The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Feb. 4, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand        Friday, Feb. 4, 2022
Highly recommended! Today's article by FRC (Family Research Council):
"The Lockdown Takedown: New Study Finally Isolates Facts"

> > > To read this article, please go here. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! (Isaiah 55:11)

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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Open the Eyes of My Heart" by Michael W. Smith. Go here! 

"O let all the nations be glad and sing for joy: for God shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth."  (Psalm 66:14)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Latest News From Truckers Freedom Convoy in Ottawa -
War Room Report
(War Room Report, Feb 4, 2022) Here is the story of the century that the mainstream media will NOT cover: what is REALLY happening, boots on the ground, in Ottawa, Canada with the convergence of tens of thousands of truckers in Ottawa, Canada. Watch these short video clips to see and hear the true story come out!

Truckers Arrive in Ottawa: Freedom Fest Begins!
Let's begin with last weekend when all the truckers arrived in Ottawa. It was joyous! The people welcomed them, and came out into the streets to celebrate!
Truckers Have Full Control of Downtown Ottawa
This video clip was taken just a few days ago. Highway is blocked. Truckers have full control of downtown Ottawa and they are not going anywhere. They have enough resources to stay for a long time and they are getting organized with taking shifts, so as one leaves another can take his place.
Truckers Praying
Contrary to the false reports from the mainstream media, these truckers simply want their freedom to travel on the road unimpeded without masks and VAXX mandates. They have good hearts and they are here for the good of the people. Watch this clip to see how they came together to pray. 
Trucker Shares a Message
A woman came to speak to this trucker and shared some very good news with him: all the tow truck drivers who would tow away the trucks have all mysteriously and suddenly come down with COVID!
Police Tyranny in Ottawa
And now the latest! Listen in and watch the conversation between police and truckers. Police officer says that if truckers do not comply by leaving, "the Crown" will confiscate their trucks by force! Just say NO to tyranny!
See FULL news story on War Room Report
- Father God, we thank You for the courage still being shown by these truckers in Canada. We REPENT that, in our own nation, we have not yet "taken the bull by the horn" to make our own voices known in protest against the imposition of mandates nationwide. We recall Your words to Queen Esther, as she weighed whether to take action to save her own people. We thank You for bringing a people "from another place" to launch the Freedom Canopy for all of us. In Your Name, amen.

- "if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”           (Esther 4:14) 

1. PM Bennett Congratulates US on Death of ISIS Leader - Jewish Press

Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett has congratulated the US after ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed Wednesday in a US counterterrorism raid in northwest Syria.

The Biden Administration revealed that al-Qurayshi blew himself up as US forces approached his compound. While killing himself to avoid capture the terrorist reportedly also killed at least another 13 people, including six children and four women.

Speaking about the raid from the White House President Biden said, “Thanks to the bravery of our troops, this horrible terrorist leader is no more. (Read more)  

2.  Public Security Minister admits: Police used Pegasus without permission - Israel National News

Public Security Minister Omer Barlev (Labor) spoke for the first time about the new reports that Israel Police used spyware without warrant to bring down former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In an interview with Musaf Leshabbat, which will be published in full on Friday, Barlev said, "What has become clear is that there were applications which have not been approved for use - and they were open. Meaning, one investigator, two, ten, could go into these applications which were open, and which were not allowed to be used, and see what material there was."

Barlev explained that some of the abilities of Pegasus' systems were supposed to be deactivated, so that police investigators could not use them. Specifically, these included the ability to search messaging, view photos, and read all other material accumulated on a phone, before a court order was issued. (Read more) 

3. Ukraine asks Israel for assistance with air, cyber defenses - Israel Hayom

Ukraine asked Israel for assistance with air and cyber defenses, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told Israeli media on Wednesday.

Kuleba said there was "very deep cooperation" between the two countries during a press conference. "We are also interested in deepened defense cooperation … in particular related to air defense," he told reporters.

"We would welcome the effort of Israel to play a diplomatic role between Ukraine and Russia," he added. (Read more)  

4.  Israeli special forces encounter violent resistance during arrest in Samaria - World Israel News

Undercover Border Police troops operating early Thursday morning to arrest a terror suspect in the city of Tubas in Samaria encountered violent resistance from other terrorists who tried to thwart the counterterrorism operation.

The IDF stated that during the operation a number of terrorists threw explosive devices and fired live ammunition at the Israeli forces.

The Israeli forces fired and injured at least one terrorist who was evacuated by local medical forces.

There were no Israeli casualties. (

5. Liberman to ‘Post’: World on verge of anarchy, superpowers must act now - Jerusalem Post

The G7, Russia and China need to immediately work together to stop a sharp global slide toward chaos and anarchy due to the rise of dangerous technology, increased use of the Darknet and the proliferation of cryptocurrencies, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman told The Jerusalem Post.

In an interview that will be published in Friday’s Magazine, Liberman detailed a dire picture of the world as well as four catalysts behind the slip toward global chaos.

First, he said, is the emergence of technology-driven by artificial intelligence and young hackers who are capable of doing things with their computers and cell phones that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

“These are technological developments that have no oversight or coordination,” he said. “There is no form of global regulation, and it takes us to places that are potentially frightening.” (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Rand Paul: COVID edicts that make no scientific sense deserve a 'massive boycott' -

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., joined "America Reports" Wednesday to react to a new study from Johns Hopkins University that concluded COVID lockdowns did more harm than good because they failed to reduce mortality and were "devastating" to the economy.

RAND PAUL: Let’s hope we learn from our mistakes. ... Now we have lockdowns which are not based in science, and really we know that by and large masks did not work, Plexiglas did not work, and six feet of distance did not work.

The one thing we do know that did work is vaccines and natural immunity. Those worked to protect people from hospitalization and death and also slow some of the spread. So, we should emphasize what works. It was a real disservice for Dr. Fauci to say cloth masks do work because then you have an 80-year-old taking care of their spouse with COVID and wearing a cloth mask that has no value whatsoever, and that’s a mistake. He caused people to engage in activities they wouldn’t have normally by telling them it was safe when it wasn’t. I hope we learn from this. The study is an extensive analysis looking at dozens and dozens of studies, bringing them together, and said lockdowns did not reduce mortality but were devastating to the economy. (See video by going here.)

- Father God, we thank You for Senator Rand Paul, who has been a voice of reason and of sanity sinces this pandemic began. As a practicing physician, we have come to trust his word and his conclusions about all matters related to the outbreak of the COVID virus. We ask that You keep him and his family safe from all harm, and that America would wake up and take heed to all of his words. Amen.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.  Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:23,24)  

2. Attorneys Report Spike in Calls for Help From Families of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 – The Epoch Times

Attorneys around the country report an alarming uptick in calls for help from families of patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
Some say they’ve talked to family members who were arrested after trying to visit a loved one or to speak with a doctor after communications with the hospital were cut off.
Attorneys told The Epoch Times about a wide variety of instances of what they call abuse, including hospitals preventing visits from family, failing to provide nutrition and fluids, and coercing patients to agree to treatments they’d already refused multiple times—such as being placed on a ventilator.
Gainesville, Florida, attorney Jeff Childers has been so alarmed by the cases he’s seen, he posted a tutorial online with tips on how to navigate the legalities surrounding hospitalization with COVID-19. (Read more)  

- Almighty God, we pray that the genocide that has been allowed to exist worldwide will be ended by the release of all COVID-19 patients immediately.   God, we ask that all law enforcement will cease that have been guilty of arrests they  made of people trying to visit their loved ones.  We pray for the gates of hell to be opened that have kept COVID patients and families under the power of this genocide.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "O Lord, to us belonged confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against God."  (Daniel 9:8)  

3. Five States Have Declared State of Emergencies as Storm Rages Through U.S. - Newsweek

A severe winter storm is making its way across the central and northeast U.S., prompting emergency declarations in five states. Officials in Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri and Oklahoma have all declared statewide emergencies to boost resources and activate first responders as what has been dubbed "Winter Storm Landon" continues to rage through the nation. "This is going to be an epic event," Kentucky Emergency Management Director Michael Dossett said in a news conference on Wednesday, warning residents the storm will be "life-threatening."

The National Weather Service (NWS) on Thursday reported that widespread heavy snow, sleet and freezing rain is forecast from Texas to New England. A damaging ice storm is already forming from eastern Arkansas to western Kentucky. The NWS warned that more than a half-inch of ice could accumulate by Friday morning. The ice storm is likely to cause power outages, tree damage and "dangerous" travel conditions.

Andrew Orrison, an NWS meteorologist, told Newsweek that ". . . upwards of 50 million people that are under a winter storm warning right now," Orrison said. As of Thursday afternoon, major power outages had been reported in Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas. More than 84,000 customers in Tennessee, 74,000 in Texas, and 24,000 in Arkansas were without electricity, according to the tracker PowerOutage.Us. (Read more)  

- Father God, as we continue to "plow our way" through these very difficult winter months, we thank You, Holy One, that You are looking down upon us in love. Help us all to be wise in our doings these days; and thank You for keeping us safe in the storm -- meeting our needs every step of the way as we seek Your face day by day. Thank You, O Lord, we pray, amen and amen.

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) 

4. Canadian Truckers Vow To Continue "Until It's A Free Nation Again" – Zerohedge

Overnight, truckers with the Freedom Convoy who have gathered in Coutts, Alberta near the border with Montana managed to refuel and re-supply as supporters continued to contribute to keep the protests going even as the RCMP continue to surround them in a blockade that has disrupted commerce - something the government has tried to blame on the truckers.
But back in Ottawa, where hundreds of protesters remain camped out after this weekend's Freedom Rally at the seat of Canadian government, locals - and local officials (who have already tried to seize money raised for the truckers on GoFundMe) are growing increasingly anxious, since organizers expect the number of supporters in Ottawa to swell in the coming days as the weekend arrives and with it, another wave of protests.
The movement's organizers have pledged not to relent until the Canadian government drops some of its more draconian policies, including a quarantine requirement that essentially would make life impossible for unvaccinated truckers. (Read more)  

- Almighty God, we ask that You round up all the liberals and anti-Christ-spirit groups to be bound by the Blood of Jesus and disarm them from action from this day forward.  Lord, we ask that You bring peace over this situation and that the ungodly root of the vaccine issues be pulled up and cast away into non-existence.    In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "God suffered no man to do them wrong: yea He reproved kings for their sakes."    (I Chronicles 16:21)

5. Israelis to Join Canada, Other Countries in "Convoy of Freedom" - Israel365 News

He who sows injustice shall reap misfortune; His rod of wrath shall fail. Proverbs 22:8 (The Israel BibleTM)
The Freedom Convoy that began on Saturday in Ottawa Canada has caught on in other places around the world and now, a grassroots movement is planning on taking the protest to the holy city of Jerusalem. Though the initiative began on Friday with the posting of a 
Facebook page
 and no precise time or place, over 25,600 people have already signed on with the number quickly rising.

A massive convoy of trucks set out from British Columbia on Sunday, January 23, and arrived in Ottawa on Friday ahead of a two-day protest scheduled in the city for Saturday and Sunday against the pandemic measures taken by the government including vaccine mandates. About 2,700 trucks arrived, lining up in front of the Parliament buildings. (Read more)

- Holy God, we pronounce VICTORY over all warring evil spirits after acknowledging this giant step of the Israelis joining Canada in the Freedom Convoy. The devil is defeated in this fight and Canada and the other countries will win.  We declare this in the Name of Jesus.

"Turn thou us unto You, O Lord, and we shall be turned, renew our days as of old."    (Lamentations 5:21)
6. Ukrainian FM: We’re interested in more help from Israel, including with air defenses – Times of Israel 

Amid fears of Russian invasion, Dmytro Kuleba says Kyiv would welcome Jerusalem playing ‘a diplomatic role’; Lapid says Israel doesn’t believe there will soon be a violent conflict
Ukraine is seeking greater cooperation with Israel on air defense technology amid fears of a Russian invasion, the Eastern European country’s foreign minister said Wednesday. An Israel TV report specified that Ukraine has been in contact with Israel regarding the Iron Dome missile defense system, other missile warning technologies, and cyber defense technology.
During a press conference, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said there was “very deep cooperation… under the current circumstances” between Kyiv and Jerusalem, without elaborating. “We are also interested in deepened defense cooperation on defense technology, in particular related to air defense,” he told a reporter from the Kan public broadcaster. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we pray You will guide Israel and protect them in their preparation to join Ukraine in their battle against a possible Russian invasion.  Push back Russia as a precaution, that they not have an all-out war with Israel.  In the Name of Jesus we pray,

- "Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executes my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it."  (Isaiah 46:11)  

7. Putin And Biden Are Playing A Very Dangerous Game Of Chicken. So What Happens If Neither One Backs Down? – The Economic Collapse Blog

The United States and Russia are on a collision course.  Unfortunately, the guys running the show in both countries are not exactly sane, and they deeply, deeply distrust one another.  So what happens when a bunch of lunatics decide to play a game of chicken with the fate of the entire world at stake?  Unfortunately, it appears that we are about to find out.

When Donald Trump was still in the White House, both the United States and Russia pretty much respected the status quo.  But once Joe Biden took power, things changed dramatically.  Over the past year, the Biden administration has provoked the Russians over and over again, and it became clear that there would be a major effort to add Ukraine to NATO.

The Biden administration assumed that they could push the Russians around without any consequences. But instead, the Russians sent more than 100,000 troops to the border with Ukraine.  It is the largest Russian military mobilization since World War II, and it is clearly meant as a threat.

The Russians are most definitely threatening to invade Ukraine, and they are assuming that this will motivate the Biden administration and other western leaders to negotiate. But Biden and other western leaders are not blinking.  They are absolutely determined not to give the Russians anything that they want, even if the requests are reasonable. What this means is that Biden and other western leaders have decided to call Vladimir Putin’s bluff.

Okay, so what happens if Putin is not bluffing? (Read more)

- Almighty God, we pray for Your power to rise above all this ludicrous jargon between Biden and Putin.  There are millions of people who will be affected by this game they are playing.  We thank You, O Lord , for being in the middle of their talks and decisions and  we pray that Your will be done.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Drop down, you heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let there bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it."    (Isaiah 45:8) 

8. Israel Holds Secret "Massive Attack" Drill Against Iran with U.S. Participation - Israel365News

A US official participated in a classified Israel Air Force exercise simulating a “massive attack” on the Iranian nuclear facility reports Times of Israel. The drill took place two weeks ago, according to the report. 
A United States Air Force officer took part in the exercise in the role of an an observer, Israel’s Kann public broadcaster reported. The drill involved dozens of Air Force jets and included several scenarios. Among them – long-range strikes, mid-air refueling, and responses against anti-aircraft weaponry.
The unconventional participation of an American official was portrayed by the report as proof of a shift in Washington’s view of Iran’s nuclear program as negotiations for a new deal have seem to be failing.
A US State Department official told reporters on Monday that the window of opportunity for obtaining a possible nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic was closing. “Iran’s nuclear program is advancing. A deal will become irrelevant in a few weeks,” he said, adding that it was made clear to both Iran and other participants in the negotiations in Vienna.
Israel, which is most opposed to the talks, expressed that it reserves the right to launch military action to defend its citizens regardless of the outcome in Vienna. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we lift up the State of Israel before You as You fight this looming battle for them. God, You reserve the fulness of Your love for Israel.  You are showing them that Iran, in all its pride and self-assurance, will not stand to survive in a fight against Your beloved Israel.  Let the Most High be lifted up and honored through this encounter.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

"When you take the field against your enemies, and see horses and chariots—forces larger than yours—have no fear of them, for Hashem your God, who brought you from the land of Egypt, is with you." (Deuteronomy 20:1) 

9. Trump on Durham Probe: ‘I Hear There’s a Lot Coming’ – The Epoch Times
Former President Donald Trump has heard that “there’s a lot coming” from the wide-ranging investigation led by Special Counsel John Durham, who is probing the origins of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
“I hear there’s a lot coming,” Trump told former top aide Kash Patel on The Epoch Times’ “Kash’s Corner.” The interview will premiere at 8 p.m. Eastern on Feb. 7 on
“We’re gonna see what happens. But what he’s doing is one of the most important jobs being done right now in America.”
Attorney General William Barr assigned Durham on May 13, 2019, to investigate the origins of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign, codenamed Crossfire Hurricane. In October 2020, with the presidential election approaching, Barr designated Durham as a special counsel to protect the criminal investigation in case of a change of guard at the White House in 2021. (Read more) 

- Righteous Father, we pray that You will anoint John Durham as he investigates the origins of the FBI's investigation into Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.  Lead him to unearth all the lies and corruption that caused the 700 plus million votes to not be counted and honored.  Touch John Durham to have the guidance of the Lord to the very end of this investigation.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Thus says the Lord, I will go before you, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron."          (Isaiah 45e:2 )

10. Facebook Loses Nearly 200 Billion, First Drop in Users in Company History – The Epoch Times

Meta shares lost more than a fifth of its value as the company struggles to retain users, indicating the beginning of the end of an era where a handful of Silicon Valley CEOs controlled the flow of information across online platforms.

Registering the first sequential loss of customers in the company’s 18-year history, Meta Platforms, earlier known as Facebook, dropped to 1.929 billion daily users from 1.93 billion in the previous quarter.

User growth across Whatsapp and Instagram was also lackluster, resulting in the share price dropping 20 percent, nearly $200 billion, which is more than the combined market value of other big tech platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat. (Read more

- Father God,  we pray that this crash will bring down Facebook, and any of the Meta Platforms that promote pornography and other wickedness.  In the mighty Name of Jesus.

- "Remember His marvelous works that He has done, His wonders. and the judgments of His mouth." (16:12) 
U.S. Special Forces Staged a Raid Early on
Thursday Morning that Took the Life of the Leader of ISIS!

The U.S. Special Operations counterterrorism mission in northwest Syria Thursday that killed ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was "long planned," and on the level and scale of the U.S. operation to take out Usama bin Laden in 2011, senior administration officials told Fox News.

U.S. military forces on Thursday "successfully" moved in on the global leader of ISIS, also known as Haji Abdullah, President Biden said Thursday. Al-Qurayshi took over as the leader of the Islamic State in 2019 after the U.S. counterterrorism operation that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Senior administration officials said al-Qurayshi detonated explosives, which killed himself, his wife, and the children in their residence. Officials added that they believe he chose to live in a building with many residential families, not linked to ISIS, on purpose.

Officials suggested he could have been wearing a suicide vest, which they said, for a mission of this level, are a commonly used tactic, adding that the U.S. assault force team was well outside the range of what they assessed to be the likely explosive impact. Officials later added that it is not clear he was wearing a suicide vest, but he did set off explosives.

Senior administration officials told Fox News that intelligence for this operation came in early December.

But officials told Fox News that the planning for Thursday’s operation "was on the level and scale of the bin Laden raid," noting that the target never left his home and only occasionally went to his rooftop to bathe. He lived on the third floor of the compound, and relied on couriers and a lieutenant who lived on the second floor to operate his global terror network. (Fox News) Read more here.  

- Father God, we rejoice at the news of this victory on behalf of our Special Forces. We now ask the You bind all spirits of retaliation and backlash that would be unleashed against our own people, if and as the ISIS sleeper cells, now embedded in our nation take their own action against us. Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer, amen and amen!

- "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6) 

Live from the DC Gulags! Political Prisoners Go on Hunger Strike, Demand Action! 
(Stew Peters, Feb 2, 2022) Watch this riveting video interview with political prisoner Jake Lang, a patriot who was arrested for his participation in the Jan 6 protest in Washington DC.

I’ts been more than a year since January 6th, 2021, and for hundreds of President Trump's most loyal supporters, their home right now is a dark jail cell in DC.
One of those political prisoners is Jake Lang, who has been on the Stew Peters Show before to tell of the torture, the abuse, the denial of basic rights, that he and other protestors have experienced at the hands of woke DC guards. Jake Lang was able to sneak out another phone call today to announce that the political prisoners are all going on a hunger strike and demanding justice for this political persecution. You can support Jake Lang and the other political prisoners here:  
The Daily Jot

When information is the misinformation

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022

Democrats in Congress are pushing a bill called the “Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).” The legislation would enable big media companies to strike deals with Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other tech giants that would prioritize their content to the detriment of podcasters, YouTubers, Substack authors, and other forms of independent media. The bill, S. 673, is being proffered in the Senate and its purpose is: “To provide a temporary safe harbor for publishers of online content to collectively negotiate with dominant online platforms regarding the terms on which content may be distributed.” It is allowing the marriage of big media and big tech to control information to the public.

The bill excludes journalists and news organizations that do not have “a dedicated professional editorial staff that creates and distributes original news and related content concerning local, national, or international matters of public interest on at least a weekly basis.” This means that small independent journalists that do not have dedicated staff would be shut out of the information flow. In short, this is an attack on First Amendment rights to a free press. The bill would create a national news cartel that, in collaboration with big tech like Facebook, Google and Twitter, can control the vast majority of information flow to society. In short, it would attempt to codify into law what has played out in real-time with the current censorship of dissenting opinion on corporate media news coverage. 

A good example is just one part of the COVID-19 campaign. The COVID “vaccine” was pushed through for Emergency Use Authorization. Immediately, the government and corporate media sold the serum to the public as “safe and effective.” The government line was that the vaccine would prevent people from getting or transmitting COVID 19. Within weeks, the “vaccine” was found to neither prevent infection or transmission of COVID 19. Within months, the side effects of the “vaccine” are revealing that it is not safe for many people, especially pregnant women and children. Yet, the government and the media vilify and denounce those with dissenting credible studies, many using the government’s own statistics. Big tech works in conjunction with government and big media to censor this honest and accurate dissent as “misinformation.”

Other examples revealing the same pattern are the Russian Hoax and Ukrainian reporting that resulted in President Trump’s impeachments; the Chinese enrichment connection with the Bidens; the investigation and reporting of the January 6 Capitol Hill protests; and the list goes on an on. The Democrats want to legalize these big corporate conglomerates to control information, and ultimately control what you think and believe. Anything else, especially dissent against their leftist ideals, is misinformation. In reality, their information is the real misinformation. Their bill undermines freedom. Christ said in John 8:31-32 to continue in his word, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Freedom is found in and maintained by truth. These politicians want to suppress truth, so they can oppress you. 

Signs & Wonders
Winter Storm Landon Spreading a 2,000 Mile-Long Mess of Snow, Ice From Texas to the Midwest and Northeast

Winter Storm Landon is underway with a widespread mess of snow, sleet and freezing rain spreading from the Rockies to the Plains, Midwest and parts of the Northeast through Friday. The storm will create major travel headaches and could have ice accumulations heavy enough to knock out power and cause tree damage.

Illustrating the widespread nature of this storm is the fact that winter storm warnings, ice storm warnings, winter storm watches and winter weather advisories have been issued by the National Weather Service for an area that stretches from Colorado and New Mexico to Maine. That's a distance of over 2,000 miles as the crow flies. (The Weather Channel)
Read more here.  

The Good News Corner
An Illinois attorney general says he supports parents who want to protest an after-school Satan Club at a local elementary school. A flyer circulating on social media invited first through fifth-grade students to the "After-School Satan Club" hosted at Donovan Elementary School. The group held its first meeting on Jan. 27 and plans to meet once a month through the spring semester. 

Earlier in January, parents expressed concern to the school about the club but were discouraged from protesting. "The district does not and is not legally allowed to discriminate against any groups who wish to rent our facilities, including religiously-affiliated groups," Lebanon School District's Superintendent, Isaac Seevers, wrote in a statement. "The District has approved these types of groups in the past, one example being the Good News Club, which is an after-school child evangelism program. The Good News Club has met after school at Donovan Elementary School for years." 

Despite the warning, several parents gathered outside the school for the first meeting. We're here to stand for Jesus," Michelle Berry told Dayton Daily News. "I was expecting to be the only one here." "We need to protect children from evil and make Christians in school know they can be bold for Jesus," she added. "We're shining a light in a dark world," Melissa McMillen told the outlet. "We have to be the voice of our children and we need Jesus in school."

According to the outlet, police enforced the district's request to keep parents off of the school's property. Attorney General Dave Yost wrote a letter to Seevers after the protest telling him to uphold the First Amendment rights of parents to gather. (CBN) Read more 
- Lord God, we thank You for these parents who literally stood on the school property to protect their children from being exposed to this evil indoctrination. And we thank You, too, for the Attorney General who backed them up.  We ask that You release a spirit of boldness across our nation, so that the righteous will ARISE to protect their youngsters. In Your Name we offer this prayer, amen.

- "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power . . ." (Psalm 110:3) 
Ohio AG Stands Behind Parents Who Protest After-School Satan Club
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Softly and Tenderly 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Will Thompson

Scripture: He’s calling you! Mark 10:49

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching,
Watching for you and for me.

Come home, come home,
You who are weary, come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
Calling, O sinner, come home!

Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading,
Pleading for you and for me?
Why should we linger and heed not His mercies,
Mercies for you and for me?


Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,
Passing from you and from me;
Shadows are gathering, deathbeds are coming,
Coming for you and for me.


O for the wonderful love He has promised,
Promised for you and for me!
Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon,
Pardon for you and for me.

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