Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - Jan 22, 2022
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                Jan. 22, 2022
Plan now to join us on Monday night at 8:00 p.m. for our weekly national
conference call. Our guest speaker this week will be Rabbi Eric Teitelman,
House of David Ministries. Come hear what Eric has on his heart at the beginning of this New Year.

Conference number: 717-908-1834
Access Code: 616137#
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

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Thousands gathered yesterday for the annual March for Life. Read more here. (Christian Headlines)

The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, Jan 22, 2022

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at: chpp1994@gmail.com requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers. WELCOME!

"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
 NHS Doctor Tells Patient NOT to Take COVID Vaccine Because They Will be Pulled Soon

A National Health Service doctor in the UK who was speaking with a patient over the phone – and telling her to not take any more doses of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines because the shots are about to be pulled out of circulation, has caused alarm on social media after a video recording of their conversation went viral this week.

In the recording, which was reportedly of a telemedicine appointment out of Chichester UK, a woman is informed by the doctor that because of information that has been hidden from the public that shows the dangerousness of the rushed vaccines, they will likely be halted globally very soon, and therefore she, and everyone else she knows, should not take any more doses – for their own safety.

“There wasn’t enough information,” the doctor can be heard telling the woman. “And it’s a lot more coming up especially for the young people whose immunity is intact, apparently that’s enough.”

Seeking clarification, the woman, who was experiencing headaches she thought were related to the vaccine, presses the doctor on what she means. “So, just to make sure – so, you think I shouldn’t have any more vaccines then?”

“If you ask me that would be my advice. But, yes,” the doctor responds.

Curious as to why that would be the professional opinion, especially since these experimental vaccines are being pushed across the board as safe and effective, the woman follows up by asking if that advice applies to just her, or anyone of a young age, which is when the doctor finally stops beating around the bush.

“Because it’s very much as I said to you, there is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier and very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped. 

This is information that [has] really just come up. You won’t hear it on TV for a while – probably because…[sigh] it’s a long story, but um yeah, so it’s very soon they will stop all of those vaccines. People don’t know, but yeah.“

Read more  (Source: The Gateway Pundit) 
Ireland to End Most CCP Virus Restrictions, Including COVID Passport

Almost all CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus restrictions in Ireland will end on Saturday, including domestic COVID-19 Certificates, curfews, social distancing, and capacity limits. Addressing the nation following the recommendation to lift the restrictions from the National Public Health Emergency Team, Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Micheál Martin declared it’s time for the Irish to “be ourselves again.”

This makes Ireland the second country following England to remove mandatory vaccine passports after they were implemented.

But the mask mandate, self-isolation rules, and protective measures in schools will remain, and Martin “strongly encourage[d]” people to get themselves and their children vaccinated.

After a Cabinet meeting on Friday afternoon, Martin said the Coalition government agreed to lift most of the restrictions the next day. “Humans are social beings and we Irish are more social than most. As we look forward to this spring, we need to see each other again. We need to see each other smile. We need to sing again,” he said. “As we navigate this new phase of COVID, it is time to be ourselves again.”

From 6 a.m. on Saturday, COVID certificates, which are currently required as proof of vaccination or recovery to access indoor hospitality venues, cinemas, theatres, gyms, and leisure centres, will be scrapped.

Premises will no longer have to manage people’s movements, group sizes, and distances, and the 8 p.m. curfew for hospitality businesses and indoor events will be lifted.

Restrictions on private indoor meetings (up to four families) and capacity limits for events and weddings will also be removed. (Epoch Times) Read more.

- Father God, we thank You that yet another nation is now freeing its citizens from the yoke of COVID tyranny. We ask that other world leaders, too, would discern the times and allow their own people to be set free from unneeded mandates and other restrictions. In Jesus' name, amen.

- "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed."    (John 8:36)     
Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers Blocked Nationwide
President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal employees was blocked on Friday by a federal judge. Biden does not have the authority to impose such a mandate, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown wrote in a 20-page ruling obtained by The Epoch Times.

Federal law says the president “may prescribe regulations for the conduct of employees in the executive branch,” and government lawyers argued that the act of becoming vaccinated is “plainly ‘conduct.'” The judge, though, sided with plaintiffs, who asserted the conduct cited must be “workplace conduct” for him or her to regulate it.

“So, is submitting to a COVID-19 vaccine, particularly when required as a condition of one’s employment, workplace conduct? The answer to this question became a lot clearer after the Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this month,” Brown said, referring to the Supreme Court’s recent finding that the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses appeared to fall outside of its powers as conferred by Congress.

“The Supreme Court has expressly held that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate is not an employment regulation. And that means the President was without statutory authority to issue the federal worker mandate,” he added.
(The Epoch Times) Read more here. 

- Lord God, at the news of this report, we shout another HALLELUJAH on 
behalf of our federal government employees. We praise God that their own "freedom of choice" has been secured by this ruling, so that each one may now choose for himself or herself whether to take a vaccine. Praise God, once again!

- "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6)  
In Context: Who are we as a Nation?
While last week's storm in the Senate has passed, it remains important for reflection because that which brought it on remains.

Near the end of the 
all-day debate Wednesday, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia began remarks saying, “Mr. President, I am glad that a number of my Republican colleagues are in the Chamber because I am going to speak very briefly just to reassure you that I am not so immodest that I believe I am going to persuade you, but I do want to try to reassure you.”

Interestingly, this came right on the heels of
remarks from Sen. Murphy of Connecticut who spoke about the “stakes” of the debate, how “democracy may actually collapse,” and “it matters more than anything, even the traditions and the rules of the Senate.” It seems he needs some reassuring.

America has become
gripped by fear, and the halls of Congress are no exception. Democrats are genuinely fearful that not changing the Senate Rules would be worse than changing them. This goes beyond polling nervousness about another 2010 mid-term shellacking. This is an existential fear.

That is why even though
the bill was primarily touted as being about voting rights, Majority Leader Schumer repeatedly noted the bill was about voting rights, dark money and gerrymandering.

Even in the midst of emotional comments from Senators, the voter suppression claims most often come down to how long people have to wait in line to vote which usually comes down to living in densely populated areas, something Democrats promote.

“Dark money” is simply a term to evoke fear about monetary giving without knowing the donor's name or amount. The problem with any laws about political giving is they also control speech. The left likes to claim, “Money isn't speech.” They're correct. Nonetheless, all speech has value and cost and therefore can be assigned a monetary value. As soon as speech has a dollar value, any laws that control money in politics also control speech in politics. Public disclosure laws can also be used to intimidate donors.

The odd thing about Senators worrying about gerrymandering is while House district boundaries can be redrawn every decade, state boundaries almost never change. In recent decades, majority control of the Senate has
changed more often than has majority control of the House.

While the fears may be unfounded, we do not do well to dismiss another's genuinely held fear.

1 Peter has some helpful points: “Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king” (2:17). “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing” (3:8-9).

Who are we as a Nation? Is America a “democracy” in which the right to vote is most fundamental? Are we one nation under God in which we are first called to be ruled by God and His Word, second rule ourselves with self-control, and third operating with a form of government most conducive to those ends?

Father, we continue to ask for humility, for ourselves and for our leaders, those with whom we agree and those we don't. We ask that it would not take another crisis for 100 Senators to gather on the Senate floor, speak to and engage one another. We ask for our Nation to be of one mind in You.

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Tim McGhee
Pray for Congress, CHPP Legislative Analyst
Daily Digests – House • Senate — Prayers — Committee Reports

Senate — Daily Leader Remarks • Actions begunpasseddeclinedsummarized

McConnell calls filibuster vote 'biggest day in history of the Senate' • Senate GOP blocks election bill • Ossoff and Collins clash over her past support for voting rights legislation (Floor Debate) • Manchin chides Dems over filibuster, saying he can't support 'such a perilous course' • Manchin, Sinema join GOP to sink filibuster change for voting bill • Biden, Schumer respond • Schumer, Dems accept floor failure

Former Sen. Donnelly confirmed as Vatican ambassador

House of Representatives — Bills • Actions passedsummarized

House votes to award medal to Willie O'Ree, first Black NHL player

Members spoke on the House floor for an hour about the March for Life, and in several other speeches given and recorded
Foreign Policy

Senators to meet with Ukraine president to reaffirm US support • Biden huddles with group of senators on Ukraine-Russia tensions

GOP lawmakers press administration on US weapons left behind in Afghanistan


Sen. Tim Scott Creates MLK Day Videos, Hopes to Rebut Biden Speech

NY’s Schumer Shows Contempt for His Own State’s Voters

Democrats ponder Plan B strategy to circumvent voting-rights filibuster

Biden ties midterm election legitimacy to doomed elections billsays elections might not be legitimate if reform bills aren't passed • Democrats torn over pushing stolen-election narrative

Effort to overhaul Electoral Count Act election law wins new momentum • McConnell, Other Republicans Suggest Openness

Federal Spending

Desperate Dems signal support for cutting Biden spending bill down in size • Biden on spending plan: 'We're going to have to probably break it up' • White House dismisses report of new Build Back Better package • White House: Smaller spending bill still needs to pass with Democrats only • Democrats hope to salvage Biden's agenda on Manchin's terms • Manchin: Biden spending plan talks would start 'from scratch'


Congressman Demands HHS Rescind ‘Blatantly Discriminatory’ Guidance Prioritizing Race, Ethnicity in COVID-19 Treatments

Biden’s three new nominees aim to add diversity to Fed board • Biden Appoints Sarah Bloom Raskin as Vice Chair for Supervision at Federal Reserve • Raskin faces GOP opposition over climate change activism


Biden nominates first Muslim woman as federal judge


Barr: Time For Congress To Take The ‘Next Step’ On Criminal Justice Reform

Health Care Policy

GOP lawmakers seek answers from FDA on prenatal testing accuracy following New York Times report

Technology Policy

Top Democrats call on AT&T and Verizon to delay 5G rollouts near airports


‘Fix Congress’ panel enters final year with ‘dry topics,’ vows not to rest

Florida Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick sworn in as newest House member

Democrats seek ban on lawmakers' firearms at the Capitol • Hoyer calls for 'clear and prudent firearms guidelines' from Capitol Police Board

Kinzinger welcomes baby boy

FBI activity reported near home of Rep. Henry Cuellar • part of Azerbaijan probe: reports • Cuellar cooperating (one of the few House Democrats to consistently vote pro-life)

Bowman arrested during voting rights protest at Capitol • says he'd 'do it again'

Pelosi says she's open to stock trading ban for Congress

GOP rejects intelligence committee COVID-19 testing request from Adam Schiff

Testing positive: Colorado DemocratMaryland Democrat, Louisiana Rep. Troy CarterReps. Massie, Grijalva
Pending Activity
Committee Activity

Senate Judiciary approves bill cracking down on tech monopolies

Former acting Defense secretary under Trump met with Jan. 6 committee • committee asks Ivanka Trump to sit for interview • Ray Epps to Speak Under Oathinterview transcript to be public ‘at some point’ • committee subpoenas Nicholas Fuentes and Patrick CaseyRudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Boris Epshteyn • Only 10 Percent Of Subpoenas Relate To The Capitol Riot

House panel asks five oil company board members to testify

Floor Outlook


Democrats pivot to second-tier agenda

US Senate Considers App Store Reform Bill — S. 2710

Major anti-Big Tech 'self-preferencing' bill headed to Senate floor — S. 2992

Senate meets in pro forma session next week.

No Senate committees are scheduled to meet next week.

The House is in a District Work Period next week and is scheduled to meet in Pro Forma session.

No House commmittees are scheduled to meet next week.
Our Weekly Call to Repentance

CHPP Welcomes You to Join Us Every Week in One Hour of Repentance

Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. EST
Dial 712-770-5350
Access Code: 150411#

Dear Saints,

A lifestyle of REPENTANCE is so close to the heart of God.

Indeed, He commands us to  "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Matthew 3:2

How, then, can we approach His Throne of GRACE, in repentance?

We invite you to join us every week on Sunday evening, as we explore this vital topic together. We present a different prayer focus each week, leading us into repentance, so that we might approach His Throne of Grace in repentance, presenting ourselves to Him as a pure and a spotless Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

Praying together, we desire to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 139:

" Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:24

You can join us, any Sunday evening, at 10:00 p.m. EST by calling:

Access Code: 150411#



". . . and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
(2 Chronicles 7:14,15)

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