The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022
Be sure to join Dai Sup Han this Saturday on PrayerSurgeNow, as he welcomes guest speakers on two critical topics. First, Tom Smith and Al McCarn will bring their weekly report on Middle East news, beginning at 7:30 a.m.

Next, John Robb will host a one-hour call, beginning at 8:30 p.m., to focus on breaking news out of Ukraine and how we can pray for that situation, too.

The conference number for both sessions is: 605-475-4797.
The access code is: 336718#
Press *6 when you enter, please. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Pure Peace" by Julie True. Go here!  

"The exercise of justice is joy for the righteous,
But terror to those who practice injustice."

(Proverbs 21:15)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring, Fox News confirmed, setting President Biden up with the first opportunity to fill a vacancy on the high court. 

A source close to Breyer told Fox News that the justice will step down at the end of the current Supreme Court term early this summer. 

Breyer, who is 83, has been the subject of rampant speculation about his retirement. Liberal activists were calling for the justice to retire soon after Biden was inaugurated. Sources close to Breyer, however, said the justice made the decision on his own terms and was not forced out. 

Breyer was appointed by former President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. Breyer's replacement will need to be confirmed by the Senate, which is currently split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, with Democrats technically holding the majority because Vice President Harris can break ties. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Wednesday Breyer's replacement will be "confirmed by the full United States Senate with all deliberate speed." 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the White House won't be commenting, at least for now, about Breyer stepping down. (Fox News) Read more

- Father God, we have known for awhile that this time was coming, and now it is here. Lord God, with Justice Breyer stepping down, this will present an opportunity for the leftists in our land to seat a man or woman of their own choosing on the Supreme Court. 

Holy One, we petition You, who is the Judge of the true "Supreme Court" in heaven, to move the hearts of those in authority to choose wisely, on behalf of all of our people. Thank You, O Lord, for hearing our prayer, in Your name, amen.
- "For the Lord is our judge,
The Lord is our lawgiver,
The Lord is our king;
He will save us—"

(Isaiah 33:22)

1. Teachers Union cancels classes in protest against new COVID policy - Israel National News

The secretary general of the Teachers' Union, Yaffa Ben David, announced following the cancellation of the quarantine regulations for students that classes will be closed in schools and kindergartens tomorrow.

In a statement, Ben David wrote to teachers and kindergarten teachers that "in light of the government's decision exposing you to the coronavirus in a way that endangers your health and in the face of thousands of requests from you, protest measures will be taken tomorrow - don't go to schools and kindergartens tomorrow."

She added that "in special education institutions, studies will take place as usual. Special education classes in regular schools will join the protest." (Read more)  

2. Iran, Syria will ‘be forced to react if Russia doesn’t restrain Israel’ - World Israel News

Lebanon’s Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar newspaper reported Wednesday morning on a “turning point” in Russia’s involvement in Syria.

The report was published following joint Russian-Syrian airforce patrols near the Israeli border earlier this week.

According to the news outlet, the Syrian leadership and its allies – led by Iran – expressed deep dissatisfaction with the Russians, saying they have been turning a blind eye to IDF airstrikes on Syrian targets.

Syria and its allies will “be forced to react to the airstrikes if it doesn’t restrain Israel,” they warned Russia. (Read more) 

3. Israel Home to 165,800 Holocaust Survivors, 90% Over Age 80 - Algemeiner

i24 News – Israel is home to 165,800 Holocaust survivors, 90 percent of whom are over 80 years old, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry.

The data was published prior to the annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which will be commemorated on Thursday — the date that the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army in 1945.

The average age of Holocaust survivors is 85, with 19 percent of them, or about 31,000 people, over the age of 90. More than 950 are over 100 years old.

Figures also show that 60 percent of survivors are women — around 105,000, with an average age of 85.4. (Read more) 

4. Erdoğan claims Israel's President Herzog will visit Turkey next month - Jerusalem Post

Israel's President Isaac Herzog will visit Turkey before mid-February and a new page will be opened in their strained bilateral relations, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday.

There was no confirmation or denial of an official visit to Turkey from Herzog's side.

A visit to Turkey by Herzog, who will travel to Abu Dhabi on Sunday, will be the highest-level visit to the country since President Shimon Peres visited Ankara in 2007. He was then the guest of Erdogan, at the time the prime minister, and Abdullah Gul, then Turkey's president. (Read more) 

5. Storm ‘Elpis’ Paints It White in Northern Israel, Jerusalem & Surroundings - Jewish Press

Storm “Elpis” arrived in Israel on Wednesday morning after dropping snow and rain on Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, bringing joy to Israeli children and angst to drivers on the roads.

Snow fell during the day in the Golan Heights on Mount Hermon and in the Upper Galilee, but by nightfall had also begun to drop the white stuff on the capital city of Jerusalem as well as in the Binyamin and Gush Etzion regions.

School was canceled for Thursday in the Golan Heights and in Jerusalem, where the municipality urged residents Wednesday night to stay inside and not to leave unless absolutely necessary.  (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. State Department issues 'do not travel' warning for Ukraine as embassy staff is told to leave - Fox News

The U.S. State Department has ordered the evacuation of American citizens in Ukraine amid the threat of Russian military action. U.S. citizens in Ukraine should be aware that Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine would severely impact the U.S. Embassy’s ability to provide consular services, including assistance to U.S. citizens in departing Ukraine," the State Department said in a travel advisory.

The State Department said in the travel advisory that eligible family members are being ordered to leave the country, while U.S. citizens in Ukraine should "consider" leaving the country.

"On January 23, 2022, the Department of State authorized the voluntary departure of U.S. direct hire employees and ordered the departure of eligible family members from Embassy Kyiv due to the continued threat of Russian military action. U.S. citizens in Ukraine should consider departing now using commercial or other privately available transportation options," the advisory reads. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray for these Christians, and for all the world leaders involved in this uncertain conflict. We pray for continued freedom for Christians to continue sharing the gospel and ministering in their communities in this part of the world. Amen.

- “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4)


2. Kamala Harris Blames Coronavirus for Human Trafficking Surge as Smugglers Enjoy Open Border Policies - Brietbart

“Trafficking is an extremely heinous and profitable business,” Harris noted in a speech at a video set across the street from the White House in the Executive Office Building. Harris noted an estimated 25 million people were victims of human trafficking, enriching global criminals by $150 billion.

“Let’s be clear: When we’re talking about human trafficking, we are talking about some human beings who are essentially buying and selling other human beings,” she said. Former border security officials warn Biden’s open border policies only increase human trafficking, as criminals take advantage of the president’s willingness to apprehend and release record numbers of migrants into the United States.

“When you increase the number of people being smuggled, the increase in trafficking goes along with that, so if they’re really, really serious not just about addressing and reacting to trafficking if they’re really serious about trying to prevent it, they’d secure our borders,” former acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan said in a December interview with Fox News. But Harris blamed the coronavirus for an increase in human trafficking. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray for the Biden administration that if they feel so strongly about this matter that they would have the wisdom, strength and the courage to change their policies so that this issue could truly be taken care of at its root. We pray for all the children all over the world that are missing, Lord God, that you would send your angels to comfort them and bring laborers in their path to help them. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

- “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Prov. 31:8-9)

3. Fox News Special Report outlines fresh questions on what Fauci, government knew about COVID origin - Fox News

Fresh questions are being raised about what American scientists and federal health officials knew about the origins of the coronavirus and whether conflicting evidence was suppressed and hidden from the public. According to the timeline of events laid out by Baier, Fauci was told on January 27, 2020 that his NIAID had been indirectly funding the Wuhan lab through EcoHealth-- a US-based scientific non-profit that had been working with novel coronaviruses.

Hours later, Fauci hastily organized a call with dozens of worldwide virologists, and notes from the meeting obtained by Special Report reveal that suspicions of the lab leak theory were suppressed over concerns of how the public would react to news of possible Chinese government involvement. 

A consensus was reached in the call that the lab origin should not be mentioned in a paper because it will add "fuel to the conspiracists," and Collins appeared convinced that natural origin of the virus was "more likely."

Over the next few months, Fauci and Collins worked behind the scenes to squash the lab leak theory and communicated to each other the day after President Trump declined to dismiss the wet market theory, discussing "something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy." (Read more)

- Lord God we thank you that this evil will not go unpunished. We thank you Lord that you are a good and just God. We choose to put our trust in you and that you will repay any evil when the time has come.

- “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

4. Pelosi announces re-election bid ahead of 2022 midterms - Fox News

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., announced she will seek re-election in this year's midterms. "While we have made progress much more needs to be done to improve people’s lives. This election is crucial: nothing less is at stake than our Democracy," Pelosi said in an announcement on Twitter Tuesday.

Pelosi, who will turn 82 in March, had previously vowed to step down as the leader of House Democrats after the 2022 election. 

But as the midterm elections have neared, it was rumored Pelosi may not rule out another bid to control the Speaker's gavel if Democrats were to retain their majority following this year's midterms.
Republicans are currently favored to take back the House after a tumultuous year for President Biden, who saw his approval rating plummet in 2021 amid a chaotic end to the war in Afghanistan, surging COVID-19 cases, and a steep rise in inflation. (Read more)

- Lord God we just pray over this election cycle coming up that you would speak to all your people by your spirit, influencing them to vote for those that are righteous and who stand for what is right. We thank you that you continue to weed out those that are not serving the people in a just way. In Jesus name amen.

- “And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship." (Exodus 35:31) [ For God's people who will take an active role in the next election.]

5. Department Of Energy To Release Millions Of Barrels Of Oil From Reserve To Combat Surging Gas Prices - Daily Caller

The Department of Energy (DOE) announced Tuesday the release of millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to combat soaring gas prices. The DOE approved the release of 13.4 million barrels from its SPR, marking the second-largest exchange from the reserve and bringing the total amount of oil released from the cache to almost 40 million barrels.

Exchange contracts for the released oil have were awarded to seven companies. President Joe Biden authorized a plan in November 2021 to release 50 million barrels of crude oil from the SPR in a coordinated effort with China, India, Japan, South Korea and the U.K. to combat surging gas prices and assist in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery.

U.S. crude oil prices soared to a seven-year high last week, with West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices surging over 13% on a year over year basis, according to Bloomberg. The nationwide average price of unleaded gasoline in the U.S., which has increased for 10 consecutive days, hit $3.34 a gallon on Wednesday, according to American Automobile Association (AAA) data. (Read more)

- Lord God, we lift the Biden administration up to you that they would seek you in all things. We ask that you would give them wisdom to make better decisions for our country concerning all areas but especially regarding our oil reserves. 

- “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6)

6. Trump Just Dropped a Major Hint About Whether He's Running Again - Townhall

During a recent round of golf in Florida, former President Donald Trump indicated he's planning a White House run in 2024. “Now on the tee, the 45th president of the United States," a man filming is heard saying. 

"[The] 45th and 47th," Trump responded, wearing his signature "Make America Great Again" red hat.

Trump's remarks on the golf course are similar to hints he's dropped before. Back in November, Trump said he would likely wait until after the 2022 midterm elections to make a final decision about running for president. (Read more)

- Father God as we are praying for the right man or woman to run for president, we acknowledge that we need to fix our voting system. How can we trust anybody who is righteous to make it into office if we don’t take these voter fraud claims seriously? We pray Lord that You would supernaturally intervene in the voting process. Lord God, raise up people who truly want to investigate this matter
thoroughly so that we can once again that our elections are free of fraud. We ask this in Jesus name, amen.

- “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)  

7. U.S. delivers written response to demands from Moscow amid continued tensions with Ukraine - Just The News

Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the U.S. has made no concessions to the primary set of demands from Russia pertaining to Ukraine and NATO, in a written response delivered to Moscow on Wednesday.

Russia has asked for a guarantee that Ukraine (as well as other ex-Soviet nations) will never be admitted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, and that the alliance will remove the troop deployments that have been sent to other former Soviet bloc nations. 

"There is no change, there will be no change," said Blinken, signaling that the U.S. is firmly committed to standing strong against pushing from Vladimir Putin. Blinken also said the document was sent with the blessing of President Biden, whom he said made personal edits and was closely involved in its development process. (Read more)

- Lord God we just pray that your will would be done in the situation. We just continue to declare your peace over this region and declare that there will be no war but nevertheless our will but your will be done Lord God. Amen.

- “And since he would not be persuaded, we fell silent, remarking, “The will of the Lord be done.” (Acts 21:14)

 8. The names to know as Biden mulls Breyer's replacement - The Hill

President Biden is set to have his first opportunity to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court after news broke that Justice Stephen Breyer is expected to announce his retirement in the coming days. Biden vowed multiple times during the 2020 campaign to appoint the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, and a number of Democrats quickly began applying pressure on the president to follow through on that pledge. 

The opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court justice is rare for presidents and can be a legacy-defining decision. Here’s a look at some of the names Biden is likely to consider nominating as Breyer’s replacement.

Some advocacy groups have urged Biden to consider nominating a Latino judge to the bench, though doing so would likely inflame tensions with some of the Black voters who propelled Biden to the Democratic nomination and ultimately the White House. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray that the Biden administration would choose someone to serve on the Supreme Court based on character and integrity and not solely based on the color of their skin.

- "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” (Proverbs 10:9)

9. Peter Schweizer ‘Has Done It Again’ with ‘Red-Handed’ - Brietbart

Hannity said he would do a “series of interviews” with Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and host of the Drill Down, “to get to the bottom of all” the book’s documentation of U.S. elite corruption with respect to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Red-Handed examines how the Chinese government’s strategy of “elite capture” targets prominent U.S. figures in business, entertainment, politics, and technology. The CCP procures influence and compliance with such figures through the development of financial relationships.

Hannity praised Red-Handed as Schweizer’s “latest bombshell book” and “phenomenal.” The book’s depth of research and revelations require a series of interviews to unpack, he added. Schweizer’s book documents an instance of CCP elites “laughing” at the Chinese government’s compromise of President Joe Biden. (Read more)

- Lord God we thank you for exposing the communist Chinese government‘s influence over our government. But Lord we acknowledge that exposure is not enough. We ask that these illegal and traitorous deals be dealt with and those involved would be brought to Justice. And finally we break the powers of the communist spirit that seeks to destroy our country that can no longer work in our government and leadership. In Jesus name, amen.

- “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The Daily Jot
Stupidocrisy: Doubleminded statements and policies

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, Wed., Jan. 26, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security announced that on January 22 non-US travelers who wish to enter the US by ferry or land ports of entry at the Mexico and Canadian borders must show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. That is, all except those who illegally cross the border. OSHA, after a Supreme Court smackdown, officially withdrew Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on companies with 100 employees or more, saying it just wanted to protect unvaccinated workers of large employers “from workplace exposure to coronavirus.” Really? The vaccine does not prevent contracting or transmitting COVID. OSHA says it will be back with a permanent COVID “healthcare standard.” But wait, there’s more.

Former head of the Food and Drug Administration, now on the Pfizer board of directors—isn’t that a cozy gig—Dr. Scott Gottlieb, told CNBC that the time is coming where mask and vaccine mandates should be removed as quickly as they were put in place. He said, “I think a lot of the acrimony that we are having here in the United States is because we haven’t prescribed clear goal posts for when we are going to withdraw a lot of these measures.” Talk about moving goal posts, reports that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla openly stated during a J.P. Morgan healthcare conference this week that current COVID vaccines the company developed offer “limited, if any” protection against contracting current variants of the disease. He then encouraged booster shots. Huh? (Read all of this Jot by going here.)  

Danger of Cyber attacks and Electro-Magnetic Pulse
to disable national defense and infrastructure 
One serious threat that often goes without notice by the American public are increasing attacks on the U.S. power grid. Hackers are trying to penetrate our critical systems in order to insert malicious software that could compromise our electrical power, resulting in a nationwide crisis. Another potentially grave danger is that an electro-magnetic pulse, a sudden burst of energy, from a high altitude nuclear explosion could fry the electrical power grid, causing mass blackouts across the country. As an enemy’s first strike weapon, it could also take out our command and control capability that would be necessary to our national defense. 
  1. Let’s pray for the protection of our power grid and computer systems that keep critical infrastructure such as electrical and water systems running to serve the government and citizens of this nation.
  2. Pray for those who are watching over the power grid and other crucial infrastructural systems to be vigilant and able to counteract and neutralize any such attacks by hackers or through an EMP assault.
  3. Pray for the development of new technologies that helps to harden and protect our critical infrastructure and military command and control systems from external assaults.
  4. May those hackers or enemy nationals who are launching these attacks be discovered, apprehended and brought to justice by the U.S. or other governments.  
Submitted by: John Robb
"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)           
Six US fighter jets arrive in Estonia amid Ukraine-Russia tensions

Six U.S. fighter jets have arrived in Estonia, as part of the United States' broader effort with NATO allies to support the Baltic Air Policing Mission as Russia continues to threaten invasion in Ukraine, United States European Command said Wednesday. 

The F-15E fighters belong to the 48th Fighter Wing of the U.S. Air Force and arrived to Estonia from their permanent home base in United Kingdom Lakenheath Air Force Base. EUCOM said the fighters would remain in the region until the end of next week. 

"Baltic and enhanced Air Policing are enduring NATO missions that deliver constant vigilance of Allied airspace and contribute to the Alliance’s collective defence posture," Major General Jöerg Lebert, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Allied Air Command said. "The additional aircraft will work closely with the current detachments to increase our readiness, build crucial interoperability and underline the robust solidarity across the Alliance." 

NATO said that it is "sending additional ships and fighter jets" to Eastern Europe. This includes F-16s from Denmark, naval forces from Spain, and F-35s from The Netherlands. France is ready to send troops to Romania, which borders Ukraine to the south. (Read more)

Source: Fox News 
- Oh Lord, we cry out to You and ask for your mercy and hand of protection over Ukraine and our U.S military. In the name of Jesus we say NO! to any plans of the enemy to begin a world war. You know the heart of every man and are able to intercept all the plans of evil. Give our leaders wise insight for resolutions that bring Your peace to swiftly dissolve tensions between Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. and we give all GLORY to You. Amen!

- “He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes.” (Deut. 10:21)
See ALSO: Russia threatens 'appropriate measures' if West's responses to demands aren't constructive   (Fox News) Read article here. 
DOJ's Disturbing Action on Jan. 6 Defendants

Only days after journalists and lawyers made the point the Jan. 6 Capitol breach should not be called an insurrection or an act of “sedition” since there were no such charges, DOJ changed the narrative by suddenly adding the rarely charged crime of seditious conspiracy to 11 defendants. . . 

Seditious conspiracy under 18 U.S.C. §2384 requires “two or more persons to conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States.”

To satisfy these elements, DOJ filed an indictment that says defendants bought firearms on their way to Washington, planned to set up “quick reaction force” teams at the U.S. Capitol and entered the Capitol wearing camouflage.

But those plans didn’t materialize. Paragraph 68 says the purchased firearms were “dropped off” at a Hilton located in Virginia.

This is problematic since conspiracies require more than just planning. They require an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. Also,  “abandonment” or “withdrawal” from a completed conspiracy are valid affirmative defenses. The so-called “weapons” actually taken to the Capitol included tactical gloves, vests, goggles, walkie-talkie radios, chemical spray and fatigues.

Paragraph 111 says some defendants drove and parked “golf carts near the Capitol.”

Paragraph 119 says defendants then entered the Capitol with camouflage and shouted while, at times, grabbing and pushing police officers. Later that night, they exchanged messages such as, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” and “We have only begun to fight.”

But as we all know, that wasn’t the beginning. It was the end of what DOJ is now calling a seditious conspiracy — Americans armed with camouflage clothing, golf carts and walkie-talkies aimed to “overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States.” . . .

The timing of the charges is transparent, and in making its point, what was once an honorable agency is continuing to lose public trust by creating the appearance it cares more about revenge than the pursuit of justice. (FA) Read more here.  

- Father God, You encourage us to ask You for justice, so that's what we are doing. We ask You for justice in the Department of Justice.

- "This is what the Lord says:
“Guard justice and do righteousness,
For My salvation is about to come
And My righteousness to be revealed."

(Isaiah 56:1)

Prayer offered by IFA. 
Word decreed by CHPP.  
Cops, CDC warn lab monkeys lost and recovered in PA may carry disease

After a truck carrying 100 lab monkeys crashed on Saturday allowing some of the primates to escape, a woman who came into contact with one of the monkeys has fallen ill. The Centers for Disease Control and law enforcement warned the primates could be carrying disease.

According to Fox 8, a truck was hauling the African monkeys to a lab in Missouri when it struck a dump truck on the side of the interstate in Pennsylvania. Michele Fallon said she pulled her own vehicle over to help those impacted by the accident.

“I thought I was just doing the right thing by helping — I had no idea it would turn out this way,” Fallon said. “He just asked if his trailer was okay. He never said, ‘if you do come near a crate do not touch it,’ if he would have told me that, I would have been more careful.”

Officials warned the public not to go near the monkeys that had escape because they could be carrying disease. The warning came too late for Fallon. “I was close to the monkeys, I touched the crates, I walked through their feces so I was very close. So I called to inquire, you know, was I safe?” said Fallon.

After the monkeys were recovered, the CDC told Fallon that she should take precautious because of how close she was to the animals. The center said the monkeys are known to spread herpes virus B through saliva, feces and urine.

Fallon has since developed pink eye-like symptoms and received her first dose of a rabies vaccine, as well as anti-viral medication. “Because the monkey did hiss at me and there were feces around, and I did have an open cut, they just want to be precautious,” Fallon said.

USA Today reported that the type of research for which the monkey were to be used was unclear, but the outlet said the primates are usually used in medical research.  (Read more)

> > > Source: American Military News

Lord Jesus, thank you that by Your wounds, we are healed! We bring Michelle Fallon before Your throne, asking for her salvation, total healing from emotional trauma and any illness or disease carried by the monkeys that she encountered. We ask for wisdom for her medical treatment and that there be no cover up of germs and viruses that may have been brought into the U.S. via these primates.
Lord, we ask that this incident receive proper investigation and that policies regarding shipment of lab animals into and through the U.S. be reviewed and remedied. Father, we pray also that if there is any secret research being conducted or sponsored by the CDC, that this would be unveiled quickly, lest we succumb to yet another plague. Thank you for causing good to come out of this incident. In Jesus name!
For nothing is concealed that will not become evident, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.  (Luke 8:17) 
Signs & Wonders
Bomb cyclone set to blitz Boston with blizzard conditions

A still-developing winter storm is set to become a major nor’easter that will bombard New England with heavy snow and blizzard conditions this weekend. Winter storm watches were issued for portions of eastern Massachusetts, eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island on Wednesday in anticipation of some of the worst conditions from the storm. The watches will go into effect at 12 a.m. on Saturday. Areas farther south in the mid-Atlantic will not escape the storm as several inches of snow and major travel disruptions are expected.

"The area that we think will be hit the hardest and will be at risk for closures will be central and eastern Long Island to New England,” AccuWeather Chief On-Air Meteorologist Bernie Rayno said.

AccuWeather forecasters were growing more confident on Wednesday that southern New England will face the most significant impacts and that snow totals could reach or exceed a foot.

"This is going to be an intensifying storm that will produce a lot of wind, which raises concerns for blowing and drifting snow, power outages and blizzard conditions in some areas,” AccuWeather Chief Meteorologist Jonathan Porter said. "There is also a serious coastal flooding and beach erosion threat, especially in eastern Massachusetts." ( Read more here.

Dear Father,

Thank you for the power of your creation. Psalms 147 and 148 describe your snow, frost, hail, and cold, that you cause the wind to blow, and that the snow and clouds praise you. We know this is winter, Lord. Boston is used to snowstorms. We do pray that you will protect the residents from power outages and fires, and from traffic accidents. Please send your angels with the first responders. Bless those who are out plowing and shoveling, and those from the utility companies working in the storm. 

Please keep the weather forecasters and media from inciting fear; let them tell truth. We pray that people would use the common sense you gave them, and stay sheltered until roads are clear and things are back to normal. Thank you for your protection and your love for Boston and all the areas which will be impacted by this storm. We give you praise, in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

The Good News Corner
New Curriculum Educates Students, Teachers to Be Aware of Sex Abuse and Trafficking
A new anti-trafficking curriculum for K-12 children and teenagers aims to prevent sexual exploitation among the youngest and most vulnerable. The Foundation United is piloting the S.P.E.A.K. Up (Student Prevention, Education and Advocacy for Kids) curriculum in several school districts across the country as experts warn that youth sexual exploitation is rising due in part to the pandemic and greater online access.
Elizabeth Fisher Good, the founder of The Foundation United, told CBN News that the S.P.E.A.K. Up curriculum educates and promotes awareness of sex abuse and trafficking among teachers and staff in schools as well as children. "It's something that has never been done before because it's a systemic, train-the-trainer program for the entire school system," she said. "So, not only are children getting new language, new words, new phrases, ways to look at it, ways to talk about it. But it actually educates everybody from the superintendent down to the principal to the lunch room ladies to the school bus drivers to the workers because somebody might notice," Fisher Good explained.  
Fisher Good said that initial presentations have encouraged students to report abuse and trafficking as they begin to process their own experiences."The children are empowered. The system is empowered. In our very first rollout we had four children come forward just in one grade to share what they had kept inside as secrets," she noted.  "So, we're excited because it's intervention rather than waiting for these children to go down a long, dark path," Fisher Good added. (CBN) Read more here.  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Glory to His Name 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words:  Elisha Hoffman
Music: John Stockton

Scripture: Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name. Psalm 29:2

Down at the cross where my Savior died,
Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His name!

Glory to His name, glory to His name:
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His name!

I am so wondrously saved from sin,
Jesus so sweetly abides within;
There at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His name!


Oh, precious fountain that saves from sin,
I am so glad I have entered in;
There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean;
Glory to His name!


Come to this fountain so rich and sweet,
Cast thy poor soul at the Savior’s feet;
Plunge in today, and be made complete;
Glory to His name!


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