Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - June 15, 2024
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                               June 15, 2024

"Remembering Fathers"

by Chuck Norris

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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, June 15, 2024

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Today's Top Story 
House committee subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet secretaries to hand over documents on voter mobilization 'scheme'
Rep. Bryan Steil called Biden's executive order an 'attempt' to 'tilt the scales ahead of 2024' 

A House committee is issuing subpoenas to 15 executive agencies in the Biden administration related to constitutional concerns with one of Biden’s executive orders and the departments' implementation. 

In March 2021, Biden signed Promoting Access to Voting, which states that "executive departments and agencies should partner with State, local, Tribal, and territorial election officials to protect and promote the exercise of the right to vote, eliminate discrimination and other barriers to voting, and expand access to voter registration and accurate election information."

The plan has already come under scrutiny from Senate Republicans, who have called it a federal "voter mobilization" effort with "potentially partisan impacts."

Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chairman of the Committee on House Administration, is subpoenaing Biden’s 15 cabinet secretaries for their detailed plans for carrying out the order just five months out from the November election. 

"The Committee has concerns about the implementation of E.O. 14019, particularly regarding its compatibility with provisions of the National Voter Registration Act (NRA) of 1993," Steil told the agencies in a subpoena letter. 

"Congress delegates to federal agencies specific functions and missions, which by law they are required to follow. Congress's delegation of authority to HUD does not include using funds and resources to provide Americans with voter registration materials," he said.

"Moreover, E.O. 14019 requires every federal agency to submit a strategic plan outlining how the agency can promote voter registration and voter participation.  "Over the last few months, some agencies have taken actions that were likely outlined in their strategic plans. Examples include the Department of Education's new federal work-study requirements, and the Small Business Administration's entrance into a voter registration agreement with Michigan," Steil explained. 

"Both of those actions and the actions of other agencies raise substantial questions and concerns, some of which may be answered by access to the strategic plans drafted by the agencies." (Fox News) Read more here.  

- Lord God, we thank You that this committee is taking proactive measures to investigate the activities of 15 Cabinet Secretaries ahead of the election in November. We ask that each hearing be held in truth, and that any and all actions that may be illegal be discovered and canceled. Thank You, Lord, amen.

- "For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." (Mark 4:22) 
(L-R) European Council President Charles Michel, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pose for a family photo during a welcome ceremony on day one of the 50th G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia on June 13, 2024 in Fasano, Italy. (Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)
G7 Leaders Reach Deal to Unlock Frozen Russian Assets for Ukraine

PUGLIA, Italy—Group of Seven (G7) leaders reached an agreement on June 13 to utilize frozen Russian assets in their continued support of the war in Ukraine.

The G7 will provide Ukraine with a loan using frozen Russian assets as collateral. The total sum is unclear at this time, but the United States has committed $50 billion alone. The risk will be shared among the other G7 nations.

Senior Biden administration officials told reporters that the loan will begin this year, and emphasized that this effectively makes Russia pay for the loan rather than the taxpayers in the United States and G7 countries.

“Russia pays,” said one senior administration official. “The income comes from the interest stream on the immobilized assets, and that’s the only fair way to be repaid. The principle is untouched for now. But we have full optionality to seize the principal later if the political will is there.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in a post on X, had expressed hope that the asset deal would be finalized on June 13.

“The entire Ukrainian people, including our warriors, see that the G7 will always support Ukraine,” he wrote. “I am grateful to our partners for their belief in us and our victory.” (Epoch Times) Read more

- Father God, we thank You that these G7 nations have now united and joined their resources on behalf of the people of Ukraine. We ask that, as these funds begin to be disbursed, every penny would be accounted for. Let honesty rule in Europe as these seven nations move into this new phase of unity. Amen.

- " ... if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)  
Trump Touts ‘Tremendous Unity’ Inside GOP After Washington Visit

WASHINGTON—Former President Donald Trump on June 13 met with House and Senate Republicans during a visit to Washington.

The former president began his day at the Capitol Hill Club, just outside of the Capitol grounds, where he addressed the majority of the House Republican conference.

Protesters, supporters, and press alike congregated outside the building, though the former president made no public remarks there.

Former President Trump also delivered remarks to Senate Republicans at the National Republican Senatorial Committee headquarters just down the road from the Capitol. Later, he plans to deliver remarks to the Business Roundtable.

“There’s tremendous unity in the Republican Party,” former President Trump said at a press conference after his meeting with Senate Republicans.

“We want to see borders, we want to see strong military, we want to see money not wasted all over the world,” he said.

According to lawmakers leaving the meeting, he made no specific requests of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) or the conference as a whole.

The energetic conversation, according to Republicans, touched on an array of issues: election strategy, divisions within the conference, immigration, the economy, abortion, tariffs and taxation, and allegations of a weaponized justice system.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) told The Epoch Times that the former president and the Republican conference discussed “deportation, getting [the Keystone XL pipeline] opened back up, oil flowing and getting inflation down, cutting taxes.”

“He hit everything, he really did, that’s the most energized I’ve ever seen him,” the House Freedom Caucus member said. (The Epoch Times) Read more here.

- Lord God, we are all looking forward to a new season of leadership in the White House after this election. We thank You that, even this weekend as he reaches the age of 78 years old, Donald John Trump has the energy it will take to lead our nation in the days ahead. Thank You, O Lord, amen and amen.

- "In everything give thanks ..." (I Thess. 5:18)  
Biblical foundations for over 50 political topics including:
ESG, DEI, wokeism, “Christian Nationalism,” transgenderism, transhumanism, the feminization of men, fatherlessness, antisemitism, anti-Zionism, the border, election fraud, Big Pharma, the loss of medical freedom, WHO (World Health Organization), WEF (World Economic Forum), Big Tech, cancel culture, Big Ag, the loss of food security, AI, genetic mutation, cloning, the 15 minute city, video screen addiction, fiat currency, CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), CRT, energy dependence, homelessness, sex trafficking, reparations, pornography, abortion, homosexuality, global warming, extraterrestrials and UFOs, world population and more.

“…an encyclopedia of the biblical foundations of nearly 60 political topics.”

                    - Governor Mike Huckabee
Daily Digests: T 6/11 (PDF)W 6/12 (PDF)Th 6/13 (PDF)F 6/14 (PDF)

Senate Votes — Legislation: New: 79 (D, R), Action: 10, Voted: 1, Passed: 9News

T 6/11/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary

W 6/12/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary
Th 6/13/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary

House — Legislation: New: 120 (R, D), Scheduled, Action: 14, Passed: 15News

T 6/11/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes

W 6/12/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes
Th 6/13/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes
F 6/14/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes
Majority Leader Recap: Week of June 10, 2024
Military — Committees: Senate, House

CBO: Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (H.R. 8070)

Foreign Policy — Committees: Senate, House

Senators welcome G7 deal to use Russian assets to aid Ukraine

Fourth Amendment

Tech groups call for preempting state laws in privacy bill

Homeland Security — Committees: House, Senate

Lankford: In the past several months, the FBI has also picked up al-Shabaab terrorists in the United States that had crossed on our southern border, that were listed as special interest aliens

Budget — Committees: House, Senate

CBO: Monthly Budget Review: May 2024

Tax Policy — Committees: House, Senate, Joint

Schumer's view of fiscal responsibility: tax giveaways for the ultrarich and crumbs for everyone else

Trump plan to eliminate tip tax garners Capitol Hill interest

Federal Spending — Committees: House, Senate — FY 2024 bills, table

Oregon casino battle works its way into appropriations process

GOP’s fiscal 2025 spending bills heavy on climate change riders

Executive — Committees: House, Senate

Capito summarizing Biden's pre-summer bucket list: eliminate coal power, block new natural gas plants, add burdensome Federal staffing mandates on long-term care facilities, restrict Second Amendment rights

US Government News Agency Attempted To Stonewall Congressional Corruption Probe, Report Finds

WH: President Biden Announces Key Nominees

WH: Nominations Sent to the Senate

Carson introduces legislation to make Islamic holiday Eid a Federal holiday (H.R. 8755)

Judiciary — Committees: Senate, House

WH: President Biden Names Fifty-First Round of Judicial Nominees

Blumenthal calls for an inspector general for Federal courts as a part of the Judicial Conference

Justice — Punishing Evil, Praising Good (Romans 13:3-4; 1 Peter 2:14)

U.S. House honors American missionaries murdered in Haiti (Floor speech)

Commerce Policy — Committees: Senate, House

Ricketts on EVs (electric vehicles): Biden administration officials have admitted they have no idea how they are going to be able to accomplish their goal. One person I talked to said they are going to run into two big problems: math and physics. They have no idea how they are going to be able to generate and transmit the power needed to be able to charge all these cars.

Hoeven on energy and carbon capture: North Dakota became the first one to be granted regulatory primacy for class VI wells to ensure that CO2 is safely and securely stored below the surface. Wyoming and Louisiana are the only other States in the Nation that also have this authority.

Agriculture Policy — Committees: Senate, House

Senate Republican framework to put more farm in the farm bill

Hoeven: The average age now for these family farms and ranches--the average age of the principal--is about 60 years old

Science/Technology Policy — Committee: House, Senate

Downplaying AI’s existential risks is a fatal error, some say

Congress — Committees: House, Senate

Republicans win Congressional Baseball Game for fourth year in a rowProtesters run on the field

New ADA drop-off zones coming to the Capitol

Retiring: Graves
Committee ActivityMeetings: 71Reports: 1 • Legislative action this week: All committee legislative action • Senate (Subcommittees) House (Subcommittees)

FDA, DOJ hammered on response to illegal vapes (Meeting, Congress.gov)

FAA was 'too hands-off' with Boeing, chief testifies (Meeting, Congress.gov)

Legislative Branch spending bill advances without member pay bump (Meeting, Docs, Congress.govBill Text PDF)

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo will appear before Congress July 12, a day after former President’s sentencing

Committee news this week: SenateHouse (Google News)
3 p.m., Monday, June 17, 2024

Program for Monday: Senate will resume consideration of the nomination of Katherine E. Oler, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and vote on the motion to invoke cloture thereon at 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, 6/13, Senate began consideration of two nominations:
  • Katherine E. Oler, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia
  • Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, of Oregon, to be United States District Judge for the District of Oregon
The House meets in Pro Forma sessions during a district work period from Friday, 6/14/2024 through Monday, 6/24/2024.
Senate Committee Meeting SchedulesCongress.gov: 11
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024
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