The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Jan 21, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, Jan. 21, 2022
Tomorrow is the 49th Annual  March for Life in Washington, D.C. For details, please go here.

> > > Capitol Hill Prayer Partners honors ALL THOSE who are marching for LIFE today in Washington, D.C.!

Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Open the Eyes of my Heart Lord" by Michael W. Smith. Go here!  

"The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple ..
(Psalm 19:7)

"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
If Ivermectin Recognized, Justification for Lockdowns and Mandates Evaporates: Doctor 

Federal health agencies haven’t recognized ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID-19 patients. According to Doctor Leland Stillman, the reason is more political than scientific, because otherwise there would be no basis for lockdowns or vaccine mandates.

“If ivermectin were recognized by the public health and academic establishment as the drug that it is, that treats acute viral illnesses, one of which is COVID-19, the entire justification for lockdowns, mandates, let alone vaccine research and development would evaporate overnight,” Stillman told The Epoch Times in a recent interview.

According to Section 564 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (pdf), the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can only issue emergency use authorization if certain criteria are met, including “there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product.”

So if there’s an approved alternative, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—an agency in HHS—can’t issue emergency use authorization for COVID-19 vaccines.

Stillman said it’s not a conspiracy theory or even an isolated opinion that ivermectin works for treating COVID-19, because tens of thousands of physicians all over the world have recognized its effectiveness.

The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a nonprofit organization working on protocols to treat patients with COVID-19, regards ivermectin as a core medication used in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Its website cites 142 studies, among which 93 are peer-reviewed, and 75 with results comparing treatment and control groups showing ivermectin works. Read more

- Father God, we pray that Ivermectin will be recognized as the answer that this industry has been waiting for.  Remove all the blocks that stand in the way of this COVID-19 cure being accepted and utilized.  End all lockdowns and vaccine mandates.  Father, we ask that You put an end to this Chinese curse upon the world. We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep."  (Psalm 76:6) 

1. Israel inks $3.4 billion submarine deal with Germany - Israel National News

JERUSALEM — Israel signed a €3 billion (U.S. $3.4 billion) deal Thursday to buy three cutting-edge submarines from Germany, the Israeli Defense Ministry announced. 

The Dakar-class diesel-electric submarines will be produced by German manufacturer ThyssenKrupp and are expected to be delivered within nine years, the ministry said.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said the procurement “will upgrade the capabilities of the Israeli Navy, and will contribute to Israel’s security superiority in the region.” Part of the cost of the ships will be covered by the German government, the ministry said.  
(Read more)

2.  Lapid talks with Turkish FM, in first acknowledged call in 13 years - Times of Israel

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid spoke Thursday by phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, amid an apparent thaw in relations between Jerusalem and Ankara.

According to Lapid’s office, Cavusoglu called to inquire about the foreign minister’s health following his COVID-19 diagnosis.

The phone call was the first between Israeli and Turkish foreign ministers to be publicly announced in 13 years. (Read more) 

3. UN approves Israeli resolution combating Holocaust denial - World Israel News

The U.N. General Assembly on Thursday adopted an Israeli-sponsored resolution that condemns denial and distortion of the Holocaust.

The resolution—co-sponsored by Germany, and backed by the United States, Russia and many other countries—affirms that the Holocaust “will forever be a warning to all people of the dangers of hatred, bigotry, racism and prejudice.”

The resolution commends nations that have worked to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and calls on all U.N. members to “to develop educational programs that will inculcate future generations with the lessons of the Holocaust in order to help to prevent future acts of genocide” and encourages “social-media companies to take active measures to combat antisemitism and Holocaust denial or distortion.” (Read more)  

4. Liberman says ‘no money handouts’ for businesses, insists economy doing well overall - Times of Israel

Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman pushed back on Tuesday against criticism over his opposition to government compensation for businesses hurting from the latest COVID-19 outbreak.

In an interview with Kan news, Liberman said the past few weeks of surging infections and some restrictions were not enough to severely harm businesses.

“I don’t think that within 20 days it is possible to reach a situation of existential risk and collapse,” Liberman said, referring to the latest wave. (Read more)  

5. COVID-19: Quarantine for children to be canceled from next week - Jerusalem Post

Quarantine for children will be canceled entirely beginning on Thursday, following discussions between the Health Ministry and pediatricians regarding the coronavirus isolation policy in the education system.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton have agreed on the new guidelines that will replace the current isolation policy.

“In recent weeks almost all parents in Israel have experienced this difficulty,” Bennett said at a news conference on Thursday evening. “The Omicron waveis reaching its peak, and it is difficult to live a routine life like this with the high number of people in quarantine. I am aware of the distress and have been following the events taking place elsewhere in the world.” (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Supreme Court rejects another attempt to block Texas' six-week abortion ban - CNN

Over the furious dissent of three liberal justices, the Supreme Court on Thursday rejected another attempt by abortion providers to block Texas' six-week abortion ban.

The court's order is the latest setback for providers who are trying to revive challenges to the law five months after it was allowed to go into effect, bringing a halt to most abortions in the country's second-largest state.

Last month, the Supreme Court allowed the controversial law to remain in effect but it cleared limited path forward for the providers to sue a handful of licensing officials in Texas in order to block them from enforcing the law. The court's ruling was a devastating blow to supporters of abortion rights who had hoped the justices would block the law outright. Instead, the case was returned to the conservative 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. (Read more)
- Father God, on this day of the 49th Annual March for Life, we praise You for this great report! We thank You, O Lord, that once again, the Supreme Court has upheld the right of the great state of Texas to ban abortions after six-weeks in utero. Praise You, O Lord, amen!

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalms 150:6)  

2. Russia moves more troops westward amid Ukraine tensions – AP News

Russia is a sending an unspecified number of troops from the country’s far east to Belarus for major war games, officials said Tuesday, a deployment that will further beef up Russian military presence near Ukraine amid Western fears of a planned invasion.

Amid the soaring tensions, the White House warned that Russia could attack its neighbor at “any point,” while the U.K. delivered a batch of anti-tank weapons to Ukraine.

Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said the joint drills with Belarus would involve practicing a joint response to external threats.

Ukrainian officials have warned that Russia could launch an attack on Ukraine from several directions, including from its ally Belarus.

The U.S. again stressed its concern Tuesday, with White House press secretary Jen Psaki describing the Russian forces’ move into Belarus as part of as “extremely dangerous situation. "We’re now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine,” she said. (Read more) 

- Great God, we pray that You will disarm the Russian military and their attempts to start a war with Ukraine.  God, we pray for Russia to back off from pursuing a war against Ukraine and there be a turnaround between the two countries that would ease the tensions and disarm the enemy of war between them.   In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Have respect unto the covenant for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty."  (Psalm 74:20)  

3. Starbucks Cancels Vaccine Mandate After Supreme Court Ruling – Resist the Mainstream

Starbucks announced in a memo this week that it will no longer require that its employees be vaccinated against the coronavirus after the Supreme Court rejected Democrat President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for large private businesses.
Starbucks Chief Operating Officer John Culver said, “We respect the court’s ruling and will comply.”
“In Tuesday’s memo, Culver said the company continues to strongly encourage vaccinations and booster shots,” the Associated Press reported. “The company also told workers on Tuesday that they shouldn’t wear cloth masks to work, and should instead use medical-grade surgical masks.” (Read more)  
- Father, we thank You that we can now enjoy relaxing for a time at Starbucks without all the concentration of the coronavirus dictates.  Bless our time together, Lord.  In Jesus' Name.

- "All the horns of the wicked also will be cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted."   (Psalm 75:10)  

4. CDC Says Natural Immunity Outperformed Vaccines Against Delta Strain – Resist the Mainstream

Natural immunity from prior infection granted stronger levels of protection against the Delta variant of COVID-19 than vaccination alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a study released Wednesday.
Before Delta became dominant, individuals who had natural immunity were experiencing higher case rates than individuals who were only vaccinated, the study found, but after Delta took hold, those with natural immunity caught COVID-19 less frequently than those who were only vaccinated.
The study examined four categories of people — unvaccinated and vaccinated who survived a previous COVID-19 infection, and unvaccinated and vaccinated who had never been infected — in California and New York between May and November 2021. The highest case rates were among those who had neither been vaccinated or previously infected. The most protection against infection and hospitalization was in those who had both been vaccinated and survived an earlier bout with the virus. (Read more)   

- Father God, we trust that all the news about the Chinese curse will be immediately stopped and we can go on to more positive news of receiving help that will eliminate the constant depressing news of the past.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not: yea many a time turned He His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath."     (Psalm 78:38)  

5. Supply chain nightmare approaching as Canadian cross-border vaccine mandate goes into effect for U.S. truckers –

The globalist authoritarians who seek to overturn the world’s most powerful democracies so they can rule over more of the planet have latched on to the COVID-19 pandemic that many believe was intentionally launched by China as their vehicle, as has become painfully obvious by now.
The latest move is to deprive Americans of food, clothing, energy and commodities so that they will be more willing to give up their freedom, as evidenced by the nonsensical and wholly unnecessary COVID vaccine mandate at the U.S.-Canada border.
With the supply chain already in crisis, thanks to months of lockdowns around the world and at home, the Marxists who run the Biden regime have implemented a mandate for truckers going into and coming from Canada, where hundreds of billions of dollars worth of trade crosses annually. And with the U.S. already experiencing a shortage of drivers (thanks to onerous regulations and vaccine mandates), we’re in for a major economic collapse. (Read more) 
- Almighty God, we cry out to You Who sees all that is going on and ask for a reprieve for the truckers who are, in the line of their jobs, carrying on in a normal fashion.  We pray for God's grace and miraculous intervention to cut off the arms of the Biden regime so they not take control of the trade crossing the Canadian/American border.  We pray in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

- "I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Your wonders of old.  I will meditate also of all Your work, and talk of Your doings.  Your Way, O God, is in the sanctuary:  who is so great a God as our God.  You are the God that does wonders: You have declared Your strength among the people."  (Psalm 77:11-14) 
6. Supermarkets Report Food Shortages After Canada Imposes Trucker Vax Mandate – Zerohedge
Overwhelmed supply chains and truck driver shortages worsened when Canada imposed new border mandates prohibiting unvaccinated American truckers. With low vaccination rates among US drivers, Canadian supermarkets are already reporting rising food inflation and shortages of certain products, according to Bloomberg. 
Canada's vaccine mandate for truckers came into effect on Saturday. The new rule requires US truckers to be vaccinated to cross the border. We warned earlier this week such a mandate would have "consequences." 

The vaccine mandate has exacerbated the shortage of truck drivers and made wait times at border crossings even longer. Eighty percent of trade between the US and Canada is transited by truck. America exports about 90% of Canada's fruits and vegetables during the winter season. As shipments decline because only about half of US truck drivers are vaccinated, grocery stores report shortages.

"We're seeing shortages," said Gary Sands, senior vice president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers. "We're hearing from members they're going into some stores where there's no oranges or bananas.'"

The main concern is the mandate could create a domino effect and ripple through the already stressed supply chain. Logistical disruptions have been a significant source of soaring inflation. According to North American Produce Buyers, the cost of sending a truckload of fresh produce from Southern California to Canada is now $9,500, up from $7,000. That means companies are paying more for freight and will pass on costs to consumers. (Read more)   

- Great God of the Universe, we earnestly intercede for the Canadian border mandates to be cancelled.  Bowing to the Chinese mandates imposed upon the unvaccinated American truckers is limiting fruit and vegetables from reaching the supermarkets in Canada and food from being delivered.  We pray You will intervene, Lord, in miraculous ways.  In Jesus' Name.

- "God visits the earth, and waters it: You greatly enrich it with the river of God, which is full of water:  You prepare them corn, when You have so provided for it."       (Psalm 65:9)  

7. Nurses tell Dr. Bryan Ardis: Medical tyranny exists in hospitals  –

Lori Jean and two other advocate nurses shared their experiences about the medical tyranny happening in hospitals across the U.S. during the January 12 episode of “The Dr. Ardis Show” on Brighteon.TV.
Ardis reminded the viewers about his message that “hospital protocols are dangerous, ineffective and set up to actually injure and murder hundreds of thousands of Americans and innocent human beings.”
He also slammed the health protocols endorsed by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, including his promotion of remdesivir – an experimental antiviral drug that failed in human trials – as a treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Ardis added that the drug was the least effective against viruses and has the highest death rates in clinical trials. He noted that remdesivir is known to cause acute kidney and liver failure.
Advocates needed in hospitals
Jean, founder of the United States for Medical Freedom, spoke about the need to have an advocate in the hospital.
“I’m one of those nurses who believe that family at the bedside helps the patient. And I really saw that the shutting down of the hospitals and not allowing family inside was really preventing the care of these patients,” Jean said. “And so I immediately was trying to figure out a way that we could advocate for these people that didn’t have advocates inside the hospital systems.” (Read more) 
Almighty God, we pray for Your hands to be extended over this cruel and oppressive rule of tyranny over patients in hospitals, which is subjecting them to coercive treatment measures.  God, we ask that You bind this evil spirit of death ruling our hospitals. These institutions have been taken over by medical assassins.  Protect the sick and dying, oh God.  May they all yield to the Holy Spirit who is dealing with their souls to be ready and prepared to meet the Lord.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "GOD rules by His power forever; His eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves."  (Psalm 66:7)  

 8. Two House Democrats Announce They Won’t Seek Reelection, Joining Over Two Dozen Others – The Epoch Times

Two House Democrats on Tuesday said they will not seek reelection, joining 27 other Democrats in Congress ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
Reps. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.), who has been in Congress for over 20 years, and Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.), who has represented parts of California since 2007, within minutes announced they would be retiring at the end of their current terms.
Langevin, 57, said in a video that he wanted to spend more time with his family and friends. He said he wasn’t sure what he’ll do after he leaves Washington. (Read more)  

Father God, we pray You, by the Holy Spirit, will move upon many more Democrats to withdraw from the political scene and seek God regarding their future involvement in helping people.  God, we ask that men and women only of Godly and sound character run to take their seats in this year's election.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "Come and hear all you that fear God, and I will declare what He has done for my soul."  (Psalm 66:16)  

9. New Data From Life Insurance Companies Confirm That Americans Are Dying In Unusually Large Numbers – The Economic Collapse Blog
Death is in the air.  Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 12 months, you already know that this is true.  Old people are dying, young people are dying, famous people are dying, and countless hard-working Americans that make up the backbone of our economy are dying.  For months, I have been writing articles about “the mystery of the missing workers”.  For the very first time in U.S. history, we have a severe shortage of able-bodied workers, and this is one of the biggest reasons why we are facing an unprecedented supply chain crisis today.  Millions of Americans that were working prior to the pandemic seem to have “disappeared” from the system, and now it has become clear that a lot of them have simply died.
According to Reuters, the amount of money paid out by global life insurance companies absolutely skyrocketed during the first three quarters of 2021.
The global life insurance industry was hit with reported claims due to COVID-19 of $5.5 billion in the first nine months of 2021 versus $3.5 billion for the whole of 2020, according to insurance broker Howden in a report on Jan 4, while the industry had expected lower payouts due to the rollout of vaccines.
Let’s assume that claims in the fourth quarter of 2021 came in at the same pace as the first three quarters of 2021.That would add another 1.83 billion dollars, and it would give us a grand total of 7.33 billion dollars for the year.
So basically the amount of money that global life insurance companies will pay out for 2021 will be approximately double what they paid out for 2020. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we pray that masses of people will take heed to the valid statistics that are being released from the medical and insurance companies across America.  Lord, we pray You will deal with everyone to lean on the Lord for all their physical needs and not on the arm of diabolical authoritarian despots who rule and hold absolute power over people and who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way.  Bring 20/20 vision to the world today, precious Lord, to see clearly the pitfalls laid by evil, ungodly people to control and eventually cause the death of their victims.  Have mercy, precious Jesus.  We pray and believe in the power of the Name of Jesus.

- "But verily God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.  Blessed be God, which has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me."           (Psalm 66:19-20)   

10. Airlines Cancel Some Flights After Reduced 5G Rollout in US - US News

Some flights to and from the U.S. were canceled on Wednesday even after AT&T and Verizon scaled back the rollout of high-speed wireless service that could interfere with aircraft technology that measures altitude.

International carriers that rely heavily on the wide-body Boeing 777, and other Boeing aircraft, canceled flights or switched to different planes following warnings from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Chicago-based plane maker.

Airlines that fly only or mostly Airbus jets, including Air France and Ireland's Aer Lingus, seemed less affected by the new 5G service. (Read more)

- Father God, we thank You and we praise You for rolling back these 5G systems, as
we know they are also harmful to our bodies. Lord God, we ask that ALL these 5G systems be dismantled in Your Holy Name, amen.

- "Ask, and ye shall receive . . ." (Mark 11:24) 
'Equality Begins in the Womb':
 What to Expect for Friday's 49th Annual March For Life in DC 

Washington, DC) — [] Today, the March for Life Education and Defense Fund announced its full list of speakers for the 49th annual March for Life on January 21, 2022. Marchers will be addressed in person by Members of Congress, Down Syndrome advocate Katie Shaw, Duck Dynasty star Lisa Robertson, actor Kirk Cameron, and other prominent pro-life leaders who stories will inspire marchers to build a culture of life. Fr. Mike Schmitz, the Keynote Speaker for this year's March for Life Rose Dinner, will also speak at the rally. (Image: via March For Life)

The theme for this year's March for Life, Equality Begins in the Womb, highlights how true equality is only possible if we recognize that children in the womb also deserve protection.

"We are delighted to welcome these incredible speakers to the March for Life," said Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life Education and Defense Fund. "Americans everywhere know that unborn children deserve equal rights and protection under the law. We expect this year's March for Life to be historic with even higher levels of enthusiasm from participants. We are hopeful that, with Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization before the Supreme Court, 2022 will bring us much closer to building the culture of life we have all marched for since Roe v. Wade was tragically imposed on our nation nearly 50 years ago." (Breaking Christian News) Read more here.

Americans Need to Wake up and Realize that COVID mandates are all about power, not health
(Brownstone Institute) Mandates that serve no legitimate public health purpose and are instituted merely to punish the noncompliant should have no place in a civilized or democratic society. It is time that Americans wake up and realize that they are being used as pawns in a game of politics.

For two years, the political class’s ineptitude has been on full display. School shutdowns, business closures, and endless mask mandates have all proven relatively ineffective at stemming the spread of COVID-19 (never mind reducing hospitalizations and deaths), yet politicians continued instituting these harmful and useless measures in a desperate attempt to be perceived as doing something.

But over the past month or so, it has become inescapable that sheer incompetence and ignorance can no longer be the sole explanation for two years of bungled policies. Rather, the craven mindset of many of our leaders in both parties (albeit primarily Democrats) is manifest. They are using our bodies to score cheap political points, impervious to the injury they are inflicting upon us.

Worst of all are the vaccine mandates, which come in countless forms. Universities, including public ones, are requiring faculty, staff, and students to vaccinate against COVID-19 in order to remain employed or enrolled. Many – for example Washington and Lee University in Virginia, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and the CUNY and SUNY state schools in New York – are now requiring boosters.
As an attorney who has filed a number of lawsuits challenging vaccine mandates coming from both public university employers and the federal government, I am contacted every day by myriad students, faculty and employees at these universities. (Lifesite news) Read more 
Volcanic Eruption was 600 Times More Powerful Than Hiroshima, Many Tongans Went Deaf During Explosion

Last week's eruption of the volcano near the Pacific island nation of Tonga was 600 times more powerful than the nuke dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in World War II. As a result, the eruption was so loud that many Tongans went deaf after the first explosion. 

"The first explosion…our ears were ringing and we couldn't even hear each other, so all we do is pointing to our families to get up, get ready to run," Marian Kupu, a journalist on Tonga, told Reuters.

The eruption was so loud that it could be heard across the world, even thousands of miles away in Alaska. 

"This might be the loudest eruption since Krakatau in 1883," Michael Poland, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, told NPR. 

On Tuesday, the first satellite images shared by Maxar Technologies showed the tiny island nation is smothered in volcanic ash, and building structures were destroyed after a tsunami. ( Read more.  

Jewish Author Compares Trudeau's shaming of the unvaccinated to the hatred against Jews in 1930s Germany 

Canadian-born Jewish author Diane Bederman blasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an “immoral” and “evil man” for the leader’s targeting of the vaccine free, saying the lessons learned from the Nuremberg Trials have been forgotten.

“Here we are in 2022 and our leaders are scapegoating the non-vaccinated, blaming them for the continuation of the pandemic. Like other evil leaders, they divide rather than unite,” Bederman wrote in an January 10 opinion piece titled “Is Comparing Covid Policies with the policies of Nazi Germany Antisemitic?” which was republished by the New York Orthodox Jewish outlet the JewishPress.

“They promote fear rather than courage and strength. Pit one group against another. They ignored the lessons we were to have learned from WWII.”

Throughout the piece, Bederman made a direct comparison between the rhetoric of 1930’s Nazi Germany, which targeted the Jews, and what politicians have gotten away with thus far in targeting the vaccine free, and in the name of combating the COVID crisis.

Does anyone, today, believe that the Germans had any idea of the result of their obedience? That it would lead to the Shoah? They were just following the orders, I mean edicts, of their politicians; one edict at a time; giving up one freedom after another,” Bederman wrote.

Bederman noted how in 1930’s Nazi Germany the targeting of the Jews began with the “Nuremberg Laws, the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor in 1935 that scapegoated the Jews; they were not to be tolerated.”

“Here is Justin Trudeau, a sanctimonious, self-serving, self-righteous, inept, unethical, immoral and corrupt man, who can now add evil to the list,” Bederman wrote. (Lifesite news) Read more  

- Abba, we stand in the gap and we repent on behalf of Justin Trudeau and the way he is treating the unvaccinated in Canada. We thank you Abba, for this Jewish voice, Diane Berderman, who is sounding the alarm about how the treatment of the unvaccinated is a repeat of how the Nazis treated the Jews during the 1930s and 40s. Abba, we ask that this scapegoating, discrimination towards the unvaccinated in Canada would soon come to an end! In Yeshua's name, amen

"Take away from Me the noise of your songs,
For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments.
But let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream."  (
Amos 5:23-25)  
Signs & Wonders
Bizarre Sand Sculptures Appear Along Lake Michigan. Here's How "Hoodoos" form

ST. JOSEPH, Mich.  At first glance they look like the objects from an alien planet. Maybe Mars? Except there's an active beach in the background and Mars doesn't have one of those.

But where on Earth would someone find dozens of petrified totems of sand? Maybe in a museum. But these unorthodox pillars were photographed on a beach. Two lighthouses stand out in the background. 

As it turns out, one of the places to find them is along Lake Michigan.

An unsuspecting traveler could be forgiven for not knowing what they were. Even some geology experts from Michigan aren't sure. 

"I have never seen these before," said John Yellich, Director of the Michigan Geological Survey after looking at the image. "It almost looks like a Photoshop."

But he knows it's real by the two lighthouses in the background - which is in Southwest Michigan.   Read more  

The Good News Corner
"God has answered our prayers":
Billy Graham’s granddaughter to go home after 2 heart attacks 
The granddaughter of the late evangelist Billy Graham was released from the hospital on Friday after a severe heart condition caused her to have two heart attacks. 
Rachel-Ruth, daughter of Anne Graham Lotz, was hospitalized on Saturday after suffering two heart attacks back-to-back, according to her mother. 
In an update posted on Facebook Friday, Graham Lotz said her daughter was given the OK to go home. “This picture was taken today at sunrise—the day Rachel-Ruth is scheduled to go home!” the relieved mother said. The photo showed Rachel-Ruth watching the sunrise from the window next to her hospital bed. “God has heard and answered our prayers! Join us in praising Him! He has surely been an ever present help in times of trouble,” Graham Lotz testified.
Initially, doctors believed Rachel-Ruth’s heart attacks came from broken heart syndrome, a “temporary” condition usually brought on by “stressful situations and extreme emotions.” However, her official diagnosis was far more serious. Graham Lotz added, “While the ER doctor initially thought Rachel-Ruth may have Broken Heart Syndrome, the cardiologist diagnosed SCAD: Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection, which is extremely serious and resulted in her two heart attacks.” 
“Like the sunrise, the Light of God's presence, compassion, wisdom and peace have been present in this darkness,” she continued. 

The concerned parent ended her post by adding that their “ongoing prayer now is for Rachel-Ruth to recover her strength, health, and never again have any heart related issues.”

“Thank you for praying with us. ‘I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.’ Psalm 59:16,” Graham Lotz concluded. (Christian Post)  Read more. 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

I Stand Amazed in the Presence 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words & Music:   Charles Gabriel

Scripture: He prayed…and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Luke 22:41–44

I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.

O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
Is my Savior’s love for me!

For me it was in the garden
He prayed: Not My will, but Thine.
He had no tears for His own griefs,
But sweat drops of blood for mine.


In pity angels beheld Him,
And came from the world of light
To comfort Him in the sorrows
He bore for my soul that night.


He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary,
And suffered and died alone.


When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me.


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