The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Feb 9, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022
You can view both the notes and listen to the audio of our stunning call this past Monday, focusing on the plight of the truckers in Canada AND that of our January the 6th prisoners, by going here. 
To read more about the Global Day of Repentance for Canada, go here.

The ZOOM call will be held TODAY at noon, EST. For details, go here.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Jesus I Need You" by Vineyard Worship.         
Go here! 

"I will stand my watch
And set myself on the rampart,
And watch to see what He will say to me,
And what I will answer when I am corrected."

(Habakkuk 2:1)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Ottawa Police Seize Fuel From Freedom Convoy Protest Site, Make More Arrests

Police in Canada’s capital have begun to seize fuel and say they have made multiple arrests after issuing a statement saying that those trying to bring supplies to support the thousands of protesters opposed to COVID-19 mandates and restrictions gathered in the city would be arrested.

“IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway,” Ottawa police said in a statement on social media on Feb. 6 in the early afternoon.

In a statement issued at 9 p.m. local time, police said they have arrested seven people. The arrests were for mischief charges throughout the day. Police also said they had seized multiple vehicles and fuel containers.

Protesters who spoke to The Epoch Times said police didn’t arrest them on Feb. 6 for carrying fuel, but gave them a warning that they would be facing arrest for bringing in fuel to the protest site starting on Feb. 7.

Earlier on Feb. 6, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency, which he said, “highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government.”

Protest organizers say their demonstration is peaceful.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), a legal group representing the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, said “police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.”

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat,” JCCF lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter said in a statement.

“In a free and democratic society that is governed by the rule of law, citizens can freely associate with each other, including the giving and receiving of goods and gifts. There is no law that would allow the Ottawa Police to arrest people for giving fuel or food to another Canadian.”

Protest organizers say they are willing to talk with the government, but so far no government representatives have contacted them. (Read more)

- Lord God Almighty in heaven, we come before Your Throne of grace, crying out that You would show Your mercy over these truckers! To think that they are now "stuck" in their trucks overnight, with freezing cold temperatures and no heat, is unbelievable! Father, there are also many families staying in these vehicles, too . . . some with young children and infants. We decree as a ONE MAN ARMY that THIS MUST STOP, in Jesus' name!

We also address the fact that their cell phones, internet, and all other forms of communication have now been cut off in advance of rumored MASS ARRESTS of these citizens. Lord God, they do not deserve this CRUEL and BRUTAL punishment - simply because they are peacefully wanting their voices to be heard.

Lord God, we ask for divine intervention in this crisis. This treatment reminds us of that of Mao Tse-Tung, and it must STOP, in Jesus' name, amen and amen!

- "This far and no further, and here must your proud waves stop!" (Job 38:11)


1. 3 Palestinian terrorists killed in clash with Israeli forces in Nablus - Jerusalem Post

Three armed terrorists from the Fatah-affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade were killed in clashes with Israeli security forces in Nablus on Tuesday in the culmination of a joint IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) operation. The Palestinian WAFA News Agency reported that a fourth Palestinian had been arrested in the operation.

The terrorists belonged to a cell that was responsible for a series of shooting attacks against IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians in recent weeks, the IDF said. Two M16 assault rifles were seized in the operation.

Over 80 bullets were fired at the vehicle in which the three Palestinians were sitting, according to Palestinian reports. The Palestinian Authority's Council of Ministers called for the formation of an international investigative committee into what they called the "horrific crime" committed in the operation. 

According to a senior Israeli defense official, the operation will continue as it is believed that at least one terrorist from the cell is still alive. (Read more)

- Abba, we thank You for the protection of the Israeli forces and ask you to continue to watch over them and keep them strong. We pray against any retaliation that the Arabs are planning and threatening. We ask You to confuse their plans and stop them before they occur. In the name of Yeshua, amen.  

2. Rock Attacks, Firebombing in Judea & Samaria Follow Funeral for Terrorists - Jewish Press

Israeli officials received “dozens of reports” on Tuesday night of rock-throwing and firebomb (Molotov cocktail) attacks on Jews in Judea and Samaria following a funeral for three members of a terror cell killed earlier in the day by an Israeli special forces team.

Rioters burned tires and hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails at the entrance to the Palestinian Authority city of Shechem, where the terrorists were killed.

A mob of at least 100 rock-throwing rioters with Palestinian Authority flags blocked the highway with burning tires on Route 55 between Fondok and the Jewish community of Kedumim in Samaria, according to the 0404 news outlet. (Read more)  

3.  Israel’s future submarines seen as key development towards regional naval ascendency - JNS

(February 7, 2022 / JNS) The announcement on Jan. 20 by the Israeli Defense Ministry and Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems of the procurement of three new advanced submarines for the Israeli Navy marks a key milestone in the evolution of Israel’s fleet, which will consist of six submarines.

In a reality in which Israel’s adversaries are armed with missiles that can strike any land point in the state, the strategic value of Israel’s underwater long arm is on the ascent, even more so in light of the expected advanced capabilities that the new Dakar-class submarines are expected to carry onboard.

The class of submarines is named after the INS Dakar, a diesel-electric Israeli submarine that sunk in 1968 in the Mediterranean on its route from Britain to Haifa Port after being purchased from the United Kingdom. (Read more)  

4. Emirati lawmakers visit Knesset for first time, talk of ‘full engagement’ - World Israel News 

For the first time since the signing of the Abraham Accords, members of the United Arab Emirates Federal National Council visited the Knesset in Jerusalem.

The top-level delegation included His Excellency Dr. Ali Al Nuaimi, chair of the Defense Affairs, Interior and Foreign Affairs Committee for the council.

At the Knesset, members were escorted by Speaker of the Knesset Mickey Levy and met several Knesset members, including co-chair of the Caucus for Promoting the Abraham Accords, Ruth Wasserman Lande of the Blue and White Party.

She said the exchange of knowledge that took place on Monday “will contribute to the parties’ understanding of regional challenges such as the Iranian arms race, terrorism and more.” (Read more) 

5. Pegasus Spyware Scandal: Decision on com. of inquiry in coming days - Israel National News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is holding a discussion Tuesday night on the Pegasus affair and the police's alleged illegal use of the software to spy on Israeli citizens.

The discussion was attended by the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Internal Security, the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General Amit Marari, the Cabinet secretary, and other officials.

Before a decision is made on the mechanism for investigating the affair, Bennett requested that the 26 names mentioned in a report in the Calcalist newspaper be examined. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Supreme Court sides with GOP in Alabama election map case - AP News

The Supreme Court put on hold a lower court ruling that Alabama must draw new congressional districts before the 2022 elections to increase Black voting power. The high court order boosts Republican chances to hold six of the state’s seven seats in the House of Representatives.

The court’s action, by a 5-4 vote announced Monday, means the upcoming elections will be conducted under a map drawn by Alabama’s Republican-controlled legislature that contains one majority-Black district, represented by a Black Democrat, in a state in which more than a quarter of the population is Black.

A three-judge lower court, including two judges appointed by former President Donald Trump, had ruled that the state had likely violated the federal Voting Rights Act by diluting the political power of Black voters by not creating a second district in which they made up a majority, or close to it. (Read more)  

- Oh, Lord, we know that ultimate wisdom resides with You, alone.  We pray for this situation to be handled appropriately according to the Constitution and that the future of this situation will be resolved in a way pleasing to You.  We bind up spirits of division and dissention from this redistricting plan and say that the very best plan would be implemented for Alabama.   We bind the enemy who would stir up old wounds between the races.  We pray that previous harmful behavior patterns would not hinder love and peace in Alabama and that the result would be fair to all concerned. 

- "Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."  (Romans 14:19) 

2. The U.S. is considering a radical rethinking of the dollar for today's digital world - NPR

Since its establishment as the country's national currency, the dollar has undergone many updates and changes, but nothing compares to the proposal being debated today.

The U.S. is gingerly considering whether to adopt a digital version of its currency, one better suited for today's increasingly cashless world, ushering in what could be one of the dollar's most fundamental transformations.

In that scenario, the U.S. would not only mint the coins and print paper bills but also issue digital cash, or a central bank digital currency (CBDC), that would be stored in apps or "digital wallets" on our smartphones. We could then use them to pay for things, just like we do with Venmo or Apple Pay, and no physical money would change hands. (Read more)  

- Father God, how we need caution as the US contemplates introducing the digital currency.  Only You know how best to do this, and we pray that all who are instrumental in getting this started will look to You for wisdom.  We bind away all opportunities to use this as a spying tool on the general public and also on officials.  Dear Lord, please hold back the progress on this until principled men can be in charge of it.  

- "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business."  (Acts 3:6)  

3. DeSantis insists narrative of Trump rivalry is 'total bunk': He's 'a friend of mine' - Fox News

According to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Republicans, including himself, have the support of former President Trump, and any notion to the contrary can be attributed to media spin. DeSantis sat down in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital on Monday in Tallahassee, Florida, during which he stated that he's on good terms with Trump.

"Donald Trump's a friend of mine. He is proud when people do well, and it's not just me, but obviously he's a Florida resident, and he appreciates the job that we've done. He's told me that many times, not only with helping with the election, but just how we govern the state."

DeSantis wouldn't say whether he would potentially take on Trump in 2024 and said anonymous sources close to Trump who said he has a "dull personality" could be attributed to Democrats and the media, who are trying to stoke division within the Republican Party in order to re-elect President Biden(Read more)  

- We thank You, Lord, that this statement seems to bring unity in the effort to dethrone those who are in office under suspicious circumstances.  We ask that You would shut off the lying spirit in the media that would manufacture dissention among those who seek to restore this country to its Constitutional and Biblical roots.  We especially ask that You would shut the ears of the voting public to all lies about candidates.  

- "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged:  and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil."  (Proverbs 16:6)  

4. More states report drop in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations - Fox News

More states are reporting a decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations this week, as a surge of the highly transmissible omicron variant shows signs of easing. While some states in the Northeast had already seen positive indicators – with cases and hospitalizations falling late last month – western and southern states have still been stretched thin.

On Monday, Nebraska hospital officials said they were cautiously optimistic that virus hospitalizations will continue to decline, but noted they are concerned about the possibility of another surge. 

We are hopeful that Nebraska hospitals are starting to experience the beginning of the end of the omicron surge," Nebraska Hospital Association president Jeremy Nordquist said. The state reported 627 people hospitalized with COVID-19 on Sunday, following its peak at 767 on Jan. 28. The number of cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fell from 22,302 the previous week to 10,435 last week. (Read more)  

- We give You all the thanks and praise, Father, that new COVID-19 cases, positive tests, and deaths are waning across most of the United States. We pray that there be a Holy Spirit pre-emptive strike against any new variants cropping up both in our nation and globally. God have mercy and hear the cries of repentance and the pleas for help from Your people. May this plague be finished, in Jesus name!
- "If disaster comes upon us—sword, judgment, pestilence, or famine—we will stand before this temple and in Your presence (for Your name is in this temple), and cry out to You in our affliction, and You will hear and save." (II Chronicles 20:9)

5. Biden vows to 'end' Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russian invades Ukraine, German chancellor less clear - Just The News

President Biden says if Russia invades Ukraine, plans for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline would be discontinued. If Russia invades – that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine, again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it," Biden said Monday after meeting at the White House with new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. 

However, Scholz, whose country relies on Russia for much of its energy supply, did not openly support Biden's position. "We have intensively prepared everything to be ready with the necessary sanctions if there is a military aggression against Ukraine," he said. "It is part of the process that we do not spell out everything in public, because Russia should understand that there might be even more to come." (Read more) 

 Lord God, only You know what is indeed transpiring behind the scenes in this debacle. Rule from heaven, send Your wisdom and direction to all leaders involved in this potential conflict. May ‘Nord Stream 2’ progress as You permit it, Lord.
- "The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He pleases."  (Proverbs 21:1) 
6. Biden seeks to raise federal pay 4.6% while private sector pay estimated to rise just 3.4% - Just The News

President Joe Biden is seeking to raise federal employee pay by 4.6%, with private sector pay estimated to rise just 3.4% this year. The pay raise for federal employees is reportedly part of Biden's forthcoming FY2023 budget, which the White House plans to send to Congress after the president's State of the Union address on March 1. 

The White House requested a 2.7% increase for federal employees in FY2021. Pay raises for the federal workforce in FY2022 range from 2.42% to 3.21%. Federal News Radio reported that the 4.6% request for the federal workforce in the FY2023 budget is the "largest in decades."

CNBC reported in December 2021 that "compensation surveys of employers show that pay raises for 2022 will increase more than in recent years, but in the low 3% range, not nearly as much as the current level of headline inflation in the U.S. economy, which has reached 6.8%  (Read more) 

- Father God, do You see this move as fair? Should government employees receive wage increases beyond what the common folk may get as inflation rages? We earnestly pray for a leader that will hold the citizens’ best interest at heart, one who will work as Your agent to restore what the locusts have eaten, especially  since January of 2021, and move forward in righteousness.

- "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, "              (Joel 2:25a) 

7. Biden administration funding crack pipe distribution, saying it’s needed for racial equity - Just The News

Nearly 40 years after First Lady Nancy Reagan created the "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign in the 1980s, President Joe Biden is funding drug paraphernalia through the Department of Health and Human Services. Following his wife's lead on the anti-drug campaign that was geared toward schoolchildren, President Ronald Reagan created the first official "Just Say No to Drugs Week" in 1986. Two years later, more than 12,000 "Just Say No" clubs had started around the U.S. and the world, and cocaine use dropped by a third among high school seniors.

However, drug overdose deaths spiked 28.5% to 100,306 over the twelve months ending in April of last year. Now, under the Biden administration, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is providing nearly $30 million for a grant program that will include funding for the purchase and distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts in underserved communities to advance racial equity.

The $30 million is to be allocated over the next three years, $10 million each year, for the Harm Reduction Program Grant, which is designed "to support community-based overdose prevention programs, syringe services programs, and other harm reduction services." (Read more)  

- Lord God, we absolutely stand against this criminal agenda coming from the White House.  'Drug overdoses for 18-45 year olds are the leading cause of death'.  How dare they encourage more and use our taxpayer money to fund it?  We rebuke this insanity, in Jesus name and ask You Father, to protect our young people from this seductive lure of drugs looking attractive that is being made by this administration and let Your Holy Spirit protect our fragile communities.

- "With her enticing speech she caused him to yield, With her flattering lips she seduced him.  Immediately he went after her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, . . . "  (Proverbs 7:21-22a)

 8. McConnell breaks with RNC: Jan. 6 'violent insurrection' - The Hill

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) criticized the Republican National Committee for its censure of Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and broke with their language on Jan. 6, calling it a “violent insurrection.”
“It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent peaceful transfer of power. ...That’s what it was,” McConnell said. 

The RNC sparked fierce backlash after it described Jan. 6, when a mob of former President Trump’s followers breached the building, as “legitimate political discourse” in a resolution censuring Kinzinger and Cheney. 

RNC Ronna McDaniel appeared to try to clarify the resolution, saying in a statement that the two GOP lawmakers were involved in persecuting citizens "engaged in legitimate political discourse" but "that had nothing to do with violence at the Capitol." The last section was not in the RNC resolution. (Read more)   

- Thank You Jesus that there was a stand made by the RNC on behalf of truth and righteousness when they censured these two state senators.  We pray for the inflammatory and unfounded rhetoric coming from them and the Senate Leader to align with Your word.  We declare truth regarding the injustice being meted out upon our imprisoned patriots, President Trump and election integrity.  Father, cause both parties to be purified and sanctified for Your purposes, in Jesus name.

- "Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying 'You must be circumcised and keep the law' –to whom we gave no such commandment–"  (Acts 15:24)  

9. Tlaib has paid out $170,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist who supports defunding the police - Fox News

The campaign of "Squad" Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has paid out $170,000 to an anti-Israel activist who has called Israel an "apartheid state" and has called for defunding the police multiple times.

Tlaib's campaign has paid $147,000 to Unbought Power LLC, a political consulting and advocacy firm run by Rasha Mubarak, since March 2020. Tlaib's leadership PAC, Rooted in Community Leadership, which lists Mubarak as a "treasurer," has paid Unbought Power another $23,000 since October 2020, according to Federal Elections Commission (FEC) filings reviewed by Fox News Digital.

Mubarak, a "Palestinian Muslim American community activist," has a history of making anti-Israel statements online and calling Israel an "apartheid state.” (Read more)  

- Father, we take authority over the antisemitism that comes from this wing of our elected representatives.  We ask You to cause this representative and her constituency to know in a powerful way, that Jesus Christ is Lord and Israel is His chosen nation.  For every bit of corruption and illegal activity, we call out for justice and strength for those who would bring charges and prosecute.  Return our nation to Godly standards and relationship with You, Abba.

- "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."  (1 Corinthians 2:14)   

10. Republicans demand Pelosi, leadership investigate reports of Capitol Police 'monitoring' citizens, lawmakers - Fox News

Several Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Committee on House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., calling on them to investigate the reports of Capitol Police "monitoring" lawmakers and citizens.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., led the letter exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital with 33 of his GOP colleagues to Pelosi and Lofgren regarding reports that Capitol Police have dug into the backgrounds of people who meet with lawmakers. 
"Recent reports state that the Capitol Police are surveilling Members of Congress, Congressional staff, and their Capitol visitors," Biggs told Fox News Digital in a Monday statement.

The letter points to an explosive POLITICO report, saying that the Capitol Police reportedly "monitoring Members of Congress, their staff, constituents, and supporters raises serious constitutional concerns. (Read more)  

- Lord God, we cover this situation in the blood of Jesus and pray protection over those that may be targeted against all harm and evil. We pray that this matter is swiftly taken care of and looked into by leadership in Congress. Amen.

"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)  
The Daily Jot

Oppression By Censorship

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, February 8, 2022

The Founding Fathers of the US knew tyranny. They knew that religion, Judeo-Christianity in particular, instilled the values of God’s liberty. They also knew that suppression of free speech, censorship, and leverage applied to silence dissent was foundational to tyranny. Hence, the First Amendment to the Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Freedom of religion and speech are under attack by government, politicians and corporations willing to do the government’s bidding.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is on record encouraging Black Lives Matter protests, which in many cases turned violent, but when it comes to US athletes speaking out against China, she says, “As I wish the athletes well, I do not encourage them to speak out against the Chinese government there because I fear for their safety if they do.” I guess there are no safety concerns about BLM protests. But Peter Schweizer’s book, “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” gives us some insight on Pelosi’s connection with China. Pelosi’s husband began investing in and profiting from several companies whose success depended on business with the Chinese Communist Party. Paul Pelosi holds between $5 million and $25 million in such investments. So now, US Olympic athletes should just shut up and play. Read More

Alert! Congress to vote TODAY on Global LGBT Bill!


Urge your member of Congress to vote NO on HR 3485! 

Dear Friends,

Your efforts stopped the Equality Act in Congress last year—a bill focused on forcing the LGBT agenda throughout our nation’s laws. But now, the Left is turning its sights to the global stage.

Today, the House plans to vote on H.R. 3485, the Global Respect Act. If passed, this bill could be used to promote the LGBT agenda by targeting nations and individuals within those nations who have religious or moral objections to LGBT ideology. In reality, it should be titled the “Equality Act: Global Edition.”

The bill uses broad language that could allow the Biden Administration to revoke or deny entry to the U.S. for individuals who do not agree with radical gender ideology. This could apply to pastors who preach and teach God’s design for gender, family, and human sexuality.

Who else could the Biden Administration target with this bill? They could target someone who…

  • Objects to same-sex marriage
  • Objects to boys playing in girls’ sports
  • Objects to transgender interventions for minors
  • Declines to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding

This bill is allegedly about stopping human rights abuses. Without a doubt, every human is made in the image of God, and our foreign policy should reflect that. But U.S. law already protects against human rights abuses.

In other words, the Left is trying to send the message: If you don’t buy into LGBT ideology, you’re not welcome in America.


Tell your Member of Congress to VOTE NO on H.R. 3485 in our Action Center here!
 This bill is unnecessary and not a reflection of American values. The United States government, under the Biden Administration, should not coerce other nations and their citizens to accept gender ideology.

For Family and Freedom,

Nicole Hudgens
Government Affairs
Family Policy Alliance

Biden DHS Declares Heightened Terrorism Threat

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Feb. 7 declared a heightened terrorism threat due to “false and misleading narratives,” misinformation, and “conspiracy theories.”

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors,” the DHS bulletin said.

The agency did not say what foreign or domestic actors are responsible for the alleged proliferation of misinformation or disinformation.

“Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation,” the DHS continued, adding that some individuals are seeking to “sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”

Some individuals, the bulletin alleged, are calling for violence against critical infrastructure, faith-based institutions like churches or synagogues, colleges, government personnel or facilities, and other targets.

. . .The ISIS terrorist group and its affiliates “may issue public calls for retaliation due to the strike that recently killed ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi,” the bulletin said. The Biden administration announced last week that al-Qurayshi was killed during a raid in northern Syria. (Read more) 

Source: Epoch Times 

- Father God, as we began to pray last week against any ISIS terror attacks on our soil in retaliation for the killing of their head, we continue now to do so. Thank You, O Lord, for hearing our prayer, amen and amen.

- Psalm 91 
Canada, the Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail!
A Word of the Lord, Released by Barry Wunsch
(Published by Pastor Jeff Daly)
Barry Wunsch received this prophetic word last September, and it is coming to pass now.

To read this prophecy, go here. 
The Good News Corner
'We Believed…That Was Our Last Breath': Militants Came to Kill Missionaries Until a Simple Act Led Them to Christ

A man who risks his life to share the Gospel in Africa recently revealed a potentially deadly scenario he faced that was thwarted by a simple act of love and compassion.

Oscar Amaechina, president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network, a group that seeks to preach the Gospel in African towns where people have never heard about Jesus, told The Christian Post about a group of people he once encountered on a challenging mission field in Nigeria.

“We were ministering to people, and some people came to kill us. They confessed that they were there to kill us,” he said. “We saw them with their machetes, we saw them with their swords, and we believed that that was our last breath.”

Amaechina and those with him assumed they would face almost certain murder — but then something incredible happened.

Rather than cower, beg, or panic, he and his fellow missionaries decided to do a kind act for the assailants. They provided them with food and resources, and it changed absolutely everything.

“We gave them rice, gave them spaghetti, gave them cream and soup … and they moved away from us,” he told The Post. “They returned, and one of their leaders spoke to us through an interpreter and said, ‘We were here to kill you. Since we are poor, no one has ever given us gifts, but because of these gifts, we want to become Christians.'”

So, not only did Amaechina and the group secure their survival, but they also saw those who came to kill them experience heart change and transformation. He said he “couldn’t believe it.” (Read more)

Source: CBN News 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

The Eastern Gate

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Isaiah Martin 

Scripture: Thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night. Isaiah 60:11

I will meet you in the morning,
Just inside the Eastern Gate.
Then be ready, faithful pilgrim,
Lest with you it be too late.

I will meet you, I will meet you
Just inside the Eastern Gate over there.
I will meet you, I will meet you,
I will meet you in the morning over there.

If you hasten off to glory,
Linger near the Eastern Gate,
For I’m coming in the morning;
So you’ll not have long to wait.


Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning;
For the Bridegroom watch and wait.
He’ll be with us at the meeting
Just inside the Eastern Gate.


O the joys of that glad meeting
With the saints who for us wait!
What a blessèd, happy meeting
Just inside the Eastern Gate!


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