The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, July 12, 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, July 12, 2024
Plan now to join us this Monday, July 15th, to hear our Guest Speaker, Sheri Carbone! Sheri is the founder of Grace Ministries in the State of Washington, and has been a faithful prayer warrior for many, many years, hidden in the closet of prayer.

You will learn more about Sheri's ministry this weekend . . .

Conference Date: Monday, July15th
Conference Number: 717-908-1834
Access Code: 596968#
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT

Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "How Great Thou Art" by Chase Oaks Worship. Go here!

Israel, Hamas Agree to Hostage Deal Framework, PA-Led Force in Gaza
The Hamas terror group has agreed to a hostages-for-ceasefire framework and mediators are negotiating the details and implementation, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday night.The Post‘s David Ignatius said that though the framework is in place, officials warned that a final agreement is unlikely to be imminent as the details of the deal are complex and will take time to work through.

One U.S. official suggested that Hamas’s acquiescence to the terms was at least in part prompted by the fact that the terror group is in “rough shape” and low on ammunition as a result of Israeli military pressure.Ignatius said that, as part of the truce, the parties have indicated their approval of an interim governance plan in which neither Israel nor Hamas would rule Gaza. Instead, security would be provided by a U.S.-trained force backed by moderate Arab nations, drawn from a group of 2,500 vetted Palestinian Authority supporters who are already in Gaza.

Hamas told mediators that it was “prepared to relinquish authority to the interim governance arrangement” during the second phase of the agreement, which comes after the initial six-week truce, an official said

During a Wednesday meeting in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. National Security Council Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk that the Jewish state remains committed to a deal as long as it adheres to his red lines.The premier’s stated red lines include the ability to resume fighting in Gaza until all war goals have been met; an end to arms smuggling from Egypt; no return of “thousands” of Hamas terrorists to the enclave’s north; and maximizing the number of living hostages released. ( Read more.
- Abba, Your son, Benjamin, is working to bring peace to Israel, while dealing with the demonic Hamas organization.  We ask for Your presence in the middle of all the negotiations, that PM Netanyahu have your discernment in how to proceed, in what and what not to agree to.  We ask Your perfect will be done.  We ask You to cover Benjamin with Your favor, pour peace into his heart, give him courage to stand when he is under pressure from outside forces.  We ask this in the name El Shaddai, God Almighty, the God who has power over all.

- "I am your servant; give me discernment
             that I may understand your statutes."

(Psalm 119:125)  
Most Israelis Oppose Terms of the Hostages-for-Ceasefire Deal 
Seventy-four percent of residents of the south, where Hamas carried out its Oct. 7 massacre, say no to the Biden framework.

Fifty-seven percent of Israelis oppose the U.S.-mediated deal  being negotiated with Hamas, according to a JNS/Direct Polls survey of public opinion carried out on July 9.

Thirty-three percent support the prospective agreement.

The contours of the agreement would require Israel to withdraw from the Netzarim Corridor that controls north-south traffic in Gaza, and from the Philadelphi Corridor that controls the Strip’s border with Egypt. In exchange for the withdrawal and the release of hundreds of terrorists from Israeli prisons, Hamas would free 18 living women and children and the bodies of 15 deceased hostages.

Seventy-nine percent of Likud voters oppose the proposal, with 14% approving and 7% not knowing.

Eighty-three percent of those identifying as right-wing reject the deal, with 10% approving and 7% having no opinion. (Israel365news) Read more

- Abba, Hamas created fear in the hearts of many Israelies, making them feel insecure in their own homes.  You know what this "negotiated peace" needs to include, providing the safety Your people must have to address this fear.  Father God, we ask You to dispatch Your warrior angels to enforce all promises made in this agreement, allow all 'border breaches', known and unknown, to be closed by Your angels.  Let the fear of You fall on the hearts of those who determine to break any promises made in this agreement.  Show them Your displeasure with those whose word given is of no value, of hearts that cannot be trusted.  We ask this in the name Jehovah Sabaoth, the Host of Heaven's Armies.

"The integrity of the upright guides them,
         but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity."

(Proverbs 11:3)  
White House: 
Iran is Funding, Emboldening Anti-Israel Protests in US to Sow Discord
The White House accused Tehran on Tuesday of trying to take advantage of a wave of anti-Israel protests in the United States and described such behavior as unacceptable, following a warning by the top US intelligence official that Iran was trying to stoke discord in American society.

The warning, issued earlier on Tuesday by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, said actors tied to Iran’s government had posed as activists online, sought to encourage protests regarding the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and even provided demonstrators with financial support.

The statements are likely to embolden those calling for American authorities to take a harder line on the Gaza war protests that swept across college campuses toward the end of the spring semester and that have continued at other locations into the summer. (Times of Israel) Read more.

- Abba, thank You that the Biden regime is speaking truth concerning Iran's support of antisemitic demonstrations in our country.  We ask You to speak to the heart of Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, and the hearts of all Biden Intelligence leadership, remind them that speaking truth is wonderful, but becomes worthless when their silence allows demonstrators to destroy property, threaten people's safety and ignore law enforcement. Shine Your light over all hidden anti-American and antisemitic groups working to tear apart our society, those inside and outside the US like Iran, the CCP and all unseen groups in our own government.  Jesus, we plead Your precious blood over our nation, we ask for Your protection.  We ask this in the name El Gibhor, Mighty God, the God who will accomplish the destruction of his enemies and rule with a rod of iron.

- "Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers; protect me
         from the violent, 
   who devise evil plans in their hearts      
        and stir up war every day."

(Psalm 140:1-2) 

1. Israeli negotiators head to Cairo for further hostage talks, as PM toughens stance - Times of Israel

Israeli negotiators were departing for Cairo Thursday evening for further mediated deliberations on a hostage-for-ceasefire deal with Hamas, the Prime Minister’s Office said, after talks in Doha Wednesday.

The delegation was headed by Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar and included IDF representatives.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office also said the premier met with his negotiating team in the morning after its return from Qatar on Wednesday night. In Doha, the team headed by Mossad Director David Barnea discussed with the heads of the American, Qatari and Egyptian teams “the parts of the deal dealing with the return of the hostages and the ways to implement the proposal.” (Read more)

2. Israel, Hamas agree to hostage deal framework, PA-led force in Gaza -JNS

The Hamas terror group has agreed to a hostages-for-ceasefire framework and mediators are negotiating the details and implementation, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday night.

The Post‘s David Ignatius said that though the framework is in place, officials warned that a final agreement is unlikely to be imminent as the details of the deal are complex and will take time to work through.

One U.S. official suggested that Hamas’s acquiescence to the terms was at least in part prompted by the fact that the terror group is in “rough shape” and low on ammunition as a result of Israeli military pressure. (Read more)

3. Israel presses terrorists holed up in UN facility, Hamas internal security commander killed in airstrike - World Israel News

Israel killed a high-ranking Hamas internal security commander and continued operations against terrorists holed up in the UNRWA’s Gaza City headquarters, the Israel Defense Forces said on Thursday.

Hassan Abu Kuik, head of operational security in Hamas’ Internal Security Forces in Gaza’s central camps, was eliminated in an airstrike this week along with Naser Mehanna, a team commander in Hamas’s military intelligence.

Kuik was responsible for numerous terror attacks against Israel.

Troops continued operational activities against terrorist operatives embedded in the UN Relief and Works Agency’s Gaza City headquarters. (Read more)

4. Israel Aerospace Industries Signs $1 Billion Deal With Morocco as Abraham Accords Remain Resilient Amid Gaza War - Algemeiner

Morocco has struck a $1 billion deal with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to acquire an intelligence spy satellite from the Israeli defense company, Moroccan and other media reported this week, underscoring the strength of the Abraham Accords even in the midst of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

The deal, which was reportedly finalized at the end of last year and signed earlier this week, will improve Morocco’s military defense capabilities. The satellite is expected to be delivered within five years and replace the Mohammed VI-A and Mohammed VI-B satellites currently used by Morocco.

Defense and economic cooperation between Israel and Morocco began in 2020 as a part of the Abraham Accords, which were a series of historic, US-brokered normalization agreements between Israel and several countries in the Arab world. Sudan, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates also normalized relations with the Jewish state. (Read more)

5. US issues largest yet batch of sanctions against Israeli extremists, West Bank outposts - Times of Israel

The Biden administration on Thursday issued its fifth batch of sanctions against Israeli extremists and illegal outposts, targeting three individuals and five entities, including the anti-miscegenation Lehava group led by already-designated extremist Benzi Gopstein, an ally of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

The sanctions largely take aim at individuals and entities linked to those already sanctioned in the previous four rounds.

These include the co-heads of the already-designated Tzav 9 group, Reut Ben Haim and Shlomo Sarid. Their far-right group has led attacks on humanitarian aid convoys en route to Gaza in Israel and the West Bank. Ben Haim becomes the first woman targeted using the executive order United States President Joe Biden signed in February after three years of urging Israel to crack down on settler violence.

Shortly after the US announcement, the Kan public broadcaster revealed that the Treasury Department had confused Sarid with an uninvolved Israeli named “Aviad Shlomo Sarid,” listing the latter’s ID number and birthdate, instead of the information of the Sarid who heads Tzav 9. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. We Haven’t Seen a “Historic Surge” of Corporate Bankruptcies Like This Since the Great Recession -  TheEconomicCollapseBlog

We continue to get numbers that indicate that the U.S. economy is steamrolling in the wrong direction as we approach the most chaotic election season in our history.  Needless to say, the performance of the economy is going to play a major role in the outcome of the election, because millions upon millions of Americans are really suffering right now.  Homelessness has been growing at the fastest pace ever recorded, hunger and poverty are exploding, and we are in the midst of a cost of living crisis that doesn’t seem to have any end in sight.  Unfortunately, there are signs that things will soon get even worse.  For example, we experienced a “historic surge” of corporate bankruptcies during the first half of this year that was worse than anything we have witnessed since the first half of 2010

There is an “historic surge” of corporate bankruptcies underway in the U.S., as debt-saddled companies struggle to adjust to the new era of high interest rates.

New figures published by S&P Global Intelligence show that 75 companies filed for bankruptcy in June, the highest number recorded in a single month since early 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. That pushed this year’s total number of bankruptcies so far to 346, which is notably higher than comparable levels seen in the past 13 years.

Before this, the highest half-year figure recorded was in 2010, with 437 companies filing for bankruptcy from January through June. During the first half of 2010, we were just coming out of the Great Recession.

Do you remember how painful things were in those days?

Sadly, I believe that what is ahead of us will be even more painful. (Read more) 
- Father God, we humbly bow before You to repent of our lack of including You in our daily lives and the life of our country.  We repent for having the wrong priorities ourselves; and for having leaders, especially financial leaders, who do not know You nor do they have the mind of Christ.  Father, we turn to You and ask for mercy during this trying time so that we as a nation can return to a closer relationship with You and our land can be healed.  Thank You for watching over those who are humble before You and look to You for their sustenance.  
- "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."              (James 4:10) 

2. Fearing New Panama President Will Block Key Route to US, Migrants Flood Darien Gap – The Epoch Times

DARIEN GAP, Panama—Thousands of migrants streamed into Panama through the treacherous jungle of the Darién Gap last week, with many fearing that the route will be shut down, thereby dashing their hopes of reaching the United States.

The influx of migrants intent on crossing the U.S. southwest border unlawfully came as Panama’s new president, Raúl Mulino, took steps to stop the flow through the Darién Gap. On July 1, the same day that he took office, Mr. Mulino forged a deal with the United States to pay for repatriation flights for migrants entering Panama on their way to the United States.

Migrants expressed desperation and sometimes frustration at the idea that Panama would close the dangerous passageway from Colombia. 

In February, The Epoch Times visited the four migrant camps located in Panama, where migrants who had just made it out of the Darién Gap described lawless gangs, whose members robbed, raped, and murdered, along the route. (Read more)  

- Thank You, Lord, for the vision of this new president of Panama to stop the flow of migrants crossing his country through such a dangerous territory.  Thank You that this US government official has plans to cooperate with him in this matter.  Lord, hold him to this plan so that his words turn into action.  Father, we ask that You would arrange circumstances, whether political, economic, or of some other nature,  so that these migrants will change their plans to illegally immigrate to the US.  We pray that they will feel a desire in their spirits to return to the countries where You have planted them so that they can bring Godly reforms to where they live and prepare a fertile ground for the Gospel to be preached. 
- "There are many plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."  (Proverbs 19:21) 

3. 85,000 Unaccompanied Minors Went Missing after Biden Admin Left Them With Sponsors – The Discern Report

Multiple government whistleblowers revealed that at least 85,000 children who crossed the border illegally as “unaccompanied minors” were lost by the Department of Human Services (DHS) after they were given to their “sponsors” who may be trafficking the children into prostitution or forced labor. Whistleblowers assigned to process minors near the southern border said that children were being placed with people who clearly were not their relatives, the Daily Wire reported. In addition to that, they said there was also evidence of abuse and trafficking.

One of the whistleblowers said that after a group alerted supervisors to the fact that children were being placed with strangers and that there was evidence of sadistic abuse, the Biden administration’s DHS Office of Refugee Resettlement took her off the job and retaliated against her, instead of solving the discovered problem. (Read more)

- Oh Lord, our hearts are heavy for these poor children who have been "lost" in the system that was supposed to protect them.  Lord, we are also disturbed by the fact that whistleblowers have been fired and harassed instead of having the information they volunteered acted upon for the safely of the children.  We know how harshly You regard anyone that causes one of these little ones to stumble and we pray that You would send extra angels to protect them while in the custody of evil-minded people.  Since You are such a loving Father, we ask that You would cause each one to be found and placed in a proper, healthy environment during this time of transition for them.  
- "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."  (Mark 9:42)

4. Donations to Biden Campaign Imploding, Sources Tell NBC News, “The Money Has Absolutely Shut off” - Discern Report

An NBC News report cited several sources close to the Biden re-election campaign saying that campaign donations had imploded since the disastrous presidential debate.

The sources close to the campaign said that it had already faced a downturn in donations, but it has worsened into a crisis after President Joe Biden flailed and bumbled through the CNN debate with former President Donald Trump.

‘Donors are negative… I don’t think they buy it.’

“It’s already disastrous,” said one source. […] (Read more) 

- Father God, We are in dire need of a leader for our nation. Joe Biden has been a disappointment as our president. Now the left has turned on him, and some are wanting him to step out of the race. He has made some disastrous decisions during the last three and a half years. Mr. Biden has been exposed in the presidential debate as a demented person who cannot possibly run our country. We pray for him and his family and hope he makes the right decision for himself and our country. We ask that you install a person who can lead us and protect America from all our enemies. We ask that your will be done for us in this election. We pray that you will expose those who would try to destroy our great nation. We ask these things in Jesus' mighty name Amen and Amen.

- "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage." (Psalms 33:12) 
5. Apathy and the End Times: The Church’s Wake up Call – Prophecy Newswatch

Because Jesus hasn’t come, many Christians began to openly doubt whether He ever would. Why? I believe there are at least two reasons. First, we live in a culture that demands instant gratification. We don't like to wait as little as two minutes for a microwave oven to cook a meal it took our grandparents half a day to prepare. We're impatient, and we're used to getting what we want when we want. 

The second reason is the errant predictions of date setters. False prophets such as Harold Camping and Edgar Whisenant told the world Jesus would return on specific dates - even though Jesus said "no one knows the day or hour" (Matthew 24:36). The media loves to give widespread attention to these types of predictions. When the predicted dates come and go, the false prophets are exposed. 

Inevitably, this leads to ridicule of bible prophecy, and in some cases, even self-appointed Christian leaders publicly dismissing bible prophecy as a playground for crackpots and the ignorant. But these critics forget false prophets made these claims, not the Bible. The Bible's track record remains perfect. In fact, the Bible predicted this complacency long ago. (Read more)  
- Jehovah, Put a burning fire into us to care about all nations and people on earth.We desire to do what is right in your sight.We plead with you today to make us a nation who leads the world in compassion and righteousness, and to lead the world to you, our Lord and savior. Let America be a light and an example to all people who desire to know the truth. Let your will be done in the USA and the world.We love you and praise you. Thank you for hearing our cries.In Jesus' mighty name. Amen and Amen

- "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."      (James 4:17)
The Daily Jot

Supreme Court Dismantling Deep State?

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, July 11, 2024

We have seen first-hand over the past several years the dark sinister actions of what has been called the deep state, administrative state, the permanent bureaucracy, and most notably, the swamp. We witnessed how the FBI, in conjunction with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama used the secret FISA Court to spy on the Donald Trump campaign; to conjure up false documents for impeaching Trump on Russian collusion charges; how the FBI pressured social media companies to censure private citizens who dissented on COVID measures. And we see how unconstitutional government agencies like OSHA and the IRS make interpretations of law actual law. The Supreme Court has taken action against this.

Two SCOTUS decisions June 26 and 27 significantly weakened the deep state. In the first case, at question was a 40 year old precedent known as the Chevron deference doctrine. This so-called doctrine required courts to defer to a government agency’s “reasonable interpretation” when there are ambiguities in the law. In other words, the unelected “experts” got to determine what was law, not Congress. The Congressional Research Service states that this particular doctrine was cited over 18,000 times against various entities. By ending the Chevron doctrine, SCOTUS is saying that federal agencies can no use their power to force political outcomes or agendas when Congress gave them no power to do so. In short, the ruling makes it difficult for unelected bureaucrats to make law through their regulations. Read More 

Hamas, Hezbollah and Tehran are Fighting for an Islamic Empire
If you're among those who believe that widespread recognition of a Palestinian nation-state would resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I'd remind you: This is an idea that has been tried and found wanting.
For example: In November 1947, the U.N. General Assembly recommended partitioning western Palestine (eastern Palestine having been given over years earlier to what would become the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) into two states: one for Palestinian Arabs, the other for Palestinian Jews. Jewish leaders accepted the recommendation. Arab leaders rejected it.
Palestinian Jews knew what total Arab control of Palestine would mean for them. In 1929, Palestinian Arabs had carried out a terrible pogrom--akin to that of Oct. 7--against Palestinian Jews in Hebron. In 1936, the "Arab Revolt" included terrorist attacks not just against the British who had replaced the Ottoman Empire as Palestine's rulers but also against Jews.
And the most important leader of Palestine's Arabs at that time was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who had spent World War II in Berlin assisting Hitler.
So, the week after the British withdrew from Palestine, the Jews declared an independent state. In response, the armies of five Arab nations invaded Israel, waging a war to exterminate the fledgling Jewish state.
Against all odds, Israel survived. Palestinian Arabs who neither fought the Jews nor fled from them became Israeli citizens. Nevertheless, what was then called the Arab-Israeli conflict persisted. Read more 
- God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we apologize for our government’s attempts to
interfere with Israeli government leaders and to try to dictate Israeli policy. Worst
of all, we have been guilty of trying to divide Your Land. Abba, we have been so wrong, so arrogant and so stupid. Help us to see the truth of the spiritual forces
we are dealing with.

We pray that, not just the U.S., but countries around the world would come out of
their stupor and realize that the goal of the Muslim nations, as stated in their
teachings, is to dominate the world through a global Caliphate, adopting Sharia
Law and ‘eradicating’ all who refuse to become Muslim. Their ultimate goal in
Israel is to take back all of the land--no compromise, no treaties. Help the U.S.
quickly realize that we must let go and let God do His perfect work. Our prayers
for Israel’s leaders are for them to hear from You and to obey.

Open our hearts and minds to see, read and hear what You say about Israel. We
desire to be a steadfast friend to Your land and Your people, not a stumbling
block. Help us to see that we have been digging our own grave. One more time,
Father, we ask You to wake up Your church in America and to forgive us.

. "I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and
your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the
God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan, where you now
reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your
descendants after you; and I will be their God."
(Genesis 17:7-8)  
‘A Generation-Defining Moment’: House Passes SAVE Act to Protect Election Integrity

Nearly all House Democrats voted against a “generation-defining” election security bill that would certify only U.S. citizens to register to vote in national elections — a bill President Joe Biden has promised to veto.

The House of Representatives passed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act (H.R. 8281) by a near party-line vote of 221-198 vote. The bill amends the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which required officials to ask anyone applying for a driver’s license if they want to register to vote, as well. Although the federal form asks applicants to swear they are American citizens, a 2013 Supreme Court opinion bars states from asking for any proof of citizenship, such as a form of identification.

“You don’t have to prove anything. There’s no documentation, there’s no requirement of reporting,” said Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) on Wednesday’s episode of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins.” The SAVE Act would require officials to see a visa of identification forms that prove citizenship, as well as allowing them access to federal databases where they could verify the applicant’s citizenship.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) called the vote “a generation-defining moment” and “one of the most important votes that members of this chamber will ever take” in an impassioned speech Wednesday afternoon. “Every so often in this chamber we take a vote that clearly reveals what we think about the world. There are important votes every day, but there are some votes that define who we are. It defines our worldview. It defines what we think about the Constitution, about the rule of law. It defines our careers, and it defines our character. It’s a signal to the voters fundamentally about what we believe about our country.” (The Stand) Read more.

- Father God, we agree with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) in calling this vote “a generation-defining moment.” Praise God for the wisdom of those who have written this bill, and for its passage. We now ask that the Senate do the same, so that every election in the future of this great nation shall be secure. Amen.

- "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6)
Biden Hit by Perfect Storm as ‘Elites’ He Savaged Turn on Him

For a while there, it looked like President Joe Biden was maybe, just maybe, in the clear. On Monday morning, he gave a forceful defense of his candidacy in a call-in interview to MSNBC and in a letter to congressional Democrats.

Then came Wednesday, when the “elites,” as Biden has branded Democrats who want him to quit the presidential race, redoubled their efforts. First, the most senior House Democrat declined to endorse his candidacy. Then, Hollywood celebrity donors—including the biggest of them all, George Clooney—called on the president to quit the race, and a scheduled lunch for donors at next month’s Democratic National Convention was suddenly scrapped.

The drip, drip, drip came in a series of potentially devastating developments that called into question whether and for how long Biden can withstand the intense blowback over his decision to stay in the race following last month’s debacle of a debate against Donald Trump.

For almost two weeks now, [Trump] has been uncharacteristically quiet, even though the Republican National Convention begins in a few days. ... [He] has been content to lay low during a Democratic Party implosion caused by the flailing Biden. (The Daily Beast)
Read more here. 

- Father God, we continue to stand amazed, and to "pray without ceasing" as you cause the righteous to gain favor in this election, and the wicked to lose ground. Help us to pray, according to Your will, that in the midst of this melee, souls will repent and be saved.  Amen.

- "Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end,
But establish the just;
For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds."
  (Psalm 7:9)  
And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
Tornado machine: Beryl may end up the most prolific tornado-producing hurricane
Hurricane Beryl rewrote the record books from its formation in the Atlantic to its landfall in the United States, but the records didn't stop there. Beginning July 7 and ending at 3 p.m. EDT Wednesday, the National Weather Service (NWS) issued 201 tornado warnings as Beryl moved inland, with 97 warnings issued on July 8.

On Tuesday, July 9, social media and storm chaser videos showed a strong tornado twisting through the skies in Mount Vernon, Indiana, as well as severe damage in Poseyville, 17 miles northeast of Mount Vernon. The tornado also severely damaged the Mead Johnson Nutrition building in Mt. Vernon, Indiana.

How many tornadoes touched down from Beryl? NWS offices are still completing damage surveys, which can take several days. As of Thursday morning, the NWS has confirmed 39 tornadoes

The number of tornado warnings from Beryl in one day set a new record previously held by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 when around 90 tornado warnings were issued. Beryl also set a record for the most tornado warnings issued in a day, or even in a month, by the NWS office in Shreveport, where 67 advisories hit the wires Monday.

It was also the most tornado warnings ever issued on a July day, which is typically before hurricane season ramps up. Read More

The Good News Corner
Sole survivor of Baltimore bridge collapse speaks out for first time
Baltimore bridge collapse survivor speaks out for 1st time: 'I relive it all the time' 
The 37-year-old recalled the moment when his truck fell into the water from the center of the bridge and being fearful that he might never get out.

The sole survivor of the construction crew working on the Francis Scott Key Bridge shared how he survived the plunge into dark waters below when a container ship struck the bridge in March.

Julio Cervantes Suarez was one of seven construction workers on the Baltimore bridge in the early morning hours of March 26 when portions of the bridge dramatically fell into the Patapsco River below. He was the only one to live to tell the tale, and shared his story of survival with NBC News' Tom Llamas.

“I thanked God for family he gave me. I asked him to take care of my wife and kids. And I asked for forgiveness for everything I’ve done,” he said in Spanish.

Cervantes Suarez, 37, thought when his truck fell into the water from the center of the bridge that he might never make it out.

He had been working that night fixing potholes on the bridge with his crew, which included his nephew, brother-in-law and friends he had known for years. The crew were all in their cars on a break when the entire bridge began to shake, he said.

Cervantes Suarez then saw his co-workers go down into the water, before he started to fall. After his truck fell nearly 18 stories into the river, he said the water came up to his neck and he was unable to open the doors to escape. The windows of his truck were manual, so he was able to roll them down and escape through the window, he said.

“That’s when I realized what happened. I looked at the bridge and it was no longer there,” Cervantes Suarez said. 

He recalled calling his co-workers out by name, “but no one answered me,” he said. That’s when he knew they were gone.

Cervantes Suarez, who doesn't know how to swim, said he managed to grab ahold of a piece of the bridge lodged in the river and float until he was rescued. He was taken to an area hospital and released the next day, according to NBC News. ( Read more here.

( . . . Note: in the interview, Cervantes states that he realized that the flashlight was still working on the helmet that covered his head. When he turned on the light, the rescuers found him!)

- Father, we come before You in awe of Your grace and mercy over this man who survived the bridge collapse. We ask for Your healing upon him, physically, spiritually and mentally that he may move forward knowing Your amazing love and holy purposes for his life. We praise Your Name, Abba, for revealing Yourself through miracles that evening as he was crying out to You. Your faithful light always shines in the darkness, which was symbolic of the lone light still working on his helmet which miraculously revealed his location to the rescuers in the dark waters. We give You praise for his life and for demonstrating Your love and faithfulness to him and all who cry out to You in times of tragedy. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ-Amen and Amen.

- "Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, 'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.'" (John 8:12) 

Thought for the Day
"Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers; protect me
         from the violent, 
   who devise evil plans in their hearts      
        and stir up war every day."

(Psalm 140:1-2) 
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

Jesus, Blessed Jesus 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Charles Gabriel 

Scripture:He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5

There’s One who can comfort when all else fails,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;
A Savior who saves tho’ the foe assails,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
Once He traveled the way we go,
Felt the pangs of deceit and woe;
Who more perfectly then can know,
Than Jesus, blessèd Jesus?

He heareth the cry of the soul distressed,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;
He healeth the wounded, He giveth rest,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
When from loved ones we’re called to part,
When the tears in our anguish start,
None can comfort the breaking heart,
Like Jesus, blessèd Jesus.

He never forsakes in the darkest hour,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;
His arm is around us with keeping power,So
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
When we enter the shadow land
When at Jordan we trembling stand,
He will meet us with outstretched hand,
This Jesus, blessèd Jesus.
What joy it will be when we see His face,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;
Forever to sing of His love and grace,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
There at home on that shining shore,
With the loved ones gone on before,
We will praise Him forevermore,
Our Jesus, blessèd Jesus.

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