trap set for Americans who simply wanted to attend a Trump rally. We ask that not only all hidden lies be revealed but done so in a way so that they will be seen and understood by all. Let all truth be shown and all actions taken by the government against innocent Americans be dropped.

- "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight." (Proverbs 12:22)


1. Netanyahu: I tried addressing ‘diminution’ of US weapons privately before going public - Times of Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended his decision to call out the Biden administration for allegedly withholding weapons shipments to Israel, claiming in an interview published Friday that he had tried to resolve the issue privately for months with no success.

“We tried, in many, many quiet conversations between our officials and American officials, and between me and the president to try to iron out this diminution of supply,” the premier toldthe Punchbowl news site. “I felt that airing it was absolutely necessary after months of quiet conversation that did not solve the problem.”

The comments were the latest in the back-and-forth spat with the Biden administration that began on Tuesday when Netanyahu issued a video statement slamming the “inconceivable” “bottlenecks” that the US had placed in transferring shipments of weapons and ammunition and claiming that he had raised the issue during his meeting last week with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken who assured him that Washington would address the issue. (Read more)

2. Unable to back down, Israel and Hezbollah move closer to all-out war - BBC

Full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah would be "a catastrophe", the UN Secretary-General says. But to David Kamari, who lives under near-daily fire on the Israeli side of the border, it would be a solution.

Last month, a Hezbollah rocket fired from Lebanon landed in his front garden in the border town of Kiryat Shmona, cracking his house in several places and filling it with rubble.

He points out the gaping holes where shrapnel sliced through the walls, missing him by inches. And then to the hills above us, where Hezbollah-controlled territory begins.

"Every day, every night: bombs. [It’s a] problem," he said. "And I was born here. If you live here one night, you go crazy."

David is still living in his rubble-filled house, pieces of shrapnel entangled with the remains of his television set. Outside is the blackened relic of his car, burned by the fire that swept through his front yard after the rocket hit. (Read more)

3. Hezbollah using Beirut airport to store Iranian arms, Lebanese whistleblowers claim - Times of Israel

Lebanese whistleblowers have come forward with allegations that Hezbollah is using Lebanon’s international airport in Beirut to store large quantities of Iranian weapons, a British daily reported Sunday.

According to The Telegraph, the Iran-backed terror group is using the Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport to store a variety of weapons, including ballistic missiles, unguided artillery rockets, and laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles.

A highly explosive and toxic white powder known as RDX is also being stored at the airport, the whistleblowers were quoted as saying.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah-affiliated Minister of Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh held a press conference at the airport in response to the report, dismissing the “ridiculous” allegations. (Read more)

4. Gallant: Deal with US on 'stage 3' of Gaza war crucial to all fronts - Jerusalem Post

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Saturday night said that a deal with the US about what Stage 3 of the Gaza war would look like “was crucial” to all security fronts that Israel was facing.

He made his statement just before he took off to Washington on Saturday night to meet with top American foreign policy and defense officials from Sunday to Tuesday, amid a new crisis that erupted between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden.

In the balance are both the southern and northern fronts.

More specifically, there is the future of the war and post-war Gaza policy, including the issue of the hostages, efforts to avoid war with Hezbollah, the status of weapons sales in a range of areas, Iran policy, and related regional issues. (Read more

5. Israeli Forces Destroy Terrorist Training Facility in Southern Gaza - Algemeiner

i24 News – The Israeli military’s 401st Brigade’s destroyed the “Abu Said” training post in the Tel Sultan area, according to a press release on Sunday.

Soldiers raided and destroyed the training outpost, located in the Rafah area of the southern Gaza Strip.

During the raid, the fighters located the office of the commander of the Tel Sultan battalion, Mahmoud Hamdan, weapons warehouses, and a number of shafts that are in the process of being explored before destruction.

Near the outpost, soldiers also raided the office of the head of Rafah’s brigade headquarters, Yasser Natat, who was responsible for a number of rockets launched into Israeli territory. (Read more)

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace  

Go here

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel 
Go here  
The Daily Brief
1. CA city orders police, fire chaplains not to conclude invocations with 'in Jesus' name' or risk being terminated -  Law Enforcement Today

First Liberty reports that the city manager, Scott Chadwick, has ordered the chaplains for the city’s fire and police departments not to conclude prayers by saying “in Jesus' name.” 

JC Cooper is a local pastor who has served as a volunteer police chaplain for the city’s police department for six years. His father, Denny Cooper, has served in a similar role for the Carlsbad Fire Department for 18 years. 

According to First Liberty, the two chaplains “provide support, encouragement, and prayer to first responders as they face traumatic situations. Recently, Pastor JC Cooper was asked to give the invocation at the police department’s award ceremony. As he has always done, the pastor concluded his prayer “consistent with his long-held beliefs, ‘in Jesus’ name.’” Read more 

- Lord, we pray that Your Name will be restored in all areas where Chaplains have been blocked from using it. Whether the US Military or cities and states across the nation, let Your Name be proclaimed with freedom!

- “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

2. Rand Paul, Mike Lee Condemn ‘Unconstitutional’ Biden Security Guarantees to Ukraine- Breitbart

Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced a resolution on Friday condemning President Joe Biden’s “unconstitutional” security guarantees to Ukraine.

 Biden extended security guarantees to Ukraine for the next ten years, which will help Ukraine boost its defense industrial base and push Ukraine closer to joining NATO.
Politico reported:

But there’s a major catch: The deal is only between the current administrations of the U.S. and Ukraine and won’t be ratified by Congress. Should former President Donald Trump reenter the Oval Office in January, he could rip up the agreement, reneging on Washington’s commitment.

That makes the announcement a high-stakes gamble by President Joe Biden, who has put American credibility on the line in hopes of reassuring Ukraine and European allies, even if he can’t guarantee the deal will last 10 months –– let alone 10 years. But it could also draw a stark contrast with his Republican opponent, marking Biden as a transatlantic champion and Trump an unreliable ally.

“A lasting peace for Ukraine must be underwritten by Ukraine’s own ability to defend itself now, and to deter future aggression,” Biden said. Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky called the signing of the agreement an historic day.

However, Paul and Lee believe that the agreement is unconstitutional, serves as a “backdoor” into NATO membership, and bypasses Congress. Read more

- Lord, wherever there is deception and corruption in our government, let Your Spirit reveal truth. We pray that all areas be cleansed by Your Power. Bring repentance, O God in a mighty flood!

- “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

3. Biden DHS Board Painted Trump Supporters, Military And Religious People As Terror Threats, Docs Show – Daily Caller

A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump, as well as those who are in the military and religious people, as posing potential domestic terrorism risks, according to internal documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL).

The board, called the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” was created in September 2023 to provide DHS with “expert” analysis on subjects such as terrorism and fentanyl trafficking. The panel included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, all of whom signed an October 2020 letter casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop and suggesting its release was a Russian disinformation ploy.

Internal documents obtained by AFL show the board characterizing “supporters of the former president” as constituting “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat” in the United States. The documents also classified traits such as having served “in the military” and being “religious” as “indicators of extremists and terrorism,” citing unnamed research. 
Read more

- Lord, this egregious situation speaks of true evil, even to treasonous ideology. We pray for Your mighty protection over all who put their trust in You and ask that You destroy these documents and eradicate them from our nation. We wait on You to see the work of repentance, to bring truth back to all government agencies.

- “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” (Psalm 18:8)

4. ‘Incompetence’: Pentagon Doesn’t Know How Much Money It Sent To Chinese Entities For Risky Virus Research – Daily Caller

The Department of Defense (DOD) does not know how much money it directly or indirectly sent to Chinese entities to conduct research on viruses with pandemic potential, according to a new report by the DOD’s Office of Inspector General (OIG).

The OIG’s report found that DOD has supplied Chinese entities — whether directly or indirectly via subgrants — with taxpayer cash to research pathogens and the enhancement thereof, but the exact figure is unknown because of “limitations” in the DOD’s internal tracking system. Government funding for such research in China has come under scrutiny since the coronavirus pandemic, which multiple government entities believe started when an engineered virus leaked from a Chinese laboratory that was hosting U.S. government-backed gain-of-function research.

“Incompetence, absurdity, insanity; it’s hard to find a word that adequately describes this. Of all the things that DOD tracks, funds for dangerous research that could find their way to a hostile regime should be at the top of the list of those they keep close tabs on,” Michael Chamberlain, director of Protect the Public’s Trust, told the Daily Caller News Foundation regarding the OIG report’s findings. “It makes you wonder if they really know where all our nuclear warheads are. The military is one of the few areas of government in which the public still maintains a modicum of trust, but, sadly, it looks like they are working hard to squander even that.”  Read more 

- Lord, that the Pentagon does not know how much money it spends for ANYTHING is a travesty. The Federal government funding anything by our adversaries is deeply dangerous, with the Covid pandemic only one example. We ask that whatever is causing the lack of accountability in the finances be remedied.

- “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” (Luke 16: 10)

5. Trump to make history with Philadelphia rally in predominantly black neighborhood – Washington Examiner

Former President Donald Trump has made it a point to do something that most, if not all, previous Republican presidential candidates have failed to do in recent years: actively engage the black American community and try to earn their vote.

On Saturday, in Philadelphia, Trump is doing exactly that by holding a rally in a predominantly “black and brown” (as the Left likes to say) neighborhood. And it seems to be a historic rally given that no other Republican candidate has seemingly held such a campaign event in such a neighborhood in Philadelphia in recent memory.  

The rally will be held at the Liacouras Center at Temple University. The university features a student body with a majority of white students, but it, too, has quite a diverse population. However, Temple is on summer break, and most of its students are not on campus. Temple is located in a neighborhood in Philadelphia with a demographic of primarily black and Latino Americans. Read more

- Lord, we thank You that President Trump has been reaching out to traditionally blue areas. We pray that Your wisdom will prevail over his actions, and that these areas will receive truth over falsehoods perpetuated by those who want to keep power. We ask for Your freedom for all demographics so they can be brought into Your Kingdom.

- “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16)

6. Mob Lynches Tourist in Pakistan for ‘Blasphemy - Breitbart

Pakistan police on Friday said they launched an investigation into the lynching and burning of a tourist whom a Muslim mob murdered for allegedly burning pages from the Quran.

The incident occurred on Thursday night when a Pakistani man from Punjab visited Swat Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and was accused of blasphemy by an angry mob.

Swat Valley is a major tourist destination, thanks to its stunning natural beauty. Swat Valley is also noted for grim Islamic fundamentalism, having long served as a base of operations for Tehrik-e-Taliban, the “Pakistani Taliban.”

The Pakistani Taliban has roughly the same position on topics — such as Sharia law, banning girls from school, and enforcing blasphemy laws — as the Taliban in Afghanistan does. The Pakistani military ostensibly expelled the Taliban from Swat Valley in 2018, bringing tourism and commerce back to the region, but some of the old attitudes linger.

The tourist was accused of “insulting the Quran” while he was strolling through a market in Swat Valley. Accounts of exactly what he supposedly did are confused. The Times of India (TOI) cited a report that he allegedly damaged a Quran while in his hotel room. Read more

Lord in Heaven, we pray that You will destroy this false religion from the face of the earth. We ask for a mighty move of Your Holy Spirit, bringing Your power to bear against such evil acts as these.

“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3

Sirens Blare at 2 AM, Helicopter Scrambled to Save Small Town

Floodwaters forced people out of their homes in parts of Iowa, the result of weeks of rain, while much of the United States longed for relief Saturday from yet another round of extraordinary heat.

Sirens blared at 2 a.m. in Rock Valley, Iowa, population 4,200, where people in hundreds of homes were told to get out as the Rock River could no longer take rain that has slammed the region.

The city lacked running water because wells were unusable.

Mayor Kevin Van Otterloo said a state helicopter was on its way to help but was called off when boats were able to reach stranded residents.

“We’ve had so much rain here,” he said. “We had four inches last night in an hour and a half time. Our ground just cannot take anymore.”

Gov. Kim Reynolds declared a disaster for Sioux County, which includes Rock Valley.

Drone video posted by the local sheriff showed no streets, just roofs and the tops of trees above water. (WND) Read more.  

- Father God, we ask Your grace to rest upon this part of our nation. Let there be a quickening by the Holy Spirit upon all those who are first responders, and those who are involved in these rescue efforts. Help them, O Lord, we pray, amen and amen.

- " . . . if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 28:19)
US Aircraft Carrier Arrives in South Korea Amid Regional Tensions

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and her strike group have arrived in South Korea for joint naval exercises in the wake of a new mutual defense pact between Russia and North Korea.

The warships entered the naval base in the southeastern city of Busan on June 22 local time, the South Korean Navy said in a statement. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is being escorted by a pair of Aegis-equipped destroyers, the USS Halsey and USS Daniel Inouye.

The carrier strike group will participate in a new multidomain, trilateral exercise involving Japan later this summer. The exercise, dubbed the Freedom Edge, was announced by the three nations’ defense chiefs in early June at a regional security conference held in Singapore.

The strike group has arrived roughly seven months after another U.S. aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, docked in Busan in November 2023. It also marks the first visit by the USS Theodore Roosevelt, according to the South Korean navy.

The latest visit “demonstrates the strong combined defense posture of the U.S.–South Korea alliance and their resolute commitment to respond to the escalating threats from North Korea,” the Navy stated.

The port call occurred a day after Seoul summoned the Russian ambassador to protest against Russia and North Korea’s signing of a mutual defense treaty, which includes a pledge to come to each other’s aid if attacked.

The treaty upgrades the two neighboring countries’ relationship to a “comprehensive strategic partnership.” It specifies that if either side goes to war after being invaded, “the other side shall provide military and other assistance with all means in its possession without delay,” according to a treaty text published by North Korean state media. (The Epoch Times) Read more here. 
- Once again, dear Lord, when another part of the world is being shaken, our nation is being called to bring peace to the situation. Now that Russia and North Korea have signed a mutual defense treaty, we are called to increase the defense of South Korea.

Lord God, in the end, we know that our only defense is in You, Holy One, so we bow our knees in repentance, asking that Your grace would fall upon the nation of South Korea. Show them Your mercy, O Lord we pray, In Your Name, amen and amen.

- "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him." (Ps 28:7) 
Something to Think About . . .
Stuck In Transition

By Lance Wallnau 
Have you ever felt like you were "stuck" and going nowhere in the direction that our Lord would have you pursue?? If so, please go here, and be blessed that you are NOT ALONE and that our God has still GREAT THINGS in store for you! (By Lance Wallnau)
> > > To support Lance's ministry, please go here. 
And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
World's oldest deep sea shipwreck discovered off Israel's coast
Newly discovered 3,300-year-old shipwreck ‘changes the understanding’ of sailing in ancient world

A 3,300-year-old ship has been discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, making it one of the oldest shipwrecks ever discovered and rewriting our understanding of sailing in the ancient world, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority.

The vessel is estimated to be from the 13th or 14th century BCE, the authority said in a statement. It was discovered 90 kilometers (around 56 miles) from the shore, in waters 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) deep, with hundreds of intact jars still on board, the statement added.

The ship’s remains were found during an environmental survey of the seabed by London-based natural gas production company Energean, according to Karnit Bahartan, the head of the company’s environment team.

During the survey, an “unusual sight of what seemed to be a large cluster of urns” was discovered, Bahartan said. This turned out to be a “sensational discovery, more than any of us could have imagined,” she added.

Energean then conducted an operation to extract the jars from the wreck – these will be displayed at the newly built Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein National Campus for the Archaeology of Israel in Jerusalem this summer.

Yaakov Sharvit, director of the Maritime Archeology Unit at the antiquities authority, said the ship may have been wrecked by a storm or an encounter with pirates.

“This is the first and earliest shipwreck discovered to date in the deep sea in the eastern Mediterranean,” he said. Read More

The Good News Corner
 Indiana Sees Incredible 98% Drop in Abortions Thanks to Abortion Ban
The Indiana Department of Health’s recent report revealed a 98% decrease in abortions in the state of Indiana. The report detailed 45 abortions during the first 2024 quarter, a tremendous reform compared to the 1,931 abortions committed in the first quarter of 2023. This means 1,886 babies are alive in Indiana who may not have been at this time last year. These are encouraging numbers. But Indiana’s abortion industry is actively threatening the laws that made this victory possible. The same day the Indiana Department of Health released its report, Planned Parenthood argued in court to challenge Indiana’s Pro-Life laws. Indiana’s policy currently protects pre-born children from the moment of conception, with three exceptions: When the baby is conceived from rape or incest, when the baby is given a life-limiting diagnosis, or when the mother’s health or life is at serious risk. Babies should be shielded from abortion despite a tragic origin story or life-limiting disability. Still, Indiana’s abortion ban is a positive incremental reform. (LifeNews) Read more

- Father, we celebrate VICTORY for the amazing news of the ninety-eight (98) percent drop in abortions throughout Indiana! We Praise You for saving innocent lives because of this abortion ban. By the Blood of Jesus, we declare pro-life laws will stand strong in Indiana and within every State throughout our nation! Prompt the hearts of all Christians when they vote, so believers will invite Your righteousness to return to this land. Thank You for Your mercy upon America as we join in unity to repent of sin and bless the innocent! In Yeshua's Mighty Name-Amen

- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly". (John 10:10)   
Thought for the Day
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

Teach me Thy Way 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Benjamin Ramsey 

Scripture: Teach me Thy way, O Lord. Psalm 86:11

Teach me Thy way, O Lord,
Teach me Thy way!
Thy guiding grace afford,
Teach me Thy way!

Help me to walk aright,
More by faith, less by sight;
Lead me with heav’nly light,
Teach me Thy way!

When I am sad at heart,
Teach me Thy way!
When earthly joys depart,
Teach me Thy way!
In hours of loneliness,
In times of dire distress,
In failure or success,
Teach me Thy way!
When doubts and fears arise,
Teach me Thy way!
When storms o’erspread the skies,
Teach me Thy way!

Shine through the cloud and rain,
Through sorrow, toil and pain;
Make Thou my pathway plain,
Teach me Thy way!
Long as my life shall last,
Teach me Thy way!
Where’er my lot be cast,
Teach me Thy way!

Until the race is run,
Until the journey’s done,
Until the crown is won,
Teach me Thy way!

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