The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Jan. 26, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand           Jan. 26, 2022
On the Monday night Prayer Call, we had Rabbi Eric Teitelman, of House of David Ministries on the topic: Normal is not Returning: Jesus is Returning.
We also had Pastor Jeff Daly, Founder of the National Day of Repentance, who shared with us about the project to Restore the Godly Roots in our 13 colonies beginning next week on Tuesday, February 1st.

To listen to the Audio from the Monday night call CLICK HERE
To read the Notes from the Monday night call CLICK HERE

Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "A Hungry Heart" by Dan Moen. Go here!  

"I have taught you in the way of wisdom;
I have led you in right paths."

(Proverbs 4:11)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
As an estimated 100,000 Russian troops mass on the border of Ukraine, Israel is preparing to evacuate some 75,000 people living in eastern Ukraine who are believed to be eligible for Israeli citizenship In addition, an estimated 10,000 Israeli nationals are currently in Ukraine. A closely guarded secret, handed down for three centuries, predicted that this political crisis would be the precursor to the War of Gog and Magog. 

Haaretz reported that members of the relevant government offices met on Sunday to discuss the eventuality of evacuating the Ukrainian Jews. This included the Prime Minister’s Office, Foreign Minister, Defense Ministry, Diaspora Affairs Ministry, and the Jewish Agency. 

A Foreign Ministry official on Monday said Israel is not currently expecting a surge in immigration from Ukraine and also noted that the Jewish Agency handles such immigration issues. 

The situation puts Israel into a political bind. Russia has a significant military presence in Syria and plays a significant role in the region. Despite Russia’s advanced S-300 anti-air system being deployed, Israel continues to operate airstrikes against Hezbollah and Iranian military assets inside Syria, implying Moscow’s tacit permission. At the same time, Israel also has strong economic ties with Ukraine which has one of the world’s largest Jewish communities. In addition, as a strong US ally, Israel is following Washington’s lead in the crisis.

The US State Department issued warnings on Sunday due to “increased threats of Russian military action” and the possibility of “civil unrest”. The advisory warned against traveling to Ukraine. At the same time, the State Department authorized the voluntary departure of U.S. direct hire employees (USDH) and ordered the departure of eligible family members (EFM) from Embassy Kyiv (Kiev). It also recommended that “U.S. citizens in Ukraine should consider departing now using commercial or other privately available transportation options”.

The State Department site also warned against traveling to Ukraine due to the CDC issuing a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Ukraine. The State Department recommended that people planning on traveling to Ukraine should get vaccinated.

At a briefing on Sunday, a senior state department official stated that “military action by Russia could come at any time.”

“The United States Government will not be in a position to evacuate U.S. citizens in such a contingency,” he said. “So U.S. citizens currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly, including by availing themselves of commercial options should they choose to leave the country.”

This statement raised concerns that should Russia invade Ukraine, US citizens will be trapped, as happened in the pullout from Afghanistan in August. There are still an unknown number of US citizens in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. 

The official admitted that they do not know how many US citizens are currently in Ukraine. 

> > > Source: Israel 365 News  (Read more)    

- Holy God, we are stunned to read this report. We have no words . . . come, Lord Jesus, Yeshua, come. Please protect these precious ones as they prepare to emigrate to the Holy Land, and if it be Your will that that this is, indeed, the beginning of the God-Magog War, we leave this in Your hands. In Your name, amen.

- "O mortal, turn your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy against him." (Ezekiel 38:2)  

1. Winter storm heads towards Israel after paralyzing Turkey and Greece - World Israel News

Rescue crews in Istanbul and Athens dug through snow and ice Tuesday to clear paralyzed roads and rescue people stranded overnight in their cars after snowstorms and a massive cold front brought much of Turkey and Greece to a standstill. Two storm-related deaths were reported as the Winter Storm Elpis moved on towards Cyprus, Israel and Lebanon.

The Israel Meteorological Service forecast an extreme drop in temperatures and winds reaching gusts of 40-50 miles per hour in some locations. Israel’s coastal cities are on alert for flooding. Snow is forecast to fall first in the north and gradually make its way down to Jerusalem before eventually turning to rain.

The rain and unseasonable cold temperatures expected to continue on Thursday and Friday. (Read more)  

2. IDF West Bank outpost targeted in drive-by shooting terror attack - Jerusalem Post

A drive-by shooting was attempted on Tuesday evening towards an IDF outpost in the West Bank.

There were no casualties and no one was injured in the incident. IDF forces are scanning the area in search of the perpetrator. (Read more)

3. Large weapons smuggling operation broken up in Jordan Valley - Israel National News

A short while ago, IDF and Israel Police troops apprehended three suspicious vehicles in the area of Route 90 in the Jordan Valley, inside of which weapons were found.

IDF and Israel Police "Yagal" Unit troops that were operating in the area apprehended the suspects in the smuggling attempt and confiscated 53 weapons: 39 handguns, 10 Kalashnikov assault rifles and four M16 assault rifles.

The suspects and weapons were transferred to the Israel Police. (Read more)  

4. The diabolical destruction of Biblical sites in Judea and Samaria - World Israel News

The Knesset’s Education Committee held a session Monday on the damage and destruction of heritage and archeology sites in Judea and Samaria, during which Members of Knesset called on the government to formulate a plan for the preservation of archeology sites in Judea and Samaria.

Grave robbers and antiquities thieves from the Palestinian Authority (PA) carry out illegal digs and excavations. The phenomenon of antiquity destruction is pervasive and affects all sites that are not under preservation, and a survey of the sites in Judea and Samaria shows that a staggering 95% of the archeological sites have been robbed, vandalized or disturbed.

Findings presented during the session by a coalition of organizations working for the protection of Israeli antiquities show that 90% of the sites that are destroyed are being destroyed by the PA for development purposes, and 10% are destroyed for robbery purposes. (Read more)  

5. Lapid to speak at Mauthausen concentration camp on Holocaust Remembrance Day - Times of Israel

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid will depart for Austria on Wednesday to take part in a memorial ceremony at the Mauthausen concentration camp, his spokesman’s office announced on Tuesday.

The event will take place on Thursday to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Interior Minister Gerhard Karner and local Jewish communal leaders will also participate in the Shoah ceremony at the concentration camp. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Poll: Trump leads 2024 Republican field with DeSantis in distant second - The Hill

Former President Trump dominates the field of potential contenders for the 2024 Republican presidential nod, but Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is an early favorite for the nomination in the event that Trump doesn’t run again, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shared exclusively with The Hill. 

In a hypothetical eight-person GOP presidential primary, Trump holds a clear edge, garnering 57 percent support among Republican voters. DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence are nearly deadlocked at 12 percent and 11 percent, respectively. No other would-be candidate tested in the poll registers double-digit support.

Should Trump forgo another campaign for the White House, however, DeSantis would supplant him as the frontrunner. The Florida governor scores 30 percent support in a field that doesn’t include Trump, while Pence takes second place at 24 percent. (Read more)   
- King of Kings, we ask that You have mercy upon us. Prepare and send forth Your choice for President in 2024; may he or she be one who earnestly seeks Your face and follows through in Your wisdom and righteousness. Above all, we ask that this candidate would be one who will bless Israel and adhere to Your word regarding Your people and Your Land. May this person find great favor with the voters in the next presidential election and be used to propel the U.S. further into its godly destiny. May voting results be 100% true in each state!
- And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.  (Genesis 12:3)  

2. Companies Linked to Putin’s Pipeline Contributed to Schumer Campaign - Free Beacon

Affiliates of two European companies that fund Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline contributed to the campaign of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), who Republicans say has blocked sanctions on the Kremlin-backed project.

ENGIE North America and BASF Corporation each gave $2,500 to Schumer in September through their corporate political action committees, according to newly disclosed Federal Election Commission records. ENGIE North America's parent company and a BASF subsidiary are part of a consortium of five companies that finance Nord Stream 2, which will transport natural gas from Russia to Germany. While President Joe Biden has called the pipeline a geopolitical threat to Europe that helps Russian president Vladimir Putin, last year he waived sanctions on the project.

Republicans have pushed for legislation to enforce sanctions only to be met with resistance from Senate Democrats and the White House. Schumer for months blocked Republican requests to vote on a sanctions bill. He approved a vote on sanctions legislation proposed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) earlier this month in exchange for Cruz lifting holds on several State Department nominees. The bill received bipartisan support by a 55-44 vote, but Senate Democrats used filibuster rules to block its passage. Democrats say they want to use sanctions against the pipeline as a last resort should Russia invade Ukraine. (Read more)   

- Lord, we see that this article has been published under “National Security” in the Free Beacon. We also read that Biden is speaking out of both sides of his mouth regarding sanctions. Our Senate majority leader and other Democrats have essentially been receiving bribes from foreign entities as we tumble further down the slippery slide to the New World Order. We thank You that, now and in the days ahead, You are uncovering corruption and will deal with it in Your timing and Your ways, according to Your word. May our intercession flow from Your heart as You shake all that can be shaken. Our hope, help and security are in You only, loving Father, in Yeshua’s name!
- The Lord also will roar from Zion, And utter His voice from Jerusalem; The heavens and earth will shake; But the Lord will be a shelter for His people, And the strength of the children of Israel.  (Joel 3:16)  

3. Florida shuts monoclonal antibody treatment sites after FDA sets new limits - Fox News

The Florida Department of Health announced that it is closing all monoclonal antibody treatment sites in the state after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rescinded emergency-use authorizations for two particular treatments for COVID-19.

The FDA announced on Monday that it is no longer permitting the use of bamlanivimab and etesevimab (used together) as well as the combination of casirivimab and imdevimab known as REGEN-COV, or Regeneron. “Unfortunately, as a result of this abrupt decision made by the federal government, all monoclonal antibody state sites will be closed until further notice," the Florida Department of Health said in a statement.

Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted the Biden administration for the decision.
"Without a shred of clinical data to support this action, Biden has forced trained medical professionals to choose between treating their patients or breaking the law," DeSantis said in a statement. (Read more)  

- Dear Father, we cry out “ENOUGH!” Each day it becomes clearer and clearer that the current administration and its handlers are not interested in helping people recover from Covid and its variants, as it bans and vilifies various substances known to work, and mandates treatments that do not. May the enemy’s evil plans be exposed and crushed as the Holy Spirit pours out a flood of truth and godly discernment across our nation.
- You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.  (John 8:44) 

4. California mom takes legal action against school district 'after two teachers secretly manipulated her daughter, 11, into believing she was a transgender boy - Daily Mail

A California mother is taking legal action against a school district, claiming that two teachers secretly manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into believing she was a transgender boy. Jessica Konen filed a legal claim against Spreckels Union School District last Wednesday - with that claim a likely precursor to a lawsuit. 

She alleges that Buena Vista Middle School teachers Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki 'planted a seed' in her daughter's head that she was bisexual, then went on to convince the youngster that she was actually a transgender boy.

Konen also claims that Caldeira and Baraki - who ran the school's 'You Be You' equality club - provided information for her daughter on how to bind her breasts to stop them developing. She says the school kept her in the dark about what was going on until a December 2019 meeting. After schools closed and went remote during COVID  in March 2020, Konen says her daughter, who has not been named, was once again happy to identify as a girl when away from the influence of the teachers and school bosses she is now on the verge of suing. (Read more)  

- Lord God, this should not be happening and we stand against this appalling gender-twisting spirit in the schools and bind it, in Jesus name.  We thank You that this girl was able to come out from under the influence of powerful adult manipulation and be set free.  Lord, may she and her mom find full strength and deliverance in knowing you.

- "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"      (Mark 8:36)  

5. DHS warns Russia could launch cyberattack on US 'if it perceived a US or NATO response to a possible invasion of Ukraine' - Daily Mail

'We assess that Russia would consider initiating a cyber attack against the Homeland if it perceived a US or NATO response to a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine threatened its long-term national security,' a DHS Intelligence and Analysis bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies around the country, obtained by ABC News, said on Sunday.

Russia has a 'range of offensive cyber tools that it could employ against US networks,' DHS said in its message, and the attacks could range from a low level denial of service attack to 'destructive' attacks targeting critical infrastructure. 

'We assess that Russia's threshold for conducting disruptive or destructive cyber attacks in the Homeland probably remains very high and we have not observed Moscow directly employ these types of cyber attacks against US critical infrastructure—notwithstanding cyber espionage and potential prepositioning operations in the past,' the bulletin said. (Read more)   

- Father, we pray for protection over our cyber infrastructure.  It seems that Joe Biden has some strong connections with Ukraine and we ask You to cause him to make good decisions on behalf of the USA.  We ask You to keep our troops out of the middle of this mess, if we have no reason to be there.  Please intervene in the affairs of our nation, release peace and let Your goodness come to this earth. In Jesus name.

- "This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."  (Matthew 13:13)  

6. Georgia judge approves special grand jury for Trump election interference probe - CNBC

A judge in Georgia on Monday approved the creation of a special grand jury to assist in collecting testimony as part of a criminal investigation into efforts by former President Donald Trump to alter the outcome of that state’s 2020 election.

The approval came at the request of the Atlanta District Attorney Fani Willis, who on Thursday said a significant number of witnesses were refusing to cooperate with her probe of Trump unless they were subject to a grand jury subpoena.

The special grand jury in the Trump probe will begin May 2 and will work for no longer than 12 months, according to an order issued by Fulton County Chief Judge Christopher Brasher, who approved the panel after a majority of county judges endorsed the request.

Under Georgia law, special grand juries, which are rarely created, cannot indict defendants on criminal charges. However, they can issue subpoenas for testimony, documents and other evidence, which a prosecutor then can use as the basis for criminal charges. (Read more)   

- Father, keep Your people who support President Trump strong and standing against this type of harassment and intimidation being waged.  The deep state is so determined to crush our President, but may we all stand in agreement and prayer against the plans and schemes of the enemy.  May this special grand jury completely fizzle out before it even gets seated.  Strengthen those who can bring it to a stop, in Jesus name.

- "'and their king shall go into exile, he and his princes together,' says the Lord." (Amos 1:15)  

7. The Taliban demand that $10billion frozen by US is released as they begin first official talks with western diplomats - Daily Mail

The Taliban will push to have $10billion in assets unfrozen by the US as they begin their first official talks with western diplomats since they took control of Afghanistan last year. Three days of closed-door meetings started Sunday at a hotel in the mountains above the Norwegian capital Oslo.

Today's meeting involved representatives of the EU, the US, Britain, France, Italy and hosts Norway meeting with the Taliban delegation led by its Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi. Taliban representatives will be certain to press their demand that nearly $10 billion frozen by the United States and other Western countries be released as Afghanistan faces a precarious humanitarian situation.

We are requesting them to unfreeze Afghan assets and not punish ordinary Afghans because of the political discourse,' said Taliban delegate Shafiullah Azam on Sunday night. (Read more)   

- Dear Lord, we decree and declare in the name of Jesus that the representatives from the US and other governments will not be deceived into being trusting and lenient on the negotiators from Afghanistan.  We pray that Your perfect will for that nation is going to prevail in the midst of plans being made by men from many nations.  We pray for the population of Afghanistan to be released from the chokehold of evil men and released to live in basic human rights, including freedom of religion.  Lord, move throughout this meeting to have the world's representatives hold the line until Afghanistan is a safe and prosperous place to live.  

- "You put away all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore I love Your testimonies."  (Psalms 119:119)  

 8. Biden administration withdraws OSHA employee vaccine requirement following Supreme Court decision - Just The News

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has withdrawn its early November order that mandated workers at companies with 100 or more employees receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

The withdrawal follows a recent ruling by the Supreme Court that blocked the vaccine mandate for big businesses, though allowed the mandate for healthcare workers to remain in place. “On January 13, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the Vaccination and Testing ETS, finding that challengers were likely to prevail on their claims," reads the legal announcement  from the Department of Labor.

It continues, "After evaluating the Court’s decision, OSHA is withdrawing the Vaccination and Testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard ... Notwithstanding the withdrawal of the Vaccination and Testing ETS, OSHA continues to strongly encourage the vaccination of workers against the continuing dangers posed by COVID-19 in the workplace.” (Read more)  

- Praise You, Lord for this great report from OSHA in wake of the recent Supreme Court decision.  We pray that You would arrange for more and more limitations to come to these agencies that are overstepping their Constitutional boundaries to grab more power than they should.  Father God, please sweep away, by Your mighty hand, all the unnecessary mandates that are robbing us of our freedoms. 

- "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."     (2 Corinthians 3:17)  

9. What is ERIC and Why You Should Care - IFA

For decades the Democrats and leftists have fought ferociously to prevent the cleanup of State voter registration rolls. Recognizing a potential niche, left wing activists created ERIC to clean voter rolls their way, using their rules. So in 2012 the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was formed as a membership organization primarily for blue States. ERIC is essentially a left wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean up. But it’s been gaining traction in Red States too. Originally funded by the Soros Open Society, it is now responsible for cleaning the voter rolls in 31 States, plus D.C. A top election official from each member State is appointed a seat on the ERIC Board or as an Officer, all unpaid positions.

ERIC located 17 million new voters for the 2020 election, the most in the history of their organization. For comparison, they only found 5.7 million in 2012, Obama’s reelection.

The ERIC database is comprehensive and would be one of the most coveted by bad actors looking to influence an election. Member States must not only submit all details on inactive and active voters to ERIC every 60 days. But they must also provide every individual in their states Motor Vehicle Department database, both licensed and ID recipients. This combo of data is breathtaking. It’s everyone who could generate a legal ballot. It includes those approaching voting age, even those here illegally yet issued an ID by their left leaning State. This data includes names, addresses, DOB, License #, last 4 of social #, voter activity, phone, email, title and type of citizenship documentation, and much more! (Read more)

- Lord God, please reveal everything hidden in our elections.

- " For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." (Mark 4:22)

[Prayer offered by IFA; Word decreed by CHPP]

10. Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes - The Gateway Pundit

The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a privileged resolution to move forward Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for US President and Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes.
The voice vote was unanimous and passed the assembly earlier this evening.

The legislation will now move forward to the Wisconsin Rules Committee and to the Wisconsin Senate, bill 743, for immediate confirmation.

The legislation was introduced by Rep. Timothy Ramthun(Read more)

- Oh Yes Lord!  This appears to be a huge bellwether in the contention for justice in this nation and the 2020 election.  There are undoubtedly more steps along the way to implementation, so we look to You Abba for the full victory.  When a thing is pleasing to You, we know You grant grace and cause even enemies to be at peace.  May it be Your peace and righteousness that brings this Resolution to full conclusion in this nation, in Jesus name.

- "It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens."  (Jeremiah 51:15)  

The Daily Jot
Biden Administration institutionalizing religious tyranny

The Daily Jot: Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Biden Administration is practicing both medical and religious tyranny. And you had better take notice. Dozens of federal agencies are gearing up to establish lists and collect information on people who requested medical or religious accommodations to avoid Biden’s unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandate. On October 4, 2021, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force issued guidance to federal agencies regarding collecting information for such accommodations. On January 11, the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency published intent in the Federal Register to create the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia Privacy Act system to track religious exemption requests.

It appears that this “Privacy Act” system is anything but privacy and given that it is tied in with the legal system, there is no doubt that such a list is aimed at future intimidation by the government. The mission of this newly created “Pretrial Services Agency,” as stated in the Federal Register is “to ensure and maintain the safety of all occupants during standard operations and pubic health emergencies or similar health and safety incidents, such as a pandemic, epidemic, natural disasters or national and regional emergency, PSA may develop and institute additional safety measures that require the collection of employee religious exemption information from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”

See all the agencies seeking to make religious exemption lists: go here.  

> > > Read all of yesterday's JOT by going here.

House Republicans introduce bill to block tracking religious accommodations to COVID vaccine

 Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., introduced a bill Tuesday that would prevent the federal government from tracking information on individuals who receive a religiousexemption to the coronavirus vaccine.

The bill comes after the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) for the District of Columbia – a federal entity – announced a system recording "personal religious information" of employees with "religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement."

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Norman said: "The ability for individuals to openly practice their faith without fear of retribution is a precious right we must guard closely." (Fox News) Read more here.

‘Defeat the Mandates’: 
Thousands Protest in Washington Against Vaccine Requirements 
Thousands of people turned out in Washington to protest and march against COVID-19 vaccine mandates on Sunday—one of the largest U.S. events and protests held against vaccine mandates since the start of the pandemic.
Starting at 12:30 p.m., thousands of people marched around the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, with many holding signs decrying COVID-19 regulations, vaccine passports, and mandates. Some criticized the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates.In recent weeks, U.S. COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed in areas that have high vaccination rates, once again casting a shadow on the effectiveness of the shots, and a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study suggested that natural immunity is superior to vaccines against the Delta variant.
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was fired three weeks ago by University of California, Irvine, as he was challenging the school’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy, similarly told The Epoch Times on Sunday that for the past few years, “Americans have been isolated by lockdowns by social distancing by new forms of limited interaction behind computer screens.” “Americans need to recover our right to assembly and our right to public spaces. And so I think the most important thing about this event is that it is a public event,” said Kheriaty, who has become a frequent critic of vaccine passports and mandates. “And it’s an opportunity for all of us to be together in solidarity and love for one another, to speak up against coercive mandates, to let doctors be doctors without other entities coming between a doctor’s own medical judgment and caring for his patient.” This event, he said, “I’m hoping will catalyze a movement in the United States.” And while some media outlets described the march as an “anti-vaccine” march, Kheriaty and march organizers said it’s the mandates, not the vaccines, that they oppose.  (NTD) Read more.  
- We thank You, Lord, for the thousands who showed up on the National Mall last weekend to protest the vaccine mandates in our nation. We pray that this rally would galvanize many others to stand up for our rights across the nation. In Jesus' name.

- "Again
 I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)
Dershowitz: Jan. 6 Committee similar to McCarthyism witch-hunt

A Harvard Law professor compared the January 6 Committee to a tactic used in the 1950s to oust accused communists who had no actual ties to the party. Legal scholar Alan Dershowitz said the panel is not a valid congressional body and it’s actually in violation of legislative rules.

“It reminds me a little bit of McCarthyism, where you had committees like the House Un-American Activities Committee, which didn’t have an appropriate legislative purpose,” he explained. “They were just trying to subpoena people for political and ideological purposes.”

In a recent interview with Breitbart, Dershowitz said the panel is being used by Democrats to target political opponents similar to the witch-hunts of 1950s McCarthyism era. This refers to the vocal campaigns against alleged communists believed to be in federal institutions who would go on to be blacklisted or fired from their positions despite not having any real ties to communism.

Dershowitz added, former President Donald Trump’s assertions of executive privilege are valid, but the Supreme Court has yet to affirm that.

“But what the Supreme Court has so far said, it hasn’t decided the course and that is whether or not an incumbent president can deny the right of a prior president to assert executive privilege over conversations he had while he was in the office,” he explained. “The answer to that should be clear and unanimous by the Supreme Court. Of course the former or old president has the right to assert executive privilege, otherwise privilege is meaningless.”

Dershowitz went on to say actions of the January 6 Committee are eroding executive privilege, which may result in future presidents being unable to make urgent decisions. He warned the tough decision will be outlining which conversations fall under executive privilege and which don’t.

The law professor added that the rulings made on a person by person document by document basis that the Supreme Court has been proceeding may ultimately challenge the court’s legitimacy. However, Dershowitz admitted he’s not completely unbiased when it comes to this subject. (One America News) Read more.  

The Good News Corner
Pandemic Shift: Many Christians Have Returned to Church, They're Just Going to Different Congregations
After dealing with the ups and downs of the COVID pandemic for almost two years, many Christians across the country are back in the pews attending worship services once again. But just as the pandemic affected churches' attendance and finances, it has also left its mark in a different way – some of the faithful have left the church they attended before the rise of COVID to attend a new congregation. 
The pandemic propelled people toward life changes of all kinds over the past two years, including career shifts, new relationships, and relocation. And that includes new churches too. More than 4,000 churches closed in America in 2020. Over that same time, over 20,000 pastors left the ministry. "One-third of practicing Christians disengaged from their congregation – just sort of stopped showing up," David Kinnaman, president and CEO of The Barna Group, told CBN News.
As CBN News reported, one positive side to the pandemic was that it fueled a spiritual hunger for 181 million Americans with millions opening a Bible for the very first time, according to the American Bible Society. The virus restrictions which inflicted people with isolation, loneliness, and depression have also fed the desire among some Christians for more of a connection with their church.
Many new visitors to Houston Northwest Church, a Houston, Texas-based Baptist congregation, came from a large apartment complex across the street that houses mostly single adults, Christianity Today reports. "They felt the psychological pressure of loneliness and wanted to check it out," Senior Pastor Steve Bezner told the outlet. "They wanted to discover who God is." (CBN) Read more.
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

O How I Love Jesus

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words:  Frederick Whitfield
Music: 19th Century Melody

Scripture: Because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

There is a name I love to hear,
I love to speak its worth;
It sounds like music in mine ear,
The sweetest name on earth.

O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!

It bids my trembling heart rejoice;
It dries each rising tear;
It tells me, in a still small voice,
To trust and never fear.


This name shall shed its fragrance still
Along this thorny road,
Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill
That leads me up to God.


And there, with all the blood-bought throng,
From sin and sorrow free,
I’ll sing the new eternal song
Of Jesus’ love to me.


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