The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, Feb 7, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Monday, Feb. 7, 2022
Make plans now to join our special, two-hour national conference call tonight
from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST.

Our special guest will be Gordon Grieve, from Ottawa, Canada . . . bringing us
breaking news about the truckers who are supporting the FREEDOM CONVOY.
Welcome, Gordon!

For the second hour, we also welcome Lori Daub, from our CHPP staff, with news
and points of prayer for the January 6th freedom fighters, still being held as prisoners in the jail in Washington, D.C. Welcome, team!

Call 717-908-1834
Access Code: 616137#
Dial *6 
Time: 8:00 p.m. EST

> > > Special note: we ask that each caller refrain from using headsets during this call, in order to mute background noise. THANK YOU. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Great Are You Lord" by Casting Crowns . Go here!  

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Thousands Converge in Ottawa as Trucker Convoy Protest Enters Week Two

OTTAWA—Thousands of protesters once again gathered in Canada’s capital to protest COVID-19 mandates and restrictions on Feb. 5. The trucker convoy protest was joined by farmers who took their own farm vehicle convoy to Ottawa to take part in the protest.

Several other large protests were held on Feb. 5 in provincial capitals around the country against COVID-19 mandates.

The convoy, which first began as a demonstration against the federal government’s vaccine mandate for cross-border truck drivers, has since evolved into a large movement against all COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.

Ahead of the Feb. 5 protest, Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly said police are implementing a “surge and contain strategy” to deal with the protesters. This includes sending 150 more police officers to the protest area in Ottawa’s downtown core, barricading the area with concrete and heavy-equipment barriers, as well as “increased efforts” by national, provincial, and local intelligence agencies to target those “who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity” by protesters. Keith Wilson, a lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms who is representing the organizers of the protest, said the new measures by Ottawa police are similar to those used by oppressive regimes around the world.

“Chief Sloly effectively announced that he is going to be taking away Canadians’ charter right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression,” Wilson said in a video on Feb. 4.
(Epoch Times) Read more here.

- Holy God, the truckers, farmers and citizens of Canada are speaking out for freedom, expecting and waiting for the government to respond to their requests.  At a time like this, the pressure is very great and we look to You to breathe out the victory over this matter.  Holy Spirit, we ask that this be a watershed moment for the Kingdom of God to rise up in Your strength and power against the plans of darkness and release the Light and angelic warriors in Canada, in Jesus name.  

- "Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago.  Was it not you who cut Rahab in pieces, who pierced the dragon?"  (Isaiah 51:9 ESV)   


1. Ukrainian FM: We’re interested in more help from Israel, including with air defenses - Times of Israel

Ukraine is seeking greater cooperation with Israel on air defense technology amid fears of a Russian invasion, the Eastern European country’s foreign minister said Wednesday. An Israel TV report specified that Ukraine has been in contact with Israel regarding the Iron Dome missile defense system, other missile warning technologies, and cyber defense technology.

During a press conference, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said there was “very deep cooperation… under the current circumstances” between Kyiv and Jerusalem, without elaborating.

“We are also interested in deepened defense cooperation on defense technology, in particular related to air defense,” he told a reporter from the Kan public broadcaster. (Read more)  

2. Islamic Movement official: 'All of the Jews will be evicted from Palestine' - Israel National News

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) on Friday published a comprehensive study on the Islamic Movement, the United Arab List (Ra'am), and UAL leader MK Mansour Abbas.

The study brought quotes from articles written by Sheikh Ra'ad Badir, director of the Islamic Movement's Institute for Rulings on Sharia Law and Islamic Studies, to which the UAL is subject.

In one article, Badir wrote, "[The events] which we experienced during the month of Ramadan [May] in the year 2021 were a religious war, 100% (11 days), and it is just one percent of what is hidden in the larger religious war."

"If the larger religious war will be caused by Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it will be worse than anyone can imagine and it will end with the eviction of all Jews from Palestine, from all of Palestine, from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, and the number of Muslim sacrifices will be greater than the number of Muslims who were killed in the past 1,500 years, since we are talking about Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Muslims will protect the holy Quran and their faith with their lives." (Read more) 

3. Hamas is busy in Istanbul, and Jerusalem is worried - Israel Hayom

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is fickle and unpredictable, a high-ranking security official recently warned Israel's political leadership. The official recommended that Israel be cautious in the face of Turkey's gestures, which he said are designed to use Israel to put Erdogan back in a position to influence the Biden administration. Israel should respect him, but be wary, the official concluded.

The warning didn't come out of the clear blue sky. The Israeli security establishment is warning the political echelon not to get overexcited and rush into normalization with Turkey.

While the possibility of a meeting in Istanbul between Erdogan and President Isaac Herzog – which Erdogan mentioned only a few days ago – is sparking hope in the Foreign Ministry, security experts are trying to calm everyone down. The defense and security apparatus is keeping tabs on the latest romance with Turkey – which used to be Israel's strategic, military, and intelligence partner but which in the past decade has opened its arms to Hamas and other branches of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. Officials are also worried that a number of understandings and agreements between Israel and allies such as Egypt, Greece, and Cyprus could be affected if Jerusalem moves toward Ankara. (Read more)

4. Israel will ‘maintain freedom of action,’ regardless of Biden softening on Iran - World Israel News

Apparently responding to the Biden administration’s softening position on Iran, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett affirmed that Israel is building up its military strength.

“The greatest threat against the State of Israel is Iran. As the government, we are responsible for dealing with the Iranian nuclear program and, of course, we are monitoring the Vienna talks,” Bennett said at his Sunday morning cabinet meeting.

On Friday, the Biden administration, which has been working to revive nuclear talks with the Islamic regime, restored some sanctions relief to Iran.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir said that the move was welcome but insufficient. (Read more)  

5. Israeli Security Minister Calls for Military Intervention in Settler Attacks - Algemeiner

i24 News – Israel’s Public Security Minister Omer Barlev wrote a letter to Defense Minister Benny Gantz, calling for greater army involvement in combating violence by Jewish settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank, according to a report published Thursday.

Barlev’s letter came after Israel’s military chief Aviv Kochavi said soldiers in the West Bank were not required to intervene in attacks by Jewish settlement residents against Palestinians, according to the Walla news site.

Barlev, who oversees the police, asked Gantz to make it clear to Kochavi and other military officials that the attorney-general ruled that soldiers can and should arrest Israelis suspected of attacks in the West Bank. (Read more) 

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace  

Go here

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel 

Go here 
The Daily Brief
1. Biden administration waives sanctions on Iranian civilian nuclear activities as deal talks hang in balance - Fox News

The Biden administration has waived sanctions related to Iran’s civilian nuclear activities as part of its efforts to bring the regime back into compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal – while stressing that the waivers did not equal sanctions relief for Tehran. Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a waiver that restored the ability of foreign companies and other countries to participate in civilian nuclear and safety projects in Iran without facing U.S. sanction.

The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the development on Friday, reported that the waivers are aimed at turning Iran’s heavy-water Arak reactor into a less-dangerous light-water reactor, and also applies to the export of enriched uranium and heavy water outside of Iran. The waivers would also allow fuel to be sent to two reactors used for civilian purposes.

A senior State Department official told Fox News Digital that the waivers were due to growing non-proliferation concerns with respect to increasing stockpiles of enriched uranium by Tehran, and that without the waiver, "detailed technical discussions with third parties regarding disposition of stockpiles and other activities of nonproliferation value cannot take place." (Read more)  

- Father, open the eyes of our government officials involved in this decision to see the gross error in this policy. Give us strong men and women leaders who will bring back the respect, honor and strength of the United States. Help us learn from our mistakes in our past dealings with Iran. We stand in the gap for our nation, because in befriending Iran, we are essentially now aiding and abetting Israel's enemy.

- (For Biden and his administration) "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."  (Luke 23:34)

2. China and Russia call on US to abandon Asia-Pacific, Europe missile plans - South China Morning Post

China and Russia called on the United States to stop missile deployment plans in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, after a highly anticipated summit cemented a Chinese-Russian stand against Western pressure.

In a joint statement after the summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Friday, the two countries said their friendship and cooperation had “no limits” and their relations were “superior to the political and military alliances of the Cold War era”.

The two countries said the US’ accelerated development of intermediate- and shorter-range ground-based missiles and desire to deploy them in the Asia-Pacific and Europe would increase “tension and distrust [and] increase risks to international and regional security. “The two sides will continue to maintain contacts and strengthen coordination on this issue,” the statement said, adding they were concerned about US plans to deploy an anti-ballistic missile defence system around the world. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray the U.S. stays strong on their plans in the Asia Pacific. China and Russia are not to be trusted, and we know this alliance is strong according to end time prophecies. 

- "Behold, these shall come from afar, and behold, these from the north and from the west, and these from the land of Syene." (Isaiah 49:12)  

3. China and Russia unveil plan for new world order - Washington Examiner

China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States and its allies while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts.

Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement that forecast the “transformation of the global governance architecture and world order.” And that transformation would be marked by the progress of concepts and initiatives that Moscow and Beijing conceived separately, often in opposition to the U.S. and its Western allies, and now could develop into an integrated challenge to American power.

“What they propose or rather suggest is a new world order, isn’t it? They have not left out a single policy issue,” Stefanie Babst, former NATO chief strategic policy analyst, explained to the Washington Examiner. "The prime addressee sits in the White House, with the main message being, '*** you. We are the future, and you are the past.'" (Read more)

- Lord God, surely this headline is another "trumpet" that the time of the end is at hand. We ask for protection for Your saints worldwide, as these Communist devils begin to grow in power; and we thank You that Scripture states that their reign will be short-lived. Lord God, let the people awaken to their need for You as their Savior and their Lord, even as time is short. In Your Name we offer this prayer, amen and amen.

 "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.  For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:9-10)  

4. GoFundMe backtracks on redistributing money for Canadian truckers, under threat of fraud investigation - Fox Business 

Facing a potential fraud investigation by the state of Florida, GoFundMe reversed a decision to redistribute money given by thousands of donors to the Canadian "Freedom Convoy" protesting COVID-19 regulations. On Friday, the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe froze the convoy's official campaign, claiming law enforcement convinced the company that the convoy had become violent and unlawful.

GoFundMe encouraged donors to submit a refund form, and said that any funds not properly returned to donors would be donated to a charity chosen by the Freedom Convoy. Within hours, however, GoFundMe walked back the refund applications, instead announcing it would be refunding donors automatically.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that he would "investigate" the company, accusing them of fraud.

"GoFundMe supports peaceful protests and we believe that was the intention of the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser when it was first created. We now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity," GoFundMe announced. There has been little to no reports of documented violence at the protest. (Read more) 

- Father in heaven, you see the issues that these truckers are currently facing, and we pray every dollar that was earnestly donated to help these truckers in their precarious position will be honestly given to them.  We pray You send angels to overshadow the honest distribution of these funds and break every power of evil from interfering.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."                      (James 5:16)

5. Former VP Mike Pence rejects Trump claim he could have intervened in 2020 election, calls it 'un-American' - Fox News

Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech in Florida Friday and pushed back against claims from former President Trump and his supporters that he had the ability to use his power to contest the 2020 presidential election. "There are those in our party who believe that as the presiding officer over the joint session of Congress, I possessed unilateral authority to reject electoral college votes," Pence said in the speech to the Federalist Society. "And this week, our former president said I had the right to overturn the election. President Trump is wrong…I had no right to overturn the election."

Pence continued, "Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president." Pence explained that "under Article II Section One, elections are conducted at the state level, not by Congress" and that "the only role of Congress with respect to the electoral college is to open and count votes submitted and certified by the states." "No more, no less," Pence said. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray truth be revealed about the 2020 election, and that all those found in corruption will be found out and held accountable, so that confidence can be restored in our elections. 

- " . . .  you gave through your servants the prophets when you said: ‘The land you are entering to possess is a land polluted by the corruption of its peoples. By their detestable practices they have filled it with their impurity from one end to the other.'" (Ezra 9:11)   

6. Trump responds to Pence rejecting idea he could overturn election - Fox News  

Former President Trump responded Friday night, hours after former Vice President Mike Pence said in a speech that he rejected the idea that he could have used his power on Jan. 6, 2021, to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. "Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible," Trump wrote in an official statement. 

Trump argued that if "obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist" Pence could have done something about it. 

In a speech in Florida earlier in the day, Pence said Trump was "wrong" when the former president claimed recently that Pence could have "unilaterally" changed the results. Pence’s comments came days after Trump voiced his belief that, via the Electoral Count Act, Pence had the ability to send the electoral votes back to the states. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray healing for our nation over the corruption and discord regarding the 2020 election. We pray for Your healing touch to also rest
upon the relationship between President Trump and his former Vice-President, Mike Pence. May peace reign in our land and may corruption be brought to an end. 

- "But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always." (Hosea 12:6)

7. RNC Censures Cheney, Kinzinger for Their Role on Jan. 6 Committee - The Epoch Times 

The resolution would officially strip Cheney and Kinzinger of the support of the GOP and would take away their recognition as members of the Republican Party by the RNC.

“The primary mission of the Republican Party is to elect Republicans who support the United States Constitution and share our values,” the RNC resolution said. “The Conference must not be sabotaged by Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who have demonstrated, with actions and words, that they support Democrat efforts to destroy President [Donald] Trump more than they support winning back a Republican majority in 2022,” it said further down. (Read more)

- Father God, we ask that You step ahead of Representatives Kinzinger and Cheney and excommunicate them from the Republican Party and any other political affiliation, canceling the need for their services any longer.  We pray for loyalty to be exhibited from all Repubican National Committee members.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "My son, if sinners entice you, consent them not, if they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privately for the innocent without cause."  (Proverbs 1:10-11)  

 8. FBI Catches 'Top 10 Most Wanted' Double-Murder Suspect After 16 Years On The Run - The Western Journal 

A fugitive who was put on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted List” in September in connection with a 2006 incident in Milwaukee has been arrested in Mexico. Octaviano Juarez-Corro was arrested in Zapopan, Guadalajara, Mexico, on Thursday, according to a release posted by the FBI.

“Octaviano Juarez-Corro spent the last 16 years running from law enforcement, hiding in another country, and believing time and distance was on his side,” said Special Agent in Charge Michael Hensle of the FBI’s Milwaukee Field Office. “The FBI has a long reach and extraordinary law enforcement partnerships across the globe. I commend the tireless efforts of all our partners from Milwaukee to Mexico in closely coordinating with the FBI in capturing this wanted fugitive and helping to bring this violent offender to justice, as well as closure to the victims and their families,” he said.

“As far as what made this so special? It’s the egregious acts that he committed,” FBI Special Agent Robert Hughes said, according to WISN-TV. “Basically he tried to execute five people or more and the place where it took place was a public park, on Memorial Day, with hundreds of people around.  . . The Milwaukee Police Department appreciates all of the efforts by the FBI and assisting law enforcement agencies involved in the apprehension of Octaviano Juarez-Corro,” Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman added. (For more details about this case, go here.)  

- Father, thank You for the capture of this violent offender. May justice be served, and comfort come to all those families who have suffered from his violent acts. 

- I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”(Eccl. 3:17)  

9. Tennessee Down syndrome abortion ban reinstated by federal appeals court - Christian Post   

A federal appeals court has allowed a Tennessee law that bans abortions performed based on an unborn baby being diagnosed with Down syndrome to take effect, reversing an earlier court order blocking the law. 

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit issued an order Wednesday allowing the law passed in 2020 that bans abortions based on Down syndrome, race or gender to be reinstated. The ruling reversed a temporary injunction.

“Abortions based on sex, race or disability diagnosis are a form of modern-day eugenics, permitted at any point in pregnancy – even right up to birth – in America thanks to the Supreme Court’s extreme precedents,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the national pro-life lobbying organization Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement

“The devastating toll of abortion on minority communities, people with Down syndrome, and thousands of missing baby girls is well documented. Tennessee’s landmark pro-life laws reflect the overwhelming consensus of Americans who oppose lethal discrimination against unborn children and want far greater limits on abortion than our national status quo allows.” (Read more)  

Almighty God, we thank You for this ruling in the State of Tennessee.  We pray that You fill the heart of each mother, who knows that her newborn baby will have Downs' Syndrome, with a special joy in anticipation of its birth. In Your name, amen.

- "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, and to them who are the called according to His purpose."  (Romans 8:28)  

10. Biden's ​‘Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force’ criticized by pro-life groups - Christian Post

Pro-life advocates are criticizing the Biden administration’s move to establish a “reproductive healthcare access task force" after 2021 was record year for pro-life legislation at the state level. 

On Jan. 21, the day before the 49th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched the “HHS Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force.”

As noted in a fact sheet announcing the task force’s creation, the body “is composed of senior-level HHS officials who have been designated by their respective agencies to identify and coordinate activities across the Department to protect and bolster access to essential sexual and reproductive health care.”

“The working group activities are focused on advancing quantity, access, and equity for reproductive health, rights, and justice,” the fact sheet reads. “[They] include coordinating federal interagency policymaking, program development, and outreach efforts to address barriers impacting individuals and communities seeking reproductive health care.” (Read more)

- Father God, we ask that You close the door on this idea.  In the Name of Jesus we commit this to You, Holy One, amen and amen.

- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."  (Proverbs 1:7) 
Johns Hopkins study reignites COVID lockdown debate

'They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence and undermining liberal democracy,' the report noted. 

A recent controversial Johns Hopkins meta-analysis reignites a discussion about the adverse consequences of lockdowns after finding they had no significant mortality benefit during the first wave of the 2020 pandemic in the United States and Europe, according to a recent report

"We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality," said the authors of the study, which is not peer-reviewed and reflects the authors' views, not necessarily those of the university.  

The study authors, however, did find closing nonessential businesses reduced COVID-19 mortality by 10.6%, which is likely most related to the closure of bars.    

"Our study shows the benefits [of lockdowns] — in terms of fewer deaths — are questionable and small," Jonas Herby, special advisor at the Center for Political Studies in Copenhagen, Denmark, told Fox News. Herby's research focuses on law and economics, and he is a co-author of the study. (Read more)  

> > > See also: 

White House: Russia Could Attack Ukraine at ‘Any Time’
Biden aide: Russia invasion of Ukraine could come ‘any day’

Wilmington, Del. — White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday that Russia could invade Ukraine “any day,” launching a conflict that would come at an “enormous human cost.”

The senior adviser to President Joe Biden offered another stark warning the day after U.S. officials confirmed that Russia has assembled at least 70% of the military firepower it likely intends to have in place by mid-month to give President Vladimir Putin the option of launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“If war breaks out, it will come at an enormous human cost to Ukraine, but we believe that based on our preparations and our response, it will come at a strategic cost to Russia as well,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan did not directly address reports that the White House has briefed lawmakers that a full Russian invasion could lead to the quick capture of Kyiv and potentially result in as many as 50,000 casualties as he made appearances on a trio of Sunday talk shows.

U.S. officials, who discussed internal assessments of the Russian buildup on the condition that they not be identified, sketched out a series of indicators suggesting that Putin intends to start an invasion in the coming weeks, although the size and scale are unclear. They stressed that a diplomatic solution appears to remain possible.

Among those military indicators: An exercise of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces that usually is held each fall was rescheduled for mid-February to March. That coincides with what U.S. officials see as the most likely window for invasion. ( Read more.

- Lord God, we continue to repent that the Biden administration seems to be fanning the flames of imminent war in Ukraine, when the facts are the opposite. We ask that You would calm the waters of hysteria around this issue, and help all of our people to live in peace. We pray, too, that the parties involved would find a "way of escape" to resolve legitimate issues of conflict between them, leaving Your peace. Amen.

- "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19)  
A Letter from One of the January 6th Prisoners
Letter to America From a January 6, 2021 Prisoner in DC Prison
Jonathan Mellis is one of dozens of people who have been in painful custody at the Washington DC prison–the “American Gulag” or “DC Gitmo” –due to being at the Capitol protest of January 6, 2021. Last year, Mellis was denied release to attend his father’s funeral. His father was a Vietnam and Korean war veteran with two Purple Hearts, a Silver and Bronze star. 

Below please find the ending of his letter, along with a LINK to be able to read ALL of
Mellis' letter, in its entirety.

This brings me to my last point. We are diverse. We are white, black, brown, Arab, Christian, Jewish, straight, and even transgender. This Patriot Pod in the DC jail looks like America. Even though we are enduring serious violations of our Constitutional rights and violations of our dignity, we still sing the Star Spangled Banner every night at 9pm. We love this country. There was no insurrection on January 6. We are good men I promise.

I hope everyone out there are living your lives happily and lovingly. I pray that all of you are doing your part to make the world a better place. Love your neighbors and protect your family. Focus on being the best version of yourself. Don’t let the truth of the torturous conditions that I am enduring get you down. I am strong and will never give up on loving this country. Please pray for us, pray for our country, and never give up.

Please help my legal fund. They have locked me in a tiny cage. I cannot work or make money being locked up behind bars or else I would do anything I could. They have tied my hands. I need a trial lawyer and they are so expensive.

Fellow Americans- I have no where else to turn.

Strength and Honor, 

Jonathan Gennaro Mellis , Prisoner #376907   

> > > To read all of his letter, please go here.

And join us TONIGHT on our national call, when we pray for the release of ALL those
still being held captive since January 6th, last year!

Call 717-908-1834
Access Code: 596968#
Time: 9:00 p.m. EST 

International Intercession for Ukraine and Russia

Thursday, February 10th, 2022

Live ZOOM Starting at 12:00 noon EST
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

You and I, the little people, are loved by the Risen Christ, because He can move through us with His Gift of Repentance. Repentance is central to coming into His Kingdom in the first place (Matthew 4:17). It's also vital as His Way to cleanse as His Bride. He's the soon-coming Bridegroom. And repentance by "My people called by My name" is His Way of healing a nation. (2 Chronicles 7: 13-14).

This coming Thursday February 10, God willing, we will hold another two hour zoom call, another Global Day of Repentance, focusing on being peacemakers in the Ukraine/Russia situation. There will be times in private to repent personally from any old sin patterns, thereby making the intercession that much more powerful. It's the effective, fervent prayers of a righteous person that avails much. (James 5:16). Removing in private our own sin patterns grows us in His Righteousness.

At that point we can move, as His vessels, towards being those the Lord Jesus Christ spoke about in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:8-9: " Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

 Please join us!  

Pastor Jeff Daly
Global Day of Repentance
> > > For details to join this call, please go here.

Sponsored by the Global Day of Repentance:
Signs & Wonders
Snow flurries & aurora flurries battle it out for night sky supremacy during the early morning hours of February 4th, 2022 near Trapper Creek, Alaska. I was driving through snowy weather, homeward bound for Anchorage after a successful week-long aurora hunt, when I stopped for a bite to eat around 4 am. After chowing down to my heart’s content in my truck camper I stepped out, looked up, and thought my eyes were playing tricks on me… there was a bright ribbon of light streaming almost straight above! You gotta be kidding me?! Auroras in the snow! Just when I thought I’d seen a lot, Mother Nature taught me again; Expect the Unexpected! These are some fun photographic experiments I did with my little headlamp & a handheld flash.

> > > To view these special auroras, please go here.

The Good News Corner
Canadian pastor who defied COVID ban by holding services sings 'Amazing Grace' at US border
Canadian pastor who defied COVID ban by holding services sings 'Amazing Grace' at US border. A Canadian pastor who was imprisoned for holding church services in defiance of the government last year traveled with some of his friends to sing "Amazing Grace" at the Canadian-U.S. border as tens of thousands of Canadian truckers gathered in Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates. Pastor Tobias Tissen of Steinbach, Manitoba, went to the U.S. border in Emerson, Manitoba, on Sunday to sing the classic Christian hymn, according to footage posted on his Instagram.

"Like I said yesterday, all I would need before was just my Canadian passport," Tissen said regarding what he would need to cross the border in Emerson, which straddles Minnesota and North Dakota. "Now that's not good enough." As of Jan. 22, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security required that all foreign travelers, including Canadians, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter the country via land and ferry ports of entry. "Anyway, while we're here, we want to do something interesting. Want to try to do something that I don't know was ever done over here, right in front of the border. And that is, we want to sing ‘Amazing Grace.' I'm here with some friends," Tissen continued.

Church of God Restoration and its congregation of less than 200 people had repeatedly clashed with authorities over church gatherings, racking up tens of thousands of dollars in fines. In November 2020, federal law enforcement blocked the church's parking lot to prevent parishioners from attending a drive-in service.

"In Ephesians, it says that we're fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places and principalities and powers," Tissen told Fox News Digital at the time of his arrest. "That's it, right now, what we see. And they're after all of us who are giving to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. But now, Caesar wants that which belongs to God. And as Christians, we just cannot. We cannot comply with that," he added. (Fox News) Read More
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Praise Him, Praise Him

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Chester Allen

Scripture: I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2

Praise Him, praise Him—
Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer,
Sing, O earth, His wonderful love proclaim.
Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory;
Strength and honor give to His holy name!
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long:
O ye saints that dwell on the mountain of Zion,
Praise Him, praise Him ever in joyful song.

Praise Him, praise Him—
Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer,
For our sins He suffered, and bled, and died;
He our rock, our hope of eternal salvation,
Hail Him, hail Him, Jesus the Crucified.
Loving Savior, meekly enduring sorrow,
Crowned with thorns that cruelly pierced His brow;
Once for us rejected, despised and forsaken,
Prince of Glory, He is triumphant now.

Praise Him, praise Him—
Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer,
Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring,
Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever.
Crown Him! Crown Him—
Prophet, and Priest, and King!
Death is vanquished! Tell it with joy, ye faithful.
Where is now thy victory, boasting grave?
Jesus lives! No longer thy portals are cheerless;
Jesus lives, the mighty and strong to save.

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