The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, Feb 28, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Monday, Feb. 28, 2022
Plan now to join us tonight for our weekly CHPP National Call. Our guest speaker this week will be Apostolos Tzimanis, from Detroit, Michigan.

He will share his thoughts on "Discerning the Hour We are In." We will also continue to lift up the nation of Ukraine in prayer, as well.

Dial 7127-908-1844
Access Code: 596968#
Please refrain from using a headset during this call.

Thank you and welcome! 

Tonight at 5:30 PM is the Senate floor vote on bringing debate to a close on H.R. 3755 that would remove all federal and state restrictions on any abortion in America. The bill has already passed the House. Please ask God to intervene and turn this nation away from accepting this continuing and increasing shedding of innocent blood. Urge your Senators to oppose this legislation: 202-224-3121

You can also learn more about the dangers of this bill for the lives of the unborn
by going here. THANK YOU!!!

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "King of Kings" by Jenn Johnson. Go here! 

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."            (James 1:22)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart at the Kremlin in Moscow on Feb. 22, 2022.
Putin Orders Russian Nuclear Deterrence Forces to Be on High Alert
Zelensky announces talks will be held in Belarus

President Vladimir Putin put his country’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert on Sunday, announcing the move in a televised meeting with top ministers, coming as Russian troops and tanks continue to wage a conflict in Ukraine.

“Western countries are not only taking unfriendly actions against our country in the economic area. I’m speaking about the illegitimate sanctions that everyone is well aware of. However, the top officials of the leading NATO countries also make aggressive statements against our country as well,” Putin said on Sunday, according to state-run media.

As a result, Putin said that he has ordered “the minister of Defense and the chief of the general staff [of the Russian armed forces] to transfer the deterrence forces of the Russian army to a special mode of combat duty,” according to televised comments he made. The deterrence forces include command of Russia’s vast arsenal of nuclear weapons.

It is not immediately clear what the “special mode of combat duty” means. Previously, when Putin announced the Russian invasion earlier this week, he warned that if other countries get involved, they will face “consequences they have never seen.”

Later on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said via social media that he will send a delegation to the Ukraine-Belarus border to hold talks with Russian officials “without preconditions” about the ongoing conflict. Zelensky said he spoke with Belarus’s leadership and said they would allow the negotiations.

But Putin’s order means Russia’s nuclear weapons prepared for increased readiness to launch, raising the threat that the tensions between Moscow and NATO could boil over into nuclear strikes. (Read more)

- Father God, tonight we join hands and hearts, asking that You would release Your spirit of restraint over all who may have their fingers on any nuclear weapon . . . anywhere in the world. As this situation seems to be spiraling out of control, we ask that, once again, You would still the troubled waters, speaking SHALOM, peace, in its place. We thank You, O Lord, that You are the God of peace; and the God who hears and who answers our prayers, if we pray in agreement with Your will.  We offer this prayer in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

- "“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 18:18) 
Breaking! Russia, Ukraine agree to talks
On the fourth day of the biggest assault on a European state since World War Two, the Ukrainian president's office said negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow would be held at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. They would meet without preconditions, it said.

As missiles rained down on Ukrainian cities, thousands of Ukrainian civilians, mainly women and children, were fleeing from the Russian assault into neighbouring countries.

The capital Kyiv was still in Ukrainian government hands, with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy rallying his people despite Russian shelling of civilian infrastructure. (Reuters) Read more. 

Top Story 2


March 1 vote by WHO on global pandemic policy:

"An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness"     
On 1 December 2021, the 194 members of the World Health Organization (WHO) reached consensus to kickstart the process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

An intergovernmental negotiating body will now be constituted and hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023, with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.

World Health Assembly agrees to launch process to develop historic global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO press release, 1 December 2021)

Source: Reuters (Read more here.)

To read the original, detailed text of this press release, go here. 
- Father God, while we have all been understandably distracted by the news out of Russia and Ukraine, this "monster" is about to be implemented in every nation on the earth. In short, the entire vaccine passport agenda, and the mandates for vaccines and booster shots, when this "treaty" is passed, would serve as international law. No one will be exempted from its dictates.

Lord God, at this late date, we can only turn to You for a miracle of divine intervention to see this treaty blocked and eventually, dismantled. Come, Lord Jesus we pray, come.

- "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”" (2 Chronicles 20:12)  

Foreign Minister: Israel will vote to condemn Russia - Israel National News


During a government meeting, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) said that Israel intends to vote in favor of condemning Russia for its attack on Ukraine.

The resolution in question is expected to be submitted in the coming days, and will be brought for a vote in the United Nations General Assembly.

Lapid said that Israel will not remain silent, and will instead take a clear position and choose a side. At the same time, he said that Israel will need to be calculated regarding all of its own interests.
(Read more)

2. Despite US request Israel refrains from co-sponsoring UNSC resolution against Russia - Times of Israel


Despite a request from the Biden administration to co-sponsor a UN Security Council resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Israel refrained from doing so, two diplomats familiar with the matter told The Times of Israel on Friday.

The US mission reached out to dozens of countries, asking them to back the resolution, a Western diplomat said. Non-security council members were still able to co-sponsor the resolution, even if they could not vote on it.

Eighty-one countries answered the US call and signed on as co-sponsors according to an official list obtained by The Times of Israel.
(Read more)

3. Ukraine’s Zelensky Asked Bennett to Broker Ceasefire With Putin: Report - Algemeiner

i24 News – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to intercede on behalf of Ukraine with Russian President Vladimir Putin and halt the Russian invasion, Israel’s Kan broadcaster reported on Friday.

According to an official Israeli statement Friday, the two leaders discussed the situation in Ukraine, and particularly the fighting around the capital Kyiv.

The Israeli Prime Minister “offered Israel’s assistance with any humanitarian aid needed and updated President Zelensky on the steps already taken in this regard,” his office said.

“Prime Minister Bennett reiterated his hope for a speedy end to the fighting, and said that he stands by the people of Ukraine in these difficult days,” it continued.  (Read more)

4. Russia sees military coordination with Israel on Syria continuing - YNET News

Russia sees its military coordination with Israel over Syria continuing, the Russian embassy said on Saturday, after Moscow signalled displeasure with Israeli statements about the Ukraine crisis.

Following the 2015 Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war, Israel set up a "deconfliction mechanism" with the big power to prevent them clashing inadvertently during Israeli strikes against Iranian deployments and arms transfers in the neighbouring Arab state.
"Our military officials discuss the practical issues of this substantively on a daily basis. This mechanism has proven to be useful and will continue to work," the Russian embassy in Israel said in a statement.
But while voicing support for Israel's security needs, it also reiterated opposition to violations of Syrian sovereignty.
(Read more)

5. United Hatzalah sends delegation to Moldova, responding to plea from chief rabbi -World Israel News

United Hatzalah of Israel’s humanitarian mission left Israel Saturday night and made its way to Moldova.

A volunteer-based emergency medical services organization based in Jerusalem, United Hatzalah sent a delegation of 30 emergency medical volunteers and members of the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit to Moldova in order to receive and assist Ukranian refugees who are fleeing from the war currently engulfing their country.

The delegation was formed at the request of the Chief Rabbi of Moldova Rabbi Pinchas Zaltzman and in partnership with Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

Also Saturday night, the Jewish Agency for Israel on Saturday announced the opening of six aliyah (immigration to Israel) processing stations at Ukrainian border crossings with four countries: Poland, Moldova, Romania and Hungary. (Read more)  

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace  
(Go Here)

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel  
Go here 
8. Russia and Ukraine: What You Need to Know - Bridges for Peace

by Kate Norman

Thousands of families are being displaced from their homes.

Friday, 25 February 2022 | Ukraine is in chaos after the beginning of the Russian invasion yesterday, the largest military action on European soil since World War II.

Explosions are being reported around the country, particularly around the capital of Kyiv. Videos on social media show helicopters and Russian fighter jets launching missiles and fighting Ukrainian aircraft for control of the Ukrainian skies. Pictures show hole-punched apartments and people huddling in the underground train stations to take shelter from the fiery precipitation. (Read more here) 

- Bring this entire terrible situation before the Lord, crying out for His intervention and a quick end to the violence and bloodshed. Pray that He will work in the hearts and minds of the leaders making the decisions so that they will work together for a peaceful resolution. Pray for protection, peace and His presence over the innocent civilians in the path of mayhem.

- The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. (Proverbs 21:1)

(Prayer offered by Bridges for Peace) 
9. How to help the Jews fell Ukraine and make Aliyah to Israel - Bridges for Peace

. . . (Excerpt) 

Even as the war drums started beating and Russian troops amassed on the border, our team in Ukraine continued working tirelessly to help as many Jewish people as possible come to Israel. Since the Russian invasion, we have been unable to communicate with our team. We continue to pray for their safety.

At the same time, we are taking action. The escalating tensions in Ukraine come with an added risk to its Jewish population, which totals between 150,000–200,000, according to the Israeli Foreign Ministry. “When troubles came in the past, the Jews were often blamed, even if they weren’t at fault,” says Elena.

Ukrainian Jews may very well be caught in the crosshairs. Thankfully—and unlike so many times in the past—these Jews have a safe haven where they can run to for shelter: Israel. And we, as Christians around the world who stand with the Jewish people, can help them reach that sanctuary.

“Nobody could imagine that a war could happen again. But it is happening,” says Elena.

We don’t have to sit idly by as these horrors unfold before our eyes. Bridges for Peace will continue to be a helping hand to the Ukrainian Jews in their time of need—and you can strengthen that helping hand. We implore you to stand with us in prayer for Ukraine, for Elena and Yvan, for the thousands of other Ukrainian Jews like them here in Israel, for their families and loved ones as they flee, seek shelter or don an ill-fitting uniform. You can also give financially. Your gift will make a direct impact, helping to bring someone in danger to safety. And who knows? Perhaps “you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). [Read more here]

YOU can donate to help this exodus by going here.  
The Daily Brief
1. White House responds to Russia's decision to put deterrence forces on high alert -

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to put Russia's deterrence forces, which includes nuclear arms, on high alert are part of a wider pattern of unprovoked escalation and "manufactured threats" from the Kremlin.

"This is really a pattern that we've seen from President Putin through the course of this conflict, which is manufacturing threats that don't exist in order to justify further aggression -- and the global community and the American people should look at it through that prism," Psaki told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week."

Additionally, a senior administration official told CNN on Sunday that Putin's move was "yet another escalatory and totally unnecessary step," a senior administration official said Sunday.

"At every step of this conflict Putin has manufactured threats to justify more aggressive actions -- he was never under threat from Ukraine or from NATO, which is a defensive alliance that will not fight in Ukraine," the official said.

"The only reason his forces face a threat today is because they invaded a sovereign country, and one without nuclear weapons. This is yet another escalatory and totally unnecessary step," they added. (Read more)

- Lord God, we ask that You guide all members of this administration with Your wisdom in these unfolding developments.

- " If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (James 1:5)

2. Trump at CPAC: Ukraine Invasion Is an ‘Assault on Humanity’ and US Borders Must Be Defended - The Epoch Times

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Florida that the situation unfolding in Ukraine is an “assault on humanity.”

“The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling … We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine, God bless them all, God bless them. They are indeed brave,” he told the crowd at CPAC 2022, which began on Feb. 24 and will conclude on Feb. 27.

Trump called the situation in Ukraine “an outrage, an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur” and said it would not have happened if he was president. During Trump’s speech, the crowd broke into a momentary chant of “four more years.”

The 45th U.S. president told the conference: “Under Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine. I stand as the only president of the 21st century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country.”

Trump said that during his administration and leadership, “the world was a peaceful place because America was strong,” adding, “I was proud to be the first president in decades who did not get our country into any wars—I got you out of wars.” (Read more)

- Father God, we thank You for President Trump -- a man who cannot be fooled and whose strength blesses all who are under his leadership. May his words be heard today in Washington and in Moscow, in Your name, amen.

"With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand."        (Psalm 78:72) 

3. Veteran interpreter breaks down in tears after Zelensky remarks - The Hill

A veteran interpreter broke down in tears on Sunday while translating Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech for a German news outlet.

In an emotional video shared on social media, the translator, who has not yet been identified, could be heard starting to choke up while interpreting Zelensky's speech for the German news service Welt. She translated part of his speech and could be heard saying, “Russia is on the path of evil. Russia must lose its voice in the U.N.”

She then started to struggle as she continued the translation. “Ukraine, we definitely know,” she said before pausing briefly and adding, “what we are defending.” As she spoke, her voice began to break and she tried to calm down. Then, after a breath, she quietly said, “Sorry” and went off the air. 

Zelensky spoke to the Ukrainian people on Sunday after several cities in the country were attacked by Russian forces. “The night was hard,” he said. “The people rose to defend their state, and they showed their true faces. This is terror.”

“They are going to bomb our Ukrainian cities even more,” the Ukrainian president added. “They are going to kill our children even more insidiously. This is an evil that has come to our land and must be destroyed.” (Read more)

- Lord God, we ask that You comfort the people of Ukraine as they are now in a time of testing and suffering. Amen.

- "God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort." (2 Corinthians 1:3) 

4. Russia Pursued Deeper Military Relations in Latin America Days Before Ukraine Invasion - The Epoch Times

SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia—During recent official visits to Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov spoke of deepening economic and military ties with the respective socialist and communist governments of its allies in the Americas.

Russia’s chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, also visited Cuba on Feb. 23—and Nicaragua on Feb. 24—making it Russia’s second official diplomatic meeting with anti-U.S. regimes in Latin America in a week.

Volodin’s state visit occurred within hours of Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

Some experts believe a new Cold War-era stage has been set in the Western Hemisphere, and Latin America political analyst Fernando Menéndez said, “That’s exactly what they want us to think.”

He noted that it makes sense to get Russia’s allies in the U.S.’s backyard on the same page diplomatically and militarily, especially given the full-scale invasion Russia launched on Ukraine. (Read more)

- Lord God, now that Russia has launched the natoins of the world into a new phase of positioning, we ask that You would grant all those in authority in America - in both political parties - "eyes to see and ears to hear" the game that the Russian bear is now playing. Help us, O Lord, to not be deceived, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Ears that hear and eyes that see— the LORD has made them both."           (Proverbs 20:12)  

5. Russia says Finland, Sweden could face consequences if Countries move to join NATO - Fox News

A Russian official on Friday issued a warning to Finland and Sweden should both nations intend to join NATO, saying such moves would have "serious military-political repercussions."

During a news briefing, Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova made the remarks as Russian forces continue to battle the Ukrainian military following an unprovoked invasion into the neighboring country.

"Finland and Sweden should not base their security on damaging the security of other countries and their accession to NATO can have detrimental consequences and face some military and political consequences," she said in a video clip. (Read more)  

- Father, may Finland and Sweden resist being bullied! Give these leaders wisdom on how to proceed to protect their countries, and that they not act on fear! May they proceed decisively regarding their own needs to protect themselves from Russia. 

"Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them.” (Numbers 14:9)

6.  Russia could be preparing new challenge for West in Mediterranean, former Israeli envoy warns -

Russia could be preparing an option to challenge the West and NATO in the Mediterranean and Middle East as a means of opening a new global hotspot, former Israeli Ambassador to Russia and Ukraine Zvi Magen has told JNS.

Magen noted a large-scale naval and air exercise held by the Russian military in the eastern Mediterranean in recent days, which saw long-range nuclear-capable bombers and fighter jets carrying hypersonic missiles Russia’s Hmeimim airbase in Syria for massive naval drills in the region amid soaring tensions with the West, according to a report last week by Military Times.

“They are in the Mediterranean training and this could form a challenge for NATO’s underbelly. This creates all kinds of problems and a new front against the West in the Middle East,” said Magen, who also served in Israel Defense Forces Military Intelligence, and is a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv. “Russia could be preparing an option for regional activity beyond eastern Europe.” (Read more)  

 -Father, we pray You reveal Russia's strategies on all fronts. Give us wisdom to be on the offensive and stop their every move. 

“You are my war club, my weapon for battle— with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms,  (Jeremiah 51:20)  
7. China’s trade with Russia won’t be enough to offset sanctions, U.S. says - CNBC

BEIJING — China’s trade with Russia isn’t enough to offset the impact of U.S. and European sanctions on Moscow, according to the White House.

In the hours after Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday, the U.S., U.K. and European Union announced new sanctions aimed at isolating Moscow from the global economy. The sweeping measures did not include restrictions on purchases of Russian oil and gas — a significant driver of the local economy.

In Beijing, China’s foreign ministry said Thursday the country’s trade with Russia and Ukraine would remain “normal” and refused to call the attack an “invasion.” Meanwhile, the customs agency approved wheat imports from Russia.

China and Russia’s share of the global economy is far less than that of the Group of Seven countries — which includes the U.S. and Germany. That means China “cannot cover” the impact of the sanctions, U.S. press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters late Thursday in Washington. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray that this statement from the White House is true regarding China not being able to offset these sanctions. May the 7 nations continue to put immense pressure on Russia to stop their attack on Ukraine. May Russia's strategies be thwarted on every side. 

- "Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us." (Isaiah 8:10)   

8. Blinken says Putin has his sights on countries beyond Ukraine - CBS

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said it is obvious Russian President Vladimir Putin has goals beyond Ukraine and may have other countries in his sights. "When President Biden addressed the nation today, he said that Putin wants a new Soviet Union. Is there intelligence to suggest that President Putin will advance beyond Ukraine?" "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell asked Blinken in an interview on Thursday. 

"You don't need intelligence to tell you that that's exactly what President Putin wants," the top U.S. diplomat said. "He's made clear that he'd like to reconstitute the Soviet empire. Short of that, he'd like to reassert a sphere of influence around neighboring countries that were once part of the Soviet bloc. And short of that, he'd like to make sure that all of these countries are somehow neutral." But Putin would face intense resistance from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in doing so, he said. 

"Now, when it comes to a threat beyond Ukraine's borders, there's something very powerful standing in his way," Blinken added. "That's Article 5 of NATO — an attack on one is an attack on all. It's exactly why we've been reinforcing NATO's eastern flank." 

The Biden administration has been adamant that it will not send U.S. troops into Ukraine, which is not part of NATO, though it is stationing troops in nearby countries. Instead, the U.S. is arming Ukraine with weapons and has unleashed a series of sanctions against Russia. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray the nations will join together and stop Putin in his tracks. We place Your angels in that region to prevent Putin from advancing his plans against other countries. 

- "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." (Psalm 91:11) 

9. Congress wants to oust Russia from U.N. Security Council - AXIOS

A resolution calling to kick Russia off the U.N. Security Council for its invasion of Ukraine — which has virtually no chance of being enforced — is circulating among House members from both parties, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: The development comes as a recessed Congress tries to assert its role in punishing Russia. It whiffed on passing a sanctions package before the invasion.

Driving the news: The resolution is being led by Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in coordination with a House Democrat, according to Tenney's office.

The details: The resolution, a copy of which was obtained by Axios, calls for the U.N. to "take immediate procedural actions" to amend Article 23 of its charter to remove Russia as a permanent member of the Security Council.

Reality check: According to the U.N. charter, all permanent members of the Security Council have to sign off on any amendments, giving Russia the ability to block such a move. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray this resolution will be passed. Bring Congress together to agree and take steps to implement this immediately. 

- "I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment." (1 Corinthians 1:10-11) 

10. US Embassy urges Americans in Russia to consider leaving 'immediately' - Yahoo News

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow said Sunday that American citizens “should consider departing Russia immediately” because of the dramatic drop-off in airline service in and out of the country.

“An increasing number of airlines are cancelling flights into and out of Russia, and numerous countries have closed their airspace to Russian airlines,” a security alert posted to the embassy’s website states. “U.S. citizens should consider departing Russia immediately via commercial options still available.”

The guidance comes after the EU's move to close its airspace to Russian airlines. Russian airline Aeroflot says it cancelled all flights to Europe.

The State Department had already advised Americans not to travel to Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine, as well as the potential harassment of U.S. citizens in the country and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

- Father God, we pray that our American citizens who now live inside Russia would heed this warning and flee. We ask for journeying mercies for each one as they do so, and for Your hand of protection to rest upon them, too. Amen,

- "For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways."
(Psalm 91:11)  

11. US to send anti-aircraft Stinger missiles to Ukraine - Yahoo News

The U.S. for the first time has approved the direct delivery of Stinger missiles to Ukraine as part of a package approved by the White House on Friday, the Associated Press reported.

The exact timing of delivery is not known, but officials say the U.S. is currently working on the logistics of the shipment. The officials agreed to discuss the development only if not quoted by name.

The decision comes on the heels of Germany’s announcement that it will send 500 Stinger missiles and other weapons and supplies to Ukraine.

The high-speed Stingers are very accurate and are used to shoot down helicopters and other aircraft. Ukrainian officials have been asking for more of the powerful weapons.

Estonia has also been providing Ukraine with Stingers since January, and had to get U.S. permission in order to do that.

- Lord God, we ask that these Stinger missiles would be used to deter further aggression from Russia, rather than inflame it. May the wind of Your Spirit blow over this region, bringing Your calming presence to bear. In Your Name, amen.

- " . . .  if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)  
Signs & Wonders
The Full Sun Imager onboard the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft
captured a giant solar eruption on February 15.
Spacecraft Witnesses Massive Solar Eruption

As a space enthusiast, I've always wanted to sail among the stars to a galaxy far, far away.

I got a step closer this week when I boarded the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World for a preview of the first-of-its-kind immersive experience, opening on March 1. As a Star Wars fan, I was delighted to interact with characters new and old and live out a choose-your-own adventure at a resort simulating a cruise among the stars.

Joining a secret mission, I trained with a lightsaber, traded messages with spunky droids and helped Chewbacca sneak around the ship to aid Rey and the Resistance against the First Order.
But my breath caught as I stepped inside my cabin and beheld a window with a constant view of shimmering stars, asteroid fields, passing ships and a dazzling array of planets. Standing on the ship's bridge, I spied sparks of lightning as storms brewed in the tumultuous clouds of Bespin, a planet familiar to fans of "The Empire Strikes Back."

As a science journalist, I've often imagined what it might be like to travel to space. Now, I finally know -- sort of, just with more gravity, and of course, the Force.
A spacecraft studying the sun was in the right place at the right time when our star decided to have a bit of a temper tantrum.
The Solar Orbiter found itself in the perfect position to capture an unprecedented image of a massive solar eruption on February 15. Read More
The Good News Corner
Ukrainian Christians sing, praise Jesus in subway bunker as country is in peril

As Russian troops inch ever closer to Kiev, residents of the Ukrainian capital must decide whether they intend to try to flee before it’s too late, assuming they can make it through the overwhelming traffic, or remain put and stick it out til the end.

“Miles of traffic jams have formed in the capital of Ukraine as citizens attempt to flee from Russian forces invading the country,” The Independent reported Thursday.

“The capital’s mayor Vitali Klitschko advised residents to stay home and remain calm, but said to pack a bag with necessities and documents in case they need to leave. Long lines of cars soon blocked roads leading out of Kiev as people tried to leave for other parts of Ukraine and abroad, while others descended on the train station.”

Leaving is no easy decision.

“The lines of people you’re seeing fleeing their home, each person making a decision to abandon something, somewhere … in order to seek safety elsewhere,” British MP Tom Tugendhat reportedly said Thursday. (

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Just a Closer Walk With Thee 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Unknown
Music: Traditional Folk Song

Scripture: We also are weak in Him, yet by God’s power we shall live with Him. 2 Corinthians 13:4

I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.


When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.


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