The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Feb 10, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022
Pastor Jeff is hosting another call TODAY (previously scheduled last week), with a focus on the tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and praying for the church in both nations. The information for today's ZOOM link can be found by going here. Welcome!  
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, is seen during a group photo with freshmen members of the House Republican Conference on the House steps of the Capitol on Monday, Jan. 4, 2021.
Republicans urge Biden to take cognitive test, say his 'mental decline' has 'become more apparent'
Recent polls have shown that Biden, age 79, is facing questions about his mental fitness

Nearly 40 Republican lawmakers are calling on President Biden, 79, to take a cognitive test, following the example set by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. The Republican push for Biden to undergo cognitive testing comes as recent polls have shown Americans are unsure of the president's mental fitness for office. 

Former physician to the president Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, led a letter with 37 of his GOP colleagues to Biden on Tuesday expressing their "concern" with Biden’s "current cognitive state. . . . My colleagues and I are again asking President Biden to immediately undergo a formal cognitive screening exam, such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA)," Jackson told Fox News Digital in an email.

"As a former physician to three Presidents of the United States, I know what it takes mentally and physically to execute the duties of Commander-in-Chief and Head of State," Jackson continued. "Joe Biden has continually proven to me and to the world that something isn’t right. The American people deserve to have absolute confidence in their President’s cognitive ability."

Jackson said Biden’s taking "the cognitive test will be an important first step" in reassuring Americans that the president is fit for office or "in identifying and properly treating symptoms of impairment that are consistent with a variety of cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s, or multiple sclerosis."

"We can only assume the worst if he doesn’t submit to the same standard that his own party demanded of the last Administration," he added. "The precedent has been set."

In the letter, the lawmakers wrote that they "believe that, regardless of gender, age, or political party, all Presidents should follow the example set by former President Trump to document and demonstrate sound mental abilities."

"While you underwent your annual physical exam on November 19, 2021, you either did not face a cognitive test or those results were withheld from the public," they continued, adding that while the current physician to the president cleared Biden physically, the lawmakers "are worried about your mental abilities."

Thirty-seven lawmakers joined Jackson on the letter, including Republican leadership members House Republican Conference chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, GOP conference vice chairman Mike Johnson of Louisiana, Republican Study Committee chairman Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana, as well as several members of the GOP Doctors Caucus. (Fox News) Read more.

- Father, this is a tragic situation that the man sitting in the President's office clearly exhibits signs of mental decline, yet they stonewall every suggestion or inquiry.  May this letter be a compelling factor to cause this administration to do the right thing.  They demanded it of President Trump, so therefore, we must also demand it of Joe Biden.  Holy One, things are like shifting sand in this matter.  We ask You to bring stability and order into the governing of this nation, in Jesus name.

- "So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken?"  (1 Corinthians 14:9 NASB)


1. PM unveils new measures to help Israelis deal with cost of living - Israel Hayom

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Economy Minister Orna Barbivay unveiled on Wednesday a host of measures aimed at tackling the surging cost of living in Israel. 

The new plan includes provisions to boost compensation for businesses and independently employed who have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, as well as average Israeli households. 

"Our job as a government is to take fewer taxes and to create real competition," Bennett said, vowing to focus on "making sure bills go down" but also on increasing wages. Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the plan would also see increased subsidies to daycare centers and after-school programs. (Read more) 

2. Missile fired towards Israel from Syria, sirens sound in north - Jerusalem Post

Rocket sirens sounded in and near Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel, as Syrian state media reported an alleged Israeli airstrike near Damascus on Tuesday night. The IDF confirmed that an anti-aircraft missile fired from Syria set off the sirens and that the missile exploded mid-air.

Shrapnel from an air defense missile fell on a residential building in the city of Qudsaya near Damascus, according to Syrian reports. No injuries were reported in the incident.

The IDF confirmed early Wednesday morning that it hit Syrian air defense sites in response to the anti-aircraft missile which flew into Israeli airspace. The targets included a Syrian radar and air defense batteries. (Read more) 

3. IDF launches extensive strikes in Syria, sirens blare in Israel - World Israel News

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted extensive strikes in Syria and sirens went off in Israel on Tuesday night when an apparent routine IAF strike against terror targets in Syria escalated.

The IAF conducted strikes against terror targets in the Damascus area, as it has done several times in recent weeks. The Syrian Army’s air defenses responded to the attack and fired at the IAF fighters.

One of the anti-aircraft missiles entered Israeli air space, setting off Red Alert sirens in the city of Umm Al-Fahm and the area of Samaria. The missile exploded mid-air. The Israeli air defenses did not perform an interception, “as it was not needed,” the IDF stated. The SA-5 missile was flying at a high altitude and apparently did not constitute an immediate threat.

In response to the incident, the IAF struck surface-to-air missile targets in Syria, including radar and anti-aircraft batteries. (Read more) 

4. PM warns of growing threats at sea, hails efforts to combat them - Times of Israel

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Israel was working with the United States and other regional allies to combat growing threats at sea, during a visit to two Israeli Navy bases on Tuesday.

“Recently we have seen a rise in threats on the maritime front, in sailing and shipping lanes. I certainly see this as a threat, and we must know that the target is the State of Israel, but not only [the State of Israel]. Therefore, I am particularly pleased with the growing and solidifying strategic cooperation with the United States on joint naval exercises and with other allies in the region,” Bennett said.

The premier appeared to be referring to recent attacks against Israeli-owned ships in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere around the world that were allegedly conducted by Iran in retaliation for reported Israeli strikes on Iranian fuel tankers.

5. Israel withdraws opposition to US return to UNESCO - Israel National News

Israel has withdrawn its opposition to a US return to UNESCO, journalist Barak Ravid reported on Walla.

To return to UNESCO, the United States must approve in Congress an allocation of more than half a billion dollars to pay American debts to the organization and thus return to full membership.

The Biden administration has been pressuring Israel for a long time to renew its membership in the organization and not to oppose the American return to it.

The issue has been raised in many conversations held by senior US officials with their Israeli colleagues.

"It is very important to the Biden administration and it is not the same UNESCO. We received assurances that Israel will not be treated as it used to be treated," a senior Israeli official said, Ravid reported on Axios. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Three Canadian provinces plan rollback of COVID mandates as trucker protest continues - Just The News
The Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec announced plans Tuesday to end some COVID-19 restrictions as the Freedom Convoy trucker protest continues.
Saskatchewan plans to end vaccination requirements by Feb. 14 and stop mask mandates two weeks later, The Toronto Star reported. Hours later, the Alberta government announced the end of vaccine passport requirements Tuesday evening as part of a larger, multistep approach to eliminating most mandates, according to the Canadian outlet.
Notorious for having especially stringent COVID mandates, Quebec will no longer restrict private gatherings starting Saturday, and most restrictions are set to be lifted by March 14. Freedom Convoy members have protested in Ottawa for 12 days as law enforcement officials are increasingly writing tickets and making arrests, the BBC reported.
(Read more)
- Lord, help us to encourage our fellow believers and take every opportunity to continue to fight for our precious freedoms. Give us courage and wisdom to stand for truth and call our government to uphold the Constitution, keeping a gracious spirit as we trust in You.
- “ . . . shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life.” (Phil. 2:15b-16a) 

2. After Suing to Keep Masks Just 14 Days Ago, New York Gov. Hochul to Suddenly Lift Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate Tomorrow - The Gateway Pundit
New York Governor Kathy Hochul will lift her statewide indoor mask mandate on Wednesday, the New York Times reported. Hochul will make the announcement on Wednesday as other Democrat-run states make the same changes.
It is unclear if Hochul will lift the mandate for schools. Just two weeks ago Kathy Hochul waged war with an appellate judge who overturned her mask mandate.
A New York State Supreme Court judge two weeks ago ruled Governor Kathy Hochul’s mask mandate “unconstitutional” and declared it null and void. The judge, who is out of Nassau County, said Hochul had no authority to enact the mask mandate without the state legislature because she no longer has emergency powers. (Read more)
- Lord God, we pray for an increased discernment for all your saints all over the world as governments continue to lie and manipulate us for their evil agenda. In Jesus name amen.
- “Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.” (Psalm 119:66)

3. Texas and Missouri open investigations into GoFundMe for blocking Freedom Convoy donations - Fox Business
The attorneys general of Missouri and Texas have announced that they are investigating GoFundMe for shutting down a fundraiser for the "Freedom Convoy" of truckers in Canada. “GoFundMe’s response to an anti-mandate, pro-liberty movement should ring alarm bells to anyone using the donation platform and, more broadly, any American wanting to protect their constitutional rights," said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in a press release Wednesday.
Paxton also accused the fundraising platform of hypocrisy. "Many Texans showed their solidarity with Canadian truckers, who are proudly protesting vaccine mandates, by donating through GoFundMe," he said in a statement to Fox News Digital.
Missouri's Eric Schmitt similarly accused GoFundMe of trying to silence the Freedom Convoy, which has captured media attention for its resistance to coronavirus-related restrictions. (Read more)

- Thank you Lord for brave and bold individuals that stand for righteousness! We thank you that this company is being challenged as they chose to withhold funds from a group all because they disagreed with them politically. We pray that you would empower these individuals with all the tools needed to complete this task. Amen.
- "Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever."           (Psalm 112:6-7)

4. Trump fires back at McConnell over statements about Jan 6 - DML News
Former President Donald Trump released a new statement on Wednesday, firing back at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, over his statements on Tuesday about the January 6, 2020 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
“It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was,” McConnell declared.
Trump fired back on Wednesday, with the following statement:
“Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party, and does not represent the views of the vast majority of its voters. He did nothing to fight for his constituents and stop the most fraudulent election in American history.
If Mitch would have fought for the election, like the Democrats would have if in the same position, we would not be discussing any of the above today, and our Country would be STRONG and PROUD instead of weak and embarrassed.” (Read more)

- In Jesus name we cancel these idle words that have come out of Mitch McConnell‘s mouth and we apply the blood of Jesus over them that they are ineffective, canceled and void. We just pray Lord that these tactics by this committee would be turned around for the good in Jesus name amen.
- “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Genesis 50:20)

5. Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis produces over 9,000 pages to Jan. 6 committee - Just The News
Attorney Jenna Ellis announced Tuesday that she has given the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot more than 9,000 pages the Trump legal team used when challenging the 2020 election.
Ellis, a member of Donald Trump's legal team, explained on Twitter the former president directed her to produce the thousands of pages of documents "that, in part, provided the legal basis and evidence for Team Trump's post-election challenges."
She said the establishment media's characterization of Trump's claims as baseless "is totally false." 
While no judicial forum, including the Supreme Court, allowed us to produce these documents or witnesses and refused to hear our case on the merits, this file is now in the permanent congressional record," she concluded. Ellis was subpoenaed by the House Jan. 6 committee last month to produce documents and testimony concerning her work on the Trump election legal team. (Read more)
- Lord God we do not know what is going on behind the scenes with this committee and their tactics but we pray you would come to the aid of those who are being singled out for the sake of partisan politics. We pray Lord God that no weapon formed against the innocent will prosper and all wrong judgments, Lord, you will condemn. In Jesus name amen.
- "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God." (Psalm 20:7 )

6. Georgia’s Vernon Jones announces new direction in political campaign, wins Trump’s endorsement - DML
Former Georgia state representative Vernon Jones, who flipped from Democrat to the Republican Party in January 2021, and has been running for the GOP nomination for governor of Georgia, announced that he is now taking a new political path. In a statement on Monday, Jones said he is withdrawing from the governor’s race, and will now run for U.S. Congress in Georgia’s 10th congressional district.
Jones said he will be supporting fellow Republican David Perdue for governor, who former President Donald Trump has endorsed.
“After much prayer and consideration, I have decided that I can best serve the people of Georgia in the Congress of the United States,” Jones wrote.
“I believe that strong conservative voices need to be heard as we lead America into the future. Because of this decision, I am officially withdrawing my candidacy for Governor effective today and will be supporting David Perdue for Governor. He is a good man who loves our state and loves our Country,” Jones continued. (Read more)
- Lord God, we pray that your will will be done in this situation. We pray that this particular individual would stand for righteousness in justice and serve you and all he does. Amen.
- “Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.” (1 Samuel 12:24) 

7. White House disputes reports of federal funds for crack pipes - The Hill
The Biden administration on Wednesday pushed back on what it called "misinformation," saying a federal grant program meant to reduce harm to drug users does not include taxpayer funding for pipes that can be used to smoke crack or meth. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) put out a statement clarifying "no federal funding will be used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put pipes in safe smoking kits."
White House press secretary Jen Psaki later told reporters at a briefing that reports that crack pipes would be included in the safe smoking kits being distributed as part of the program were inaccurate.
Psaki said the safe smoking kits being distributed as part of a $30 million harm reduction program might include materials such as alcohol swabs, lip balm, clean syringes and other materials intended to promote hygiene and reduce the risk of spreading diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. (Read more)

- Lord God we ask for your discernment in all things. We thank you Lord that you are heightening our spiritual senses to discern what is the truth what is a lie. Amen.
- "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight." (Proverbs 12:22) 

 8. Pfizer reports nearly $37 billion in COVID-19 vaccine sales in 2021 - Washington Examiner
Pfizer reported a total of $36.78 billion in global direct sales and alliance revenue from its two-dose COVID-19 vaccine in 2021 and intends to top that incredible amount of revenue this year. In an earnings report released Tuesday, the company said it expects to reach $54 billion in sales in 2022 with two projects aimed at the health crisis: $32 billion in gross revenue for the vaccine and $22 billion in gross revenue for its COVID-19 antiviral treatment, Paxlovid.
“In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we committed to use all of the resources and expertise we had at our disposal to help protect populations globally against this deadly virus, as well as to offer treatments to help avoid the worst outcomes when infections do occur. We put billions of dollars of capital on the line in pursuit of those goals, not knowing whether those investments would ever pay off," Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said. (Read more)
- Lord God we ask that you help us make decisions in all areas of our lives. We give you complete control. Help us unhook ourselves from this world system and to stop funding those that seek our demise. Thank you Lord for your help during this time. Amen.

- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”     (Proverbs 3:5-6)

9. Cheney's husband should 'have some integrity' instead of working for China-tied firm, challenger - Just The News
The Trump-backed primary challenger to Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney is criticizing the congresswoman for her husband profiting off the work his law firm does for China and other dictatorial countries, while his wife publicly calls for holding the Chinese government responsible for its many financial and human rights abuses.
"This is exactly the problem with Washington D.C.," candidate Harriett Hageman said on a recent episode of the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.
Hageman was in part referring to Cheney's work on House Republicans' extremely critical report on China, which was complemented by the work her husband's law firm – Latham & Watkins – was doing for Chinese companies.
Cheney's husband, Philip Perry, is a partner at Latham, and though he does not work directly on accounts linked to Chinese companies, as a partner, he reaps directly the financial rewards of the firm as a whole.
- Lord God we are disturbed by the number of American representatives that seem to be working for China. Whether or not this allegation is true, we just bind this spirit of communism and one world order trying to bring down our country from within. We cancel its powers over America in Jesus name. Amen.
- “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

10. Installing video cameras in U.S. classrooms plays right into China’s hands - Washington Times

Efforts are afoot to get critical race theory out of our schools once and for all, and we commend this initiative.
But recently some have floated a well-meaning but misguided proposal to expose those teaching CRT by installing video cameras in American classrooms. Having spent years working in the realm of foreign affairs, we can say with certainty that this is an idea out of the Chinese Communist Party playbook, which has led them to build the world’s most sophisticated surveillance state in the world, robbing their people of all privacy and enforcing conformity to the will of the party.

We had the great privilege of serving together on the House International Relations Committee, as it was known at the time. The committee’s focus was learning and debating about policy involving international negotiations, diplomatic affairs between nations and the dangers faced by the United States.

Today, one of those dangers — if not the imminent threat of our century — is China.

The adversarial nature of the relationship between our two nations is no secret. The Chinese government’s decision to encroach into Hong Kong and repeatedly fly military aircraft in Taiwanese airspace are only two such examples of many that include intellectual property theft and rabid cyberterrorism. (Read more)

- Lord God we bring this matter before you today and we pray Lord that you would give wisdom and discernment to those who are in charge of this matter to make the best decisions for our children. We apply the blood over every precious child that you would encounter them and give them experiential knowledge of you God. In Jesus name we pray amen.

- "Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments." 

(Psalm 119:66)  
The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Supporting Anything China

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, February 9, 2022

The display of stupidocrisy this week is off the charts. America sent its athletes to China for the Olympics, but didn’t send its political ambassadors. As if that makes any statement against China. It really just demonstrates the doublemindedness of the Biden Administration and all the politicians that support it. It’s not just the systematic enslavement and executions of the Muslim minority Uighur sect. It is also the forced abortions, the destruction of Christian homes and the persecution of Christians. It’s the slave labor. It’s the ruthless manipulation of foreign exchange at the American worker’s expense. It’s the poison China puts in kids’ toothpaste that is sent for sale in America. Why do we support anything of China?

The “Genocide Games,” is the moniker given the Olympics by conservatives, who decry that China will get all it wants out of this worldwide stage to propagandize its communist economic and social benefits—all the while oppressing the news media and forbidding coverage of the blatant human rights violations that are normal everyday life in communism. China is promoted by American networks and companies that do business with the communist regime. NBC, the Olympic network, falls all over itself to put China in its best light to the rest of the world. Companies like Coca Cola, Airbnb, Intel, VISA, and Proctor & Gamble are among 13 sponsors of the China Olympics. No stand for Chinese social justice with them. They excuse their behavior saying they are supporting the Olympic Committee, which is probably as bad or worse. Read More

Did the Freedom Convoy Just Haul Away With a Victory?
Saskatchewan, Quebec and Prince Edward Island to Join Alberta in Lifting COVID Restrictions 

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has endured a lot over the last few weeks. The amount of propaganda and misinformation fed to the Canadian public by their government (via their state-run media) has truly been of communistic proportions. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the convoy participants of being everything from racists to racist Americans disguised as Canadians to racist Americans not bothering to disguise their racism at all. The trucker protest has been maligned viciously by their own media, the same media who praised Antifa and Black Live Matters protesters who were out in full force in the heat of the pandemic, before we even had vaccines.

Trudeau seems to be digging in his fancy Christian Loubitin heels, refusing to admit that he’s out over his skis on this one, but is there a sign that the dam is breaking, or the dominos are falling or insert your favorite metaphor here?

Alberta is considered one of Canada’s most conservative provinces, with a large blue collar workforce attached to the oil and gas industry. Many of the original Freedom Convoy truckers were from Alberta, and mere days ago RedState reported that Alberta Premier Jason Kenney was considering a drawdown on COVID restriction in his province, including their vaccine mandate. Kenney told Canadian press that he felt perhaps Canadians had been a bit too cavalier about violating civil rights over the last couple of years. He was sure to stress that the Freedom Convoy played no role whatsoever his decision.

Now, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has announced that they would be moving to end restrictions, starting with dropping the restriction exemption program (Alberta’s vaccine passport). Kenney said they would be reviewing all the data and trends, but that they were working on a plan to drop almost all restrictions over the month. He said he wanted them to prioritize lifting damaging restrictions on kids. He of course said this was due to “public health” and not the protests. He said he believed they had passed the Omicron peak about three weeks ago.  

*Edit: Shortly after publication, the Canadian press reported that Saskatchewan, Quebec and Prince Edward Island will join Alberta in lifting COVID restrictions. 

Sources: Red State (Go here)
Breaking Christian News (Go Here) 

- Hallelujah, Lord Jesus!  This cancelling of mandates and restrictions is certainly a suddenly in the several Canadian provinces.  We thank You Father, for your blessing upon the unity, honor and prayers that have been released by every person in the Freedom Convoy, proclaiming liberty in Canada.  It is swelling around the world.  We ask You to continue being the strong tower, defender and provider of wisdom, strength and authority over the demonic tyranny and dictatorship that is seeking to control Your nations.  We bless and thank You as we pray relentlessly for this Freedom Convoy to stand strong in the face of authoritarianism, in Jesus name.

- "I know that the Lord will maintain The cause of the afflicted, And justice for the poor."  (Psalm 140:12) 

Protest Is Protected by the Charter, Legal Group Supporting Truckers Tells Police
As police step up efforts to deter the Freedom Convoy demonstration in Ottawa, the legal group representing the truckers is urging the authorities to respect their charter right to peacefully protest.

“It is winter in Canada. Protesting publicly in freezing temperatures requires the truckers to have fuel to stay warm. Confiscation of fuel jeopardizes the personal safety of the peaceful protesters,” said lawyer Jay Cameron, litigation director at the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), in a statement issued Feb. 8.

“In my view, the truckers are not doing anything illegal by protesting peacefully against the 23 months of politicians restricting our Charter freedoms. Citizens have every right to bring food, water, fuel, and other necessities of life in the winter to other Canadians, including truckers.” 

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency on Feb. 6, citing the “serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations.” He told the CBC the state of emergency “gives our staff and our city a few extra tools to speed up things like procurement.”

The JCCF said the protest does not meet the definition of a state of emergency as stated under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

“It is a serious stretch to say that peaceful protests in downtown Ottawa are a danger of major proportions, or that there is a real risk of serious harm. Emergency powers were never intended to prevent the citizens of a democratic country from expressing their displeasure with government overreach and mandates they believe to be unconstitutional,” said Wansbutter. (Epoch Times) Read more here.

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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
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The Good News Corner
'God Bless You!': 
100-Year-Old Woman's 'Secret' to Her Long Life Sparks Heartwarming Response From Franklin Graham  
A Maryland woman recently celebrated her 100th birthday by revealing the “secret” to her longevity: “loving the Lord." Martha Bailey was born in 1922 and grew up in Virginia, where she often sang in church. Her family describes her as the pillar and a wonderful mom and grandparent. Bailey has a daughter, five grandchildren, and dozens of great-grandchildren, whom she fiercely loves, according to WUSA-TV.

And when it came time for the outlet to ask Bailey what she believes helped her reach age 100 when she celebrated her birthday last month, she wasted no time in giving all the credit to God. “The secret is the grace of God living in me and me trying to live the best life that I could,” she told WUSA-TV. “The secret is loving the Lord.”

Bailey’s inspiring comments caught the attention of none other than evangelist Franklin Graham, who, on his Facebook page, praised her and offered an uplifting birthday message. “Mrs. Martha Bailey just turned 100 years old, and she still looks great and gets around on her own without a wheelchair!” he wrote before sharing Bailey’s quote about her secret to a long life. Graham continued, “I would say that’s a great recipe for life! Happy 100th Birthday, Mrs. Bailey — and we hope you have many more! God bless you!” (CBN)

Read More  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Come and Dine

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Charles Widmeyer

Scripture: Come and dine. John 21:12

Jesus has a table spread
Where the saints of God are fed,
He invites His chosen people,
Come and dine;
With His manna He doth feed
And supplies our every need:
O ’tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time!

Come and dine, the Master calleth,
Come and dine;
You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time;
He who fed the multitude,
Turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now,
Come and dine.

The disciples came to land,
Thus obeying Christ’s command,
For the Master called unto them,
Come and dine;
There they found their heart’s desire,
Bread and fish upon the fire;
Thus He satisfies the hungry every time.


Soon the Lamb will take His bride
To be ever at His side,
All the host of Heaven will assembled be;
O ’twill be a glorious sight,
All the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they will feast eternally.


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