The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022
Breaking news! (An opinion piece):

Supreme Court Likely to Rule AGAINST Biden Administration Vaccine Mandates (The Epoch Times)
Go here.

Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Above All" by Lenny LeBlanc. Go here! 

"And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"

Editorial Staff to Honor Three Days of Fasting: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Dear Friends,

We bless you all today in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.

We need to  inform you that our Lord has called us into a position of prayer and fasting over the next three days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday: January 13th, 14th, and 15th, to contend with the evil that is now upon us at the global level.

When Queen Esther was without hope, she turned to God; and sought Him with prayers, fastings and supplications, before she petitioned King Xerxes to rescue her people. Her obedience turned his heart, the enemy of Israel (Haman) went to the gallows and her people were set free from the yoke of tyranny.

Today, we too seem to be a people without hope. As we see the COVID and Omicron viruses overwhelming our land, and as we see harsh mandates placed upon our people, it is time to seek our Lord, that the hand of tyranny be released, and for God's people to be set free, once again.

In Honor of this time of fasting, CHPP will release its staff to be fully free to seek His face at this "set time." Accordingly, beginning tomorrow and continuing through this Saturday, we will suspend our publications and be free to fully enter in to the closet of prayer, "for such a time as this."

Our publishing schedule will be:

Thursday, January 13th - no Daily Brief
Friday, January 14th - no Daily Brief
Saturday, January 15th - no Legislative Snapshot

Sunday, January 16th - The Legislative Snapshot to be published later in the day

(federal holiday) - The publication of the Daily Brief WILL RESUME on its normal schedule.

Thank you all for being the amazing Prayer Partners that you are, both in intercession AND in giving your gifts to our ministry, to help to sustain us during this New Year. May our Lord bless each and every one of you, as you, too, seek His face to know how you also might respond to this time of fasting on behalf of our nation in crisis.

In His Amazing Grace,

Sara C. Ballenger, Founder and President
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners 
Why are we calling this fast?
As we set ourselves before our Lord during these three days, we are petitioning Him to move on behalf of our nation, as follows:
1. The obliteration of the pandemic and all issues related to it, including:
    - All mandates
    - The weakening of our military - we are praying they not be required to take the jab, but be free to serve as strong men and women in uniform
    - Ending the chaos in the schools re: virtual learning vs. in school classes; etc.
2. Overturning the CRT curriculum, K-12, across the nation
     - Removing all woke agendas
     - Ending the spirit of depresion and suicide among our youth
     - Restoring HOPE in the hearts of our children
3. Establising ELECTION INTEGRITY in all states for the 2020 Presidential Election
4. Releasing all January 6th prisoners
5. That the media will now begin to report the news in TRUTH - no more lies or distortion of the facts
6. That this Congress would only pass legislation that lines up with the Word of God in all matters
7. For God's will to be done in the life of Joe Biden

8. For the destruction of the HAARP and all weather weapons

9. For the restoration of a healthy economy in the nation: no disruption of supplies

“Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
To loose the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the heavy burdens,
To let the oppressed go free,
And that you break every yoke?
Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’
(Isaiah 58:6,8,9)

1. Israeli lawmakers herald launch of Abraham Accords Caucus in Congress - JNS
(January 10, 2022 / JNS) Israeli lawmakers welcomed the launch of the Abraham Accords Caucus this week in Congress.

The new caucus on Capitol Hill in Washington will be launched as a bipartisan initiative by Democrats and Republicans in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

It will be co-chaired by Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and by Reps. Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-Wash.), Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), Anne Wagner (R-Mo.) and David Trone (D-Md.).

Both caucuses will work with associated countries to advance the agreements in various fields, while also pushing to achieve additional peace agreements. (Read More)  

2. PM asks Israelis to prepare for 'tough weeks ahead,' vows to ease financial impact - Israel Hayom

The government announced on Tuesday new measures aimed at helping those adversely affected by self-isolation requirements.

"The next few weeks are going to be tough," Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at a press conference. "Israel has been providing some of the best protection to its citizens, but each and every one of us must take responsibility for our children and parents. There is no room for panic of hysteria."

He noted that "all of the workers will have their pay guaranteed from the first day of self-isolation, and we will also provide compensation for self-employed" adding that there was a new scheme based on a specific payment mechanism for each day of self-isolation. Bennett added that the government will continue to give every Israeli student three at-home test kits free of charge and make sure businesses and employees who suffer financial losses from self-isolating workforce would get paid generously. (Read More) 

3. Teachers union head: We need to switch to remote learning - Israel National News

Education Ministry data published on Monday showed that approximately 82,000 students are currently required to quarantine, and over 38,000 have active cases of coronavirus, Maariv reported.

Speaking to 103 FM Radio on Tuesday morning, Teachers Union chairman Ron Erez slammed the Israeli government saying, "It's not in control. We hear this advice or that advice, but in reality the educational system is paralyzed. One time student A is missing, and then B - soon there will be matriculation exams, and we can't prepare them. In Zoom the learning is less effective, but that's the lesser evil."

According to Erez, "in the current situation, now, we should move to learning online from home. Teachers come to school, they come in contact with a student who has coronavirus, they're sent for tests, they stand two hours in line, those hours are deducted from their salaries as hours they were absent - and the next day they are tested again." (Read More)   

4. Ra’am threatens coalition crisis over Negev tree planting - Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s governing coalition faced a new threat on Tuesday, when Ra’am (United Arab List) head Mansour Abbas warned that his faction’s four votes cannot be counted on, due to a dispute over trees planted on disputed land.
Ra’am and Joint List MKs have been protesting tree planting in the Negev, claiming the saplings were planted on the property of the al-Atrash family, not state land. Support for Ra’am is especially strong in the Negev.
“I cannot continue living with this,” Abbas said. “I have accepted things that may have seemed worse, but when they shoot directly at your chest, you cannot survive. The Negev is Ra’am. I demand to stop the planting and expedite an arrangement in three or four places. We won’t vote with the coalition, until this is solved.” (Read More) 

5. Israeli soldier moderately wounded in suspected West Bank car-ramming attack - YNET News

An Israeli soldier was moderately wounded on Tuesday when an accelerating vehicle struck him in the northern West Bank in a suspected terrorist attack.

According to the military, a car accelerated towards several troops stationed near the settlement of Halamish, hitting a 19-year-old soldier. He was taken by helicopter to a hospital in moderate condition.

The suspect — identified as 30-year-old Muhammad Yassine from the Palestinian town of Bil’in — was apprehended by troops at the scene and transferred to security forces for further questioning. (Read More)  
The Daily Brief
1. Republicans plot filibuster revenge strategy against Senate Democrats - Washington Examiner

Senate Republicans say if Democrats vote to end the filibuster, the GOP will use the new rule to force votes on a string of Republican legislation that would stand a good chance of passing in the evenly divided Senate.

In a move that would turn the Democratic plan to end the filibuster on its head, Republicans say they’ll bring up legislation that can easily garner 50 GOP votes and a few Democratic ones. This could advance Republican measures under the rule change Democrats are considering that would lower the 60-vote threshold to 51 votes.

The GOP's list of legislation is not what Democratic leaders have in mind as they plot an end to the filibuster, including legislation to restart the Keystone XL pipeline, bolster security at the beleaguered southern border, and block taxpayer funding for abortions. (Read More)  
- Father, we thank You that You have shown these lawmakers a way to handle this situation in case the opposition party makes this historic move.  We are grateful that You are a creative God who has plans no matter what the enemy attempts in our lives and the life of our country.  Lord, we pray that those who are elected would seek You for Your plan for our law-giving bodies and thereby short-circuit the enemy's plan to use power-seeking men to take our freedoms away.  

- "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."  (Proverbs 16:9)

2. Trump asks federal judge to toss Jan. 6 lawsuits - NBC News

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump urged a federal judge Monday to dismiss lawsuits accusing him of conspiring with two far-right extremist groups and others to block the presidential vote count.

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta questioned lawyers for both sides, but his most probing comments were directed at members of the Trump legal team, and the judge showed no sign that he was prepared to immediately dismiss the suits.

The first lawsuit over the Capitol riot to name the former president, filed 11 months ago by House Democrats, said the attempted insurrection was "the intended and foreseeable culmination of a carefully coordinated campaign to interfere with the legal process required to confirm the tally of votes cast in the Electoral College." (Read More)  

- Oh Lord, how we come against this false accusation against President Trump!  We speak out that this lawsuit will fail for lack of evidence and that what really happened and who was involved will come to light.  We pray for You to set up a guard around President Trump to protect him from these harassing allegations in the future.  Thank You, Lord for Your protection for him at this dangerous time.  

"Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, for you are my strength."  (Psalms 31:4) 

3. Health officials let COVID-infected staff stay on the job - ABC News

Health authorities around the U.S. are increasingly taking the extraordinary step of allowing nurses and other workers infected with the coronavirus to stay on the job if they have mild symptoms or none at all.
The move is a reaction to the severe hospital staffing shortages and crushing caseloads that the omicron variant is causing.

California health authorities announced over the weekend that hospital staff members who test positive but are symptom-free can continue working. Some hospitals in Rhode Island and Arizona have likewise told employees they can stay on the job if they have no symptoms or just mild ones.

The highly contagious omicron variant has sent new cases of COVID-19 exploding to over 700,000 a day in the U.S. on average, obliterating the record set a year ago. The number of Americans in the hospital with the virus is running at about 110,000, just short of the peak of 124,000 last January. (Read More) 

- Precious Lord, we are encouraged to hear of this measure that administrators are taking to bring better staffing for their hospitals.  We bind up, in the name of Jesus, all the vast, pervasive fear that has accompanied this virus from the very first.  We thank You, Lord, for better reason taking hold of the medical management profession and pray that You would give even more strategies to deal with this plague.  Also, COVID has a name, and it must bow to You, Lord, to end its hold on the world.  

- "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name."  (Philippians 2:9)  

4. IRS warns of ‘frustrating’ tax filing season over backlog of returns - New York Post

The Internal Revenue Service warned Monday of a “frustrating” tax filing season in the coming weeks as the agency contends with a backlog of returns, staffing shortages and a massive increase in phone calls from taxpayers. The IRS cautioned it is still working on “prior-year individual tax returns that have not been fully processed.”

“In many areas, we are unable to deliver the amount of service and enforcement that our taxpayers and tax system deserves and needs. This is frustrating for taxpayers, for IRS employees and for me,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said in a statement. “IRS employees want to do more, and we will continue in 2022 to do everything possible with the resources available to us.”

The agency said it will accept individual tax returns for 2021 on Jan. 24, with a filing deadline of April 18 for most taxpayers.   

- Father God, we ask for the fruit of Your Spirit, especially patience and joy, as we contend with shortages of staff, goods and services, not just with the IRS, but across the board in dealings with various institutions, transportation and stores within the next few weeks. We look to You for the ultimate solutions and restoration of all affected nationally and globally. In the meantime, may we rest in Your promises, in Your word, and be a light and model of Your grace and help in time of need.
- "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. "(Galatians 5:22-23)

5. Reps. Comer, Jordan expose new Fauci emails they say point to COVID-19 lab leak 'cover up' - Fox News

Republican leaders on the House Oversight and Judiciary committees released excerpts of emails Tuesday that they say reveal National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Dr. Anthony Fauci knew that COVID-19 may have been intentionally modified and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Reps. James Comer, R-Ky., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, pointed to a Feb. 1, 2020, conference call that included Fauci and former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins in which the virus's origins were discussed.

"It was on this conference call that Drs. Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from the WIV and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated," the Republicans' letter said

The letter said other scientists participated in the call, four of whom wrote a paper titled, "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2" that they sent to Fauci and Collins three days after the call. The article did not argue that the virus originated in the lab. The Republicans are now questioning whether the lab leak theory was dropped due to influence from Fauci and/or Collins. (Read More)  

 - You are our Hope and our Redeemer, Lord God. May the U.S. operate in Truth and not ignore it when it is staring us in the face. Remove blinders and infuse us with boldness and a desire for righteousness; may we move forward in Your power as You bring forth justice and truth. May lies no longer be ignored or hidden under the rug, but dealt with justly, as is fitting for a revived nation of integrity, restored by Your grace, mercy, power, truth and righteousness.

- Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.  (Exodus 18:21) 
6. Education Secretary Cardona solicited NSBA letter comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists: email - Fox News

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited the much-criticized letter from the National School Boards Association that compared protesting parents to domestic terrorists, according to an email exchange reviewed by Fox News. 

The email exchange indicates Cardona was more involved with the letter's creation than previously known. Biden’s Department of Justice relied on the NSBA letter, which suggested using the Patriot Act against parents, in creating its own memo directing the FBI to mobilize in support of local education officials.

In the Oct. 5 email, NSBA Secretary-Treasurer Kristi Swett recounted that NSBA interim CEO Chip Slaven "told the officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cardona."
Previous emails had revealed that the NSBA was in contact with the White House and Justice Department in the weeks before it publicly sent the letter. The emails were obtained by the parents group Parents Defending Education in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. (Read More) 
- Lord God, we totally agree with Nicole Neily, President of Parents Defending Education that, "If Secretary Cardona was truly involved in this ugly episode, it is a significant breach of public trust, and he should be held accountable."  It is obvious from captured emails that Cardona was involved; we ask for his removal and appropriate disciplinary measures. Father, like You, our hearts ache for the children and teens in the U.S. at this time. We ask You to extend to them extra measures of Your love, grace, mercy and insight as well as visitations or visions from heaven for reassurance and to draw them to You, Father. May parents continue to fight boldly for their children!
- For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”  (Isaiah 41:13)  

7. Billionaire supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain - New York Post

The recent impact of Omicron on the US supply chain has caused grocery prices to increase and could soon impact the supply of meat and eggs, according to billionaire Gristedes CEO John Catsimatidis.
“Omicron is taking its toll at different levels of the supply chain, whether it’s the warehouses, whether it’s the selectors, the drivers, the loaders — and as they call in sick, there are interruptions in the system,” Catsimatidis told Todd Piro during an appearance on “Fox & Friends First.”

Catsimatidis went on to say that many of these interruptions will continue over the next six weeks as the COVID-19 variant impacts the labor market. The United Refining Company owner added that the Northeast in particular is seeing the price of various products, including eggs, poultry and beef, go up because of low supply and high demand. 

“Let’s say they normally sell 10 million pounds of chicken. They figured if they raise the price 10 or 20 cents, some people will buy less chicken and the people that really want to buy the chicken — it will be there for them to buy,” said Catsimatidis. He added that the price hikes and supply chain shortages have been exacerbated by the rising cost of oil, which is necessary for transportation. (Read More) 

- Father, let this be an opportunity for natural immunity to expand within our population and for new, local farmers to be able to meet the demands within their regions.  We ask You to maintain the stability of our nation's food supply and, in fact, strengthen it so we may be suppliers for others who don't have enough.  For Your glory. 

- "'And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both.  Tell Me therefore, which of them will love him more?'"  (Luke 7:42) 

 8. 47,705 migrants released with instructions to report to ICE have gone missing under Biden - Washington Examiner

Tens of thousands of migrants who illegally crossed into the United States from Mexico and were released into the country during President Joe Biden’s first year in office have disappeared and are untraceable, according to data from the Department of Homeland Security.

Nearly half, or 47,705, of the more than 100,000 noncitizens who were released from Border Patrol custody at the southern border in 2021 between March 21 and Aug. 31 and given instructions to self-report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement within 60 days have failed to check in, the DHS disclosed to Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican.

“DHS data shows the practice of issuing [Notices to Report] has been an abysmal failure,” a press release from Johnson said, the top Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. (Read More) 

- Abba, this is an incredible display of foolishness.  Of course these people will not return to the border for a hearing.  We pray that every single one of them has powerful opportunities to encounter the risen Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and responds to His lovingkindness by surrendering their lives to Him.  May they find the way of righteousness to be a gripping and wonderful way to live life, and grow the Kingdom of God.  In Jesus name.

- "When Jesus heard it, He said to them, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.  I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.'"  (Mark 2:17)  

9. CNN, Tapper Finally Discover 'Misleading' COVID Hospitalization Numbers - Newsbusters

For nearly two years, and with the midterm election coming up, conservatives and Republicans were vilified as conspiracy theorists for raising questions about COVID hospitalization numbers when it came to who was there because of COVID and who just happened to be infected. On Monday, CNN and anchor Jake Tapper finally arrived at the scene to ask the obvious questions after CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky admitted to Fox News that number is inflated by upwards of 40 percent.

Tapper prefaced his late revelation by prefacing to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta that “the case numbers aren't really a significant as hospitalizations because what's important is how sick people are getting.”

And since CNN had obfuscated the idea that the CDC was misleading people, Tapper had to spell out what was going on:
Over the weekend the CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky was asked how many people are in the hospital FOR COVID versus how many people are in the hospital WITH COVID. Meaning they're there for some other reason and it's also true that they have COVID.

After playing a soundbite of Walensky admitting “up to 40 percent of the patients who are coming in with COVID are coming in not because they're sick with COVID but because they're coming in with something else,” Tapper seemed a bit surprised and called it “misleading.” (Read More) 

- Thank You Father for exposure to more accurate facts and figures.  As we have been praying for the media to encounter truth, Jesus, this is clearly You responding by opening up this window of revelation.  We pray for more of the "mainstream media" to be confronted by undeniable evidence that there has been a great deal of mis-information circulated as truth and that they would actually come to know the Truth. 

- 'Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness.'" (Luke 11:35) 

10. Joe Biden to Denounce Republican Voting Integrity Laws as Domestic Enemy of Democracy - Brietbart

President Joe Biden plans to deliver an angry speech condemning Georgia’s election integrity laws on Tuesday, describing Republicans as a domestic threat to the right to vote and democracy itself.

The White House previewed excerpts from Biden’s address which will portray him as a dominant force against the “shadow” and the domestic threat posed by Republicans in Georgia and across the country.

“Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? I know where I stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch. I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic.” The speech says.

Biden will challenge the United States Senate for failing to move forward on legislation that would federalize state and local elections, barring election integrity laws passed into law since the 2020 election. (Read More) 

- Father, we push back against this spirit of socialism and mockery of our Constitution, in Jesus name.  We reject the accusations coming out of Joe Biden and the administration and we do not receive the rhetoric designed to pit citizen against citizen, community against community.  If there has been a crime committed, we declare justice over it and we will not stop day and night until God releases His righteous justice in this land and we thank You Father for drawing Joe Biden and his administration to know You as Lord and Savior.

- "'The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood.'"  (John 7:18 ESV)  

The Daily Jot

Biden's Illegal Purge Of The Military

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, January 11, 2022

Imagine a military where the top brass, taking orders from the Commander in Chief, many of which have investments in and ties to China, are using the COVID crisis to reduce military readiness and compromise national security. According to several high-ranking officers under whistleblower protection, this is what is occurring. The COVID vaccination mandate in the military is illegal because it forces servicemembers to take an Emergency Use Approved government serum in violation of military code. High ranking commanders, however, are telling servicemembers that the vaccine is Food and Drug Administration approved (even though there is no FDA-approved vaccine available) to force the vaccinations.

The whistleblowers are making their case public during a Truth For Health Foundation press conference at 12:00 EST Wednesday(livestreamed at These servicemembers across several branches of the military have documented that the Department of Defense is illegally forcing service members to take the Experimental Use Authorized COVID vaccine under career-ending threats and are systematically denying ALL religious exemptions. Additionally, whistleblowers have confirmed that military commanders have punished unvaccinated soldiers with extra physical activities, shamed them with humiliating acts, and denied them medical treatment as a matter of “shadow” policy across several military installations in acts of coercion to get troops vaccinated. Read More

> > > Please note: during this time of fasting, you can still access and read the Daily Jot by going to:

- Thank You, Lord, that these men and women were rescued safely. Amen!
Signs & Wonders
Will the ‘Gates of Hell’ crater ever die out in this remote desert?
Rain doesn’t often fall there, but even when it does it’s unable to put out this everlasting fire. AccuWeather spoke to the only person to have climbed down into the crater even as it grows more dangerous.

For more than 50 years, the glow of the blazing "Gates of Hell" inferno, formally known as the Darvaza gas crater, has illuminated the skies of the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, yet it remains a mystery to most.

Canadian-born scientific explorer George Kourounis, the only person to have descended into the center of the fiery pit, told AccuWeather that the Gates of Hell "is one of the most interesting places on Earth."

"It almost looks like a volcano out in the middle of the desert," he said.

But now its fate may be sealed. The decades-old fiery sight that has become a popular draw for the few tourists who dare to venture to that remote part of the Central Asian country may soon be squelched forever.

The president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, said he believes the massive molten pit is “negatively” impacting the health of the people living in the area and the environment and wants it extinguished, according to a report by The Associated Press. The president, himself known to be captivated by the sight and even seen on state TV in 2019 speeding around the pit in an off-road vehicle, has asked his government to find ways to safely put out the flames once and for all. Read More

The Good News Corner
Bible Podcasts Are Numbers 1 and 2 on Apple's Chart:
'Interest in the Bible Is Expanding'

The two most popular podcasts in the United States right now are not about sports, news or even pop culture. They're about the Bible.

"The Bible in a Year," hosted by Catholic priest Mike Schmitz, is No. 1 in the U.S. on Apple's podcast charts, while "The Bible Recap," hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble of D-Group, is No. 2.

"The Bible in a Year" features Schmitz reading Scripture and providing commentary in podcasts that span around 20-25 minutes.

In "The Bible Recap," Cobble walks alongside the listener and reviews that day's Bible reading. Each podcast lasts around eight minutes.

The podcasts rank higher than podcasts by The New York Times, NBC, Joe Rogan and NPR.

The podcasts' popularity may be a reflection of New Year's resolutions. A Lifeway Research survey released in December showed that 29 percent of U.S. adults had made a resolution about their relationship with God. It was tied for second as the most popular resolution. (Christian Headlines) Read more. 

We invite all of you to join us in reading the Word of God, all the way through, six nights each week by calling 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Removing Fear
Day seven: remove the fear of current events.
Replace it with God's chosen call on your life.

Spend time today, one on One with the Holy Spirit, asking Him---even in five minutes of your prayer time--- if you have any fear of current events. Did it begin as a child? Was it passed down to you generationally? Does that fear appear in your character today?

Allow Him, Who loves you so much, to convict you of any residue of that sin, that fear of current events. With His perfect love, exercise your free will to confess that sin. He will forgive you. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then decide, if you wish, to repent, to turn away from that sin stronghold, replacing it with His Holy Word as your Truth going forward.

As with all strongholds that you remove, then choose His Way forward based on His Word. 

Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

Crown Him with Many Crowns 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Matthew Bridges
Music: George Elvey

Scripture: His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. Revelation 19:12

Crown Him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon His throne.
Hark! How the heav’nly anthem drowns
All music but its own!
Awake, my soul, and sing
Of Him who died for thee;
And hail Him as thy matchless king
Through all eternity!

Crown Him the Lord of life,
Who triumphed o’er the grave,
And rose victorious in the strife
For those He came to save.
His glories now we sing,
Who died, and rose on high,
Who died eternal life to bring,
And lives that death may die.

Crown Him the Lord of Heav’n,
Enthroned in worlds above,
Crown Him the king to whom is giv’n
The wondrous name of Love.
Crown Him with many crowns,
As thrones before Him fall;
Crown Him, ye kings, with many crowns,
For He is king of all.

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