The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Jan 7, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, Jan. 7, 2022
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

> > > Please note: the Bible readers have now completed their 51st time reading the Whole Word, nonstop, over our nation for the past five years! We thank the Lord for these dedicated few, and we invite all of you to prayerfully joining this team, when and as you can, some time during this New Year. WELCOME!

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Quietness and Trust" by Julie True. Go here!  

“For since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him.” (Isaiah 64:4)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
GOP pressures Biden admin. over torture on Jan. 6 detainees

Republican lawmakers are ramping up pressure on the Biden administration to stop the harsh treatment of January 6 defendants. They are also calling on the administration to address the evidence of foul play before and during the capitol protest.

“Americans need to wake up and understand that people are being tortured. Tortured!” exclaimed Joseph McBride, attorney for January 6 detainees. “Are you okay with people being tortured five miles from the White House right now?”

The Department of Justice is advancing the prosecutions of January 6 protesters despite mounting legal challenges and evidence of foul play. In a statement Wednesday, Attorney General Merrick Garland vowed to punish hundreds of protesters regardless of whether they played an active role in the demonstration or even if they were not on Capitol Hill that day.

“The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6 perpetrators at any level accountable under law, whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy,” he stated.

Garland appeared to suggest the supporters of President Donald Trump are solely responsible for clashes at the U.S. Capitol, echoing the rhetoric of Democrat-controlled January 6 Committee. However, the Justice Department has yet to clarify the reports of federal agents and far-left operatives who Republican lawmakers say incited violence at the protest.

While the debate continues of what actually happened on January 6, around 1,400 protesters have been detained in connection with the protest, according to a Daily Caller estimate. Federal investigators have tried to accuse some of the defendants of “domestic terrorism” despite admitting hardly any of their actions meet the legal definition of terrorism.

Republican lawmakers, who have looked into the matter, are sounding the alarm.

“Here’s the thing, what’s going on is we have inhumane treatment of people who have not been convicted of a crime,” said Rep. Andy Biggs, (R-Ariz.). “These folks are being held in pre-trial detention.”

Attorneys for January 6 detainees have said their clients face inhumane detention conditions, psychological pressure and even torture. They argued the federal government’s actions violate the U.S. Constitution and the international law on human rights. (One America News) Read more.

- Thank You Abba that members of Congress are now putting pressure on and exposing the fact that U.S. citizens have been imprisoned for the last year without being charged.  Father, our Constitution is meant to protect people from suffering both cruel and unusual punishment, and to not be sentenced to prison and solitary confinement before a trial.  We bind the wicked powers violating the rights of these citizens and speak Truth and Justice into this situation. May the Blessings of Liberty be secured equally to all people.  In Jesus name.

- "Go through, go through the gates; prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway; clear it of stones; lift up a signal over the peoples."  (Isaiah 62:10) 


1. At least 8 killed in Jordan Valley accident - Israel National News

At lest eight people have been killed in a collision between a truck and a private vehicle in the Jordan Valley Thursday afternoon. Both vehicles involved were driven by Palestinian Authority residents.

Emergency services are on the scene and providing first aid. MDA and IDF forces are working to free several individuals trapped in the vehicles. Firefighters from the Samaria Regional Station were also called to the scene.

Helicopter evacuations are being performed The road has been blocked in both directions.

Lahav Hadi Abu Zalaf said, "This is a fatal car accident. Unfortunately, there are a number of dead, some of them trapped. We are carrying out complex rescue operations due to the nature of the accident." (
Read more)

2. Israel set to allow entry from 8 'red' countries amid soaring coronavirus caseload - Israel Hayom

The designation of the United States and seven other countries as high COVID-19 risks will be reversed, the Health Ministry said on Thursday, as the fast-spreading but relatively low-morbidity Omicron variant prompts reviews of restrictions.

Moving fast after Omicron has first detected abroad, Israel in late November barred foreigners and expanded a list of "red" countries to which travel by its citizens was strictly limited, with greater latitude given for medium-risk "orange" countries.

The measure devastated winter tourism. It had come under public scrutiny as Israel, seeking to husband resources amid surges in new but mostly mild infections, earmarked PCR tests for vulnerable cohorts and loosened quarantine requirements.(
Read more)

3.  MK calls settlers ‘subhuman, despicable’ – sparking fury across political spectrum - World Israel News

A coalition MKs vituperative comments about settlers in Homesh, the site where yeshiva student Yehuda Dinterman was recently shot and killed by terrorists, sparked widespread backlash from both the opposition and his colleagues in the governing coalition – including Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

In an interview with the Knesset Channel on Thursday, Deputy Economy Minister and Meretz MK Yair Golan said that residents of the outpost “are not people, these are subhumans, they are despicable.”

Golan, who once served as the IDF’s deputy chief of staff, slammed settlers for refusing to evacuate from their homes in Homesh, saying they would not have been permitted to stay under his watch.

He slammed the settlers for opposing the forcible evacuation from their homes, and insinuated that they should not receive sympathy from the public because “those people who come to settle there [in Homesh] riot in the [Arab] village of Burka, smash tombstones, make a pogrom.” (
Read more)

4. Deputy minister says he regrets ‘subhuman’ settlers comment, but stands by criticism - Times of Israel

Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan backtracked from remarks earlier Thursday branding Jewish settlers residing in an illegal West Bank outpost as “subhuman,” but stood by his criticism of the group.

Golan’s comments against settlers illegally operating a yeshiva at the wildcat hamlet of Homesh sparked a significant outcry from across the political spectrum throughout the day, with some political allies reportedly accusing him of entrenching divisions.

“I regret the remark, which may have included a problematic phrase. It was said out of anger and that can happen during an interview,” Golan told Channel 12 on Thursday evening. “I could have used a better expression, such as ‘despicable thugs’.”

The deputy minister stressed that he stood behind the essence of his argument against the actions of the Homesh settlers. (
Read more)

5. Biblical name, seals shed light on First Temple treasuries - Jerusalem Post

New research on several artifacts dating back 2,600 years and uncovered in the area of the Temple Mount or its immediate proximity has shed light on where both the Temple and the Kingdom of Judah’s treasuries once stood, two Israeli archaeologists have suggested.

The two, Zachi Dvira and Dr. Gabriel Barkay, analyzed dozens of clay seals that were found over the decades by sifting soil from the holy area – where archaeological digs are not allowed – as well as from excavations at Ophel Park, adjacent to the southern wall of the Old City.

Clay seals were used in antiquity to sign documents or containers, ensuring they would reach their recipients closed and untouched. The seals could bear symbols or inscriptions. (
Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. Biden: Trump put a 'dagger to the throat of democracy' on Jan 6 - IsraelNationalNews

Biden slams Trump on the one-year anniversary of the Jan 6 capitol riot, Trump hits back, accusing Biden of dividing Americans with speech.

US President Joe Biden slammed former President Donald Trump on the one-year anniversary of the January 6 capitol riot, accusing him of putting a 'dagger to the throat of democracy' by watching the unfolding chaos on TV while not stopping it. In a speech marking the occasion, Biden tore into Trump, saying that “for the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol.”

Biden directly blamed Trump for the events that transpired on January 6, saying he “rallied the mob to attack” and blasted him for “sitting in the private dining room off the Oval Office in the White House, watching it all on television and doing nothing for hours as police were assaulted, lives at risk, and the nation's capital under siege.” “This wasn't a group of tourists. This was an armed insurrection,” Biden said. He also accused Trump of spreading a “web of lies about the 2020 election.”

Trump reacted to Biden’s comments in a statement decrying Biden’s tenure in office as “destroying our nation with insane policies,” listing “open borders, corrupt elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures.”

Trump accused Biden of using the speech to divide Americans. “This political theater is all just a distraction for the fact Biden has completely and totally failed,” Trump said. "The Democrats want to own this day of January 6th so they can stoke fears and divide America. I say, let them have it because America sees through theirs lies and polarizations," the former president added. (Read more) 
- Lord God, we join hands and hearts and we cancel these words that have been spoken over our nation and over our President in Jesus' name. We ask You to forgive him, Lord, for cursing our land, for we cannot do so. We ask that this threat of a "dagger" that has now been decreed over America be totally broken and of no effect, by the power of the Blood of the Lamb. We pray in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

"And the publican standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner."       (Luke 18:13)
2. Jan. 6 Detainee at Risk of Dying From Lack of Medical Care, Attorney Says – The Epoch Times
A defendant being held in Virginia in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol is extremely ill and at risk of dying because the jail refuses to provide proper medical care and a special diet for his celiac disease, New York attorney Joseph McBride alleges.
“They’re starving the guy out,” McBride told The Epoch Times. “They have moved him six times since he’s been detained. We can’t send him to a facility that’s not going to be able to take care of him.”
Christopher J. Quaglin’s case is the most recent in a series of allegations that Jan. 6 defendants have been beaten, tortured, and denied food and proper medical care while in federal custody. A group of 14 lawmakers on Jan. 3 sent a letter (pdf) to Michael Carvajal, director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, demanding that “you use your authority to investigate this abuse or we will use our authority to investigate your failure.”  (Read more) 
- Father God, we pray You will break the critically ungodly persecution of Joseph McBride.   The underworld evil hidden government has imposed their power over Mr. McBride and we cry out to the Lord God of Israel to unlock his cell and give him the medical care that he needs.  Give holy victory on this issue.  In the Name of Jesus.

- "I know that, whatsoever God does, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it: and  God does it, that men should fear before Him."  (Ephesians 3:14) 
3. January 6: What 5 Christian Leaders Said on the One-Year Anniversary - Christian

The one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. capitol launched a debate this week on its cause, significance and historical ramifications.

Christian leaders across the spectrum also discussed the attack. Below is a sampling of what five Christian leaders said about January 6:

(Leaders include the following: Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse; Darrell Scott, pastor, New Spirit Revival Center; Russell Moore, public theologian, Christianity Today; and Michael Wear, senior fellow, The Trinity Forum.) Read more. 

- Almighty God, is it not truth that January 6th has been filled with so much worldly mixture that all of it has become a garbled mess?  Send forth a mighty army from heaven that will fight the good fight of faith and destroy all lies and convoluted words that the evil government has put together.  Destroy their lies by the almighty Blood of Jesus and let them fall to the ground under His feet. We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand."  (Mark 1:15)

4. Jan. 6 committee seeks to expand govt. authority to spy on citizens - One America News

The Democrat-controlled January 6 committee is proposing a new expansion to government surveillance programs. In an interview on Sunday, committee chairman Benny Thompson (D-Miss.) said the Democrat panel will recommend new legislation to boost government spying on citizens to prevent future protests at the U.S. Capitol.

The Mississippi Democrat claimed broader surveillance is necessary to ensure security of the U.S. government. Thompson also denounced the January 6 protests, adding similar events must never happen again.

“As you know, it was clear that we were not apprised that something would happen,” he stated, “But, for the most part, it was the worst kept secret in America that people were coming to Washington, and the potential for coordination and what we saw was there. So, we want to make sure that never happens again.”

Thompson’s remarks sparked controversy with critics saying government surveillance is unconstitutional while the right to peaceful political protests is guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. (Read more)  
- Father God, we pray You will cancel and obliterate this Communist plan to spy on our citizens.  Break up the Democrat-controlled January 6th Committee by Your mighty hand. Father, we pray that all the plans of Benny Thompson will be defeated. He is conquered by the Name and the Blood of Jesus. 
- "Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate."             (Amos 5:15) 
5. Former Trump adviser Navarro defends Jan. 6 challenge to 2020 election results - One America News

According to former Trump White House adviser c, the 45th president should be exonerated of any violence that took place on Capitol Hill on January 6. In an interview Tuesday, he defended Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn election results.

Navarro noted that in order for his plan to go forward “peace and calm” was required in the nation’s capitol. He pointed out the plan involved over 100 GOP lawmakers ready to challenge results in six states they believed were rife with alleged election fraud. He then asserted the plan was completely legal and constitutional.

“We believed if the votes were sent back to those battleground states and looked at again, there would be enough concern amongst the legislators that most or all of those states would de-certify the election,” explained the former White House adviser. “That would throw the election to the House of Representatives…all of this was, again, in the lanes legally prescribed by the Constitution.”

Navarro also expressed disappointment in then-Vice President Mike Pence for refusing to not certify election results while calling Pence’s inaction a betrayal of Trump. (Read more)

- Father God, it appears that the hordes of hell rose up in the hearts of the opposing defeated Democrats at the victory of President Trump.  Yet, Lord, we claim God's protective hand to be upon Trump's life and upon all he intends to do for America. Strengthen him powerfully with godly wisdom and stamina to stand in the face of all opposing forces, and having done all to continue to stand in victory.  In Jesus' Name we pray.
- "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you."  (Hosea 10:12) 

6.  All Over America, An Unprecedented Shortage Of Workers Is Forcing Businesses To Shut Down – The Economic Collapse Blog

From coast to coast, we are seeing businesses close because they simply cannot find enough workers.  In the entire history of the United States, we have never seen anything like this happen before.  In fact, prior to this pandemic we had a chronic problem with unemployment that stretched back for decades.  Economists insisted that our economy would never be able to produce enough jobs for everyone, but they were wrong.  Today, there are more than 10 million open positions in this country and employers are literally begging for people to come to work.  Fierce competition for good workers has become extremely intense, and this is one of the factors that is causing millions of Americans to quit their current jobs each month.  On Tuesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the numbers for the month of November

A record 4.5 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This pushed the quits rate to 3%, matching the high from September.

Before the pandemic, this sort of thing didn’t happen.We always had more than enough workers, and it seemed like it would always be that way.

So where did all of the workers go?

Well, as I detailed yesterday, they are dying in very large numbers. And many others are now incapacitated. (Read more) 

- Almighty God,  we cry out to You to sweep over the workforce and come to the defense of all the people who are being controlled by the shadow government.  They are in Your hands to receive the beckoning call from heaven that God will fight their battle and open miraculous doors of opportunity.  Push back the evil controlling the workforce and draw them into a realm where God is Lord and no evil can come in.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "O Lord, are not Your eyes upon the truth?  You have stricken them but they have not grieved: You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than rock; they have refused to return." (Jer. 5:3)  

7. CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases” – War Room Report

The PCR Smoking Gun?

As of  January 1, 2022, the CDC in a request to the FDA withdraws it’s endorsement of the RT-PCR test.  The CDC acknowledges (with innuendos) that the PCR test does not effectively differentiate between Covid-19 and Seasonal Influenza. 

Amply documented and analyzed by numerous scientists, the RT-PCR test does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. While the CDC does not officially acknowledge that the RT-PCR test is invalid, it nonetheless calls for it to be withdrawn. 

It is worth noting that almost a year ago, in January 2021, the WHO also questioned the validity of the PCR test which it had itself put forth at the very outset of the covid crisis. If the PCR test is invalid as intimated both by the CDC and the WHO, the 260 Million so-called “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases” collected and tabulated Worldwide since the outset of the alleged pandemic are meaningless.

There is no Pandemic. (Read more) 

8. Disturbing official data reveals a ‘pandemic of the vaxxed’ is leading to deaths across America, censored by the MSM and corrupted medical establishment – Newstarget

We seem to have a pandemic of the vaccinated since official data reveals “91% of covid-19 deaths have been among the fully vaccinated since August.” Still, health officials act as if the jab is the answer (along with masks and lockdowns) when it is now the cause of our health problems.
A Denmark study confirms rare heart risk from Moderna jab and the CDC warns Americans NOT to get J&J shot because of blood clot risk following nine deaths since the shot can cause serious blood clots. Moreover, a Columbia University study revealed the true U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000, not 20,000!
But it gets even worse! Some independent physicians have declared that vaccines will produce long-term unknown effects far worse than the virus!Unsafe, unproven, and unnecessary vaccines were not the answer, and a bell once rung can never be un-rung as a gunshot can never be un-shot. Moreover, a vaccination once given can never be un-given.
However, you can pray! Pray! Pray! And eat a Mediterranean diet, exercise, get 20 minutes of sunshine each day, and take a handful of vitamins daily. More about that is below.
And pray some more.

(Article by Dr. Don Boys Ph.D. republished from

(Read more)

- "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16) 

9. Dr. Robert Malone to Joe Rogan: US in ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Over COVID-19 – The Epoch Times

Key mRNA contributor Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent skeptic of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, suggested to popular podcaster Joe Rogan—days after Malone was suspended from Twitter—during an interview that the United States is in the midst of a “mass formation psychosis.”
Toward the end of his interview, Malone suggested that people are in the midst of what he called “mass formation psychosis,” drawing parallels to the mentality that developed among the German population in the 1920s and 1930s. In those years, Germans “had a highly intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad,” Malone said.
“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it. And then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis. They literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
“They will follow that person. It doesn’t matter if they lie to them or whatever.”  (Read more)

- Lord God, we thank You for this warning, released by Dr. Robert Malone. Lord God in heaven, let us, as a nation, never sink into the level of depravity experienced by the Germans in the time of Adolph Hitler. Let us instead cling to You and to Your Word, which brings us life and a sound mind day by day. Amen.

- " . . . I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10)
10. Kazakhstan unrest: Russian troops fly in as crackdown continues - BBC

A Russian-led force has arrived in Kazakhstan at the request of the country's authoritarian president, amid a violent crackdown on anti-government protests.

Machine gun fire reverberated through the largest city Almaty after days of unrest sparked by a fuel price hike. Officials have reported deaths of police and protesters. The president has blamed foreign-trained "terrorists", without giving evidence.

In an address on state TV on Wednesday, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev appealed to the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) for support in quelling the protests. The bloc includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Armenia.

The overseas force being sent to Kazakhstan reportedly numbers about 2,500 soldiers. The CSTO says the troops are a peacekeeping force and will protect state and military installations. They will stay in the country for several days or weeks, the Russian RIA news agency reports.

The US State Department has said it is closely monitoring the deployment of Russian troops. "The United States and, frankly, the world will be watching for any violation of human rights," a spokesman said. "We will also be watching for any actions that may lay the predicate for the seizure of Kazakh institutions."

The UN, US, UK, and France have called on all sides to refrain from violence. (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray You will stand with the Kazakhstan nation and send immediate help that is acknowledged as coming from the Lord.  Block all the evil that the Russian troops are trying to bring in, and raise up a standard of righteousness upon Kazkahstan and pull them out of the fires of Communism.  Work a surprising miracle for this nation.  For we pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "God will turn again, He will have compassion upon them; He will subdue their iniquities; and God will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea."  (Micah 7:19) 

11. Bakery Truck Gives Out Loaves of Bread to Motorists Stuck in Snow on I-95 in Virginia – Resist the Mainstream

A bakery truck stranded on I-95 Tuesday distributed hundreds of loaves of bread to drivers who were stuck in the snow for hours. Hundreds of vehicles were stranded on the highway stretch from Ruther Glen, Virginia, to Dumfries for nearly 24 hours, starting Monday and continuing into Tuesday. Casey Noe, 23, and her husband John, from Ellicott City, were among those stuck on I-95. “It was definitely a very scary situation and we had no idea how long we would be there for,” John told WBALTV.
(On) kind of on a whim, I just called the customer service line of Schmidt’s Bread,” she explained to WBALTV. “I kind of begged them to open the back of the truck and just give us a couple loaves of bread so we could share with the people around us.”
In a Facebook post that has gone viral, Casey said she and John “didn’t think it would actually work,” but she received a call from one of the company’s owners, Chuck Paterakis, within 20 minutes.
Paterakis contacted his driver, Ron, and instructed him to give away the bread, according to WBALTV. Ron and the Noes began distributing bread to motorists over a two-mile stretch of highway. The group handed out 300 loaves over an hour, according to the Washington Post. (Read more)
- Thank You, O Lord, for this good news report at the end of this very trying week. May this bread company be blessed, as they have been a blessing to so many others. In Your name, amen.

- "And if you 
give yourself to the hungry
And satisfy the 
desire of the afflicted,
Then your light will rise in darkness
And your gloom will become like midday."
(Isaiah 58:10)  
The Daily Jot

A Look In The Mirror Moment

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, January 6, 2022

As the Supreme Court takes up debate on the COVID mandates, Americans need to look themselves in the mirror and reflect on the values that made this country the beacon of religious liberty and freedom of speech as an example to the rest of the world. For it is in the American’s heart and soul that these freedoms endowed by the Creator will be championed or allowed to die a slow death on the battlefield of tyranny. There is something terribly amiss, a larger scheme, that threatens our very existence. It is local in our communities. It is national in our nation. It is global around world. It is the concept of tipping over Liberty and replacing it with a Babylonian tower representing greed and inequity.

What is the response to mandating people take a government serum or lose their job? What is the response to local governments in places like New York, Washington, DC and Los Angeles not allowing unvaccinated people (including those who have natural immunity) into stores and restaurants without showing their health records? Does anyone have the sense of urgency that America, and the rest of the free world for that matter, are at the tipping point where the last full measure of fear mongering may cause the light of liberty to be extinguished? Governments worldwide have chipped away at personal privacy, medical autonomy, and civil rights as if we are all frogs in an experimental cauldron of mRNA vaccines. Read More

Supreme Court Hearing on Biden Vax Mandates Friday

The highest court in the land is set to hear a major case this week: whether the federal government can force your employer to force you to get a COVID shot, and use a federal agency to make it happen, but a First Amendment attorney says a 5th Circuit ruling is a good sign personal liberty will prevail.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Friday, January 7, in a surprise special session that was announced by the justices before Christmas. The nine-member court will hear two vaccine mandate appeals by the Biden administration: one related to forced vaccination of medical workers and the second related to an OSHA rule forcing businesses to vaccinate their employees or get fined and punished if they fail to do so.

The legal showdown Friday comes after a federal deadline for compliance, Jan. 4, has come and gone which affected private businesses through OSHA and affected health care workers who work in facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funds.

The looming court fight also comes after state governors, trade associations, doctors and nurses, non-profits, and private businesses flooded the courts with lawsuits after President Joe Biden claimed in September he has the executive authority to mandate a COVID-19 vaccination for an estimated 84 million Americans.

“We’ve been patient,” Biden lectured unvaccinated and free Americans in an address from the White House. “But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us…”

In a pre-hearing filing, Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar told the high court OSHA must have the legal authority to monitor COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace because the “danger to workers is not just grave, but worsening.

“Delaying enforcement of the [mandate] thus would likely cost many lives per day, in addition to large numbers of hospitalizations and other serious health effects,” Prelogar wrote. (Intercessors for America) Read more.

- Father God, in prayer we take note of an interesting fact. Both the events on January 6th, and today's critical hearing at the Supreme Court have one common denominator: each one addresses the spirit of TYRANNY that is now attempting to rule our freedom as American citizens. 

In the first case, those who would deprive the January 6th patriots of their rights while being wrongfully imprisoned are exercising illegal tyranny over their victims. In the second case at the Supreme Court, Biden's overreach is attempting to exercise tyranny over our private businesses, by enforcing needless mandates upon our employers and our employees.

It is time for this to stop. We decree the following verse, Lord God, from Your Word,
exercising the full force of the Cross in doing so.


"The Lord is righteous;
He has cut in two the cords of the wicked." 

Biden's Big Lie

By Gary Bauer
Joe Biden spoke today on Capitol Hill memorializing the events of January 6th.  He spoke of a "violent mob," a "brutal attack" and an "armed insurrection" that nearly overthrew the government of the United States that day.  It was typical Biden demagoguery.
The people who stormed the Capitol had no guns.  The FBI determined there was no planned insurrection.  They had no power to actually prevent the certification of Electoral College votes.  They only delayed it a few hours.  If the Capitol riot was an actual "insurrection" as Biden claims, it was the worst insurrection in history.
But Biden then launched into his own big lie, claiming that Republicans in the states are trying to subvert democracy.  He said:
"Right now, in state after state, new laws are being written — not to protect the vote, but to deny it; not only to suppress the vote, but to subvert it. . . [Republicans] have decided the only way for them to win is to suppress your vote and subvert our elections.  It's wrong.  It's undemocratic.  And frankly, it's un-American."
As usual, Biden is lying, and he knows he is lying. 
What Biden is describing is exactly what Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats are trying to do right now!  They are trying to nationalize all election laws in ways that make cheating easier, in ways that guarantee more power for the left.  As I suggested in Tuesday's report, Schumer and Pelosi are attempting an insurrection with their phony "voting rights" legislation. 
In addition to trying to distract the country from their record of record failures (record crime, record inflation, record illegal immigration, record COVID cases), Democrats are exploiting the riot to secure their own power.  And it goes well beyond just one "voting rights" bill.
Historian Victor Davis Hanson notes in a column today that Democrats are daily undermining the rule of law and attacking all the fundamental pillars of our constitutional Republic – from the filibuster to the Electoral College, from the Supreme Court to the Senate itself. 
They are the real insurrectionists who are "systematically waging an insidious revolution . . . that seeks to dismantle America's institutions and the rule of law."  
Signs & Wonders
Boom that shook Pittsburgh on New Year's Day
was an exploding half-ton meteor, NASA says

A meteor that caused a loud boom heard in western Pennsylvania on New Year's Day exploded in the atmosphere with a blast equivalent to 30 tons of TNT, NASA said on Monday.

The sounds were heard a few minutes before 11:30 a.m. ET on Saturday. Had it not been cloudy, the fireball would have been easily visible in the sky as it broke apart, according to a post on NASA's Meteor Watch Facebook page. NASA said a crude estimate indicated that the blast would have been about 100 times the brightness of the full moon.

Data from a nearby infrasound station registered the blast wave from the meteor, enabling NASA to estimate the energy given off.

"If we make a reasonable assumption as to the meteor's speed (45,000 miles per hour), we can ballpark the object's size at about a yard in diameter, with a mass close to half a ton," NASA said.

Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, received 911 reports Saturday of a loud boom and shaking in the suburb of South Hills, according to the county's Twitter account. An earthquake and thunder and lightning were initially ruled out as possible causes.
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The Good News Corner
'Bibles in Schools': Teacher's Prayer-Walk Around Public School Leads to Global Ministry

A Virginia woman is seeing her effort to connect children to the Word of God reach new heights. What started with a prayer walk around a public school is now the global ministry "Bibles in Schools." "Hi, my name is Hannah Sailsbury, and I'm an elementary teacher in Virginia in a public school," Sailsbury says at the beginning of a promotional video posted to YouTube.

CBN News first caught up with Sailsbury in 2019.  A public school teacher at the time, she said God put it on her heart to donate Bibles to school libraries.

Answered Prayer

"I started to prayer walk around our school, and as I would pass every window in our school, I would pray for my co-workers by name," Sailsbury said. "And I would pray for the students that entered the building."

"And there was one particular day that I prayed that Jesus' name would be mentioned in the classrooms and hallways of our school," she continued. "And little did I know that that prayer got answered in bigger ways than I could have imagined!"

Those bigger ways include the Bibles in Schools non-profit organization Sailsbury founded. "And God really opened my eyes to realize if we have this old Bible in our school, how come we don't have a more engaging Bible that's fun, that has pictures in it?" she asks in the promotional video. (CBN) Read more.  

- Father God, we thank You for this delightful news! We pray that students all across the nation would be hungry to learn Your Word and would be reached by the Bibles in Schools program. In Your Name we pray, amen and amen.

- "All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children." (Isaiah 54:13) 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Removing Fear
Day five: remove the fear of loss of friends.
Spend time today, one on One with the Holy Spirit, asking Him---even in five minutes of your prayer time--- if you have any fear of loss of friends. Did it begin as a child? Was it passed down to you generationally? Does that fear appear in your character today?

Allow Him, Who loves you so much, to convict you of any residue of that sin, that fear of loss of friends. With His perfect love, exercise your free will to confess that sin. He will forgive you. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then decide, if you wish, to repent, to turn away from that sin stronghold, replacing it with His Holy Word as your Truth going forward.

As with all strongholds that you remove, then choose His Way forward based on His Word.

Jesus' Word on friends, John 15: 12-17 is compelling:

" This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call your servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me, but I choose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He was give you. These things I command you that you love one another."
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Classic Hymns

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Helen Lemmel

Scripture: Let us fix our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2

O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s a light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of the world will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
Over us sin no more hath dominion—
For more than conquerors we are!


His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

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