Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - Feb 5, 2022
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                              February 5, 2022
Make plans now to join our special, two-hour national conference call next Monday, February 7th, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST. Our two topics will be: Praying for the Freedom Convoy (the truckers in Canada) and praying for the "January 6th Prisoners" in Washington, D.C. LET MY PEOPLE GO!
Call 717-908-1834
Access Code: 616137#
Dial *6 

> > > Special note: we ask that each caller refrain from using headsets during this call, in order to mute background noise. THANK YOU.
Also: The Voice of the Martyrs is providing a Guide To Prayer for the Olympics. You can find that prayer guide by going here. 
(Promoted by Intercessors for America)
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, February 5, 2022

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

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"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"

Today's Top Story: Reiner Fullmich & 50 Lawyers: International Court Update on Covid-19 Injections 


After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people. The mortality rate linked to the vaccines, according to Yeadon, is traceable in terms of lot numbers of the different batches, as some batches appear to be more lethal than others. When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved. Dr Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international law suit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

01:00 Different numbers on the barcodes on the bottom of the vaccine doses are placebo which has been given to politicians according to a Slovenian chief nurse. Is it the same in other countries?

1:54 Mike Yeadon and the LOT numbers of some shots of the brands Moderna, Johnson& Johnson and Pfizer/Biontech are related to much higher mortality than for the other manufacturers.

3:52 The producers of the so-called vaccines are experimenting with the correct dosages to kill people according to Dr Füllmich. This according to the Corona Investigative Committee, constitute compelling evidence for punitive damages and attempted mass murder. They are intentionally killing people.

08:30 Lawyers from India have filed complaints for premeditative murder.


Read Summary Notes of Video
Good News: 
12 Countries Rolling Back COVID Restrictions
12 Countries Roll Back COVID Restrictions, as Israel Scraps Their 'Green Pass'

Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.

Top Israeli officials also announced this week they are abolishing the country's "Green Pass" COVID vaccine passport for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters.

The policy update will take effect Feb. 6, Prime Minister Naftali Bennet's government said, pending approval by a parliamentary committee. Israel's proof-of-vaccination policy will remain in effect for events such as parties or weddings.

. . . 

Lockdowns had little-to-no benefit on public health, analysis shows

Few studies, if any, have been carried out to determine whether vaccine passports and COVID restrictions actually lowered COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

However, a recent analysis published by researchers at John Hopkins found COVID lockdown measures implemented in the U.S. and Europe had almost no effect on public health.

“We find little-to-no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates,” the researchers wrote. (LifeSiteNews) Read more here.

[Also reported by Breaking Christian News. Go here.]

- Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! AMEN!

- "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!"        (Psalm 150:6) 
A Special Report on Last Week's ZOOM Call:

"In Christ We Are Prisoners of Hope"
This article gives an update on the 3 hour Virginia colony zoom call, and is an invitation to the next such call, focusing on Massachusetts on March 1st. The audio of this call is shared via a Facebook link. Enjoy!  
In Context: Dual Tracks of Free Speech
One of the most fundamental God-given rights is the right to speak freely. Throughout history, if God tells us to speak, we have a right to speak, and any government should protect that broad right, even if that speech is about the government itself.

This week, Senate Majority Leader Schumer
said, “We don't need to look that far into history to see what happens when we go down the dangerous road of censorship and suppression. When free expression is weakened, the mob is empowered. The groundwork is laid for further discrimination, intimidation, and, God forbid, increased violence.”

If he had been talking about the practice of medicine, and how medical professionals should have the freedom to speak about early treatment of the coronavirus, his comments would have been timely and helpful. No, that speech is being suppressed as misinformation. Track #1.

Instead, he was talking about efforts to remove obscene and inappropriate content from public school libraries. One of the more prominent activists on this matter is
Asra Nomani in Fairfax County, Virginia. She has documented the objectionable nature of the material and the legal basis for its removal. After a 2-month review, the books were reinstated for student access “to provide diverse reading materials that reflect our student population, allowing every child an opportunity to see themselves reflected in literary characters.” Removing minors' access to obscene and inappropriate content is now considered social injustice. Track #2.

On the one hand, in the name of free speech, disgusting images of evil are celebrated and defended, and on the other, truthful speech that happens to threaten large financial gain for the powerful is attacked.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20)

The parent uprising happening across America must be surfacing in Democratic polling for Leader Schumer to address the matter
twice from the Senate floor this week. He may have called for a response to be “at the State level,” but he also ignored the obvious intimidation of parents by the Biden Justice Department and framed parent actions as “efforts to intimidate educators and students,” weakening parent free expression.

Father, we ask that You would address this matter at every level. Turn us away from images—which are not speech—and our young people away from seeing themselves reflected in corruption. Turn us away from evil words that turn us away from You.

“Those who make (idols) become like them, as do all who trust in them.” (Psalm 115:8; 135:18)

Tim McGhee

Pray for Congress, CHPP Legislative Analyst
Daily DigestsHouseSenatePrayersCommittee Reports

SenateDaily Leader Remarks • Actions passed, declined, summarized

HouseWeekly Leader ColloquyBills • Actions passed, summarized

Related Headline:

House passes sweeping China competition billH.R. 4521 (Record PDF)
National Security

'Ghost Army' members to be awarded Congressional Gold Medal

Senate GOP report knocks Biden administration over Afghanistan evacuation planning

Foreign Policy

Russian crisis reverberates through Washington, exacerbates US political divisionsCongress looks to assert role in Ukraine crisisSenators close in on Russia sanctions deal, on precipice of dealLawmakers emerge from Russia-Ukraine briefings bracing for invasionPelosi calls for Moscow, Putin to 'feel the pain' if Russia strikes UkraineCompanies Push Biden, Congress for Caution on Russia Sanctions

McConnell on Iran: “We don't often agree, but I was grateful to hear (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Chairman Menendez concur this week that the ‘best guarantee of a sustainable, diplomatic agreement with Iran and the international community is to build one that garners bipartisan political support.’”

Menendez: Reported deportations of Venezuelans through third countries 'extremely disturbing'

Congress aims to complete U-turn on economic relations with ChinaMcCarthy digs at Swalwell over Democrat's China competitiveness billConservative Republican says bill would 'help China'Biden calls out Republicans for not supporting billProgressive poll finds broad support

‘Malicious’: GOP Lawmaker Slams Chinese Surveillance Giant for Attempting to Interfere With Congress

Pelosi warns US athletes against angering 'ruthless' Chinese government during Olympics

Lawmakers introduce bill to rename Taiwan office in Washington


House Dems seek to advance Equal Rights Amendment after new DOJ opinion

First Amendment

Lankford, Colleagues Want Answers on Biden’s Plan for a Database of Federal Employees’ Religious BeliefsLetter

Second Amendment

Schumer Announces $1.5 Billion Push for Interstate Gun Task Force

Fourth Amendment

House Conservative Leader Slams Biden for Plan to Track Medical Exemptions From Vaccine Mandate

Homeland Security

Top lawmakers call for information on bomb threats at HBCUs


Homeland Security panel advances ICE nominee

Tax Policy

Congress Asks IRS to Stop Fines for Taxpayers Caught in Backlog

Daines, Senate Colleagues Fight for Pregnant Moms to Receive Tax ReliefS. 3537

Federal Spending

Congress in jeopardy of missing shutdown deadline49 GOP Congress Members Pledge to Oppose Vaccine Mandate FundingSpending negotiations appear headed for another stopgap billDems expecting short-term spending patch amid tough omnibus talks

Democrats mull how much to build back, and when, in budget billBreyer retirement latest complicationSome Democrats hope climate can save budget billProgressive groups push Senate for action on spending, climate packageBuild Back Burner: Revival of Biden spending bill isn't happeningPelosi: ‘I’m never giving up on BBB’


FDA nominee meets hurdlesWyden undecided, presses for plans on accelerated drug approvals

Paul promises investigation of Fauci if Republicans take Senate

Supreme Court

Schumer on judicial philosophy: “When Americans come before the courts and look up at those who preside in the courtroom, they should trust that those who render judgment on them will be able to understand each litigant's lived experience and bring a modicum of human understanding required to apply the law equitably. The best way—the best way—we can do that is to elevate judges from a broad range of backgrounds. Diversity, in all its forms, matters.”

White House Confirms Judge Michelle Childs Is Under Consideration For Supreme CourtGraham lobbies White House on Childs, says wouldn't be affirmative actionJudiciary chair says 'several' Republicans could be open to Biden Supreme Court pickManchin 'anxious' to confirm Breyer's Supreme Court successorSchumer promises speedy vote on first black female Supreme Court nomineeSenators give glimpse into upcoming Supreme Court nomination battleCotton says he will keep an 'open mind'Collins: pledge to nominate Black woman politicized processCruz offendedPence criticizesKennedy: Supreme Court nominee should not push 'woke agenda'


GOP politicians say University of Pittsburgh fetal tissue probe a 'whitewash' and not nearly sufficient

Commerce Policy

Bipartisan bills look to boost nation’s lagging recycling rates

House panel debates bill to create federal price-gouging policy

Democrats unveil bill to ban legacy admissions at universities

Gloria Estefan presses House Judiciary on radio royalties bill

Technology Policy

Graham, Blumenthal reintroduce Section 230 billS. 3538


Biden urges unity in remarks at prayer breakfast

Senators try to speed up lengthy votes as frustration builds

Manchin hired security detail amid threats and protests

Sasse reintroduces bill to bar lawmakers from trading stocks

Sen. Luján suffers stroke, expected to make a full recoveryJust another healthy 49-year-old having a strokeLuján stroke jolts 50-50 SenateCongress ShakenLujàn out for next 4-6 weeks

Testing positive: Hoyer, Hoeven, Democratic rep after Ukraine trip

Pelosi giving 'full support', Congressional staffers launch efforts to unionize

Retiring Tennessee Democrat pens 'obituary' for 'political life of Nashville'
Pending Activity
Committee Activity

NTSB chair: Pittsburgh bridge collapse 'should serve as a call to action'

Biden FCC pick Gigi Sohn's scheduled committee vote gets pulled

OMB nominee says new Biden budget coming in March

Manchin facing pushback over Interior nominee second hearing

Biden nominee faces scrutiny over fintech work, compensation, company got prized Fed accountToomey presses Fed bank on whether Raskin lobbied for special accessRaskin defends climate views at Senate hearing, rejects Fed climate regulation — Leader McConnell raised concerns about this nomination during his Thursday remarks

Senate panel advances bill targeting Apple, Google app store power

House panel says company probed for COVID-19 misinformation is withholding info

Congressional Committee Presented With Incomplete Terrorism Data

Former Washington football team staffers detail sexual harassment, humiliation, racism to House panel‘Women were objects’: employees allege repeat harassmentLawmakers battle

Pence chief of staff testifies before Jan. 6 committeeNational Archives Plans to Turn Over Pence RecordsPelosi says she has not provided any informationpanel subpoenas people allegedly involved in false elector scamNew revelations raise pressure on Barr to testify

Floor Outlook


Democrats hit limits with Luján's absence

House of Representatives

House to Vote on Postal Reform Next WeekH.R. 3076
3 p.m., Monday, February 7, 2022

Program for Monday: After the transaction of any morning business (not to extend beyond 5:30 p.m.), Senate will vote on confirmation of the nominations of Ebony M. Scott, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and Donald Walker Tunnage, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Wednesday, 2/2, Senate closed debate on 9 nominations:

58-37, on the nomination of Ebony M. Scott to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

57-38, on the nomination of Donald Walker Tunnage to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

62-34, on the nomination of John P. Howard III to be an Associate Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

55-40, on the nomination of Loren L. AliKhan to be an Associate Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

54-37, on the nomination of Amy Gutmann to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Federal Republic of Germany.

66-28, the nomination of Lisa A. Carty to be Representative of the United States of America on the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

68-26, on the nomination of Scott A. Nathan to be Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.

64-30, on the nomination of Chantale Yokmin Wong to be U.S. Director of the Asian Development Bank, with the Rank of Ambassador.

76-18, on the nomination of John Patrick Coffey to be General Counsel of the Department of the Navy.

Thursday, 2/3, Senate closed debate on 3 nominations:

70-24, on the nomination of Alexandra Baker to be a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.

54-39, on the nomination of Reta Jo Lewis to be President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

54-33, on the nomination of Leonard Philip Stark to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Armed Services
Hearings to examine the nomination of Lieutenant
General Michael E. Kurilla, USA, to be general and Commander, United States Central Command, Department of Defense.

Energy and Natural Resources
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Maria Duaime Robinson, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Secretary (Office of Electricity), and
Joseph F. DeCarolis, of North Carolina, to be Administrator of the Energy Information Administration, both of the Department of Energy, and Laura Daniel-Davis, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior.

Hearings to examine protecting youth mental health, focusing on an advisory and call to action.

Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Randi Charno Levine, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic,
N. Nickolas Perry, of New York, to be Ambassador to Jamaica,
Laura Farnsworth Dogu, of Texas, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Honduras, and
Deborah E. Lipstadt, of Georgia, to be Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, with the rank of Ambassador, all of the Department of State, and other pending nominations.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine responding to and learning from the Log4Shell vulnerability.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine lessons learned from COVID-19, focusing on highlighting innovations, maximizing inclusive practices, and overcoming barriers to employment for people with disabilities.

Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights
Hearings to examine abusing Chapter 11, focusing on corporate efforts to side-step accountability through bankruptcy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Business meeting to consider the nominations of Glenna Laureen Wright-Gallo, of Nevada, to be Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education,
Christopher John Williamson, of West Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health,
Mary Lucille Jordan, of Maryland, and
Timothy Baker, of Virginia, both to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, and other pending calendar business.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Hearings to examine digital assets, focusing on risks, regulation, and innovation.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine the nomination of Gigi B. Sohn, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission.

Energy and Natural Resources
Subcommittee on National Parks
Hearings to examine the implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act.

Environment and Public Works
Hearings to examine
S. 2373, to reestablish United States global leadership in nuclear energy, revitalize domestic nuclear energy supply chain infrastructure, support the licensing of advanced nuclear technologies, and improve the regulation of nuclear energy, and
S. 1290, to assist communities affected by stranded nuclear waste.

Hearings to examine the nominations of
Robert Michael Gordon, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary,
January Contreras, of Arizona, to be Assistant Secretary for Family Support, and
Rebecca E. Jones Gaston, of Oregon, to be Commissioner on Children, Youth, and Families, all of the Department of Health and Human Services, and other pending nominations.

Foreign Relations
To receive a closed briefing onIran, focusing on an update on Vienna discussions.

Hearings to examine "targeted killing" and the rule of law, focusing on the legal and human costs of 20 years of U.S. drone strikes.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
Hearings to examine the role that community development financial institutions and minority depository institutions serve in supporting communities.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Subcommittee on Space and Science
Hearings to examine NASA public private partnerships, focusing on models for collaboration and lessons learned.

Foreign Relations
Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy
Hearings to examine Afghanistan, focusing on the humanitarian crisis and U.S. response.

Joint Economic Committee
Hearings to examine building a better labor market, focusing on empowering older workers for a stronger economy.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Business meeting to consider the nominations of
Shalanda D. Young, of Louisiana, to be Director, and
Nani A. Coloretti, of California, to be Deputy Director, both of the Office of Management and Budget, and
Dimitri Kusnezov, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary for Science and Technology, Department of Homeland Security.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Business meeting to consider
S. 3538, to establish a National Commission on Online Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention,
S. 3103, to amend title 18, United States Code, to eliminate the statute of limitations for the filing of a civil claim for any person who, while a minor, was a victim of a violation of section 1589, 1590, 1591, 2241(c), 2242, 2243, 2251, 2251A, 2252, 2252A, 2260, 2421, 2422, or 2423 of such title,
and the nominations of
Andre B. Mathis, of Tennessee, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit,
Jessica G. L. Clarke, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York,
Hector Gonzalez, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York,
Fred W. Slaughter, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California,
Andrew Fois, of the District of Columbia, to be Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, and
Marisa T. Darden, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio,
Delia L. Smith, to be United States Attorney for the District of the Virgin Islands,
Eddie M. Frizell, to be United States Marshal for the District of Minnesota, and La
Don A. Reynolds, to be United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois, all of the Department of Justice.

Hearings to examine improving care experiences for people with both Medicare and Medicaid.

Energy and Natural Resources
Hearings to examine the opportunities and challenges in using clean hydrogen in the transportation, utility, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety
Hearings to examine the health care workforce shortage, focusing onrecruiting, revitalizing and diversifying.
From the floor colloquy:
The House will consider H.R. 4445, the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act, introduced by Representative Cheri Bustos, which would end forced arbitration in cases relating to sexual assault and harassment, providing survivors with legal recourse to seek justice in court against their assailants.

The House will also consider H.R. 3485, the Global Respect Act, introduced by Representative David Cicilline, which furthers our Nation's commitment to LGBTQ rights around the world by sanctioning foreign individuals found to be complicit in violating the human rights of LGBTQ people.

Additionally, the House will consider Representative Carolyn Maloney's bill, H.R. 3076, the Postal Service Reform Act. This bipartisan bill would strengthen the financial position of the United States Postal Service and ensure it continues to successfully carry out its mandate to the deliver mail to every household and business in the country.

Lastly, the House stands ready to act on the Build Back Better Act, as well as the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, should the Senate amend them. Of course, we will act on appropriations, hopefully on an omnibus bill, but we will not allow the government to shut down.

Additional items may be possible in our view.


On Monday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.

H.R. 4445Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021 (Structured Rule, One Hour of Debate) (Sponsored by Rep. Cheri Bustos / Judiciary Committee)


On Tuesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business.

On Wednesday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business.

On Thursday and Friday, no votes are expected in the House.

H.R. 3076Postal Service Reform Act of 2021 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney / Oversight and Reform Committee)

H.R. 3485Global Respect Act (Structured Rule, One Hour of Debate) (Sponsored by Rep. David Cicilline / Foreign Affairs Committee)

Additional Legislative Items Are Possible

Possible Postponed Suspension Votes:

1) S. 583 – PRICE Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Gary Peters / Oversight and Reform Committee)

2) S. 566 – A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 42 Main Street in Slatersville, Rhode Island, as the “Specialist Matthew R. Turcotte Post Office” (Sponsored by Sen. Jack Reed / Oversight and Reform Committee)

3) H.R. 2324 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2800 South Adams Street in Tallahassee, Florida, as the “D. Edwina Stephens Post Office” (Sponsored by Rep. Al Lawson / Oversight and Reform Committee)

4) H.R. 735 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 502 East Cotati Avenue in Cotati, California, as the “Arthur Luis Ibleto Post Office Building” (Sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson / Oversight and Reform Committee)

5) H.R. 3539 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 223 West Chalan Santo Papa in Hagatna, Guam, as the “Atanasio Taitano Perez Post Office” (Sponsored by Rep. Michael San Nicolas / Oversight and Reform Committee)

6) H.R. 2842 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 120 4th Street in Petaluma, California, as the “Lynn C. Woolsey Post Office Building” (Sponsored by Rep. Jared Huffman / Oversight and Reform Committee)

Text of Bills for the Week of February 7, 2022
MondayFebruary 7, 2022

• H.R. 3076 — Postal Service Reform Act of 2021
Committee on Rules

Source: House.gov

TuesdayFebruary 8, 2022

Data Challenges Impacting Human Trafficking Research and Development of Anti-Trafficking Technological Tools
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Digital Assets and the Future of Finance: The Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets Report on Stablecoins
Committee on Financial Services

Intelligence Support to the DoD's August 29, 2021 — Strike in Kabul (Closed)
Subcommittee on Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support (Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence)

Improving Access to Quality Public Education in Africa
Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights (Committee on Foreign Affairs)

Fueling the Climate Crisis: Examining Big Oil's Climate Pledges
Committee on Oversight and Reform

"The Nonprofit Security Grant Program and Protecting Houses of Worship: A View from the American Jewish Community."
Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery (Committee on Homeland Security)

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Environmental Policymaking: The Role of Environmental Organizations and Grantmaking Foundations
Committee on Natural Resources

A Hearing to Review Farm Policy with Undersecretary Robert Bonnie
Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management (Committee on Agriculture)

ARPA-H: The Next Frontier of Biomedical Research
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Proposals for a Water Resources Development Act of 2022: Stakeholder Priorities
Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)

Markup of Various Measures
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Military Personnel Talent Management Modernization and the Effects of Legacy Policies
Subcommittee on Military Personnel (Committee on Armed Services)

Honoring our Promise: Reviewing the Effectiveness of Services for Survivors and Dependents
Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)

Source: House.gov

WednesdayFebruary 9, 2022

Revitalizing WMATA: Getting to a Culture of Excellence
Subcommittee on Government Operations (Committee on Oversight and Reform)

IT Infrastructure Modernization: Addressing Ongoing Challenges and the Path Forward
Subcommittee on Technology Modernization (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)

Connecting Americans to Prosperity: How Infrastructure can Bolster Inclusive Economic Growth
Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth

Source: House.gov
Our Weekly Call to Repentance

CHPP Welcomes You to Join Us Every Week in One Hour of Repentance

Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. EDT
Dial 712-770-5350
Access Code: 150411#

Dear Saints,

A lifestyle of REPENTANCE is so close to the heart of God.

Indeed, He commands us to  "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Matthew 3:2

How, then, can we approach His Throne of GRACE, in repentance?

We invite you to join us every week on Sunday evening, as we explore this vital topic together. We present a different prayer focus each week, leading us into repentance, so that we might approach His Throne of Grace in repentance, presenting ourselves to Him as a pure and a spotless Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

Praying together, we desire to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 139:

" Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:24

You can join us, any Sunday evening, at 10:00 p.m. EST by calling:

Access Code: 150411#



". . . and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
(2 Chronicles 7:14,15)

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