The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022
Listen in on our special, two-hour national conference call from Monday, February 7th. Our two topics were:

Praying for the Freedom Convoy (the truckers in Canada),
Guest speaker, Gordon Grieve, from Guelph, Canada

Praying for the "January 6th Political Prisoners" in Washington, D.C. LET MY PEOPLE GO!, Guest speaker, Lori Daub from CHPP staff, with news and prayer points for the January 6 Freedom fighters, still being held as prisoners in jail in Washington DC. To listen to the call, CLICK HERE  
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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The Daily Brief
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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Through it All" by Vineyard Worshippers. Go here!


"You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” (Hebrews 1:7)


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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Canadian-style trucker protests spread throughout the world
Following the example of the thousands of Canadian truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the capital of Ottawa, truckers in other countries have begun organizing their own versions of the "Freedom Convoy." 

From Leeuwarden in the Netherlands to Wellington, New Zealand, to London to Canberra, Australia, truckers are hitting the road to send a clear message: stop the mandates. Another group of truckers is planning a protest in the United States, driving to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

"I think you’re starting to see what will become a big global movement to end these mandates," Brian Brase, co-organizer of the U.S. protest, told Fox News Digital on Sunday. "It’s a violation of your human rights to be mandated to take this vaccine. If you want it, go get it, but being mandated to get it, we’re standing up against that. We think it’s wrong."

Brase told Fox News Digital that the U.S. trucker effort was "just shy of 140,000 people when Facebook dropped us." On Feb. 2, Facebook removed a Facebook page called "Convoy to D.C. 2022." A spokesperson for Facebook's parent company, Meta, told Fox News that the platform removed the group "for repeatedly violating our policies around QAnon," which Facebook previously labeled a "violence-inducing conspiracy network."

Brase had disputed that claim, saying, "That's just not true." Brase said truckers from across the U.S. are calling to join the effort. "We’re having trucker companies from all over the country calling us, drivers," he said. He teased a major press release with details on Tuesday, Feb. 8. "The sheer volume of response… I’m going to say we’ll be just as big as Canada if not larger." (Read more)
- Lord, Freedom tends to spread once it is unleashed. Once You unleashed the true Freedom, 2,000 years ago, Your Word spread throughout the world. We pray that as the promise and hope of freedom from government mandates spreads, that Your Spirit will move across every nation, every people, bringing hope and repentance across the world.

- “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)  

1. Bennett: Pending Iran deal will ‘damage’ Israel’s ability to deal with nukes - JNS

(February 6, 2022 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned on Sunday that the deal being negotiated with Iran in Vienna could “damage” Israel’s ability to deal with the country’s nuclear program.

“The greatest threat against the State of Israel is Iran,” Bennett said at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting. “As the government, we are responsible for dealing with the Iranian nuclear program and, of course, we are monitoring the Vienna talks.”

Israel’s position, he said, was clear and well-known: “An agreement—according to the apparent terms—will damage the ability to deal with the nuclear program. Whoever thinks that an agreement will increase stability—is mistaken. It will temporarily delay enrichment, but all of us in the region will pay a heavy, disproportionate price for it.” (Read more)  

2. Members of UAE National Council Visit Knesset - Jewish Press

Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Defense, Interior and Foreign Affairs Committee in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal National Council, is leading a delegation of UAE members of parliament in Israel who visited the Knesset on Monday.

This is the first time that members of the UAE parliament visited the Knesset. The Emirati delegation included FNC members Sarah Mohammed Falkinaz, Marwan Obaid Al Muhairi and Mira Sultan Al Suwaidi.

Al Nuaimi, UAE Ambassador to Israel Mohamed Al Khaja and the delegation members met with Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy in his chamber, and then held meetings with Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Chair MK Ram Ben Barak and the committee members, members of the Israel-UAE Parliamentary Friendship Group chaired by MKs Merav Ben Ari and Eli Cohen, and chairs of the Caucus for Promoting the Abraham Accords, MKs Ruth Wasserman Lande and Ofir Akunis. (Read more) 

3. Civil jihad is here,’ thanks to Bennett coalition partner – exclusive report - World Israel News

On the heels of a new report about a cleric from the highly influential Islamic Movement, which effectively controls coalition kingmaker Mansour Abbas and his Ra’am party, describing Arab riots in Israel as part of a “holy war,” the chair of a right-wing NGO is warning that “civil jihad” is already here.

Maor Tzemach, who heads Your Jerusalem, an organization advocating for strengthening Israeli sovereignty in the Jewish State’s capital as well as its southern and northern peripheral regions, told World Israel News that the comments from the cleric come as no surprise.

While Abbas has long tried to cast himself as an Arab partner for coexistence whose primary concern is securing expanded government funding for Israel’s Arab communities, Tzemach said that the links between the Ra’am party and Islamic Movement are far more than coincidental. (Read more)  

4. Hearing in Netanyahu trial tomorrow cancelled over Pegasus affair - Israel National News 

A hearing in the trial of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which was scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled following revelations that the police used the NSO group's Pegasus software to spy on key witnesses in the case.

Judges ordered the hearing cancelled following reports that a number of businessmen, journalists, and former government officials involved in the Case 4000 investigation against Netanyahu were targeted by police hacking efforts, including Shlomo Filber, the former director-general of the Communications Ministry and confidant of then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Avi Berger, who also served in the past as director-general of the Communications Ministry.

Relatives and advisors of former Prime Minister Netanyahu are also said to have been targets of the spyware, including Netanyahu’s son, Avner, and aides Topaz Luk and Yonatan Urich. (Read more)  

5. Brooklyn Jews Remain on High Alert Following Two More Antisemitic Attacks Over Weekend - Algemeiner

The Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn is again on high alert following at least two antisemitic incidents over the weekend that involved violence and vandalism.

A Jewish man who was walking along Stockton Street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of the borough on Friday night was assaulted by a man who emerged from a minivan. CCTV footage of the attack, which occurred at 10:30 p.m., showed the assailant run from the van and punch his victim, who was identifiably Jewish through his traditional clothing. Medics treated the victim at the scene for injuries to his face.

On Sunday morning, multiple yeshiva school buses parked in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn were discovered to have been vandalized with swastika graffiti.

New York City politicians and Brooklyn council members rushed to condemn both incidents. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1.Gen. Milley says Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if Russia decides to invade Ukraine: sources | Fox News

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told lawmakers that Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine takes place, multiple congressional sources tell Fox News.
Milley told lawmakers during closed-door briefings on Feb. 2 and 3 that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine could result in the fall of Kyiv within 72-hours, and could come at a cost of 15,000 Ukrainian troop deaths and 4,000 Russian troop deaths.
Several lawmakers expressed concern that the Biden administration did not respond quickly to provide Ukraine with significant military aid, such as anti-aircraft and rocket launcher systems that would defend against an invasion from Russia.

- Lord, this statement by Gen Milley may not have been the wisest one by a US Military commander, evidenced by the statement being played across the US news media. We bind fear, and pray that You will mitigate any damage it might cause.

- “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” (Proverbs 18:2)  

2. China's Xi and Russia's Putin Unite Against US | SOFREP
The Beijing Winter Olympics isn’t just an arena for competitive sports, but it has also proven the perfect place to show off strategic alliances. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have reportedly met in a Friday meeting in Beijing after two years amidst growing tensions with the West involving Taiwan and Ukraine.  This is the 38th bilateral meeting between the two world leaders as they share a common adversary— the United States.
This report comes after the United States had increased its troop deployment to the Ukrainian-Russian border to counter the 100,000 plus Russian troops in the region. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed Russian military aggression during their meeting in Kyiv, which the Russians vehemently deny.
“It’s about the whole European security architecture because be in no doubt about what I think President Putin is trying to achieve here. I think that he is trying, by holding a gun as it were to the head of Ukraine, by intimidating Ukraine, to get us to change the way we look at European security,” the United Kingdom Prime Minister said.
During their meeting, the two authoritarian leaders had released a joint statement, joining forces in what is shaping up to be another Cold War, with Russia supporting the Chinese agenda regarding Taiwan’s lack of sovereignty calling the nation an “integral part of China.” Beijing also gave support to Russian foreign policy regarding Ukraine opposing the United States, and NATO, albeit without explicitly naming the countries, stating, “attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions,” and that it would increase their cooperation in these regions.
In a shift away from the old Cold War model of alliances in which China viewed the Soviet Union as an adversary,  Putin used the occasion to ask China for help with the Ukraine crisis to counter the US’ networks of alliance around the world. At the same time, China needs Russia’s support to give credibility to its claims on Taiwan. Moscow and Beijing are now enjoying closer relations than ever before on the world stage amidst growing political and economic tensions with the United States and the West.

- Lord, we pray that this alliance of  evil will fail in its mission to destroy the United States. Only You can reach the hearts of the leaders who are benyt on evil, so we ask for a mighty move of the Spirit to change their hearts.

- “And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 11:19)  

3.  BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Lawrence Sellin Identifies Chinese Science Mole at the Highest Level of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (

U.S. medical research laboratories are little more than Chinese colonies, extensions of China’s fused military-civilian research programs and fully funded by the U.S. taxpayer.
Chinese scientists working in the United States, many of whom have become U.S. citizens, have remained loyal to the Chinese Communist Party and are actively collaborating with their counterparts in China, including the People’s Liberation Army.
Between 2009 and 2020, Dr. Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen worked at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), eventually rising to become Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Imaging and Nanomedicine (LOMIN) at the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB).
During  the entire period Xiaoyuan Chen was in the United States, while he was being paid a high salary by the U.S. government and received in excess of $38 million in NIH research funding, Xiaoyuan Chen maintained a secretive parallel career working with China’s People’s Liberation Army and establishing a mirror-image of his NIH research activities in Xiamen University in China.
In violation of U.S. government protocol if not U.S. law, Xiaoyuan Chen failed to report his over 10-year extensive research collaboration with China’s People’s Liberation Army.

- Lord, thank You for revealing this mole. We ask that all areas the  US health systems be hardened against outside influence and inside deception, so that only Your perfect will be accomplished by them.

- “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13)  

4.  Rand Paul Promises To Investigate Fauci If GOP Wins Senate In Midterms | The Daily Caller

Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said on Friday that he plans to investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci if Republicans win control of the Senate in midterm elections this November.
Paul serves on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Senate Committee and if Republicans win, he could be nominated as chairman of the committee. This could give him the authority to conduct investigations and issue subpoenas, according to Business Insider.
He made the statement in an interview with conservative podcaster Lisa Boothe. “If we win in November, if I’m chairman of a committee, if I have subpoena power, we will go after every one his records. Those scientists will all come in,” Paul told Boothe. “We will have an investigator go through this piece-by-piece because we don’t need this to happen again.”

Lord, we pray that Sen Paul will be able to accomplish that which he has set in his mind to do. Let no stone be left unturned in this fight to save our nation.

- “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.”  (Luke 12:2)

5. The CCP Is Weaponizing Woke Rhetoric Against The Biden Administration | The Daily Caller

The Biden administration is experiencing an uptick of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spokesmen channeling left-wing talking points aimed at discrediting American institutions.
Seeking to denounce a key Department of Justice (DOJ) counterintelligence program billed to “identify priority Chinese trade theft cases,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Zhao Lijian, invoked its domestic critics during a recent Jan. 18 presser.
“There is an old Chinese saying to the effect that ‘He who has a mind to frame others can easily trump up some charges’,” said Zhao, echoing critics’ assertions the DOJ harbors “implicit biases” and deliberately engages in “racial profiling” while investigating China Initiative cases.
Launched by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2018, the China Initiative set out to counter “China’s malign behaviors” and identified academia as one of America’s “most vulnerable sectors” to CCP espionage.

Lord, we ask that Your Spirit move among the “Woke” to help them see that they are being used as pawns. We pray for repentance for both these leftists and the Chinese who are using them. Reveal Yourself we pray, in Jesus’ Name!

- “You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.” (Job 10:12)

6. EXCLUSIVE: Marines Describe ‘Sham’ Religious Vaccine Exemption Process | The Daily Caller
The COVID-19 vaccine exemption process in the Marine Corps gives no consideration to the faiths of individual soldiers and could hamper military readiness, according to Marines fighting the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate on religious grounds who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation anonymously out of fear of retribution.
As of Friday, 95% of active duty members of the Marine Corps were fully vaccinated, and another 2% were partially vaccinated, Department of Defense (DOD) spokesperson Maj. Charlie Dietz told the DCNF. A total of 334 Marines have been separated with a vaccine refusal discharge code. The Marine Corps has received 3,538 religious exemption requests, and only three were approved, out of 3,414 requests that were processed.
The Secretary of Defense issued a memorandum on Aug. 24, requiring that all service members be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a matter of readiness.
“To defend this Nation, we need a healthy and ready force. After careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, and with the support of the President, I have determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people,” the memo stated. The Marine Corps issued its mandate on Sept. 1.
All current requests for religious exemptions, according to Dietz, are being reviewed on a “case-by-case basis” and are “given full consideration with respect to the facts and circumstances submitted in the request.”

- Lord, as we are now aware, all branches of the service have not followed the “Case by case” review. The Marines have only allowed 3 exemptions and none in any other branch. We ask for a purposeful move of Your Spirit over Your people in the military to bring salvation and Your Favor to every area.

- “He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.”  (Titus 3:5)

7. .Report: Biden, Dems Take Cash from Convicted Terrorist Financier (
President Joe Biden and other Democrats reportedly took campaign contributions from Emadeddin Muntasser, a convicted felon in the United States accused of supporting “the cause of violent jihad,” after he was released from prison.
A report from the New York Post indicated that the 57-year-old and two of his associates were convicted in January 2008 of “conspiring to defraud the United States government, lying to the FBI and engaging in a scheme to conceal evidence.” The group’s charges came from operating an “Islamic charity that acted as a front to finance Islamic jihad abroad and lying about the organization in order to obtain tax-exemption status.”
The list of Democrats Muntasser has donated to ran for federal office, which started in 2018, according to Federal Election Commission records:
  • In 2018, Muntasser donated $1,000 to Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA).
  • Since 2018, he has donated $2,250, in three payments, to Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ).
  • Since 2019, he donated $342.50, in multiple payments, to ActBlue.
  • Last April, he donated $2,900, a one-time max donation, to Rana Abdelhamid, who was looking to unseat Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
  • Last year, he donated $2,900, in two payments, to Muad Hrezi, who was looking to unseat Rep. John Larson (D-CT).
  • Last year, he donated $250 to Biden during his presidential campaign.
Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic strategist in New York, told the Post, “Democrats can’t do anything but set themselves up for failure at this point,” noting that the situation is “unbelievable.”

Lord, we pray that You will judge this situation and bring justice to those who have willfully taken contributions from a convicted terrorist. We ask that You right this wrong quickly.

- “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”   (James 4:17)

8. .Catholic Charity Admits Receiving Money From Biden Administration to Traffic Illegals Across U.S. - Big League Politics

The leader of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley (CCRGV) has admitted their organization is taking federal money to traffic illegal aliens across the U.S. after they invade the border.
“We got lucky to be reimbursed for some of the efforts that we have been doing for so long and that’s good and that is taxpayer money,” said Sister Norma Pimentel, who works as CCRGV executive director.
“I don’t know the exact numbers right now because we are still talking because the reimbursement is not 100 percent given to us yet. It is just something that we have submitted to. We have requested like a little over a million dollars. But I don’t know that we have received it 100 percent, but yes, it’s possible that we could even get more but we’re working on that,” Pimentel added.
Pimentel admitted that her organization has even bought plane rides for illegal aliens to help them spread across the country, further contributing to the demographic demise of America.’

Lord, we take authority over this use of  a church to do the dirty work planned by the Biden administration and command it to fall to ground. We pray that the right people will see what is occurring and stop it immediately.

- “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” (Gal. 6:7-8)  

9. WATCH: Dutch Reporter Dragged Away By Chinese Agents During Live Olympics Broadcast | The Daily Wire

On Friday, a Dutch reporter was pulled away from the camera as he reported on live TV from the Beijing Olympics while the shocked Dutch anchorwoman looked on. According to one translator, the anchorwoman said, “We are going to China, to our correspondent Sjoerd. Sjoerd, you are near the stadium, what is China gonna show in the next hours?”
The translator said Sjoerd den Daas, a correspondent for NOS Journaal, responded, “Yeah, well, we are getting pulled away, as you might notice, we have also been forced to leave another area, so I fear we’ll have to get —”
“The interruption came from a man wearing a black jacket and a red band around the sleeve which appears to distinguish him a ‘Public Security Volunteer,’ a citizen-led neighbourhood watch established to help police maintain order,” The Daily Mail noted.

- Lord, we pray that these actions will cease as the Chinese government cracks down on reporters for no good reason. We pray for liberty to come to China quickly!

- “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” (Isaiah 61:1)

10. Pelosi spent over $500K on private jets despite claiming ‘we have a moral obligation’ to reduce emissions | Fox News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent over $500,000 on private jets since 2020 despite repeatedly describing climate change as an "existential" threat the U.S. has a "moral" obligation to address.
According to campaign filings with the Federal Election Commission, Pelosi’s campaign paid a Virginia-based private aviation provider, Advanced Aviation Team, over $437,000 between October 2020 and December 2021 and over $65,000 to Clay Lacy Aviation, a California-based private jet provider.
Private jets are notoriously bad for the environment, producing significantly more emissions per passenger than commercial flights. Pelosi’s campaign spent $67,605 on private air travel just months before she said she viewed tackling the climate crisis as a "religious thing."

"For me, it's a religious thing," she said in November after leading a 21-member congressional delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. "I believe this is God's creation, and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards."

- Woe to those who use the Name of God to advance an evil agenda.

- “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.” (Matthew 23:23)

The Daily Jot

The Prophetic Case For Freedom Of Religion And Speech

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, February 7, 2022

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1). And God said let there be light (Genesis 1:3) The word spoken. A gift given freely that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). The Word. Spoken. Free gift of life abundantly. The Liberty by which the Word of God has set us free. The truth that sets us free. It translates. Freedom is in the Word. Liberty as it is spoken. The Spoken Word is intertwined in freedom from the bondage of sin. And sin is bondage, oppression, The tyranny of evil. You see, freedom of speech is God given. The oppressor, in whatever form he takes, hates the spoken word of truth and spares no effort to quench this freedom.

The Bible is full of examples of those standing for religious freedom and freedom of speech as well as examples of “church” leaders suppressing such freedoms. Ezekiel was told by the Lord to “hear the word at my mouth, and give them [Israel] warning from me.” The Lord told Ezekiel that he needed to tell the people of Israel what the Lord said otherwise the consequences would be on Ezekiel’s hand. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship a false god, and were cast into a furnace for it, but God delivered them. Against an order of the King, Daniel prayed to God and was thrown in the lion’s den. Forbidden to speak of Christ by the Sadducees, Peter and the Apostles were thrown in prison. When they were released, they began preaching Christ again, saying, “We ought to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).” Read More

The Genocide Games
Gary Bauer, End-of-Day; Friday, February 4, 2022 

The 2022 Winter Olympic Games began today in Beijing, China.  The Games kicked off with a summit of our enemies between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping conspiring against America. 

The Olympic Games should never have been held in communist China.  The games are a huge propaganda coup for the Chinese Communist Party, which will not hesitate to exploit the Games by highlighting communist China's power for all the world to see. For example, one of the Chinese Olympic torch bearers is a commander in the People Liberation Army who participated in the border war against India

But since the Olympics are being held in Beijing, let's call them the "Genocide Games."  Communist China is engaged in a brutal genocide against ethnic Muslims known as Uighurs.  Millions of Uighurs are imprisoned in concentration camps.  Hundreds of thousands have been forced into slave labor

 Our Olympic athletes have been told not to take their phones with them because the Chinese communists will compromise them.  Nancy Pelosi, who was all for American athletes kneeling in protest during our national anthem, has told our Olympians not to protest communist China because that government is ruthless. Well, she's right about that.  But it begs the question: Why are the Olympics there at all?

The talking heads on NBC are eager to be the propaganda voice of the Chinese Communist Party for the next few weeks.  NBC is owned by media giant Comcast, which does big business in communist China. Speaking of big business, major American corporations like Airbnb, Coca-Cola, Intel, Procter & Gamble and Visa are sponsors of the "Genocide Games."  They should all be ashamed of themselves. These woke corporations are quick to demonize Americans who insist on free and fair elections or who defend traditional values.  But they won't say a word against communist China's genocide and oppression of free speech and religious liberty. 

So, join me in sending a message to communist China and their American corporate apologists – TURN THE "GENOCIDE GAMES" OFF!    

VA Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit over governor's school mask order on procedural grounds
The Virginia State Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit Monday that a group of parents from Chesapeake City had filed against Gov. Glenn Youngkin's mask order. 

Thirteen parents filed a lawsuit back in January asking the Supreme Court to suspend Youngkin's executive order that rescinded the mask mandate in schools and allowed parents to opt into whether their child wears a mask. 

Court documents indicate this is a procedural decision and note the dismissal "offers no opinion on the legality" of the governor's executive order for optional mask-wearing in schools. 

Attorney General Jason Miyares tweeted, "This is a win for Virginia families."

"Today, the Supreme Court of Virginia rejected a challenge out of the City of Chesapeake to Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order Number 2. The Governor and I are pleased with today’s ruling. At the beginning of this pandemic, Governor Northam used his broad emergency powers to close places of worship, private businesses, and schools and impose a statewide mask mandate," Miyares stated. 

"Nearly two years later, we have better risk mitigation strategies and vaccines, and we know much more about the efficacy of requiring children to wear masks all day. We agree with the Court's decision and will continue to defend the Executive Order. This is a victory for Virginia families," he continued. 
(WJLA News) Read more here. 
Trump on Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘China Is Going to Have Bagram’

Former President Donald Trump says the United States should have never abandoned Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan last year, given its strategic location in relation to China.

“I would have kept Bagram; it has always been my plan to keep Bagram,” Trump told former top White House aide Kash Patel on his EpochTV’s “Kash’s Corner” program. The interview will premiere at 8 p.m. Eastern on Feb. 7.

“It’s right next to China. It is one hour away from where they build their nuclear weapons.”

“How can you lose Bagram?” Trump asked during the interview, before adding “China is going to have Bagram.”

Bagram Air Base, the largest airfield in Afghanistan, was the heart of American military power in Afghanistan for nearly two decades before it was taken over by the Taliban last year. One of the construction projects completed by the United States at the airfield is a 12,000 foot (3,660 meters) runway, which opened in 2016 at the cost of $68 million. The airbase is about an hours’ drive from the Afghan capital Kabul.

A recent report by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) revealed that China has been secretly building three missile silo fields near Yumen, Hami, and Orodos in western China, the region that neighbors Afghanistan. The report concluded that China is engaging in an “unprecedented nuclear buildup” and China’s total Intercontinental ballistic missile force “could potentially exceed that of either Russia and the United States in the foreseeable future.”

“The way they withdrew from Afghanistan was like we were the gang that couldn’t shoot straight,” Trump said. “I think it’s the most embarrassing day or week in the history of our country.”

In the aftermath of the Taliban’s swift takeover of Kabul, the Chinese regime seized on the event to embark on an aggressive propaganda campaign to label the United States as an unreliable ally and delegitimize American democracy.

Trump also claimed that Beijing has now acquired U.S. military weapons that were left behind from the withdrawal, and the communist regime is now “studying” and “re-engineering” them.

“You have to get strong with China. You have to do tariffs. You have to do a lot of different things,” Trump said. (Epoch Times) Read more here. 
- Father God, it is so good to hear the voice of President Trump once again . . . a voice of reason and of sanity in a world that has grown increasingly chaotic since he left office. We ask You to keep him safe now and in the days ahead; and that we will continue to hear his voice in these latter days. Amen.

- "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)  
The Good News Corner
Whole Communities Touched by Fire of the Holy Spirit: Native American Tribes Experience Christian Revival

In some respects, the plight of Native Americans hasn't changed. They face troubling circumstances with issues ranging from substance abuse to a massive COVID-19 impact, to an alarming number of missing and murdered women. 

"There's a lot of broken areas, broken communities, and our communities are rampant with drugs," Crow Tribe member Donna Stands-Over-Bull told CBN News.

Yet, in the midst of the suffering, Stands-Over-Bull and her husband Russell say God is on the move. "We can feel and sense the rumblings of revival, and when I say revival I mean people's hearts turning back to God," she shared.

"We've been having healing revivals over the online church. God's been healing people through social media. People are giving their hearts to the Lord," explained Russell Stands-Over-Bull.  (Read more)

Source: CBN News  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

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Classic Hymns

Softly and Tenderly 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Will Thompson

Scripture: He’s calling you! Mark 10:49

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching,
Watching for you and for me.

Come home, come home,
You who are weary, come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
Calling, O sinner, come home!

Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading,
Pleading for you and for me?
Why should we linger and heed not His mercies,
Mercies for you and for me?


Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,
Passing from you and from me;
Shadows are gathering, deathbeds are coming,
Coming for you and for me.


O for the wonderful love He has promised,
Promised for you and for me!
Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon,
Pardon for you and for me.

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