Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - June 22, 2024
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                                June 22, 2024
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, June 22, 2024

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Daily Digests: M 6/17 (PDF)T 6/18 (PDF)Th 6/20 (PDF)F 6/21 (PDF)

Senate Votes — Legislation: New: 93 (D, R), Action: 7, Voted: 1, Passed: 6News

M 6/17/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary

T 6/18/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary
Th 6/20/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary
F 6/21/2024Record PDFSummary

House — Legislation: New: 55 (R, D)News

T 6/18/2024Record PDF, Extensions PDFActivity

F 6/21/2024Record PDF, Extensions PDFActivity
Homeland Security — Committees: House, Senate

Lankford on border-crossing statistics: The Executive action the President took 2 weeks ago to declare they are going to put new limits in place—everybody here should check the facts on it. We had the same number of crossings yesterday that we had 4 weeks ago before that Executive action went into place. That Executive action hasn't changed the numbers. What has changed is the way they are counting the numbers. They are now not including in the count the people who come to a port of entry who are not legally present. They are now not being included, so the numbers look smaller, but look at the asterisk and the fine print of who now is no longer being counted in the publicly released numbers. The numbers haven't changed; the way they are publishing the numbers has changed.

Budget — Committees: House, Senate

CBO: An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook: 2024 to 2034CBO Director’s Statement

CBO: Deficits, inflation, and economic growth higher

Tax Policy — Committees: House, Senate, Joint

House Republicans shift message on extending 2017 tax cuts: 2025 is not 2017 • Interest payments on the debt have already exceeded Medicare costs and next year are expected to eclipse defense spending.

Senate Finance Democrats look to raise revenue for 2025 tax cliff

Supreme Court dodges definitive answer on legality of a ‘wealth tax (SCOTUS opinion)

Federal Spending — Committees: House, Senate — FY 2024 bills, table

McConnell: Senate Democrats continue to indicate that they will stick to their longstanding demand for artificial parity between defense and nondefense appropriations for any increases above the President's budget.

Executive — Committees: House, Senate

Former Trump adviser Kash Patel points out House has authority to arrest Garland over subpoena

WH: Nominations Sent to the Senate

WH Letter: Amy Karpel designated as Chair of the United States International Trade Commission

Supreme Court

Hirono on Chevron: The Chevron doctrine allows Federal Agencies to determine congressional intent “where the law is unclear or ambiguous.” “Justice Gorsuch, one of the most outspoken critics of Chevron, has gone so far as to call for the Court to give the doctrine ’a tombstone no one can miss.’” • Look for the Supreme Court to issue an opinion in the Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo case next week. It's currently tied for the Court's third most outstanding case since oral arguments, 1/17/2024.

The Court is expected to wrap up its 2023 term next week with an estimated three to five case decisions per day Wednesday through Friday. • Cases pending

Corruption — Praising Evil, Punishing Good (Isaiah 5:20)

Senate report piles on new allegations of Boeing safety failures (204-page report)

Commerce Policy — Committees: Senate, House

McConnell: In the face of a dangerous world, the administration's obsession with performative climate policy is taking meaningful levers of American power simply off the table. For 3 1/2 years, the Biden administration has worked relentlessly to suffocate American energy production, both onshore and offshore.

House Judiciary Republicans take aim at ‘climate cartel’ on accusations of antitrust activities

Health Care Policy — Committee: Senate

Pharmacy Benefit Manager bill negotiations continue

Science/Technology Policy — Committee: House, Senate

Online safety bill negotiations continue

Congress — Committees: House, Senate

House Republicans request all documents previously turned over to Jan. 6 Committee

Should doctors in Congress be able to maintain their profession? (H.R. 8772) • The late Senator Tom Coburn championed this cause when in Congress.
Committee ActivityMeetings: 11Reports: 5 • Legislative action this week: All committee legislative action • Senate (Subcommittees) House (Subcommittees)

SASC Completes Markup of NDAA (Executive Summary) • Chip Roy, Mike Lee slam part of Senate version of NDAA that would have women register for the draft • It's not clear if women would also be implicated in the House-passed automatic registration for the draft (H.R. 8070, Sec. 531). • Pray about what kind of negotiating leverage for which this kind of policy could be used, and pray it doesn't pass.

Boeing CEO Calhoun apologizes to crash victims' families during Senate hearing (Meeting, Congress.gov)

Committee news this week: SenateHouse (Google News)

Floor Outlook


McConnell on Maldonado nomination and judicial efficiency: It is incredible how clear-eyed our colleague sounds when he is not burdened with the uncomfortable responsibility of rubberstamping a favorite of the left's dark money royalty. • The Senate is scheduled to resume consideration of the Maldonado nomination upon its return in two weeks.

Senate to vote on “A bill to express support” for Roe v. Wade (S. 4554) • If ever there were a textbook example of an election-year messaging bill, it would be “a bill to express support.”

House of RepresentativesRules Committee: Legislation

Rules Committee: Meeting Announcement for June 25, 2024

CBO: Legislation considered under suspension of the Rules of the House of Representatives during the week of June 24, 2024

Senate Schedule:

  • Pro forma sessions:

    • Tuesday, June 25 at 11:30 a.m.

    • Friday, June 28 at 12 noon

    • Tuesday, July 2 at 12 noon

    • Friday, July 5 at 9 a.m.

  • 3 p.m., Monday, July 8 — Maldonado nomination — Judge, 7th Circuit


On Tuesday, the House will meet at noon for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. First and last votes expected: 6:30 p.m.

Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business. On Friday, last votes are expected no later than 3:00 p.m.

Legislation Considered Pursuant to a Rule

H.R. 8752 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2025 ( Sponsored by Rep. Amodei / Appropriations Committee )

H.R. 8771 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025 ( Sponsored by Rep. Diaz-Balart / Appropriations Committee )

H.R. 8774 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025 ( Sponsored by Rep. Calvert / Appropriations Committee )

Complete list of Bills for the Week of June 24, 2024
Senate Committee Meeting Schedules

House Committee Meeting SchedulesCongress.gov: 41
TuesdayJune 25, 2024

WednesdayJune 26, 2024

ThursdayJune 27, 2024

FridayJune 28, 2024
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