The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022
If you missed last night's weekly conference call, with Rabbi Eric Teitelman and Pastor Jeff Daly, you can hear it now by going here. Jesus is coming soon! Blessings! 
"Normalcy is not returning . . . but JESUS is!"

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God." (Psalm 20:7)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenges to Colleges Using Race in Admissions

A students group that disagrees with how some colleges use race to determine which applicants to admit will present their case to the nation’s top court.

The Supreme Court on Monday announced it granted writs of certiorari, or requests for review of lower court decisions, from Students for Fair Admissions in cases involving the University of North Carolina and Harvard University.

The separate cases were consolidated and one hour was allotted for oral arguments at a later date. The U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI mean the schools cannot use race in the admissions process, according to the petitions to the court.

“The same Fourteenth Amendment that required public schools to dismantle segregation after Brown cannot be cowed by the diktats of university administrators,” petitioners stated, referring to Brown v. Board of Education, the 1954 Supreme Court decision that found “separate but equal” educational facilities violated the Fourteenth Amendment. (Epoch Times) Read more here.

- Thank You Father for overseeing this court case.  We call for full and equal justice under the Constitution and law.  We ask that You remind the Supreme Court that they are called to judge without iniquity or partiality in the fear of the Lord.  Bless the ones who are bringing this case forward and may their arguments be sound and compelling for the victory and healing of our communities, in Jesus name.

- "and [he] said to the judges, 'Take heed to what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment.'"  (2 Chronicles 19:6)  

1. Israel's hospitals warn of inability to cope amid rise in COVID cases - YNET 

Israel’s hospitals on Sunday warned of their inability to cope with the influx of patients caused by the spread of the highly transmittable Omicron variant of coronavirus.

According to several hospitals, the Omicron's spread, consequent surge in COVID cases, uptick in seriously ill coronavirus patients, as well as the frequent quarantine of medical workers - have all brought the health system and its workers to the brink.

The Kaplan Medical Center was forced to close its gates to ambulances due to an overload of patients and a lack of medical staff, many of whom are in quarantine due to exposure to COVID.
Kaplan’s dedicated COVID ward is currently full to capacity with 80 coronavirus patients. 

2.  Netanyahu will not agree to plea deal which would force him to retire - Israel National News
Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu broke his long-standing silence on the plea bargain negotiations he is conducting with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit Monday evening and clarified that he will not agree to any deal in which he admits to moral turpitude and will continue to lead the Likud.

Netanyahu said: "Dear and beloved citizens of Israel, in recent days you have proven once again that I do not walk alone, and that millions of you walk with me. You moved me greatly. I will continue to lead the Likud and the national camp to lead the State of Israel - on your behalf."

"The entire public sees what is happening in court and how the investigation against me was conducted. It is enough to close the cases against me right now, but it has not happened yet. In recent days, false allegations have been made in the media about things I allegedly agreed to, such as the claim I agreed to admit to moral turpitude. This is not correct," he added. (Read More) 

3. Lapid Signs Cooperation Plan With Beijing as Israel Seeks ‘Balance’ on China Ties - Algemeiner

Israel and China on Monday signed a three-year agreement to foster cooperation and dialogue, as the two countries marked 30 years of diplomatic relations.

The action plan was signed at the fifth meeting of the China-Israel Joint Committee on Innovation Cooperation, along with a series of professional bilateral agreements, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said. Established in 2014, the committee last convened in Jerusalem back in 2018.

“The Chinese, like Israelis, aren’t afraid of new ideas. There’s a built-in curiosity in the character of our two peoples,” Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said. “Give us a new and exciting idea, and we’ll gather around it, enthusiastically discuss it, and immediately examine its origin and how it can be improved.” (Read More) 

4. Israel said holding talks with Russia over Syria standoff, may limit air campaign -  Times of Israel

Israeli military officials are reportedly holding talks with Russian army officers to calm tensions after Moscow’s Defense Ministry said Monday that it held a joint jet patrol with Syria along the latter’s borders, including in the Golan Heights area.

According to the Ynet news site, Israeli officials are struggling to understand why Russia has apparently changed its policy toward Israel, after it announced such joint patrols are expected to be a regular occurrence moving forward.

The report claimed, without citing a source, that Israel may limit its air campaign in Syria as a result of Russia’s move, even after discussions end. (Read More) 

5. Israel gearing up for mass immigration from Ukraine - World Israel News

With the possibility of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the U.S. quietly evacuating embassy employees and their families from the eastern European country, Israel is gearing up for an influx of Jewish refugees.

According to Haaretz, Israeli government ministers met Sunday in a closed-door meeting to discuss strategy for absorbing tens of thousands of Ukrainians with Jewish heritage who qualify for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.

In attendance at the meeting were representatives from the Defense Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Diaspora Ministry, and the Nativ organization, which works to strengthen ties between Russian-speaking Jews and the Israeli government. (Read More) 

- Father God, we ask that You send forth Your angels to grant traveling mercies for these precious souls who are now leaving Ukraine. We ask that You would meet all of their needs, according to Your riches in Glory through Christ Jesus our Lord, amen. (Phil. 4:19)

The Daily Brief
1. California Bill Would Let Children Get COVID-19 Jab Without Parental Approval (

California Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill that would allow children to be administered with COVID-19 vaccines without parental consent.
Senate Bill 866, also known as the Teens Choose Vaccines Act, has been introduced by state Senators Scott Wiener and Richard Pan, who intended to add a new section to the California Family Code.
“A minor 12 years of age or older may consent to a vaccine that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and meets the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACIP) without the consent of the parent or guardian of the minor,” read the proposal.
The bill doesn’t mention COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, but refers to human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B vaccines instead.
However, Wiener said COVID-19 vaccination for children is an apparent goal of the bill.
“With the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread availability of highly effective and safe vaccines to treat serious COVID-19 illness, it’s more important than ever that young adults be able to access vaccines,” he said in a statement.

- Lord, we rebuke the lies that are seeking to force children to be vaccinated without parental consent. No vaccine should ever be given to a child without the parents knowing- they know the medical history of their own children and whether an allergy or other problem may exist. We ask for Your mighty protection over our children across the nation- let us rise up with Your Spirit and fight for them.  

- “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

2. Germany Blocks NATO Ally Estonia From Giving Arms to Ukraine: Report (

Germany is preventing fellow NATO member Estonia from providing Ukraine with military support by declining to offer export permits for weapons of German origin, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
"Germany, they have a lot of hesitation to deliver to us," Ukraine's defense minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, told The Journal.
A German government spokesperson explained to the outlet that the decision on the exportation of weaponry is a result of a long-standing policy. 
"The principle governing arms exports is always the same—whether they come directly from Germany or from third countries—and no permission has been issued at this stage," the spokesperson said, adding that "it is not possible to estimate the outcome of the process at this moment." 

- Lord, Germany has an ulterior motive - not to rock the boat with Russia because of the Russian Nordstream pipeline. We pray that only Your perfect will shall stand in this situation and all truth will be revealed.

- “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.” (Proverbs 21:2)  

3. Afghanistan replaces North Korea as most dangerous place to be a Christian (

Afghanistan has topped the Open Doors 2022 World Watch List of the 50 countries where Christians face the worst persecution.
North Korea was number one on the list for 20 years but the devastating fallout from the Taliban takeover has pushed Afghanistan to the top spot.
Open Doors warned of Christian men "facing almost certain death" if their faith is discovered. For women and girls, the price of their faith is being married to young Taliban fighters as the "spoils of war", or being trafficked. 
The Taliban are using existing intelligence to actively track down Christians, going door-to-door to find them. Once discovered, they are often detained in order to identify more Christians. Then they are killed, Open Doors said. 
- Lord, we pray on our knees for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. We ask for a hedge of protection around them and strength for the battles.

- “Saying, “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” (Psalm 105:15)  

 4. Sinema Censured By AZ Dem Party For Defending Filibuster | The Daily Wire

On Saturday, the Arizona Democratic Party executive committee voted to censure Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) following her defense of the Senate filibuster.
In a statement regarding the censure, state party chair Raquel Terán condemned Sinema. “I want to be clear, the Arizona Democratic Party is a diverse coalition with plenty of room for policy disagreements,” Terán said before stating that voting rights are more important than the “archaic” filibuster.
Terán continued, making claims about the state of Arizona’s alleged voting restrictions, and adding that 19 states have passed voting laws disapproved of by many on the Left.

- Lord, the Democrats are turning on one another and that is a difficult thing, but a good thing. We pray that You will visit Kyrsten Sinema and draw her to Yourself.

- “God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate him shall flee before him!” (Psalm 68:1)  

5. Russia's purported plan to install pro-Kremlin leadership in Ukraine 'deeply concerning,' White House says | Fox News

The White House is calling Russia's reported plan to install a pro-Kremlin leader in Ukraine "deeply concerning."
A spokesperson for the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office said they have information indicating that the Russian government is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Ukraine.
"We have information that indicates the Russian Government is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine. The former Ukrainian MP Yevhen Murayev is being considered as a potential candidate," the spokesperson said.

- Lord, if this report is indeed true, then we stand firmly against it and ask for Your intervention to prevent another Ukraine disaster.

- “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.”  (Ephesians 6:13) 

6. House Democrats ask military historians to document treatment of LGBTQ troops | Stars and Stripes

House Democrats want military historians to document the effects of the previous bans on LGBTQ troops in an effort to prevent similar prohibitions in the future.
Reps. Mark Takano, D-Calif., Adam Smith, D-Wash., and Jackie Speier, D-Calif., wrote to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday, urging him to conduct a historical review of LGBTQ treatment in the military and “fully examine the legacy” of policies like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
“The military services employ a significant complement of professional historians who could document and examine the impact of these prohibitions on the military,” the lawmakers wrote. “We believe that this unique resource should be leveraged to fully understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ service members and other personnel who served during this era in which open service was banned.”
Takano is chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and Smith is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Speier leads a House subcommittee on military personnel.

- Lord, sin within the ranks of our military defenders is grievous. We pray for a move of repentance across every area, and a fresh wind of Your  Spirit to all. May everyone who loves You repent for allowing sin to reign over our military.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34)


7. China flies dozens of warplanes near Taiwan | Fox News

China launched 39 aircraft, mostly fighter jets, near Taiwan Sunday — the largest show of force in months.
The launch came the same day the U.S. Navy sailed two aircraft carriers along with a pair of amphibious assault ships alongside allies in the Philippine Sea. 
It's not clear what might have prompted the escalation, but China did something similar in early October during similar U.S. Navy operations.
Taiwan issued radio warnings and sent combat air patrol to deter the Chinese aircraft, while air defense missile systems were deployed to monitor them, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said in the statement issued late on Sunday.
China claims Taiwan is part of its own territory and has rejected its claims of independence after the two countries split in 1949. The U.S. does not formally recognize Taiwan but maintains an unofficial relationship and is supportive of its democratic government. 

- Lord as the situation seems to advance day by day toward invasion, we pray for a Move of Your Spirit over Taiwan, and a hedge of protection against China. Let nothing China plans come to fruition.

- “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” (Proverbs 19:21)  

8. Bernie Sanders Tries To Blame Congressional Gridlock On GOP — But Admits He’d Support A Primary Against Manchin, Sinema | The Daily Wire
Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders tried to point the finger at Republicans who were standing in the way of President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda — particularly his sweeping spending package known as Build Back Better and his party’s attempts to overhaul election law at the federal level — before admitting that if the opportunity arose, he would support primaries against Democratic Senators Joe Manchin (WV and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ).
Sanders joined CNN anchor Dana Bash on Sunday’s broadcast of “State of the Union” to discuss the situation on Capitol Hill, and he began by arguing that it was the 50 Republicans in the evenly-divided Senate who had made it their mission to obstruct President Biden’s agenda.

- Lord, Bernie Sanders is another member of Congress that is advocating a wrong direction for the nation. We ask for his removal, and pray for a righteous person to take his place as soon as possible.

- “Turn away from evil and do good; so shall you dwell forever. For the Lord loves justice; he will not forsake his saints. They are preserved forever, but the children of the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever.” (Psalm 37: 27-29)  

9. Republican Rep: We Might ‘Begin To See’ China Invade Taiwan ‘After The Olympics’ | The Daily Wire

During a call with reporters on Friday, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), a leader on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, predicted that Russia would invade Ukraine “next month,” and that China could begin to invade Taiwan after the February Winter Olympics, which are being held in Beijing.
“My prediction is that you’re going to see Russia invading Ukraine in the next month,” McCaul stated. “And I think after the Olympics … China’s gotten so provocative, so aggressive in the South China Sea that you will begin to see CCP, Communist Party, invade Taiwan.”
As tensions escalate regarding a potential invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the White House has issued numerous statements. Appearing on Fox News on Thursday following an unusual remark by President Biden concerning the definition of a “minor incursion,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki assured the hosts that “severe economic consequences” would follow any invasion.
“If there is a movement of any military troops across the border, that is an invasion. If they go in, that is an invasion, and there will be severe economic consequences. I know [Ukrainian] President Zelensky knows that, we’ve conveyed that,” Psaki said. “It is also true … that there are a range of tactics the Russians use; we’ve been warning about some of those steps, including the spreading of misinformation out there, which has been widespread, was widespread in 2014, the use of cyber tools, and we are also going to be ready to respond to that as well, and we will be working in lock step with the Ukrainians.”

- Lord, the man occupying the White House is sorely confused. His lips say one thing, and everyone has to “fix” his statements. We pray Your mercy over the US, that we not be pushed into a costly, bloody war with Russia, China, or Iran. We bring the words of Rep McCaul to You and pray only Your perfect  direction and will over them.

- “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33a)  

10. Cheney challenger wins Wyoming Republican activists' straw poll | TheHill

The candidate endorsed by former President Trump in the Republican primary against Rep. Liz Cheney won a straw poll conducted by GOP activists in Wyoming on Saturday.
Harriet Hageman won 59 votes in the straw poll conducted by the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee, according to the Casper Star-Tribune. Cheney won six votes, while state Sen. Anthony Bouchard (R) won two and Denton Knapp won one.
"I think it’s a good sign. It’s not an endorsement, but these are the county activists," Hageman told the newspaper.
Out of the 74 committee members, 71 members reportedly voted, three of whom are Hageman's family members. As the Star-Tribune noted, the Republican Party of Wyoming is not permitted to endorse a candidate in the primary election, which is eight months away.

- Lord, we once again pray that You will stop Liz Cheney from her hateful path. If she will not repent of the hate, then we ask for her removal as quickly as possible.

- “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.” (Proverbs 10:12)  

11. ‘Unseemly’: NPR Refuses to Correct Story After Supreme Court Deems It False (

National Public Radio (NPR) is refusing to correct a story that was challenged by a trio of Supreme Court justices, triggering a flood of criticism.
Citing anonymous sources, reporter Nina Totenberg said Chief Justice John Roberts “asked the other justices to mask up,” or wear masks, because Justice Sonia Sotomayor expressed concerns for her safety amid the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.
Totenberg said that because Justice Neil Gorsuch refused the request—Gorsuch has not worn a mask on the bench recently—Sotomayor began attending oral arguments from her chambers.
In rare public statements a day later, all three justices responded to the report.
Sotomayor and Gorsuch said Sotomayor did not ask  Gorsuch to wear a mask, adding that “while we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends.”
Even worse for NPR, which is partially funded by taxpayer money, Roberts said separately that “I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench.”

- Lord, our news media has no integrity at present. We pray that You will intervene to bring conviction of sin and a powerful change of heart.
- “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.” (2 Corinthians 7:10)


12. A special prayer from Rick Ridings (paraphrased)

"Father God, if this looming war in Ukraine is not of You, then we ask You to put a stop to this action in the heavenlies. Holy God, we ask You to shut the Ancient Gates of war and destruction over Russia and Ukraine that destroys souls. Let the King of Glory come in, O Lord! May the gatekeepers arise and may God arise and His enemies be scattered, as You turn the battle at the gates!"

The Daily Jot

The difficult journey ahead

The Daily Jot
Monday, January 24, 2022

The pandemic emergency in which American citizens ceded their civil rights to government mandates and lockdowns must end now. Enough damage has been inflicted upon individuals, businesses and the economy by the government, big pharma, a propaganda media machine, divisive politicians and Supreme Court justices that are so out of touch they can’t even accurately cite their own government’s statistics. Delta is receding. Omicron is mild and is providing immunity. It’s time for the government and the leftist politicians to put away their harmful and hateful fear-mongering agendas, and do the right thing: End the pandemic emergency and focus on responding to the aftermath of the crisis they created.

There is going to be much to fix. The economy, ransacked by reckless and ill-advised leftist policies, must be addressed. The aftermath of lockdowns, outrageous deficit spending, irresponsible imaginations about green energy and climate control, and job killing decisions—all contributing to out of control inflation will take years, maybe decades, to resolve. Foreign policy, which was so focused on mandates and migration, allowed for state actors such as Russia, China and Iran to advance their evil agendas somewhat under the radar. These are delicate and complicated international minefields that must be navigated carefully and firmly otherwise they will result in death and destruction for many.

The most challenging issue will be the long-term effects of the government health policies. Vaccines may have prevented some people from dying, but the side effects are just beginning to surface. CDC mandated treatment protocols and financial incentives for hospitals also may have caused more deaths than the vaccines saved. Incoming studies from reputable institutions are indicating alarming unexplained death rate increases in people 18-49, myocarditis, blood clots and other organ and brain issues in the vaccinated population. A Columbia University study concluded that VAERS deaths are 20 times higher than estimated (up to 400,000 deaths in the US) and that the risks of COVID vaccination outweigh the benefits in children, young and middle age adults, and in older age groups with low occupational risk.

The authors said, “no one, especially those with good intentions and high hopes but who were misled by less-than-rigorous science, wants to acknowledge the possibility that the COVID vaccines and their boosters may be causing more harm than good overall. The sooner the taboo surrounding research and discussion of vaccine-induced injury and death is lifted, the sooner public health policy can be adjusted and resources can be mobilized to identify and develop therapies and interventions.” Government and big pharma historically reject health issues tied to vaccines. But given current technology and data analysis, it may be more difficult to deny. Proverbs 13:10 says, “Nothing but by pride comes strife, but with the well-advised is wisdom.” Wisdom will be needed to meet the challenges ahead. It will be a difficult journey.

Columbia Study: go here   

Denver Elementary School To Hold BLM Event 
Teaching Kindergarteners, First Graders To Disrupt The ‘Nuclear Family,
’Recognize ‘Trans-Antagonistic Violence' 

A school district in Denver, Colorado, plans to host a Black Lives Matter “Week of Action,” according to a report from Parents Defending Education.
Centennial Elementary School (CES) in Denver Public Schools (DPS) announced its plans to participate in the “Black Lives Matter (BLM) at School Week of Action” from Jan. 31 – Feb. 4, according to a report from Parents Defending Education (PDE). The school said it will instruct kindergarteners and first graders to be “transgender affirming” by “recognizing trans-antagonistic violence” and “queer affirming” so “heteronormative thinking no longer exists.”
Most kindergarteners and first graders are five, six and seven years old, according to PDE.
One of the 13 “Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles” the elementary school will teach is “globalism,” which is defined as “our ability to see how we are impacted or privileged within the Black global family.”
Another BLM principle outlined by the school is “Black Villages” or “the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other.” (The Daily Caller) 
- Lord we take authority over this narrative meant to destroy the nuclear family and bind it tightly. We rebuke the demonic powers that are running it and declare this plan dead where it stands in Jesus’ Mighty Name.  

- “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.” (Philippians 3:19)  
U.S. puts 8,500 troops on alert as Russia tensions ramp up

The move comes as NATO allies deploy ships and aircraft to Eastern Europe.

If NATO moves to activate the response force, or in the event of a “deteriorating security environment,” Kirby said the U.S. “would be in a position to rapidly deploy additional brigade combat teams, logistics, medical, aviation, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, transportation, and additional capabilities into Europe.”

The Pentagon’s announcement comes after The New York Times reported Sunday that President Joe Biden was considering deploying thousands of U.S. troops, as well as warships and aircraft, to NATO allies in the Baltic States and Eastern Europe.

Earlier Monday, NATO announced that European allies were deploying additional ships and fighter jets to Eastern Europe and putting new forces on standby in response to Russia’s continued troop buildup along Ukraine’s border.

Kirby said at his news briefing that Austin “will continue to consult” with Biden, and the U.S. “will maintain close coordination with allies and partners as we continuously review our force posture and make decisions regarding movement of forces into and within Europe.”

Meanwhile at the White House, Biden held a secure video call in the Situation Room to discuss the Russia-Ukraine crisis with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Poland and the U.K. NATO’s secretary general and the presidents of the European Commission and the European Council also participated in the call. 

Of the roughly 8,500 U.S.-based personnel who Austin placed on heightened alert, “the bulk of them are intended for” the NATO Response Force, Kirby said, although Austin wants the U.S. “to be ready for any other contingencies, as well.” (POLITICO) Read more.  

- Abba, we ask that you would de-escalate this situation. We know that war will eventually come, as your Word has prophesied, but in your mercy, we ask for your divine delay in this situation. Please grant wisdom and discernment to the US and the Russian leaders and may they walk in peace and in unity. Please put the fear of the LORD into both Putin and Biden's hearts!

- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge."  (Proverbs 1:7) 
FBI Searches Center for COVID Control Headquarters Following Complaints: Officials

The FBI confirmed its agents searched the Illinois-based Center for COVID Control headquarters in the midst of federal investigations into the multimillion-dollar testing business. “The FBI was conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity in Rolling Meadows [Saturday],” FBI Chicago spokespersons told WGN-9, USA Today, and NBC News in confirming the search of the business. The Epoch Times contacted the bureau for comment.

A spokesperson for the Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General, Yvonne Gamble, said that HHS agents and the FBI searched the Rolling Meadows, Illinois, facility.

Annie Thompson, a spokesperson for the Illinois Attorney General’s Office, also told USA Today that the office is “working with the FBI and other law enforcement partners and will not comment on ongoing investigations as we work to hold accountable individuals who engage in unlawful conduct.”

The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said on Friday that it is investigating “numerous complaints” associated with laboratories and testing sites run by the Center for COVID Control. “We take seriously any allegations of fraud or misbehavior by COVID-19 testing sites. CMS’s Center for Clinical Standards and Quality investigates these kinds of complaints and is aware of several alleged instances of misconduct by this company’s labs,” Dr. Lee Fleisher, chief medical officer and director of the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality for CMS, told CNN in a statement. (Epoch Times) 

Note: this article is available on Chrome only. To read the entire article, please go here.  
The Good News Corner
'If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?'
Sean Feucht Drops Big News, Thanks Publisher for Canceling His Book

Worship leader Sean Feucht is thanking God for getting a better book deal after saying a different book publisher, Harper Collins, had canceled his book due to his political views.

"God is bigger than cancel culture," he announced in a Facebook video. "We are here as a family about to celebrate this historic moment. I'm signing my biggest book deal ever!"

Last week, Feucht said he lost a book deal with Harper Collins, one of the world's leading publishers, over his political stance. He told CBN News the move was a "blatant target on conservative Christians." 

"They called me and said they were canceling it and that they had a couple of staffers in the marketing department who refused to market it because of my political views," he explained. 

A Harper Collins spokesperson told CBN News, "We did not have a signed contract. On background for clarification, the project was being considered by Thomas Nelson, a publishing group of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Not HarperCollins Publishers." 

Feucht's new book Bold: Moving Forward in Faith Not Fear, will be released under Regnery, a politically conservative book publisher.

"We have to carry this boldness. This boldness that I am talking about in this book is what we need to stand up against the mob... to stand up against those trying to destroy the identity of our kids," he shared in a recent post.

"I'm writing this because I know that it is a needed message for this hour," Feucht continued. "The fact that we are getting so much push back... validates that we need it." (CBN) Read more 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Peace Perfect Peace 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Edward Bickersteth Jr
Music: George Caldbeck

Scripture: You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.

Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round?
On Jesus’ bosom naught but calm is found.

Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away?
In Jesus’ keeping we are safe, and they.

Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?
Jesus we know, and He is on the throne.

Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours?
Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.

It is enough: earth’s struggles soon shall cease,
And Jesus call us to Heaven’s perfect peace.

Peace, perfect peace, ’mid suffering’s sharpest throes?
The sympathy of Jesus breathes repose.

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