The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand               Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022
Please be sure to listen to last night's national conference call, when Apostolos Tzimanis helped us to launch our time of fasting as Queen Esther did, and also set us in position to take our places on the wall this week.

This fast will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday morning, January 13th, and conclude at midnight on Saturday night, January 15th.

To listen to the recording of our call, please go here.
To read the notes taken from our time together, please go here.
Thank you all, and God bless you.

"For such a time as this."

Sara Ballenger, President
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners 
Please also note our special section, below, called "A Healing Prayer for COVID Victims." You will be BLESSED when you listen in on this 30 minute video
taught by Rabbi Ken Fish.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "I Offer My Life" by Don Moen. Go here! 

"And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

To help sustain our work, please go here. Thank you!

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.  

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Washington Bill, If Approved, Will Authorize 'Strike Force' To Send Unvaccinated To COVID 'Internment Camps'
The Washington State Board of Health may soon amend state law to authorize the involuntary detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in Covid-19 “internment camps” for failing to comply with the state’s experimental vaccine mandate.

WAC 246-100-040, a proposed revision to include Covid protocol under the state’s Communicable and Certain Other Diseases act, outlines “Procedures for isolation or quarantine.” The measure would allow local health officers “at his or her sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

Health officers are required to provide documentation proving unvaccinated residents subject to detention have denied “requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination, decontamination of persons or animals, isolation, quarantine and inspection and closure of facilities” prior to involuntarily confinement in quarantine facilities, the resolution states.

The amended law would also allow health officers to deploy law enforcement officials to assist with the arrest of uncompliant Washington residents. According to W 246-100-040,  “a local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section in accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.20.050(4) and 70.05.120.”
The “emergency detention order” legalizes the isolation and detainment of American citizens who fail to voluntarily comply with Covid gene therapy shots “for a period not to exceed ten days.” (The Gateway Pundit)  Read more here.

---The Washington State Board of Health will hold a virtual public meeting on January 12 to discuss the application of W 246-100-040Here is more information on the public meeting on January 12. Link to final agenda, click HERE.

To access the meeting online and to register, go here.
See also: article by Christianity Today, with the same title.

They note: "The Washington State Board of Health has denied that this rule invokes the ability to use law enforcement for vaccination mandates. (Christianity Daily) Except that it specifically says it does." Go here.
- Lord, we take Your authority over this egregious bill and command it to fall to the ground. Let this not pass, let all plans of the enemy be foiled in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

- IT IS WRITTEN: “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”        (Isaiah 54:17)   

1. Eyeing Iran, Bennett says military undergoing largest rearmament in years - Times of Israel

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told the Knesset on Monday that the country’s military and other security services were undergoing their largest rearming in years.

Bennett’s comments came as the IDF was working intensively to prepare for a potential military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, amid growing concerns that ongoing talks between the world powers and Tehran in Vienna about curbing the latter’s nuclear program may result in an agreement that Israel deems unacceptable, or in no agreement whatsoever.

“We are investing in security rearmament of the IDF and the entire defense establishment. I would say this was rearmament that we haven’t seen for years. This rearmament is important to our survival, and I am very glad about it and am determined to see it through quickly,” Bennett said, speaking to the parliament’s powerful Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Read More) 

2. FM Lapid discusses Iranian threat with French president - Israel Hayom

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Saturday spoke at length French President Emmanuel Macron, the Foreign Ministry said, adding the conversation focused on regional challenges, including the Vienna talks seeking to rein in Iran's nuclear program and Israel's demands to ramp up the pressure on its regional foe.

Western powers have said the nuclear negotiations were too slow to progress, warning there are only "weeks not months" left before the 2015 deal becomes meaningless.

Little remains of that accord, which lifted sanctions against Tehran in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear activities. Then-US President Donald Trump pulled out of the deal in 2018, re-imposing sanctions on the Islamic republic, and Tehran later breached many of the deal's nuclear restrictions, leaving the deal nearly hollow. (Read More)  

3. Israeli Cabinet Approves Updated Green Pass Regulations - Jewish Press

Israel’s coronavirus cabinet approved another update to the “Green Pass” regulations on Sunday night in a telephone vote.

The new regulations specify that commercial facilities must operate according to a tightened “Purple Badge” protocol, as follows:

  • Entry shall be permitted to malls and closed commercial facilities according the 1:15 occupancy ratio (one person per 15 square meters).
  • Stores with floor space exceeding 100 square meters, will allow entry by customers according to the 1:15) occupancy ratio (one person per 15 square meters)
  • Stores with floor space of less than 100 square meters, will allow entry by customers according to the 1:7) occupancy ratio (one person per seven square meters) or four customers (whichever is higher)
  • Seating in mall food courts will be allowed only if the operator of the mall fences off the area and stations an usher who will check for the Green Pass as a condition of entry. Malls that do not operate in such a manner will not be permitted to offer seating in the food court; the food stalls themselves will demand presentation of a Green Pass upon purchase.
  • All people in malls must wear masks.
  • Mall operators will be required to post ushers on their behalf who will notify those present of the guidelines and bring to their attention the requirement to uphold these directives, including the wearing of masks. (Read More) 

4. Health Min: Shorten isolation for COVID patients to 7 days - Israel National News

The Health Ministry's epidemic response team has recommended the shortening of the quarantine period for verified coronavirus patients to seven days, as well as not expanding the campaign to provide fourth doses of the coronavirus vaccine to other populations, Kan News reported.

It was also reported that Israel is preparing for a maximum of 200,000 coronavirus tests administered daily, even though the extent of morbidity is expected to continue to significantly increase.

Officials at the "Alon" Coronavirus Command Center said that the limiting factor is the number of laboratories available to provide test results on a large scale. (Read More)  

5. ‘Insanity and evil’: Israeli gov’t to destroy vineyard dedicated to American terror victim, farmer furious - World Israel News

A vineyard in Judea and Samaria dedicated to a terror victim is slated to be destroyed by the Israeli government in the near future, and the owner of the farm where the vineyard is located is speaking out.

Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, an American-born farmer in Neve Daniel, a Jewish community south of Jerusalem, told World Israel Newsthat he could not understand the reason for the decision, aside from sending an anti-settler message.

Gimpel was once the thirteenth candidate on current prime minister Naftali Bennett’s Jewish Home party list, and narrowly missed being elected to the Knesset by just two seats. (Read More) 

The Daily Brief
1.  California went from mandating vaccines to forcing COVID-positive health care employees to work | Fox News

The California Department of Public Health issued new guidance allowing hospitals and health networks to force COVID-postive healthcare workers to continue working if they are asymptomatic. 
"The department is providing temporary flexibility to help hospitals and emergency services providers respond to an unprecedented surge and staffing shortages. Hospitals have to exhaust all other options before resorting to this temporary tool. Facilities and providers using this tool, should have asymptomatic COVID-19 positive workers interact only with COVID-19 positive patients to the extent possible," the health department said in a statement
The health department issued the guidance Saturday, and outlines that healthcare workers don’t have to isolate or test negative and can immediately return to work if they are asymptomatic. 

- Lord, the confusion that these vaccine mandates have caused is totally out of control: firing hundreds of healthcare workers or forcing them to go to work when they test positive. We pray for sanity and truth to reign over all states and we bind up the lies and treachery in Jesus’ Name.

- “Let them be put to shame and confusion who seek my life! Let them be turned back and brought to dishonor who delight in my hurt!” (Psalm 7:2) 

2. Walensky says Sotomayor's pediatric COVID hospitalization number was off dramatically | Fox News

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky clarified that the number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 is nowhere close to the statistic put forth by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Friday, while noting that Americans can still work to reduce hospitalization by getting vaccinated.
Speaking with "Fox News Sunday," Walensky provided an update on the current numbers, confirming to host Bret Baier that there are fewer than 3,500 children in hospitals with COVID-19.
"Yeah, but, you know, here's what I can tell you about our pediatric hospitalizations now," Walkensky said. "First of all, the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are unvaccinated, and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination we do know they are most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren't vaccinated."
During oral arguments in a case involving the Biden administration's vaccine mandate for businesses with at least 100 employees, Sotomayor brought up children suffering during the pandemic, pulling out a number that earned her four "Pinocchios" from the Washington Post's fact-checker.
"We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators," Sotomayor said. That figure is dramatically higher than the figure Walensky provided. 

- Lord, if a Supreme Court Justice is this deluded, our entire system is in serious trouble. We ask that Your Spirit would hover over the Supreme Court at this critical time, and prevent foolish statements like these from clouding their judgment.

- “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.” (2 Thessalonians 2: 11)

3. James Clyburn defends federal takeover of elections: 'Cannot be left up to the states' | Fox News

Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., defended federal involvement in elections, citing Alexander Hamilton while claiming election loss "cannot be left up to the states." 
This week marked one year since the Jan. 6 Capitol riot that occurred on the day that Congress set to certify President Biden’s win in the 2020 election over former President Donald Trump. The controversy around the post-election days focused on Trump’s efforts to challenge election losses in key states, including Georgia where State Secretary Brad Raffensperger famously rebuffed the then-president’s effort to find more votes. 
The dispute revived a long-standing argument over the role of federal officials in elections that some believe should remain entirely under the control of local and state officials. 

- Lord, let all those who desire to federalize the elections be prevented from doing so. Rights once lost are nearly impossible to restore. Let these people find truth, and repentance that will bring about heart change.

- “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.” (Proverbs 23:23)

4.  Sen. Ron Johnson Reveals Why He’s Running for Reelection After Suggesting He Wouldn’t -

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) on Sunday announced he will run for reelection in 2022, opting against his 2016 suggestion that he would only serve two terms in office.
In an article for the Wall Street Journal, the Wisconsin senator made note of the two-term promise.

“During the 2016 campaign, I said it would be my last campaign and final term,” Johnson said Sunday. “That was my strong preference, and my wife’s– we both looked forward to a normal private life.”

But Johnson, a key ally of former President Donald Trump while he was in office, said that neither he nor his wife had “anticipated the Democrats’ complete takeover of government and the disastrous policies they have already inflicted on America and the world, to say nothing of those they threaten to enact in the future.

“Nor did we anticipate the pandemic, the government’s failed response to it, the loss of freedom that has resulted, and the tyrannical approach taken by the elites who have created and maintained a state of fear that allows them to exercise control over Americans’ lives,” Johnson continued. “Instead of everyone working to achieve the goal President Biden stated during his inaugural address–unifying and healing America–it feels as if our nation is being torn apart.”

- Lord, we pray that the people who know You and are solidly in truth will remain in Congress. We ask that righteous people will be elected, and those who are wicked will be removed.

- “Fret not yourself because of evildoers, and be not envious of the wicked, for the evil man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be put out.” (Proverbs 24:19-20)

5. Georgia secretary of state calls for election reform, says noncitizens should not be allowed to vote | Fox News

Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Sunday called for federal election reforms, including photo ID laws, the banning of ballot harvesting, and a Constitutional amendment that would allow only U.S. citizens to vote.
Raffensperger, who is running for reelection, appeared on CBS’ "Face the Nation" and noted that the U.S. does not have a Constitutional amendment to prevent noncitizens from voting as cities try to push for their right to vote.
"Now you see cities are trying to push noncitizen voting," Raffensperger said. "I believe only American citizens should be participating in our voting and that’s supported by a wide majority of all Americans."
New York City passed legislation in December that will allow roughly 800,000 noncitizens who have been lawful permanent residents of the city for at least 30 days to vote in local elections.
More than a dozen communities across the U.S. already allow noncitizens to cast ballots in local elections, including 11 towns in Maryland and two in Vermont.
Some states, including Alabama, Arizona, Colorado and Florida, have adopted rules that would preempt any attempts to pass laws like the one in New York City.

- Lord, we pray that You will protect the votes of all citizens in America, and bring about a move of repentance from coast to coast.

- “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John 16:13) 

6. Biden administration guidance prioritizes race in administering COVID drugs | Fox News

Guidance issued by the Biden administration states certain individuals may be considered "high risk" and more quickly qualify for monoclonal antibodies and oral antivirals used to treat COVID-19 based on their "race or ethnicity."
In a fact sheet issued for healthcare providers by the Food and Drug Administration, the federal agency approved emergency use authorizations of sotrovimab – a monoclonal antibody proven to be effective against the Omicron variant – only to patients considered "high risk."

- Lord, we continue to call forth Your will over this "pandemic" and ask that You will not allow any more politicizing of the treatments.

- “I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work.” (Ecclesiastes 3:17)

7. Joe Biden Plans Angry Speech in Georgia Attacking Voting Integrity Laws (

President Joe Biden is planning a dramatic speech on voting rights in Georgia on Tuesday, focusing on the newly passed election integrity laws in the state.
The president is expected to use the issue of voting rights to call for reform of the Senate filibuster rules and condemn Republicans, according to a Politico preview of the speech.
“We are doubling down, kicking it into another gear, we are going right to the belly of the beast, or ground zero, for voter suppression, voter subversion and obstruction,” White House director of the Office of Public Engagement Cedric Richmond told Politico.
The tone of Biden’s speech will be similar to his speech condemning the January 6 protests, and focusing his anger on former President Donald Trump and Republicans.
Biden will condemn the election law reforms passed by Republicans in Georgia, and signed by Gov. Brian Kemp in March, as racist and just one more example of how dangerous former President Trump is for democracy.
The reforms passed in Georgia include voter ID requirements, restrict the number of drop boxes, and block officials from sending absentee ballot applications to all voters.

- Lord, as Biden continues to call President Trump “dangerous,” we ask for justice in this matter.  We pray that Democrats will not be able to destroy the workings of the Senate and that President Trump will ultimately triumph against the lies.

- “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5: 24)

 8.  UPenn Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Crushed By Trans Opponent At Swim Meet | The Daily Caller

University of Pennsylvania male-to-female trans swimmer Lia Thomas was defeated two times by female-to-male trans opponent Iszac Henig at a swim meet Saturday, according to the Daily Mail.
Thomas lost to Yale swimmer Henig in the 100-yard freestyle by roughly three seconds, according to the Daily Mail. Henig claimed another victory in the women’s 400-yard freestyle relay with a time of 50.45 seconds, while Thomas finished at 51.94 seconds.
Henig’s breasts have been surgically removed, but she has not started hormone therapy, according to a New York Times column the Yale swimmer penned in June 2021.
“As a student-athlete, coming out as a trans guy put me in a weird position,” Henig wrote. “I could start hormones to align more with myself, or wait, transition socially and keep competing on a women’s swim team. I decided on the latter.”

- Lord, there is no point in having any women’s sports if the participants are trans males. We pray that You will comfort the women who have continued to lose to males, and bring an end to this travesty. By a mighty move of Your Holy Spirit we ask that the United States be drawn back to You.

- “Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.” (Proverbs 10:2)   

9. Bronx apartment building fire kills multiple people, including children, firefighters among injured | Fox News

At least nine children were among 19 people killed in a massive fire that tore through a high-rise apartment building in the Bronx Sunday morning, fire sources confirmed to Fox News. 
A fire official told Fox News there were more than 60 injuries in total, with more than half of those seriously injured. 
Four firefighters were among the those injured. One of them was seriously injured, though none of their injuries is life-threatening, the fire official said. 

- Lord, we pray for Your comfort for the victims of this tragedy. We pray for a move of Your Spirit across the city, bringing new life.

- “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew  5:4)  

10. Blinken: There Will Be 'Massive Consequences' if Russia Invades Ukraine (

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that there will be ‘massive consequences” if Russia invades Ukraine.
Anchor George Stephanopoulos said, “We now know that President Putin has forces surrounding Ukraine on three sides. He’s made it clear that he believes Russia and Ukraine are one people. Do you think he’s already made the decision to take control of Ukraine?”
Blinken said, “George, I don’t know if the decision’s been made, and it’s clear that we’ve offered him two paths forward. One is through diplomacy and dialogue. The other is through deterrents and massive consequences for Russia if it renews its aggression against Ukraine. And we’re about to test the proposition of which path President Putin wants to take this week. We have important conversations that are taking place between us directly at NATO, at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. And the question really now is whether President Putin will take the path of diplomacy and dialogue or seek confrontation.”

- Lord, we pray that neither the United States nor Russia, or any other nation would initiate a conflict that would cause many to die. We speak peace to this situation and ask that You remove the motivations for war from all the players.

- “He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)

11. What Is 'Deltacron'? Scientist Says COVID Discovery Is New Strain -

A researcher in Cyprus has reportedly discovered a new strain of the coronavirus that combines the Delta and Omicron variants. But some experts say the cases are more likely to be the result of lab contamination or co-infections of Delta and Omicron.

Leondios Kostrikis, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus, said he dubbed the strain "Deltacron" because of Omicron-like genetic signatures within the Delta genomes, according to a report from Bloomberg News.

Kostrikis and his team of researchers have reportedly identified 25 such cases.

"There ate currently Omicron and Delta co-infections and we found this strain that is a combination of these two," Kostrikis said in an interview with Sigma TV on Friday.

"We will see in the future if this strain is more pathological or more contagious" than Delta and Omicron, Kostrikis said, but added that he believes the highly contagious Omicron variant will remain the dominant strain. (Read more) 

- Lord God, as we witness these various streams of the original COVID-19 virus, we
look to You, Abba, as the author and the finisher of our faith. Come, Lord Jesus, and visit us by a mighty move of Your Spirit, demolishing everything in Your path that does not please You. Come, Lord Jesus, we pray, come.

- " Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zech. 4:6) 
The Daily Jot

You Are The American Ideal

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, January 10, 2022

A nation lives through the hearts of its people. America is an ideal as much, if not more, than a nationality. The American ideal traditionally has been to live free and do no harm to others. In that ideal, we become Americans by assimilating to the values of our nation—freedom, equality, respect for others, rule of law. Founded in the principle that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us, we have the freedom to own land, to enterprise with our skills and dreams, to worship how we see fit, and, as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:13, to “enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God.” This is America. If you hold to these principles, you are an American. It’s an ideal that lives in your heart.

Lately, especially in the last nine years, the American ideal has come under tremendous threat. There are people in gangs like Antifa, the news media, and even elected politicians and members of the Supreme Court who do not ascribe to the American ideal. In fact, they want to tear down everything that is American, and as a previous “president” put it, “remake America.” It is in their heart to oppose everything that is American—its history, its capitalism, its religious foundations, its family units, its natural affections for those who are countrymen. This spirit that lives in these people is a rebellious one. The heart of these is as described in Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it.” Read More

 Christian nurse (in England) harassed by hospital for years over cross necklace wins lawsuit 
The Employment Tribunal in the United Kingdom ruled in favor last week of a Christian nurse who said she was forced into resigning from her job at a London hospital after being harassed over her cross necklace for years.

Mary Onuoha took legal action against Croydon Health Services NHS Trust after resigning in June 2020 following years of being targeted for wearing a small cross necklace that she was told posed "a health and safety risk."

After she refused to stop wearing her necklace, NHS management offered her a compromise by which she could wear it on a longer chain to keep the cross out of sight, which she also refused.

Onuoha, who grew up in Nigeria and worked for Croydon University Hospital for nearly 20 years after immigrating to the U.K. in 1988, said in a statement that the controversy over her necklace "has always been an attack on my faith. My cross has been with me for 40 years. It is part of me, and my faith, and it has never caused anyone any harm. Patients often say to me: ‘I really like your cross’, they always respond to it in a positive way and that gives me joy and makes me feel happy. I am proud to wear it as I know God loves me so much and went through this pain for me," she continued.

"From a young age I naturally always wanted to care for people – it was in my blood. All I have ever wanted is to be a nurse and to be true to my faith. I am a strong woman, but I have been treated like a criminal. I love my job, but I am not prepared to compromise my faith for it, and neither should other Christian NHS staff in this country," she also said. (Fox News) Read more.

- Thank You, Lord for this woman of great faith and for her stand. We praise You for granting her a win in court.

- “For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12) 
Civil Administration Plans to Uproot
Arugot Farms Vineyard in Israel

On today's Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with The Land of Israel Network's co-founder Jeremy Gimpel. Gimpel along with Land of Israel co-founder Ari Abramowitz are digging their heels in as Israel's Civil Administration has issued a directive stating that they are planning on destroying Jeremy and Ari's vineyards at the Arugot Farms. The pair have been working tirelessly on their crops for over five years and have invested hundreds of thousands of shekels into them, yet for reasons unknown, they were informed that on Tuesday January 11, troops would be sent to the site to uproot their work. Listen to this week's show to hear how you can help support Jeremy and Ari leading up to the potential destruction of their crops.

UPDATE: After the interview was recorded, the Civil Administration delayed the uprooting of the vineyard. They didn't cancel their decision, but delayed it. Jeremy and Ari fear that the uprooting can take place at any time.

Prayer: fAbba, We bring this matter before you in the Courtroom of Heaven. We ask that you would ANNUL this order to pull up the vines on the Arugot farm!May you SQUASH this order of destruction! We speak LIFE LIFE LIFE over the Arugot farms and over this vineyard!  Abba, we cry out to you, we ask you to intervene, we ask that you will turn this around, and that this order of destruction would be shelved, put aside, rendered null and void and reversed!  

May you BLESS BLESS BLESS the Arugot farms and the families living there!  We thank you for what you are going to do!

In Yeshua's name, amen and amen!

A Healing Prayer for COVID Victims
Editor's Note:

Over this past weekend, a friend sent us a video that has greatly impacted our lives.

The title is: 
"Praying for COVID-19 with Rabbi Ken Fish"

In this brief teaching, Rabbi Fish explains how our Lord gave him the revelation of how to bring healing to COVID victims by studying the original Hebrew scripture in Psalm 91:5,6 .

You will not be afraid of the terror by night,
Or of the arrow that flies by day;
Of the plague that 
stalks in darkness,
Or of the destruction that devastates at noon.

In this teaching, our Lord directed Rabbi Fish to focus on one word in this verse: DESTRUCTION and to study its full meaning from the original Hebrew source.

We highly recommend this video to you, which is only about 30 minutes long. Go here to find the key to the healing of COVID victims. Hallelujah!  
Signs & Wonders
'Cosmic wildfires' burn bright in new photo of the Flame Nebula
Inside that cauldron, scientists discovered a brand-new nebula.

A fiery new photograph of the Flame Nebula depicts the emissions from brand-new stars, burning through space like cosmic wildfires. 

These wildfires don't actually burn hot — the orange and yellow regions captured in this image are actually only a few tens of degrees warmer than absolute zero, the point at which the movement of atoms and other fundamental particles freezes, according to the European Southern Observatory (ESO). But the emissions are revealing. By pointing the SuperCam instrument aboard the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment in the Chilean desert at this region, researchers were able to discover a brand-new nebula and explore two dusty interstellar clouds, Messier 78 and NGC 2071. 

The new nebula, a spherical cloud that the researchers dubbed the "Cow Nebula," is described in a paper to be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. 

Nebulas are interstellar clouds of gas and dust that often serve as the birthplace of new stars, which form from these cosmic ingredients. The Flame Nebula sits in the region of the constellation Orion, approximately 1,300 to 1,600 light-years away from Earth. It's an emission nebula, with young stars at the center spewing radiation that gives the surrounding dust a fiery glow. The color in this newly released image is created by radio waves emitted by carbon monoxide gas in the cloud. Read More

The Good News Corner
'From Ashes, He Can Bring His Glory': Colorado Fire Spares Boulder Church

Flames fueled by fierce foothills winds failed to destroy the spirits of worshippers from Boulder Valley (Colorado) Christian Church, who gathered Sunday afternoon at neighboring Flatirons Church in nearby Lafayette, Colorado, to celebrate the preservation of their building from the Marshall Fire and pray for neighbors who lost everything, including one life.

At least 10 homes scorched to their foundations belonged to members of the Boulder Valley church, located between the cities of Boulder and Louisville and the town of Superior. Power was restored to the building Jan. 2, days after the Marshall fire forced shut-off of gas and electric power during a blast of winter snow and single-digit temperatures. But without natural gas for heating in frigid conditions following the fire, Boulder Valley Christian remained shuttered Sunday when members met for the afternoon worship service.

On Dec. 31, Lead Pastor Matt Carlson videotaped a message to update his congregation, pointing to scorched land around the church. "The fire came right up to the building, and the building is—fine. It burned through the solar field behind us, a community garden, but the building is fine."

Carlson also says offers of help are pouring in: "We are having this massive outpouring of people saying, 'How can I help? What can I do?'"

Carlson offers a word of encouragement to people asking how to assist those displaced by the fire, urging his congregation to "Love your neighbors well. The people that you're connected with that you know have lost homes or are in need of help. ... be the church. Reach out to your friends that you know. Be the church. Reach out to Office of Emergency Management. Help out and serve in the community. ... The church, we will continue to have opportunities where we can serve.

"The Lord is still the Lord, and He can bring good," Carlson says. "From ashes, He can bring His glory. And I'm excited to see what He's going to do." (Charisma News) Read more here. 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Removing Fear
Day six: remove the fear of sickness. 
Replace it with God's Word as to healing.

Spend time today, one on One with the Holy Spirit, asking Him---even in five minutes of your prayer time--- if you have any fear of sickness. Did it begin as a child? Was it passed down to you generationally? Does that fear appear in your character today?

Allow Him, Who loves you so much, to convict you of any residue of that sin, that fear of sickness. With His perfect love, exercise your free will to confess that sin. He will forgive you. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then decide, if you wish, to repent, to turn away from that sin stronghold, replacing it with His Holy Word as your Truth going forward.

As with all strongholds that you remove, then choose His Way forward based on His Word.

Jesus/Yesuah took on our sicknesses. Matthew 8: 16-17 states: " When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: ' He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses.'"

And when one enters His Kingdom through sincere repentance---Matthew 4:17, Romans 2:4--- he or she receives the Holy Spirit, one of the key gifts of which is healing.

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Classic Hymns

God Will Take Care of You 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Ira Sankey

Scripture: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. Isaiah 41:10

God will take care of you, be not afraid;
He is your safeguard through sunshine and shade;
Tenderly watching and keeping His own,
He will not leave you to wander alone.

God will take care of you still to the end;
Oh, what a Father, Redeemer, and Friend!
Jesus will answer whenever you call;
He will take care of you, trust Him for all.


God will take care of you, through all the day,
Shielding your footsteps, directing your way;
He is your shepherd, protector, and guide,
Leading His children where still waters glide.


God will take care of you long as you live,
Granting you blessings no other can give;
He will take care of you when time is past,
Safe to His kingdom will bring you at last.


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