The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, June 17, 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Monday, June 17, 2024
Our guest speaker for tonight is Gabbie Teitelman, who works with her brother, Eric, as a contributing commentator on the House of David website: www, Gabbie was born and raised in Israel and, as an American citizen, now maintains very close ties with her friends in Israel.

We will all be looking forward to what Gabbie has to share with us tonight as we pray over the breaking news out of Israel in this hour.

Our conference number is: 717-908-1834
Our access code is: 596968#
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT

Please note: There are primary elections tomorrow in Oklahoma and in Virginia. Go here to see the calendar for other states that are holding primaries in the next few weeks. (Source: POLITICO)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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The Daily Brief
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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "You Are Good" by Israel & New Breed. Go here!

Biden Reportedly Developing Large Scale Plan to Provide Legal Status to Illegal Immigrants
The Biden administration is developing a plan to provide legal status to illegal immigrants, CBS News reported Friday.

The Biden administration is reportedly preparing to announce an immigration relief initiative that could affect hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. The program under development would provide work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens, contingent upon them having resided in the U.S. for at least 10 years, according to sources cited by CBS News.

This initiative, known as “Parole in Place,” aims to also facilitate a route to permanent legal status and ultimately, U.S. citizenship for eligible individuals by circumventing a current legal hurdle, the outlet reported. This hurdle typically bars those who entered the U.S. illegally from obtaining green cards without first leaving the country.

Additionally, the Biden administration is working on simplifying the waiver process for DREAMers and other undocumented immigrants. This would potentially make it easier for them to acquire temporary visas, such as the H-1B visas designated for highly skilled workers. (Daily Caller) Read more
- Lord, we pray that Your wisdom will prevail over these plans. Let no actions be done by this administration that would cause more problems with the immigration issue.

Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24)
House Republicans Target Left-Wing Pentagon Policies in Massive Spending Bill 
Several provisions targeting left-wing Department of Defense (DOD) policies made it into the House’s version of the annual defense bill that passed the chamber Friday, but a number of proposed amendments were left out.

The Republican-led House narrowly passed the $895 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Thursday. The legislation included amendments to curtail left-leaning policies in the military, including rollbacks of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies in recruiting and promotions, bans on green-energy initiatives in defense operations, and merit-based requirements for services academies’ admissions. The House’s NDAA is likely to face pushback in the Democrat-led Senate and could be stripped of a series of conservative-favored amendments before it is signed into law, according to Politico.

“This year’s NDAA will refocus our military on its core mission of defending America and its interests across the globe,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement on Friday.

The House’s NDAA requires that any military promotion and command decisions be made based on individual merit and prohibits the Department of Defense from factoring in race or gender. It also prohibits affirmative action in admission decisions at the Naval Academy, West Point and the Air Force Academy. (Daily Caller) Read more
- Father, we pray on our knees that You will turn the flood of wrongly focused ideologies in our military AND nation.  Only You can change a heart. WE ask that the Senate approve this bill despite the Democrat majority there, as well as the required signature of the president. May a huge wave of Your Spirit bring repentance to all.

- “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deut. 31:6)

Biden Rule Extending Title IX to Trans Students Blocked in 4 GOP States 
A federal judge in Louisiana has temporarily blocked four states from expanding the Biden administration’s new Title IX policy to protect LGBTQ+ students.

The Biden administration’s new Title IX policy outlined federal protections for LGBTQ+ students and victims of sexual assault while expanding the definition of sexual harassment for schools and universities. The new Title IX provisions collide with Louisiana’s “Women’s Safety and Protection Act” which requires individuals to use the bathroom based on their sex, prohibiting transgender people from using bathrooms and other close-quartered facilities corresponding with their gender identity, according to the court documents.

Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty, the first judge to block the new Title IX rule, referred to it as an “abuse of power” and “a threat to democracy,” according to the court documents. The three supporting states are Mississippi, Montana and Idaho, all of which joined  the lawsuit, overstepping the Education Department’s authority.

The rule is still scheduled to take effect on August 1, 2024, nationwide except in the four states mentioned in the Louisiana decision. (Daily Caller) Read more 
- Thank You, Lord for this ruling. We pray that You will somehow preserve Title IX for women only and not allow it to be continually twisted against them.

- “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)  

1. Israeli jets strike targets in Lebanon after missile barrage hits northern areas - Reuters

JERUSALEM, June 14 (Reuters) - Israeli jets and artillery hit targets in southern Lebanon on Friday after dozens of missiles were launched towards northern Israel, the military said as an escalation in cross-border strikes continued for a third day.
Warning sirens sounded in border areas in northern Israel in the late morning as about 35 missiles were fired from southern Lebanon into the area around the border town of Kiryat Shmona.

Television footage showed damaged buildings and cars as well as brush fires in several locations caused by strikes or falling debris amid heatwave conditions.
Warning sirens sounded and emergency services said teams were active in several areas but there were no reports of any casualties. (Read more) 

2. IDF intel system crashed hours before Oct. 7 invasion - World Israel News

A key intelligence system went down the night before the Hamas attack on October 7th that might have given the IDF time to prevent it had it been working, Channel 12 reported Saturday.

The system, whose details are top secret, experienced a serious fault at 11:00 p.m. on October 6th that required it to be shut down by its Unit 8200 operators.

This was a critical time, as a few warning signs, such as the simultaneous flipping on of hundreds of  Israeli SIM cards in mobile phones belonging to Hamas fighters, had led to discussions that night among the top brass in the IDF, with Shabak head Ronen Bar sending a very limited but elite force to the Gazan border. (Read more)

3. Outrage after IDF announces daily ‘humanitarian pauses’ along south Gaza route - JNS

Right-wing ministers in the Israeli government lashed out on Sunday after the Israel Defense Forces announced it would observe daily 11-hour “humanitarian pauses” in its operation against Hamas terrorists along a route in southern Gaza to increase aid shipments into the area.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir criticized the move, claiming it runs contrary to decisions made by the Security Cabinet.

“The one who decided on a ‘tactical truce’ to introduce humanitarian aid, especially at a time when the best of our soldiers are falling in battle, is evil and a fool who should not continue in his position,” he tweeted. (Read more)

4. Israel's response to Erdogan's boycott - Israel National News

The Economy Ministry is promoting new regulations for Israel's economic relations with Turkey in light of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasing antagonism against the Jewish State and support for the Hamas terrorist organization.

The decision follow's Erdogan's decision to impose a trade embargo against Israel, which violates the trade agreement between the countries. The move entails the activation of a control mechanism that includes a licensing requirement that will apply to all products imported from Turkey directly to Israel. (Read more)

5. Qatar and Egypt plan talks with Hamas on Gaza ceasefire - Jerusalem Post

Qatari and Egyptian mediators plan to engage with Hamas soon to see if there is a way to push ahead with the three-phased Gaza ceasefire proposal unveiled by US President Joe Biden last month, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Saturday. 

“We anticipate a back-and-forth between the mediators and Hamas,” Sullivan said.

“We’ll see where we stand at that point. We will keep consulting with the Israelis and then hopefully at some point next week we’ll be able to report to you where we think things stand and what we see as being the next step to try to bring this to closure,” he said.
Sullivan spoke to reporters on the sidelines of a Ukraine peace summit and was asked about diplomatic efforts to get an agreement for Hamas to release the remaining 120 hostages held since October 7. (Read more)

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace 

Go here

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel 
Go here 
The Daily Brief
1. Supreme Court Declares ATF Ban on Bump Stocks Illegal - Breitbart
Attaching a bump stock to a rifle does not make it a machinegun, and thus the federal agency ban on bump stocks is illegal under federal law, the Supreme Court held on Friday.

“Congress has long restricted access to ‘machineguns,’ a category of firearms defined by the ability to ‘shoot, automatically more than one shot . . . by a single function of the trigger.’ Semiautomatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machineguns,” Justice Clarence Thomas began in the majority opinion. “This case asks whether a bump stock—an accessory for a semiautomatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire)—converts the rifle into a ‘machinegun.’ We hold that it does not and therefore affirm.”

“Shooters have devised techniques for firing semiautomatic firearms at rates approaching those of some machineguns,” Thomas gives as background information. “One technique is called bump firing. A shooter who bump fires a rifle uses the firearm’s recoil to help rapidly manipulate the trigger.”

“The question in this case is whether a bump stock transforms a semiautomatic rifle into a ‘machinegun,’ as defined by §5845(b)” in Title 18 of federal law. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued a regulation saying that it does.

“Michael Cargill surrendered two bump stocks to ATF under protest. He then filed suit to challenge the final Rule, asserting a claim under the Administrative Procedure Act,” Thomas explained in the 6-3 decision. “As relevant, Cargill alleged that ATF lacked statutory authority to promulgate the final Rule because bump stocks are not ‘machineguns’ as defined in §5845(b).” Read more 
- Thank You, Lord, that knowledge of the truth is still alive at the Supreme Court. The ATF has become a weapon against law-abiding citizens for some time, so we rejoice that the court ruled against their plans. Though some may be dismayed at this ruling because of the Las Vegas massacre, the court ruled on the facts, not the emotion.

- “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” (Proverbs 19:21) 

2. Secret Service to Give Briefing to Congress After ‘Harrowing’ Incident Within Kamala Harris' Detail -Washington Examiner

Alarmed by an incident in April that involved a member of Vice President Kamala Harris’s security detail, the House Oversight Committee will be briefed next week on hiring and training issues that could be impacting the Secret Service.

According to the Washington Examiner, an armed agent who was part of the protective detail for Harris scuffled with other agents at Joint Base Andrews near Washington, D.C. on April 22.

House Oversight and Accountability Chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky sent the Secret Service a letter in May asking to learn more about concerns regarding the incident and the broader issue of training, according to Fox News.

"In response to the letter received from Chairman James Comer, the U.S. Secret Service will comply with the House Oversight Committee’s request for a briefing on the topics outlined in the publicly available letter dated May 30, 2024," a Secret Service representative said.

Comer summed up the incident that led to lawmakers’ concern in a letter to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle,

“It was recently reported that a Secret Service agent, tasked with protecting Vice President Kamala Harris, physically attacked her superior (and the commanding agent in charge) and other agents trying to subdue her while on duty at Joint Base Andrews and assigned to the Vice President’s protective detail,” Comer wrote. Read more

- Lord, we pray that You will root out all Secret Service agents who may have mental issues, biases, or personal agendas among the agents.

- “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Prov. 16:3)

3. Supreme Court Sides With Starbucks in Labor Dispute With Union Activists – The Epoch Times

 The Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of Starbucks on June 13, reining in the National Labor Relations Board’s authority to decide whether fired union activists in Tennessee should get their jobs back.

For years, the coffee giant has been battling organized labor, which is trying to unionize baristas across the United States.

The court’s 9–0 opinion in Starbucks Corp. v. McKinney was written by Justice Clarence Thomas. The court has tended to rule for employers in recent years.

In June 2023, in Glacier Northwest Inc. v. Teamsters, the Court found 8–1 that employers may sue collective bargaining units for damages caused by strikes.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was the sole dissenter in the Glacier Northwest ruling. 
Read more

- Father, we pray that You will protect employees from being forced in any direction whether toward unionization or against it. We pray that freedom of choice will prevail in these matters.

- “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)  

4. SCOTUS Rules 5-4 Against Illegal Aliens Fighting Their Deportations from U.S. – Breitbart

The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 opinion against three illegal aliens fighting their deportation orders from the United States, claiming they did not receive proper notice of their removal hearings in federal immigration court.

When illegal aliens Esmelis Campos-Chaves, Varinder Singh, and Raul Daniel Mendez-Colín failed to appear before federal immigration judges, they were ordered deported in absentia. In each case, the Department of Justice (DOJ) sent initial Notices to Appear (NTA) in immigration court that did not specify the time and place of the hearings.

Later, though, the DOJ sent notices of hearings to each of the illegal aliens which included the time and place for when they needed to appear before a federal immigration judge. In each case, though, the men did not appear at their court hearings and were ordered deported from the United States in absentia.

Each illegal alien then moved to have their deportation orders rescinded, claiming the DOJ did not sufficiently notify them of their immigration hearings. The Fifth Circuit denied one of the petitions while the Ninth Circuit sided with the other two illegal aliens. Read more 

- Lord, we thank You for this ruling. But we pray that Your wisdom will fix all issues regarding the US immigration system, and not allow people to abuse either asylum or deportation orders. Let repentance come!

- “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15)

5. State Department, at Behest of Khashoggi Group, Sanctions Israeli Protesters - Breitbart

The U.S. will sanction an Israeli protest movement called Tsav 9, which has interfered with some aid shipments to Gaza in recent weeks because of opposition to providing aid that will be stolen by Hamas while it holds hostages.

The Biden administration has already sanctioned Israel over “extremist settler violence,” targeting individuals who have not been convicted of any crime — while giving Iran, which backs terrorists, billions of dollars in sanctions relief. Read more

Father, we pray that You will prevent the United States from following the agendas of those who hate Your people. If Tsav 9 has done things displeasing to You, we pray You will provide the necessary punishment. 

- “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)   
6. Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’ - Breitbart

taly’s largest paper reported on a curious incident involving President Joe Biden during the G7 Summit with world leaders in Italy on Thursday.

Corriere Della Sera, a paper based in Melon and in circulation since the 1880s, reported a Thursday episode that appeared to show Biden wandering off into the distance before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni turned him back to the group of world leaders watching a skydiving show.

The video went viral on social media platforms and apparently caught the attention of the foreign press.

Corriere Della Sera’s Viviana Mazza reported the scene in an article titled “Biden and the videos of his rigid movements. How is the president?”:

A video in which the G7 leaders are observing the paratroopers’ performance of the Folgore Brigade and Biden steps away for a moment, recalled by Giorgia Meloni, who touches his arm, has gone viral. Critics describe it as a moment in which he “gets distracted” and “wanders;” supporters note that, in reality, he only turned around for a moment to compliment one of the paratroopers. Read more
- Lord, when foreign reporters notice odd actions of the current occupant of the White House, it signals even more potential problems ahead. We pray for Joe Biden as You requested in Your Word and ask that both he and his VP be changed to bring truth and life where death is reigning in their hearts.

- “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”  (Proverbs 29:2)  

7. BLM’s Leaders Used Charitable Funds To Enrich Themselves And Their Families, New Documents Show – Daily Caller

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) has paid out millions in contracts to insiders, newly released tax documents show.

The nation’s largest BLM organization approved lucrative contracts to firms owned by members of the organization’s leadership and their family members between July 2022 and June 2023, tax filings show. The shuffling of charitable funds to private companies owned by interested parties raises considerable ethical concerns given the lack of oversight and the possible conflicts of interest, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Whether a person loves this charity’s mission or hates it, they should be angry that significant amounts of charitable dollars are being channeled to interested parties without adequate oversight in place,” Charity Watch Executive Director Laurie Styron told the DCNF. “Charities are expected to avoid both real and perceived conflicts of interest to maintain public trust. This charity is doing the opposite. The optics here are really, really bad.”. Read more

- Lord in Heaven, so many people have fallen for the lies of this organization. We pray for accountability to everyone in this group, and for the revelation of truth to those who contributed to them.

- “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12)  

Correct, Not Politically Correct

(Confronting Transgender Ideology)
Calvary Chapel Pastor Jack Hibbs has Frank Turek on as a guest speaker.
In this groundbreaking message, Frank Turek covers:
1. Five Fatal Flaws in Transgender Ideology
2. Five crucial facts in the Transgender Debate
3.How can you love people and protect them the harms of Trans ideology?
And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
This part of the US is at highest risk for a devastating tsunami

A catastrophic earthquake and tsunami are inevitable for the coast of the Pacific Northwest, scientists say. Planning for that means imagining a disaster unlike anything that’s ever hit the modern United States.

“30 or 40 years ago, we didn’t even know that big earthquakes were possible in the Pacific Northwest,” said Diego Melgar, a seismologist at the University of Oregon.

Scientists now know the 700-mile fault called the Cascadia Subduction Zone, 100 miles off the coast of Northern California stretching north to Vancouver Island, could trigger a 9.0 magnitude earthquake followed by a tsunami, which is exactly what happened in Japan 2011.

New in-depth imagery of the fault was recently reported in “Science Advances.” Scientists say it confirmed the subduction zone is cut into 3 to 5 segments, each with its own unique geology. When the segment of the fault off Washington’s coast ruptures, it has the greatest potential of triggering a devastating earthquake.

No one is ready for this.

Nothing built prior to 2005 was designed to withstand the long, strong earthquake Cascadia will produce, according to Corina Allen, the chief hazards geologist at the Washington Geological Survey. And tsunami building codes only went into effect in 2016. Read More

The Good News Corner
70,000 Gather in London's Trafalgar Square to Hear Gospel Message :

 'The Glory of God Is Arising'  
News of revival from countries outside of the United States continues to travel around the world. This time, a massive gospel event in London last month saw more than 70,000 moved by the Spirit of God with many people giving their lives to Jesus Christ, experiencing healing and seeing deliverance. Evangelist Daniel Chand, pastor of Pragma Church and founder of Walking Like Jesus Ministries (WLJM), says thousands worshipped Jesus and heard an encouraging message in Trafalgar Square in the U.K. on May 4th. "We witnessed not only history but prophecy being (fulfilled)," he wrote. "Thousands in Trafalgar Square heard the Gospel. 70 years after Billy Graham stood in the same spot, myself along with other evangelists and pastors shared testimonies, prayed for the sick, and of course declared the greatest love story - The Gospel."

According to Walking Like Jesus Ministries, there were several testimonies of healing including healing from back pain, arthritis, nerve pain, and macro degenerative disease. One woman pushed through a crowd on stage to testify about the miraculous healing she received when a lump in her body completely disappeared. "I've had a lump disappear," she declared as the crowd cheered and shouted for joy. "God's not finished with the United Kingdom," WLJM said on Instagram. "We saw the Lord move powerful(ly) in our nation's capital! God is hearing from heaven and healing our land. He's shaking everything that needs to be shaken and he's pouring out his Spirit! Chand stood in the square boldly "proclaiming, pleading and preaching the blood of Jesus over the nation." (CBN) Read More and Watch Video Here 

- Abba we sing HALLELUJAH and Praise Your Name for the spreading of the Gospel and the miraculous healings and testimonies in London! Bless 'Walking Like Jesus Ministries' for proclaiming and preaching the BLOOD of Christ over the nation. We give You GLORY for the pouring out of Your Holy Spirit bringing healing and deliverance for the lost. In the Name of Jesus, we declare Holy Spirit revival will also flood the land of America, bringing hearts of repentance and hope to our nation that so desperately needs You. Call home every prodigal and bring in an immeasurable harvest of believers who will raise a new standard of holiness for the United States of America! In the mighty and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

- "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Matthew 9:38) 
Thought for the Day
"Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path."

(Psalm 119:105)
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

Crown Him with Many Crowns

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Matthew Bridges
Music: George Elvey

Scripture: His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. Revelation 19:12

Crown Him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon His throne.
Hark! How the heav’nly anthem drowns
All music but its own!
Awake, my soul, and sing
Of Him who died for thee;
And hail Him as thy matchless king
Through all eternity!

Crown Him the Lord of life,
Who triumphed o’er the grave,
And rose victorious in the strife
For those He came to save.
His glories now we sing,
Who died, and rose on high,
Who died eternal life to bring,
And lives that death may die.

Crown Him the Lord of Heav’n,
Enthroned in worlds above,
Crown Him the king to whom is giv’n
The wondrous name of Love.
Crown Him with many crowns,
As thrones before Him fall;
Crown Him, ye kings, with many crowns,

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