The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, July 25, 2024
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Let Your Glory Fill This House" by Steven Moctezuma. Go here!

(> > > Please note, we apologize for the political ads that are preceding our worship sets. Please ignore those. Thank you.)

 'Unbowed, undaunted, unafraid': PM Netanyahu addresses US Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the US Congress in Washington, DC, on Wednesday for the first time since Hamas launched its brutal attacks on southern Israel last year, triggering the ensuring Israel-Hamas War in Gaza.

Netanyahu began his speech by thanking Congress for allowing him "to visit the great citadel of democracy for the fourth time.

"It's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a battle between glorifying death and those who cherish life. America and Israel must stand together. Because when we stand together, something very simple happens, we win, they lose. I came to assure you, my friends, of one thing, we will win."
(The Jerusalem Post) Read more here.

'Israel first, America next': Regional military alliance needed to combat Iran, Netanyahu says
“When we fight Iran we are fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States,” Netanyahu said. (The Jerusalem Post) Read more here.  
- Father God, during this magnificent speech, our members of Congress could not stop clapping nor sit down! We praise You, Holy One, for the passion You have placed in the hearts of most of our lawmakers for Israel. Ours is a bond that cannot be broken! Amen and amen!

- "In everything give thanks . . ." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Election Highlights: Biden Says the Idea of America ‘Lies in Your Hands’
In an Oval Office address, President Biden praised Vice President Kamala Harris and said “it’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years.”

President Biden told the American public in an Oval Office address on Wednesday that he had abandoned his re-election campaign because there is “a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices — yes, younger voices.”

His words, lasting 11 minutes in all, were the first extensive ones from Mr. Biden since his decision to step aside, and expanded on his initial announcement, delivered in a post on social media on Sunday, that he was dropping out of the race. His tone was wistful and his speech was an early farewell.

“It’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years,’’ he said

Sitting behind the Resolute Desk and surrounded by photos of his family, Mr. Biden ticked through the accomplishments of his term, ranging from the choice of the first Black woman to be a Supreme Court justice to pulling the country out of a paralyzing pandemic. He expressed gratitude to the American people for allowing a “kid with a stutter” from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pa., to reach the pinnacle of American politics.

Just beyond the camera, dozens of aides and several members of his family, including Jill Biden, the first lady, watched as Mr. Biden said he would walk away from the office they had worked to help him reach for decades.

“I revere this office,” he said, “but I love my country more.”

Ultimately, Mr. Biden said, he concluded that “the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation.” The president praised Vice President Kamala Harris — “she’s experienced, she’s tough, she’s capable” — but warned, as he has for years, that Americans faced a choice between preserving democracy and allowing it to backslide.

“History is in your hands,” Mr. Biden said. “The power is in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. We just have to keep faith, keep the faith, and remember who we are.” (New York Times) Read more here

- Lord God, only You know what lies ahead now for Joe Biden or for our nation. We place ourselves in Your loving hands, and ask for Your guidance now as we move forward together, every step of the way.

- "To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven: . . ."

(Ecclesiastes 3:1) 
Trump Campaign Files FEC Complaint To Stop Biden’s $91 Million War Chest From Going To Kamala Harris

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint Tuesday alleging President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ are in violation of campaign finance laws after transferring $91.5 million to Harris’ campaign.

The complaint, which was first reported by The New York Times, was filed by Trump’s campaign’s general counsel, David Warrington and comes after Harris announced her confirmation of delegates to be the Democrat’s new presumptive presidential nominee. 

“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended,” Warrington wrote.

Trump’s general counsel called out Biden, Harris and the campaign treasurer for ““flagrantly violating the Act by making and receiving an excessive contribution of nearly one hundred million dollars, and for filing fraudulent forms with the Commission purporting to repurpose one candidate’s principal campaign committee for the use of another candidate.”

Harris announced the confirmation of taking on the presidential nominee at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in August as she has received more than 3,000 delegates’ pledges, exceeding the need 1,976 delegates, according to The Associated Press. (The Daily Caller) Read more here.
- Abba, everything is changing so quickly.  We don't understand the legal issues involved in the Trump campaign's complaint filed with the FEC over transferring President Biden's $91 million campaign fund to Kamala Harris.  We ask You to intervene in how all of this is decided.  Father God, we ask for Your truth and Your ethics to guide and direct how decisions are made in resolving this.  We ask You to block the plans of the enemy to impose his intentions and have his way in these circumstances. Give Your intercessors strategies to pull down any stronghold over this, give us scriptures to decree and declare over any demonic plans.  We ask for Your will to be done on earth as in heaven.  We ask this in the name Jehovah Jireh, The Lord Will Provide.

- "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them
          ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." 
(Psalm 5:11)   
Harris Kicks Off Campaign With First Rally in Battleground Wisconsin

Vice President Kamala Harris hosted her first rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, launching her campaign as the Democratic Party’s new likely presidential nominee.

“The path to the White House goes through Wisconsin,” she told the cheering crowd.

“And to win in Wisconsin, we are counting on you.”

Highlighting her career as a prosecutor and her commitments to “building up” the middle class, passing gun control laws, and securing abortion-access legislation through Congress, Ms. Harris promised to “unite” the Democratic Party and “win in November.”

“This campaign is also about two different visions for our nation, one where we are focused on the future; the other focused on the past,” she said.

“We believe in a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead. A future where no child has to grow up in poverty, where every worker has the freedom to join a union, where every person has affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid family leave.”

In two days since President Joe Biden pulled out of the 2024 race, Ms. Harris has secured key endorsements from party leaders, acquired pledged delegates the president won during the state primaries and caucuses, and established a campaign team to take on the Trump–Vance ticket in November.

Many top Democrats, including the president, have rallied around Ms. Harris as the new likely party nominee. (The Epoch Times) Read more here.

- Abba, Kamala Harris is campaigning on things that so break your heart.  She is continuing to push for abortion on demand, for taking away our right to bear arms.  She talks about building up the middle class but then says there will be affordable health care for families and paid family leave, when all of those things are paid for by the middle class tax base, it just doesn't make sense..  

Father God, we just fall at your feet and ask You intervene and stop what is being done in the darkness that goes against Your perfect will for us as a nation.  Continue to speak your word to us as we seek your face, establish Your hope in our hearts, call forth your remnant to fast and pray and give us eyes to see in the Spirit where Your hand is and what You are doing.  We ask You to silence the lies being spoken about President Trump and Your kids who are standing for the freedom You died to give us. We ask that You grant us the wisdom to "see through" all the tricks that our adversary will throw at us, twisting the truth to serve their own purpose. We ask this in the name El Shaddai, God Almighty, the God who has ultimate power over all things.

- "Better the little that the righteous have
           than the wealth of may wicked;
       for the power of the wicked will be broken,
           but the Lord upholds the righteous."
(Psalm 37:16) 
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns

Kimberly Cheatle, the director of the U.S. Secret Service, resigned on July 23, one day after her testimony before Congress about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

“I take full responsibility for the security lapse,” she said in the email to Secret Service staff. “In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that I have made the difficult decision to step down as your director.”

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas soon after said he was appointing Ronald Rowe, the service’s deputy director, to serve as acting director.

Ms. Cheatle, who was sworn in as director in 2022, had previously rebuffed calls to resign in the wake of the assassination attempt against the former president.

“I think I am the best person to lead the Secret Service at this time,” she said during a Capitol Hill hearing on July 22.

“If you have an assassination attempt on a president, or a candidate, you need to resign,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) said.

During the hearing, Ms. Cheatle acknowledged the Secret Service was alerted before the rally started to a suspicious person but said the man, who ended up being the shooter, wasn’t deemed a threat until moments before shots were fired.

Ms. Cheatle acknowledged the assassination attempt was the agency’s “most significant operational failure” in decades, but she said she was the right person to helm the Secret Service to ensure accountability. She rankled lawmakers by repeatedly refusing to discuss specifics of what went wrong during the rally and not committing to firing any personnel once the agency’s internal probe wraps up. (The Epoch Times) Read more here.

- Father, we thank You that this director was compelled to resign because she had no way to recover from her inconsistencies and inability to keep people safe and alive.  This agency has a most critical job responsibility and we pray for someone to take the helm who is absolutely honorable and reliable in fulfilling their duties in every aspect, in Jesus name.  We declare that something like this will never happen again and that there will be whistle-blowers well in advance, in Jesus name.  We pray that President Trump and all other candidates are kept safe under the shadow of Your wings and we give You highest praise for Your hand of protection upon him, in Jesus name.  

- "Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall keep it to the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart."  (Psalm 119:33-34) 

1. WATCH: Israel haters triggered by Netanyahu's speech to Congress launch massive D.C. protests - World Daily Net

Standing ovations for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were delivered to the visiting dignitary when he addressed Congress on Wednesday, despite thousands of protesters to carried their anti-semitism agenda to the streets and the boycott of dozens of leftist members.

He unleashed the truth when he pointed out the contradictions of the anti-Israel riot squads who have invaded university campuses and taken over tax-funded facilities in recent months, following the terror attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas thugs, last Oct. 7.

Some 1,200 Israeli civilians were slaughtered in that attack.

Netanyahu said, "Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming 'Gays for Gaza.' They might as well hold up signs saying 'Chickens for KFC." (Read more)

2. Anti-Israel Hate Arrives at Netanyahu’s Washington Hotel - Jewish Press

Anti-Israel haters have arrived at the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sarah and his delegation are staying during their trip this week.

A wannabe Arab protester dressed up as a terrorist, complete with keffiyeh, yelled “Allahu Akbar! Hamas!” (Allahu Akbar is the jihadist war cry, ‘God is Great’) from outside the tall black metal barriers set up outside the hotel. He shouted “We gonna win! We gonna win! You coward!” at a pro-Israeli counter-protester. “Go to Alaska! Don’t come to our country!” he yelled. “Take Biden and all the Jewish lobby and go to Alaska!” adding, “Netanyahu we’re going to take his neck off!”

Huge barriers were set up around the Watergate Hotel and hundreds of police officers were brought in from surrounding states to assist with crowd (and anarchist) control during Netanyahu’s address to Congress. (Read more)

3. Ben Gvir declares Jewish prayer permitted on Temple Mount, again defying status quo - Times of Israel

Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Wednesday claimed a major change has been instituted to the fragile status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, saying he prays at the site and that Jewish prayer is allowed at the site, despite a decades-long ban on the practice.

“I was at the Temple Mount last week. I prayed at the Temple Mount and we are praying at the Temple Mount. I am in the political echelon, and the political echelon allows Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount,” Ben Gvir told attendees at a Knesset conference encouraging Jewish visits to the holy site.

He made the statement hours before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s was to speak to a joint session of Congress on a high-stakes trip during which Netanyahu will meet with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican nominee former president Donald Trump. (Read more)

4. PM asserts status quo on Temple Mount has not changed - Times of Israel

Israel’s policy “to maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount has not changed and will not change,” says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

The statement comes in response to his National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s claim that he prayed on the Temple Mount during his visit last week.

Other members of the governing coalition have publicly panned Ben Gvir for his statements around the sensitive site. (Read more)

5. Hezbollah publishes new video inside Israel's borders - Israel National News

Hezbollah published on Wednesday documentation it collected from inside Israel's borders, using an UAV that the organization claims also returned to Lebanon without being intercepted.

The video shows the Ramat David base, which is located about 50 km from the Lebanese border, including details of officers' locations and sensitive storage sites.

This is the third video published by Hezbollah with photos from Israel, after it published a video from the Golan Heights and the Haifa Bay area. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. JD Vance Sounds Alarm on China Controlling U.S. Pharmaceutical Supply: ‘Let’s Make Our Own Stuff’ - Breitbart

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) sounded the alarm on China making most of the pharmaceuticals used in the United States during a speech in his hometown of Middletown, Ohio.

“I happen to believe in this crazy thing that we ought to make more of our own stuff in this country, and I know President Trump agrees,” Vance said:

Think about this, do you know where 95 percent of the ibuprofen, advil … you know where it’s manufactured? China. You know where the gross majority of the antibiotics that we put into the bodies of our children come from? China. Now, I don’t know if you were alive the past five years but do you remember maybe why we shouldn’t trust the Chinese attitude toward public health? [Emphasis added]
Vance said the United States should not rely on China for even the most minuscule goods, let alone pharmaceuticals, calling again for an American manufacturing renaissance.

- Lord God only with your direction can we fix all the messes our government has made, including in our healthcare system. The system was supposed to be built to serve others but instead it’s become a wasteful entity serving only those at the top. This should not be. We humble ourselves before You God and look to You only for direction on our health and how to clean up this corrupt system. Give us Your wisdom Lord for this situation. In Jesus name amen.

- “For the Lord has a hidden storehouse of wisdom made accessible to his godly ones. He becomes your personal bodyguard as you follow his ways, protecting and guarding you as you choose what is right.” (Proverbs 2:7-8) 

2. Israeli P.M. Netanyahu arrives in Washington with no welcome from the White House - American Family News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's arrived in Washington Monday and despite being the leader of America's greatest ally in the Middle East, no-one from the White House was there to greet him.

The main purpose of Netanyahu's visit is a speech to a joint meeting of Congress. But at stake, in meetings with administration officials, are hopes for progress in U.S.-led efforts to mediate an end to the nine-month Israel-Hamas war. The visit comes as the toll of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes in Gaza nears 40,000. It's also in a week when new deaths were reported among the surviving hostages — who include Israelis, Americans and other nationalities — held by Hamas and other militants since the first hours of the war.

Netanyahu planned his trip weeks before the ground abruptly started heaving under U.S. politics this summer. That includes a July 13 assassination attempt against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and President Joe Biden’s decision Sunday to give up his faltering reelection campaign and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency instead.  (Read more) 

- Lord, what an embarrassing tragedy that our current leadership has deserted our allies, especially in such a hostile time for the Middle East right now. We pray for restoration in this area, Lord. We pray that new leadership would be elected in November and we would be strong defenders of Israel.  This includes the Jewish people, the American people, and our many allies all over the world.  We pray that they would again trust us to be people of our word and that they can count on us, in Jesus name, amen.

- "The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them." (Proverbs 11:3) 

3. CNN’s John King Reported There Could Be ‘Risks’ Of Adding Jewish Candidates To Dem Ticket - The Daily Caller

CNN’s John King said Sunday evening there could be possible “risks” of adding Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to a party ticket with Vice President Kamala Harris after notably stating he is Jewish.

King appeared on the network to discuss President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw his reelection bid and endorse Harris as the party’s nominee. While Harris has yet to officially be placed in the position, endorsements and vice president options for her ticket have begun to pile.

CNN host Anderson Cooper noted how Shapiro is “being discussed as one of Harris’ potential running mates,” asking King what he believed the “pros and cons for putting him on the ticket” would be.  (Read more) 

- Lord God, we continue to pray for our politicians to have an increase of wisdom and discernment. There are so many Americans suffering right now, please help our leadership focus on the people that they vowed to serve. We come against greed, bribery and deceit, for power and control and we break it off our leaders, in Jesus name. We continue to declare that the Lord will return  America to her glory and that He will rule and reign over this country once again, in Jesus name, amen.

- “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Your kingdom.” (Psalm 45:6) 

4. Florida local reveals toll from high cost of living: 'It doesn't make sense anymore' - Fox Business

The high cost of living is taking its toll on Americans, and Florida is no exception. "I can tell you it's a lot of money," Fox News' Miami-based correspondent Danamarie McNicholl told "Varney & Co." host Stuart Varney during her report on Friday, describing what it would cost to rent an apartment in North Bay Village.
McNicholl noted that the rent of the apartment complex near Miami where she'd been reporting increased nearly 100 percent in four years.

According to a report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, a worker in Florida making minimum wage at an hourly rate of $12 would need to work 98 hours per week to afford a one-bedroom rental home at a fair market rate.

One millennial Floridian, George Chijioke, explained that he earns more than minimum wage, but told FOX Business he still needs to supplement his income by driving for Lyft and tutoring students to keep up with the high costs.
"I make a decent amount of money." However, he continued, "It's not enough. I love it down here, but it's just… it doesn't make sense anymore."   (Read more)  

- Lord God we lift up to You all these families that are hurting and struggling and ask that You would bring them peace and comfort in the mighty name of Jesus. We thank You that You are giving Your people supernatural ideas and ways to get out of this system of the world so that we become totally dependent on You and every need is supplied according to your riches in glory. In the name of Jesus we pray amen.

- “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:19)

5. FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Previously Supported Legislation To End Private Insurance - The Daily Caller

Vice President Kamala Harris supported “Medicare for All” and abolishing private health insurance as recently as 2019, before later proposing her own more moderate plan.

Harris was a co-signer on Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” bill in 2017, which sought to eliminateprivate insurers and create a new single-payer system with the federal government acting as the sole provider of healthcare services. She then went on to support abolishing private insurance in a June 2019 presidential primary debate before claiming it was a gaffe two days later, putting out a revised policy the following month that permitted private insurers to exist if they adhered to “strict Medicare requirements on costs and benefits.”

“Essentially, we would allow private insurance to offer a plan in the Medicare system, but they will be subject to strict requirements to ensure it lowers costs and expands services,” Harris wrote in a Medium post in July 2019. “If they want to play by our rules, they can be in the system. If not, they have to get out.”  (Read more)  

- Lord God, we pray that the eyes and hearts of the American public would be flooded with light so they may know the truth and choose the correct person for president who has values to protect our precious liberties in Jesus name. We just speak in faith right now so that our freedoms would be fully protected and intact this November, in Jesus name, amen.

- “Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.” (2 John 1:8) 

6. Kamala Harris Hits $86M in 24-Hour Fundraising - DML News

Kamala Harris has received significant financial support for her presidential campaign, raising a record-breaking $86 million in less than 24 hours. This surge in donations follows President Joe Biden’s announcement, via a letter posted on Twitter, that he would not seek reelection.

The letter, notably lacking the presidential seal, has fueled speculation that Biden was pressured to step aside to make way for Harris. Biden has not made any public appearances since the announcement, further intensifying the rumors.

Meanwhile, Harris has secured unanimous endorsements from various state delegations, including Pennsylvania and Maryland, and has already garnered more than half of the delegates needed to clinch the Democratic nomination, according to an AP survey.
Many Democrats, liberals and leftists are celebrating her massive fundraising haul. (Read more) 

- Heavenly Father, let our nation and Your Church look to You during these uncertain times. Lord help every believer be led by Your spirit at the ballot box this November. Let every American have their eyes and ears open to not be deceived or swayed by deception, in Jesus name. We know that You work all things according to the counsel of Your will, so help us trust in You and give You glory as we do Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

- “In him we were also chosen,  having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.” ( (Ephesians 1:11)  

The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Biden’s Judicial Reject

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, July 24, 2024

Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn was nominated on April 30 by Joe Biden to a seat on the US District Court for the Southern District. She then became the only Biden nominee for the federal courts to be rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee. It also marked the first time in this current congress that a Democrat changed sides and voted with Republicans to reject a judicial nominee. In a 10-11 vote, Netburn went down in flames after Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) defected the party line joined a unified Republican contingency. The vote underscored so many very wrong things about the Democratic Party and the political nomination of radical extremists to the federal court system

Netburn was rejected because she ruled to transfer a biological male identifying as a transgender woman to a prison that house biological women. July Justine Shelby, born William McClain, a male posing as a woman, pleaded guilty of molesting a nine-year-old boy and raping a 17-year-old girl and spend 18 years in prison, then violated parole and spent another six years in prison before being released in 2015. In 2017 the transgender pleaded guilty for distributing child pornography. After being transferred to the women’s prison, Shelby complained that the women made it clear that he was not welcome at the prison and he feared being attacked by the “violent females” there. Read More

Convicted Democrat New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez To Resign

Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, who was convicted on 16 felony charges one week ago, will resign his seat effective Aug. 20, The Washington Post reported.

Senator Menendez told his staff today of his plan to exit the upper chamber of Congress, sources told Tyler Pager of The Washington Post. The New Jersey Senator was convicted on 16 counts, among them bribery, fraud, obstruction of justice and extortion, by a New Jersey jury on July 16, the climax of years of legal battles for the three-term senator.

Menendez has faced calls to resign since the conviction. This included powerful congressional Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer demanded his resignation just hours following the jury’s decision. It took a week for Menendez to make an official decision, but he eventually gave in.

The indictment claimed that Menendez and his wife Nadine agreed to several hundred thousand dollars worth of bribes in exchange for the Senator’s use of his influence to protect and financially benefit three New Jersey businessmen and promote the interests of Egypt’s government. These events happened between 2018-2022, according to the indictment.

The indictment accused the couple if receiving bribes including “cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no job, a luxury vehicle, and other things of value.” (Daily Caller) Read more here. 

- Abba, we pray for Senator Menendez and his wife Nadine, we ask you to draw their hearts to you as they walk through the rest of the proceedings in this trial.  We thank you that the truth was revealed and justice served through his conviction.    We ask You to speak to Mrs. Menendez 'heart no matter how her trial will end, reveal to her that she is seen and known by You.   Lord, reveal yourself to them, let them know that forgiveness is available to them in repentance and returning to you.  We ask this in the name El Roi, The God Who Sees.

- " Woe to those who go to great depths
            to hide their plans from the Lord, 
       who do their work in darkness and think,
           "Who sees us, Who will know?" 
(Isaiah 29:15) 
Rep. Andy Ogles Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris

Republican Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles introduced articles of impeachment Tuesday against Vice President Kamala Harris, citing high crimes and misdemeanors.

Ogles explained to the Daily Caller that he believes Harris “knowingly breached the public’s trust by failing to invoke the 25th Amendment after it became clear that Joe Biden was mentally and physically unfit to serve as president” and said “immediate action must be taken.”

“Time and again, Kamala Harris has refused to uphold her oath to the U.S. Constitution, and she must be impeached. Her breathtaking incompetence as Border Czar has allowed a crisis of drugs, rape, and murder to flood the streets of America,” Ogles told the Daily Caller after introducing the articles.

On June 27, Trump and Biden squared off in their first debate in Atlanta, which was followed by an avalanche of calls for Biden to step down amid his performance. Biden has since stepped down as the nominee, while power players within the Democratic Party, including Democratic California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, have coalesced around Harris in a matter of days. (Daily Caller) Read more here.  

- Abba, Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles has filed Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Harris because she did not call for the 25th Amendment to be used against Joe Biden knowing his inability to do the job of President and also for her unwillingness to do anything to close our southern borders even though it was a job given her by Biden.  Father God, we ask You to take hold of these Articles and carry them through the Congress.  You know what needs to be done and we ask that Your perfect will be done with them, in Jesus' name.  We ask You to protect Rep. Ogles and his family from demonic retaliation, in Jesus' name.  We ask that this be a roadblock to the political whirlwind that has been created around her since Biden stepped down, please bring it down, in Jesus' name.  We ask this in the name El Gibhor, Mighty God, the God who will bring destruction to his enemies and rule with a rod of iron.

- "Pride goes before destruction, 
          a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18) 
3 Supreme Court Justices Recuse 2nd Time in Case Accusing Them of Wrongly Rejecting 2020 Election Lawsuit
The new ruling follows the court’s decision on May 28 to turn away the longshot legal bid by Raland J. Brunson of Ogden, Utah, who has gained notoriety among supporters of former President Donald Trump for his legal activism.  

The Supreme Court refused on July 22 to rehear a lawsuit that was filed against three justices because they rejected a previous lawsuit aimed at lawmakers who certified the 2020 election victory of President Joe Biden.

In a rare move, all three justices—Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson—recused themselves from the case because they were named as co-respondents in it.

Mr. Brunson has filed several lawsuits along with his brothers. He told The Epoch Times that he filed the latest lawsuit, which alleged the justices violated their oath of office, to draw attention to the importance of oaths of office.

In the case at hand, Brunson v. Sotomayor, Mr. Brunson, sued Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson in their official capacities for voting on Feb. 21, 2023, to deny the petition for certiorari, or review, in his previous lawsuit known as Brunson v. Adams.

In Brunson v. Adams, he sued hundreds of members of Congress in 2021, claiming that they violated their oath of office by not giving time for investigations of election fraud in the 2020 election and by certifying the election victory of then-challenger Joe Biden over then-incumbent President Trump in a process that concluded in the early morning of Jan. 7, 2021, following the U.S. Capitol breach.

In the unusual lawsuit, Mr. Brunson argued that avoiding an investigation of how President Biden won the election “is an act of treason and an act of levying war against the U.S. Constitution which violated Brunson’s unfettered right to vote in an honest and fair election and as such it wrongfully invalidated his vote.”

Mr. Brunson argued in his petition for rehearing filed on June 12 in Brunson v. Sotomayor that by voting to deny the petition for certiorari, the justices violated their oath of office.

The court has “a legal and binding duty under the law to grant” the petition, which “centers on their oath of office which cannot be ignored without it being a violation of their oath of office,” he argued.

“If the Justices cannot be checked by their oath through Brunson’s petition or others like ... it, then our freedoms are subject to what they declare them to be instead of what they are,” the petition stated.

The justices’ oath requires them to be impartial, to administer justice and “do equal right to the poor and to the rich,” and uphold the U.S. Constitution and the nation’s laws.
The decision not to rehear Brunson v. Sotomayor came in an unsigned order on July 22. No justices dissented and the court did not explain its reasoning.

Mr. Brunson said more lawsuits are coming but he couldn’t discuss them because he is “still strategizing.”

The Epoch Times reached out to the U.S. Department of Justice, which represented the three justices, for comment, but didn’t receive a reply by publication time. (The Epoch Times) Read more here.

Father, we pray for the lawsuit that the Brunson brothers are bringing against the justices and congress on behalf of we, the people, to be heard in the Supreme Court. The fact that these three justices have recused themselves should have no bearing on it, nor should the fact that this case is a profound moral statement about oaths of office.  We pray for Raland Brunson to continue to stand strong and we ask You Father to allow this case to be pushed forward, compelling the "power-people" to honor  their oaths of office, in Jesus name.

- "I can of Myself do nothing.  As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.'"         (John 5:30)
Biden's Cabinet doubles down on support for president amid calls to invoke 25th Amendment
Some lawmakers have questioned Biden's ability to finish his term if he's unable to seek re-election 

Members of President Biden's Cabinet are doubling down on their support for the president amid calls for them to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office.

The shoring up of their support comes as Biden continues to face pressure over his health as well as his decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, which prompted mounting concern from lawmakers questioning his ability to serve the remainder of his term if he is unable to seek re-election.

"Secretary Yellen disagrees with those calls," a spokesperson for Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Fox News Digital on Tuesday, while also pointing to recent comments she made during a House hearing in which she refused to comment in detail on her private meetings with Biden.

"The president is extremely effective in the meetings that I've been in with him. That includes many international meetings that are multihour," Yellen said at the time.

Representatives for Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm also said their bosses did not agree with the calls for Biden to step down or be removed from office.

Granholm's spokesperson pointed Fox to comments the secretary made last month pushing back on a report that Biden was mentally "slipping."

"The president is utterly on his game," Granholm told Fox at the time. "He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room. He asks the toughest questions and has the keenest insights on the complex questions brought to him. He is sharp, thoughtful and wise."

A spokesperson for Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack pointed Fox to comments the secretary made this month defending Biden's ability to perform the job of president.

"You're d--n right he's capable," Vilsack told Agri-Pulse, an agriculture-focused news site. (Fox News) Read more here.  

- Father God, for those of us who watched the movie, "Air Force One," awhile ago, we understand the absolutely dramatic move the signing of the 25th Amendment can be. We ask that this gesture, if taken to remove President Biden from the office of the President, is taken, that it be done with all deliberation possible. We ask for the protection of our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic, in this time of national crisis. Thank You, O Lord, for granting Your wisdom to ALL who are now in authority, for our own protection and for our peace. Amen.

- "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10) 
And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
Back-to-Back Summer Meteor Showers to Glitter Up The Night Sky Late July—Expect Amazing Sights

The nights in July are short and pleasant and also the best time of year for meteor spotting. If that appeals to you, be joyous.

Mid-July now carries us into peak summer meteor season, ending a yearly meteor drought of over two months.

In less than two weeks, astronomers expect back-to-back meteor showers—the Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids—both dueling in the skies at the same time within the other’s range, such that you may even see shots of light crossing paths. It’s an astrophotographer’s dream come true.

Right on their coattails, possibly overlapping as they bid their yearly adieu, a third and even more dramatic deluge of cosmic dust is due to descend early August, the Perseids, widely considered the best meteor shower of the year.

Here are some facts about the cosmic bonanza in store.

Meteor showers are notoriously unpredictable in their particulars, in terms of their exact volume and timing, etc., yet their arrival in peak season is impeccably punctual. You can plan your calendar by it. The Delta Aquariids will peak from July 29 to 30, and the Alpha Capricornids from July 30 to 31, coinciding with each other exactly. Read More

The Good News Corner
‘He Loved Jesus’: 
Hundreds Honor Life of Corey Comperatore, 
Heroic Ex-Fireman Slain at Trump Rally as Family Speaks Out
Family, friends, and the general public continue to mourn the murder of Corey Comperatore, a former firefighter who died Saturday during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Hundreds of people attended a candlelight vigil, which featured songs, testimonials, and prayer, Wednesday night at Lernersville Speedway in Sarver, Pennsylvania, to remember and celebrate Comperatore’s life. Among them was Pastor John Neyman, a local preacher with ties to the community. Neyman was invited to speak at the event, and he told CBN News he shared an important message about the power of forgiveness and of Comperatore’s courage.

Comperatore died while laying over his wife and daughters in an effort to shield them from gunfire. Neyman did not know Comperatore personally, but said the former firefighter’s friends and loved ones described him as a man who truly loved his family. “Cory loved family,” Neyman said, citing comments from Comperatore’s best friend. “He loved Jesus, and he loved the freedom that we have in the United States.” This sentiment was echoed in a statement released to CBN News Friday from the Comperatore family, in which the loving father was described as a “'committed Christian who found peace and joy through [his] church.' He loved and cared for us, his family,” the family wrote. “Our family is finding comfort and peace through the heartfelt messages of encouragement from people around the world, through the support of our church and community and, most of all, through the strength of God.” (FaithWire) Read More

- Father, we thank You for Corey Comperatore, his unwavering faith in Jesus Christ and his love for our nation! May he forever be remembered as a hero who gave his life to protect his wife and children. We pray healing over his entire family and for all those who experienced the horrific tragedy that day. May Your provision be supplied for those deeply affected by restoring them physically, spiritually and mentally. We declare repentance and unity will fall upon our Land. And we decree Holy Spirit FIRE will bring genuine realignment for Your Kingdom purposes across America! In the powerful Name of Yeshua-Amen

- "I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts." (Malachi 3:11) 
Thought for the Day
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

When They Ring Those Golden Bells 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words &  Music: Daniel De Marbelle

Scripture: The Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. Isaiah 25:8

There’s a land beyond the river,
That we call the sweet forever,
And we only reach that shore by faith’s decree;
One by one we’ll gain the portals,
There to dwell with the immortals,
When they ring the golden bells for you and me.

Don’t you hear the bells now ringing?
Don’t you hear the angels singing?
’Tis the glory hallelujah Jubilee.
In that far off sweet forever,
Just beyond the shining river,
When they ring the golden bells for you and me.

We shall know no sin or sorrow,
In that haven of tomorrow,
When our barque shall sail beyond the silver sea;
We shall only know the blessing
Of our Father’s sweet caressing,
When they ring the golden bells for you and me.


When our days shall know their number,
And in death we sweetly slumber,
When the King commands the spirit to be free;
Nevermore with anguish laden,
We shall reach that lovely Eden,
When they ring the golden bells for you and me.


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